King of Gods (Vampire Crown Book 2)

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King of Gods (Vampire Crown Book 2) Page 23

by Scarlett Dawn

I stared. “You’re lying, my lord.”

  He flicked a finger in our direction. “There’s a pair of socks above Lord Belshazzar’s head, your majesty. I’d like them back.”

  I looked. A pair of black rolled socks rested there.

  Lord Pippin cast a glance at the portrait—the blinking woman back inside the painting—before he returned his attention to his own phone. His thumbs typed out a message. “I believe the only moment you two halfway awakened was when Lord Belshazzar kissed your forehead and then mumbled something under his breath about you not sleeping on your side of the bed. He went back to snoring—after you snuggled even closer to him.”

  Fuck. Me. In the ass.

  Lord Xenon pocketed his phone and clasped his hands over his trim stomach. His black eyes met ours. He asked bluntly, “How long has this been going on?”

  The other Overlords lowered their cells.

  They stared right at us. Waiting.

  Lord Belshazzar scratched at his whiskered chin, quiet for an extended time. Finally, he stated, “Long enough.”

  Lord Xenon’s eyes tightened at the evasive answer.

  “Is it serious?” Lord Otto asked coolly.

  “It is what it is right now.” Lord Belshazzar tossed his legs over the side of our bed and sat up. He ran his fingers through his tangled hair. “We’d like to keep it private for the time being.”

  Lord Otto lifted his phone up and flicked his thumb over the screen again and again, showing us blackmail material. “So I shouldn’t show any of these pictures of you two looking cute as hell, bowed around each other in sweet slumber, to anyone?”

  My fangs elongated. “Asshole.”

  “What?” He glanced at his phone with pure innocence in his gaze. “They are cute.”

  “Delete the damn pictures,” Lord Belshazzar growled his demand. He cracked his neck and glanced at each lord. “I will add this, too. If any one of you talks about her fucking vagina around me again, I will strangle you. Do you understand?”

  Lord Xenon’s lips twitched. “It’s serious enough.”

  “Fuck you,” he griped. Lord Belshazzar glanced over his shoulder down at me with his scowl still in place. “Are you getting in the shower first or am I?”

  I thumped my head back onto the pillow and waved my left hand at the bathroom. “You brought me food last night. You can have the bathroom first.” I closed my eyes—and kept them closed—and sighed heavily. “Fuck.”

  Lord Belshazzar snorted, completely pissed. “Yes, fuck.”

  Master Niallan now knew.

  Life just got a lot harder. For all of us.

  I peeked open my left eye. “Is there any chance—”

  “Not even the smallest chance.” He twisted his torso and leaned over me, placing his face right over mine. His muscled arms caged me in, and his mess of black hair fanned around my head. “Nothing changes in public.”

  “Agreed.” I tapped his nose with a soft finger. “Your breath stinks. Go take a shower and brush your teeth.”

  One side of his lips quirked up, erasing a bit of his testiness. Too quietly for the others to hear, he ordered, “Kiss me first.”

  My brows scrunched. “But…stinky breath.”

  “Do it, your majesty. I wasn’t asking.”

  I lifted one brow. Thinking…

  He waited. Patient.

  I tilted my head up and bit his lower lip with my blunt teeth, grinning around it. I winked up into his icy gaze. Then I pecked his lips softly before I dropped my head back onto the pillow. Our heartbeats were now linked.

  He peeked his tongue out and ran it over his bottom lip, and his head dipped to place his mouth against my ear. He purred, “Little one, I wish we weren’t here right now.” The lord gently nibbled on my earlobe. He tipped his head further and kissed my neck, caressing my tender flesh with his soft lips.

  I ran my fingers up his neck and cradled the side of his face, relishing his gentle caresses. I dug my fingernails into his whiskers, scratching softly. “I’ll take a raincheck.”

  He hummed softly against my skin and kissed my neck once more. Then the Overlord pushed off against the mattress, sliding his body off the bed, and stood to his feet. He grabbed one of his bags but halted as he glanced at the other lords.

  They hadn’t moved. They were just…staring.

  Lord Belshazzar’s black brows furrowed low over his intense blue eyes. “What the hell are you doing?”

  Lord Otto blinked. “Your heartbeats…”

  “So?” His brows lowered even more. “You’ve seen possible mates interact before. This is nothing new.”

  “But we’ve never seen that—any of that sappy shit—with you.” He shook his head of blond hair, shaking himself out of his shock. “We really need to keep this quiet for now. I can imagine the headlines already. Overlord versus Overlord: Which one will the Queen sink her claws into next? Check the poll below with your favorite prediction!”

  Once again, Lord Otto shook his head. “That is the last PR problem we need right now.”

  Lord Belshazzar’s expression cleared. “That’s what I said.” He stalked into the bathroom and shut the door behind him.

  Lord Otto started deleting the photos on his phone almost immediately. He muttered obscenities under his breath the entire time. When he was through, he dropped his head back on his chair and glared at the ceiling.

  Once again, the lord’s actions had hit their intended audience, playing the people around him. And this time, I’d helped him succeed in one of his goals—our mutual goal.

  Get rid of the blackmail material? Goal attained.

  * * *

  My frown was all-encompassing as I stared at bananas. The yellow fruit was perfectly centered in the middle of the ornate table meant to seat twenty people.

  Piles and piles of bananas—and that was all.

  Master Niallan peeled one while his evil smirk only grew. He sat at the head of the table with his two friends sitting on either side of him. The druid gestured to our group with the rounded yellow end, stating, “Lunch is served since you missed breakfast. Have a seat.”

  I ground my teeth together. Asshat.

  None of us moved to sit.

  Lord Belshazzar leaned against the back of a tall chair, cool and composed. “Cut the shit, candidate. Where is the real meal?”

  Green eyes narrowed and arrowed straight into my gaze. “Other than fucking you, you’re also allowing him to speak for you? I know those are your thoughts coming out of his mouth.”

  My nostrils flared. “That’s how you want to play this? Because who I sleep with is none of your business.”

  He stood from his chair and placed one of his palms on the table, leaning forward toward me. The druid sneered and continued using his fruit as a pointer. “It’s no different than you playing me. So, tell me something, your majesty. Did you fuck him before you crawled into my bed? Or did you go running to him afterward?”

  The Overlords standing around me stiffened—except for Lord Belshazzar. He must not have told them.

  My lips pinched. “I wasn’t playing you. I am more than free to sleep with whomever I wish—the same as Lord Belshazzar and you. I cannot help, nor did I even know about, the animosity between you two.” I snapped my right hand through the air in an attempt to salvage this situation to our benefit. I tried not to think of the shock that this would give all of the Overlords—and hoped one, in particular, would keep his cool at this revelation. “And you can quit pretending you don’t remember me. You knew damn well I found you attractive when you invited me to your room.”

  Master Niallan’s blink was extremely slow. He peered back and forth between Lord Belshazzar and me, watching as the lord merely shrugged one shoulder in apparent agreement. And, just as unhurriedly, he sat his ass down on his chair.

  A little smirk lifted the corners of Master Niallan’s lips. “Yes, well, that last part is true, at least. I did recognize you when I saw you at the King Challenge. It took me a moment. But I did
remember the youth who once tried to seduce me.” He raised a blond eyebrow. “You were too young for me then, but you aren’t now.”

  I kept my expression upset—unlike the relief that coursed through my body from his use of the word ‘now.’ All was not completely ruined. I shook my head, muttering, “I fucking knew you remembered me.” I’d hoped he hadn’t, but it was wishful thinking.

  His full lips twitched in humor. “If I remember correctly, you tried so hard, too.”

  I held up a quick, stopping hand. “Please don’t mention that incident again. I was merely a child, and it was mortifying.”

  He winked. “My lips are sealed. I can be a gentleman on occasion.” The druid actually had been, never mentioning it once until I did.

  “Thank fuck,” I mumbled. Then I changed topics and gestured at the bananas. “I’d like to remind you, that is not being a gentleman. You can’t starve us here.”

  Master Niallan took a bite of his fruit and chewed. His green eyes never left mine, twinkling with amusement. He swallowed down his bite, murmuring in a quiet tone, “But I like you at my mercy, your majesty.”

  Now, he was back to flirting with me.

  I crossed my arms. Lifted one black brow.

  “Fine. Fine.” He sighed dramatically. “Apparently, I can’t say no to you any more than your other fuck buddy can.” The druid pointed his banana at the silent lord next to me. “Next time, Lord Belshazzar, do not steal all of the ice cream from my fridge. It’s hard to get it here without melting first.”

  Lord Belshazzar grunted and pushed off the chair he was resting against. “How about you do this instead? You quit showboating your private time with her—which isn’t gentlemanly, as you touted you are—and bring out our actual lunch. Your first Challenge is today. We’d like to get started sooner rather than later.”

  Master Niallan’s smile drifted from his face. “What is the Challenge?”

  The Overlord shook his head. “We’ll discuss it when no one else is around. It is our law.”

  The druid nodded his head. He lifted his left hand and snapped his fingers twice high in the air. A bevy of servants answered the unspoken command, walking through the far door, their arms laden with breakfast dishes. Without any drama, he stated, “Let us eat, then.”

  My mouth watered as I took my seat. I piled my plate full, worrying the druid would try this shit at every meal. Who knew when we’d eat again? I wasn’t taking any chances.

  “Your majesty, I have a serious question for you,” Master Niallan murmured.

  With my mouth full of succulent chicken drenched in a sweet sauce, my attention snapped to green eyes. I munched casually and stared, trying to evaluate his mood now. It was impossible, his expression indefinable. I swallowed down the large bite. “Yes?”

  His gaze dipped to my chin, and then quickly lifted back up to my gaze. He asked bluntly, “Has Lord Belshazzar completely ruined your perception of me?”

  The Overlords’ gazes turned to me, obviously wondering how I would handle that loaded question—freaking asked in front of everyone.

  My lips thinned. “My thoughts are my own. No one owns them.” That was the truth.

  His head of beautiful blond hair tilted. The druid held my gaze completely. “Why do you hate me then?”

  I wiped at my chin delicately to clean the red sauce smeared there. I peered down to the white linen, now stained, and then back to his eyes. I showed him the dirty napkin. “Because you leave a filthy stain on everything you touch.”

  The green disappeared, only to reappear, with his slow blink. “Fuck. That was harsh.”

  I lowered my napkin. “Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to.”

  “You are a right bitch, your majesty.” He stared calmly as my black brows pinched together.

  I wasn’t sure if I liked that retort or not yet.

  He explained, “It turns me on. I enjoy a woman who knows what she wants and means what she says. Your candor is like a balm against the wind burn I’ve run into lately with my casual dalliances.”

  I chuckled and shook my head, deciding I was actually entertained by his line of speech. “I guess I have my grandfather to blame for my directness. The man didn’t even know he did it. He scared people with merely a few words and never understood why he didn’t have many real friends. I’m not as blind as he was. I know that’s why I rub people the wrong way—even though I can be nice when I wish to be, as you’re capable of being, too, in private.” I grinned while he nodded his head in agreement. “You also know what I’m speaking about. You knew my grandfather.”

  “Yes, I did. You remind me of him. He was a good man.”

  “Thank you,” I stated softly. “I still miss him.”

  The druid’s smile was easygoing. “I’m sure you’ve been told this plenty, but it does get better with time. Sometimes a lot of time. But it does eventually get better.”

  This was why I hadn’t completely hated him during our sexual encounter—and had enjoyed it. These random moments where he made you believe you were all that he saw at that moment. Just us together and no outside forces interfering.

  I blinked, and stated honestly, “Master Niallan, you are a hard man to figure out.”

  He sat back on his chair and twirled his napkin. “Still think I’m the worst kind of asshole?”

  “Yes.” That was simple.

  “But also funny and sweet?”

  I grumbled, “Yes.”

  The druid chuckled quietly. “It is possible to be all of those things.” His head tipped to Lord Belshazzar. “Take him for example. He has so many different shades he might as well be a fucking kaleidoscope spinning around and around making your head spin.”

  I didn’t completely agree. Yes, Lord Belshazzar was all that and more, but I understood him. I understood the lord on a basic and primal level and could see those shades as beautiful or frightening or awe-inspiring. I couldn’t grasp that same understanding with Master Niallan. I didn’t comprehend the meaning behind his actions, whether I agreed with them or not. There was always a reason for someone’s actions—even if they just wanted to or were mentally unbalanced—but I couldn’t fathom his. Not all of them, anyway.

  He was an ego-maniac, but…

  Master Niallan was still a mystery to me.

  I lifted one eyebrow. “Tell me something about yourself you’ve never told anyone.”

  His lips lifted into an honest smile. “Trying to decipher me, your majesty?”

  I cut into my chicken again. “Yes.”

  Master Niallan tapped on his lips with the handle of his fork and eyed my features as I took another bite. “I’ll let you pick. Try to choose a question that Lord Biotch didn’t already answer last night.”

  Lord Belshazzar snorted at the insult.

  So it was all true. The druid had just verified it.

  I chewed my bite and thought mutely for a long moment. There was one thing that was bothering me. My eyes ran over all of his exquisite features, taking in the druid’s radiance. Eventually, I questioned, “You don’t look anything like your mother, and there’s no portrait of your father in our room. Do you look like him?”

  His head snapped back in surprise, and his eyes quickly shuttered of all emotion. He hid behind that hooded gaze, staring back at me silently.

  I controlled my features. He’d just answered my real question with that reaction. And I was about to score a home run into his cruel side and his compassionate side—if he had the latter.

  I waved my fork in the air. “Never mind. You don’t have to answer that. I know what it’s like to be hurt by someone who should have loved you no matter what. It’s never easy to talk about—with anyone.”

  Lord Cato literally bent his fork inside his brutal grip where he sat next to me. But he stayed silent, with his attention zoned in on his morning fare, allowing me to create even more of a personal bond with the druid, and not interrupting my work.

  I had not one ounce of pity for him.

  The asshole didn’t deserve it.

  He’d kicked me to the curb as a child.

  No, he definitely wasn’t worthy of my kindness.

  Master Niallan’s attention flicked to my father, to the ruined silverware in his hand, and then back to my gaze. Like a creeping shadow as the sun sets, the druid’s lips lifted leisurely. He replied, “You may be more vicious than your father. I didn’t think that was even possible. I believe more studying is required on that subject matter.” He twirled his napkin again, assessing my person—in a completely sexual manner. “Come by my room later this evening. We can talk about personal shit then.”

  Fucking hell. I’d done it.

  I snorted and rolled my eyes. “I’ll think about it.”

  His lips twitched. “Either way, your name will stay on my approved list, your majesty.”

  * * *

  Our bedroom door slammed behind us.

  Lord Belshazzar stormed past me and bumped my shoulder forward during his steadfast march. His hair blew out behind him in his silent trek to his bags, and no apology was muttered from his lips.

  The Overlord was furious with me.

  Lord Cato jarred my other shoulder from behind while he stormed past me to his own bag. He rifled through it, throwing his shit all over his shared bed. No apology slipped from his lips, either.

  My father was also furious with me.

  Lord Pippin cleared his throat as he stopped beside my unmoving form. He evaluated my face while I watched them in silence. He muttered, “I’m really happy I’m not you right now.”

  “Fuck off,” I hissed.

  None of this was pleasant. For anyone.

  They knew that. Even if I cared what one thought more than I did the other. It was all part of the job.

  Lord Xenon walked by and turned to saunter backward. He pointed a finger straight at me. “If you leave the room today, make sure you’re around people, your majesty. And do not leave the castle. You may have missed it during your little heart-to-heart with our candidate, but Devin and Ysander weren’t thrilled when they heard you’d slept with their long-time lover.”

  I shook my head past my own worries. “Wait. The rumors are true? They’re a threesome?”


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