King of Gods (Vampire Crown Book 2)

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King of Gods (Vampire Crown Book 2) Page 27

by Scarlett Dawn

  Fully naked in front of them, I didn’t feel an iota of shame. Not one.

  With the utmost care, they helped me into the tub and into the water. They knelt on either side of me and let me sit back in the high-backed clawfoot basin.


  “It’s lovely,” I answered letting out a sigh.

  “Kimber, I’m so sorry,” Roran said.

  “For what?” The hot water started to unknot me.

  “For not sparing you this mess,” Rilen said.

  I passed my gaze between the two of them. “You had no way of knowing it was Elex. No one did. I was too naïve to realize what he was doing.”

  “He was a fool for not…” Roran cleared his throat.

  I peered at him. “For not what?”

  “For not worshiping every inch of your beautiful body,” Rilen said.

  I felt a rush of blood to my cheeks, and it wasn’t from the hot water. I was really sitting in a tub, naked, between these two perfect specimens.

  “Will you let us?” Roran’s finger caressed the inside of my wrist with his thumb.

  Gods, who knew that was so sensitive?

  “Let you what?”

  Rilen nipped at the pad of my thumb. “Worship you.”


  It finally slammed into my poor tired brain.

  They wanted to grant me power. They wanted to bed me. They wanted me.

  At the same time.

  “Aren’t you mated to Master Dorian?”

  “Yes,” they chorused.


  They passed a look to each other and then back to me.

  Roran answer, “Ilati, do you think you are here without permission? Dorian was keen to get you here as well. He meant it when he said he would kill to get into your pussy.”

  It was too much. Master Dorian wanted me in his bed with his mates. I couldn’t understand this. My mind was so tired from the past weeks. I didn’t want to think anymore.

  Rilen’s hand was on my cheek. “Stop thinking, Kimber. You’re tired. You’re a strong woman, but you’re tired. Let us take care of you.”

  I closed my eyes and inhaled the scented water. Roses again. My breath released slowly, and I opened my eyes. Their chocolate-and-ice gazes were fixed on my face, and they held nothing more than my hands.

  They would hold nothing but my hands without my express permission.

  My body screamed at me. It wanted this.

  I wanted them.

  Gods above and below, I even wanted Master Dorian.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “Oh, ilati… thank you,” Roran whispered and brushed a kiss on my cheek.

  Rilen passed a cloth to his twin while dunking his own in the water. As Roran soaked his, Rilen poured some liquid soap on the cloth, and then passed that to Roran.

  At the same time, the brothers started at the same place on each arm, brushing the cloth over my skin, lathering my arms. Each finger was washed, then every bit of skin on the way up, passing my elbow and right around up to my shoulder.

  Roran’s careful hand wrapped around the front of my chest as Rilen’s went behind. Carefully washing all of my back and front, and then switching and washing me again, the twins seemed entranced by skin, by moving the cloth over me.

  The most amazing massage I’d ever had, they passed back and forth over my chest and back, never touching my breasts until finally…

  Rilen soaped one breast while Roran took charge of the other.

  Lightning shot through me and straight to my sex. Not that I wasn’t already craving them—this just heightened everything—my pulse, my desire, my lust.

  The cloth dragged slowly over my nipple, and I let out a soft moan. The touch was light, but the sensation was like fireworks. For a long few minutes, each brother carefully soaped and rinsed my breast, teasing the beaded peak with finger and cloth and soap.

  I wasn’t sure why the water wasn’t boiling.

  I leaned back and let them do whatever the hell they wanted. It took me a moment to realize they were moving on, and I felt strangely bereft when they did.

  But only until one of their hands found my inner thigh.

  Lazy circles drawn over my heated flesh, my breath hitched. The other hand joined in on the other thigh, and it sent pure, heated desire coursing through me.


  But Roran and Rilen Wolf hadn’t even started to show me what sweet, tortured desire was.

  The cloth forgotten, a finger moved over my clit.

  I gasped, arching back, thrusting my breasts out of the water.

  Another finger followed, and another, and another.

  Soft, then hard. Quick, then slow.

  So many fingers…

  My body could hardly process all the sensations.

  Someone slipped two fingers inside of me, and I trembled from head to toe. Two more fingers held me open, and two others stroked my clit.

  I truly felt like I had died—and then the orgasm I hadn’t noticed building burst. I arched in the water. My channel fluttered and pulled and sucked on the fingers inside, and I couldn’t breathe.

  “Oh, gods!” My hoarse, throaty cry rang through the room.

  The hands and fingers stayed with me, riding out the consuming pleasure they had given me.

  The twins waited for me to start breathing again, to settle down into the water. Once I lay in the tub like a spineless jellyfish, the two of them finished performing my ablutions with their cloths.

  Their attention to my legs and feet was beyond commendable. It felt very much like they knew I needed to collect myself.

  I held up a sex-weakened hand in front of me, and I could feel the power returning. I giggled at how weak I felt.

  Rilen pulled the plug of the tub, and it began draining. Once the tub was half empty, Roran turned on the taps.

  Had I been more cognizant at that point, I would have marveled at the indoor faucets. Such things were still new.

  But my body just didn’t give a damn what my mind wanted to do. It kept circling back to the twins and the spiraling heights they had just taken me.

  Rilen had his cloth again, using it and the flowing water to rinse the soap from my body. Roran used it to wet and wash my hair.

  All too soon, they were finished, and I sat in a mostly empty tub.

  The twins flanked me again, offering a hand each.

  Still mostly boneless from their ministrations, I grabbed hold, and they lifted me up so I could stand and step out.

  While Rilen steadied me, Roran dried me off with a warm, thick towel. He took great pleasure in finding and chasing all the water droplets on my skin.

  A moment later, he offered his brother another towel. Rilen rubbed my hair dry, patting and caressing the damp strands.

  He was enjoying his job.

  I was enjoying his job.

  Roran took extra care to dry my breasts. He cradled them in his hands and brushed the still-sensitive tips.

  His mouth took my nipple—and me—by surprise.


  Looking down, Roran had pulled the peak—in fact, the entire tip of my breast—into his mouth. He sucked it softly, and his tongue circled the hard pearl.

  Gods, it felt so good. My eyes rolled back in my head.

  “Brother, come now. Couldn’t you wait two minutes until we had her dried properly?”

  My breast popped out of Roran’s mouth. “No, brother. She tastes too good.”

  “Then you may carry our prize to the bed, and I will get first taste of her honey for your impatience.” Rilen’s words tickled my skin.

  Another part of me didn’t want to be called a prize, but the part that wanted their hands and lips all over my skin shut it down.

  If I was a prize, I was glad to be won by these two.

  Roran swept me off my feet and cradled me against him, walking from the bath to the bedroom.

  The bed in Master Dorian’s room was massive. Bigger than any I had e
ver seen. Twelve people could sleep in it, and they wouldn’t be uncomfortable. It was covered in gorgeous black and red velvet with gold brocade tracing the patterns. There were probably fifty or more pillows.

  Rilen pulled the cover down, using his magic to pull it all down evenly. Cream satin sheets glimmered in the low light, and Roran placed me in the middle of the nest Rilen had created.

  The twin brothers stepped back a moment. Their mismatched eyes traced the contours of every curve and dip and line in my body.

  Roran smiled. “Mm, brother, a feast for the senses.”

  Rilen cocked his head and moved toward the bed. “We’ve waited so long to have you here, ilati.”

  I could easily see just how aroused the two of them were by the press of their erections on the front of their pants. Roran brought more attention to himself by stroking a hand over the bulge there.

  “Spread your legs for us, Kimber,” he said. “Show my brother what he’s wanted to see.”

  A sudden shot of embarrassment and humiliation ran through me, and I wanted to cover myself with the sheet. I draped a hand over my breasts and—

  Rilen was on the bed in the next moment and caught my hand. “No, ilati, no. Do not be embarrassed. Let us see those pert breasts.”

  Drawing my hand back to my side, his gaze landed on my peaked buds. He made a happy little sound and tossed a gaze over to Roren. “I see why you couldn’t resist, brother.”

  “Why I can’t,” Roran corrected.

  “Wait…” I managed to squeeze the word out. “Wait. . .”

  They were both frozen in place.

  I knew, at that moment, they would always let me go if I asked.

  I had no interest in leaving.

  “You’re both wearing too much.”

  Twin grins split their faces, and eyes twinkled.

  “You are correct, ilati,” Roran said.

  Rilen slid back off the bed, and they both reached for their buckles.

  My mouth watered. My sex clenched, and I started panting. Two of the most magnificent males I had ever seen wanted me.

  In perfect time with each other, they pulled their pants off their hips and down their legs. Discarding them to the side, they stood.

  Sweet Mother of S’Kir.

  Their cocks were even more magnificent than I remembered from the night in the living room. Thick, erect, engorged with desire, I could feel myself growing wet as they came toward the bed again.

  Roran, on my right, crawled up the bed and stretched out next to me on his side. His hand snaked across my stomach, then slowly up my side.

  Curious fingers crept to my breast, and he twirled a nipple slowly.

  Pure heat shuddered through me.

  “Things are well in hand up here, brother,” Roran said and dipped his head to my other, waiting nipple.

  I let out a slow breath, trying not to give into the lust too quickly.

  “I see that.” Rilen chuckled.

  I watched the other twin as he ran his hands up the outside of my legs, over my thighs, and dusted his fingertips over my sex.

  Gasping, I tried not to move too much.


  Rilen’s hand pressed my legs open as he traced down the inside, on the tender, sensitive skin.

  “Oh, Kimber.” He breathed my name as he lay down between my wide open limbs. “Oh, how perfect. You’re glistening with your desire.”

  He traced a finger up my lips, and down the other, slipping his hands under my ass. He tilted me up, opening me wider, bringing me closer to his mouth.

  “Roran, another pillow for our ilati. I want her to watch me feast on her pussy.”

  I groaned at his words.

  Without letting my breast slip from his wicked mouth, Roran grabbed a pillow and tucked it behind me. He tucked two more so that I was reclined.

  “Kimber,” Rilen whispered my name across the dusting of hair on my mons. “Watch me. Watch me eat your honey. Watch me taste you.”

  His tongue found my opening, and he drew it up from there, to my clit and circled—

  “Fuck,” I breathed.

  Rilen grinned at me, his chin gleaming with my cream. “Better than I dreamed. Like summer strawberries.”

  I was going to die. I couldn’t handle the sensations and the seductive words.

  It was going to be the best death ever.

  Roran smiled against my breast. I glanced at him for a moment and saw a wicked smile on his face.

  “Brother. I have a delicious little idea. Will you let me be the first of us to enjoy being inside of our ilati?”

  “The pleasure is yours, brother, as long as she agrees.”

  “I do.”

  Rilen laughed against my sex. “So eager.”

  “Yes.” I had quickly started to lose my modesty.

  The two of them laughed, pleased.

  Sitting up, Roran guided me up while Rilen waited to see what his twin was up to. Roran slid me down the bed just a little and slipped around me.

  I could feel his cock against my ass. It was hot, and it jerked against me.

  As if I weighed nothing, he lifted me up to sit on his waist as he leaned back against the pillows piled against the headboard.

  Now his cock slid along my slit, coating him with my silk.

  I could have just slid along him all night.

  But he had other, more wicked plans.

  “At your leisure, ilati, put me inside you,” he breathed.

  My leisure was nothing of the sort. I was becoming frantic.

  Rilen watched, rapt, as I took Roran’s cock in my hand and guided the member to the entrance of my sex.

  A massive bulbous head forced me to pause for just a moment and relax. I pressed forward, enjoying every last sensation as my tunnel was pushed open and wide by his shaft.

  “Oh, what a sight to see you inside our ilati, brother,” Rilen whispered.

  Gods, he liked seeing me impaled on his brother.

  Roran’s hands again found my breasts, but this time, he simply wrapped his hands around them and bore their weight, his fingers merely caressing the skin.

  He wasn’t, however, done with his wicked plan yet.

  Sliding his feet apart, he caught my ankles and pulled my legs wider and wider still.

  I had no leverage, I couldn’t move on him. It seemed a cruel injustice to be unable to move—”

  “Eat her, Rilen.” Roran breathed the words over my shoulder. “Feast on her. Make her come.”

  “Holy—” There was no finishing that exclamation.

  Rilen’s mouth was on my clit in the next heartbeat, and he owned me.

  While his mouth sucked and nibbled and teased me, Roran’s hips moved just enough to draw him out a bit and push him back in.

  My hands wound into Rilen’s hair, and I scraped his scalp ever so lightly with my nails, His moan was a hum against my clit, and I gasped loudly.

  I was not going to last like this at all.

  My own hips started to move against Roran’s rhythm.

  “Oh, my gods…” Roran breathed. “Your pussy is so tight, ilari. Quickly, brother, I am not long for this.”

  “You’re no—ahhh!” I shuddered against him as Rilen nipped at the bundle of nerves. “Oh, shit. Savior! Fuck!”

  Rilen chuckled, and the vibration tripped through me.

  I needed to come. I was going to expire soon if I didn’t.

  As Rilen’s teeth grazed my clit again, Roran’s fingers pinched my pearled nipples.

  I exploded. “Oh, shit!”

  There was no processing what was happening in my body. Everything seized, and fireworks went off in my head and behind my eyes. I couldn’t even draw air into my lungs.

  Sitting up straight, Roran pressed me forward into Rilen’s arms—when had he moved?—and started to thrust his cock into me.

  My hips moved of their own accord, riding my orgasm harder.

  Rilen found my lips and thrust his tongue between them. Kissing me, s
troking my mouth, he was sucking the air from my lungs and making sure there was no doubt I knew what I tasted like on his lips.

  I felt Roran’s cock twitch just a second before he ground out a sound of sheer delight and speared his cum into my pussy. He shot deep, more than once, possessing me and marking me as his.

  My climax only just started to settle as Roran lifted me off and placed me on Rilen’s lap, straddling his thighs.

  His cock flexed between us.

  “Can you take me as well, ilati?” Rilen’s voice was thick with lust.

  I nodded, mute.

  “Are you sure?” The words were murmured against my lips.

  “I want to,” I managed.

  Rilen hummed, delighted.

  Roran’s hands were on my hips, lifting me. “Take his cock in your hand, Kimber. Show him where he goes.”

  Twins. Down to the size of their dicks.

  I pressed him to my entrance, and a flicker of anticipation crossed his face.

  Roran lowered me slowly on to him, the crown of his cock spreading me wide again, and my body shuddering. It didn’t seem to know what to do—being taken a second time just moments after the last.

  “Move your hips, ilati,” Rilen whispered.

  I did.

  Oh, gods, how I did.

  Big hands still held my breasts and kneaded them softly. Roran spoke in my ear as I rode his brother’s cock. “If it were up to me, Kimber, you would never be allowed to hide these in our rooms. I would want you bared to me, always. You have such wonderful, responsive tits.”

  “Brother, help her take her pleasure again before I take mine.”

  His hands left my breasts, and one traveled down and down to where my clit still throbbed—or was it throbbing again.

  I couldn’t tell, and I didn’t care.

  “Do you like being shared by us, ilati?” Rilen asked, falling into his own rhythm inside me.

  “Yes,” I breathed the word. “Yes.”

  “I want to feel you come with my cock inside you,” he said. “My brother’s pleasure looked amazing, and your climax was a delight to watch.”

  “We want to take you every night, Kimber,” Roran said. “Sharing you like this is amazing, but…”

  “There’s more we want,” Rilen breathed.

  How were they cognizant enough to have a conversation?

  Any and all thought flew out of my mind when Roran’s finger dusted over the puckered entrance of my ass.


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