King of Gods (Vampire Crown Book 2)

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King of Gods (Vampire Crown Book 2) Page 30

by Scarlett Dawn

  I stared. “They must have one hell of a flooding problem. I hope they have insurance.”

  “The water doesn’t breach the fence, your majesty.” Master Niallan shoved me forward, none too gently. “Move. I hate this place. I don’t want to be here any longer than we have to be.”

  We walked forward in the quiet. I noticed something I hadn’t before. There was no noise—absolutely none. The ocean behind us was silent. Our footsteps didn’t make a sound. No birds called in the distance.

  I shivered as we passed through the gate of the fence. There was no creak when we latched it behind us. “I understand what you mean.”

  Master Niallan rubbed at his eyes again. Quiet.

  The druid knocked on the front door.

  His knuckles on the wood were soundless.

  But he knocked again when no one answered.

  The door opened—just an inch. A brown eye peeked through the crack. The woman asked, “What do you want, Master Niallan?”

  His lush lips thinned. “Queen Gwynnore and I would like to come in. I have a favor to ask.”

  The brown eye widened. “Are you positive?”


  The door flung open in a hurry.

  The druid with the pretty brown eyes smiled—it was wicked as hell. “Well, come on in!”

  Master Niallan and I stepped inside.

  She slammed the door behind us. Shutting us in.

  The druid woman waved her hand to her right. “Take a seat. I’ll gather up my sisters and make us some tea.”

  The druid ruler and I strolled into a living room straight out of a beach house magazine. The blue and white color scheme turned my stomach, but I sat on the love seat with anchor designs. Master Niallan sat next to me and kicked his feet up on the white, wood planked coffee table.

  I cleared my throat and glanced at each piece of god-awful decoration. I mumbled softly, “Do they surf? Or just eat the surfers and steal their surfboards to decorate their home?” There were at least twenty boards hanging on the walls.

  Master Niallan coughed hard. He threw a glance in my direction, also speaking quietly, “Behave while we’re here. You won’t like their bad side.”

  I didn’t doubt that.

  I placed my hands on my lap and crossed my ankles. I would behave and not jeopardize his Challenge. That was the right choice. I stayed silent—in the fucking silence—and waited.

  The brown-eyed druid and her two sisters eventually bustled into their living room. All were dressed now as if they were headed for a ball, their gowns ancient but dazzling even so. The druid who answered the door stared at Master Niallan’s feet on their coffee table while she stood next to it with tea set in her hands.

  He snorted and dropped his feet to the ground.

  She bent over and blew out a hard breath, blowing the dirt he’d left there off the pristine wood. The druid woman set the tea there and served us each a steaming beverage in perfect china.

  I pretended to sip it. I wasn’t drinking anything from these insane bitches. I’d have to pour it over the back of the loveseat when they weren’t watching.

  The Three took their individual seats across from us, fluffing out their gowns around their legs for a flawless appearance. They finally looked up at us—five minutes later—once they were settled.

  The brown-eyed beauty asked bluntly, “What is your question, Master Niallan?” Her gaze flicked to me. “Unless you’d like to ask the question, Queen Gwynnore?”

  I took another fake sip of my tea. With extreme politeness, I said, “No, thank you. It’s Master Niallan’s favor to ask of you.” I wouldn’t ask one single question while I was here.

  Disappointment flashed over her features, but she turned her attention to the man next to me. “Ask your question.” She elevated a pointed finger into the air. “But know that you will owe us one favor. This time, we’ll take it in the form of a question after we answer yours.”

  Master Niallan was just as blunt. “How do we stop the coming war or, at least, find peace within it?”

  Their heads snapped back as if on puppet strings.

  Their eyes closed and their mouths dropped open.

  I quickly tossed the tea behind the couch, and then placed the empty china on the coffee table.

  Master Niallan’s bloodshot green eyes turned in my direction. He took a calm sip of his drink. His throat bobbed as he visibly swallowed the liquid. The druid ruler lifted a blond eyebrow.

  I shrugged one shoulder and peered back at the Three, who were starting to shake in their seats like they were having the best orgasms of their lives. I leaned my left elbow on the arm of the loveseat and placed my chin in my hand, hiding my amused smile behind my curled fingers.

  Druids could be damn entertaining.

  Their bodies slumped in their chairs.

  The Three groaned in ecstasy, all as one.

  I wanted to ask them if they wanted a cigarette, but I kept my mouth firmly shut. My sarcastic nature would end up screwing me over if I didn’t watch it in here.

  Without opening her brown eyes, the leader of their group stated, “The war will not be stopped. Travel to S’Kir to find the Breaker. Only then will true peace be obtainable.”

  My blink was real slow.

  Was crazy-pants talking about the Unseen Gods?

  My brows puckered in thought.

  What. The. Fuck.

  Her eyes fluttered open, and her voice was breathless. “Now, it’s our turn, Master Niallan. Why do you really want the vampire crown?”

  I tilted my head and studied his profile.

  Master Niallan’s lips curved up at the sides—it was his ugliest smile to date. “So I can hold the Original vampire amulet in my hands and finally end a murderer’s life.”

  And there it was.

  I stayed quiet with my own thoughts.

  Her brows lifted. She stated patiently, “Forgiveness, Master Niallan. Never forget to forgive. Even if it’s simply forgiving yourself.”

  He eyed her features. “Forgiving oneself is not as simple as you say.”

  She waved her hand to the front of her home. “You may leave now.” Her brown eyes lit from within. “Unless you have another favor to ask?”

  “Thank you, but no.” Master Niallan patted my right knee. “Time to go, your majesty.”

  Both of us were out the front door before anything else was said—or any questions were accidentally asked. Out on the black rocks, I watched him create his transport circle with my right hand firmly placed in his free one. We stepped back through the magical opening and landed in the center courtyard of his castle, the dead grass under our feet snapping.

  He tossed the Original druid amulet high above his head and whispered in the ancient druid language while it soared. It suddenly disappeared, no longer glimmering under the sun and sky.

  My brows snapped together. “Uh, where did it go?”

  Master Niallan dropped my hand.

  He shrugged his shoulders, not answering me.

  “Really?” I grumbled. I looked back up into the sky.

  It had been right there. So damn close.

  The druid marched toward the closest arched opening into his castle. “I’m getting this over with. Hurry up.”

  My chest heaved in disappointment, once more glancing up at the sky. But I strolled after him, following him all the way to my shared bedchambers.

  He pounded on the door. “Open the fuck up.”

  Lord Belshazzar yanked the door open. His ice blue eyes completely bypassed the druid ruler and settled on me while the rest of the Overlords walked to stand around him. Lord Belshazzar’s intense gaze ran over me from head-to-toe. He asked gruffly, “Did any harm come to you, your majesty?”

  I almost rolled my eyes. “No. I’m fine.”

  The Overlord snaked an arm outside of the room and gripped my wrist, gently pulling me inside our bedchamber. He stuffed me behind him and turned his regard on the fuming druid. “What answer did the Three give

  I stared at his back…amused and annoyed.

  I stepped out from behind him and crossed my arms, eyeing Master Niallan, wondering if he would tell the Truth.

  Bloodshot eyes stared the lord down. “The war will not be stopped. Travel to S’Kir to find the Breaker. Only then will true peace be obtainable.”

  No one moved for a full minute.

  Lord Cato cast a quick glance in my direction. “Is that accurate, Monitor of Challenge?”

  I nodded. “It is the truth. That’s exactly what they said. In my opinion, he passed the Challenge.” As damn crazy as that answer was, he hadn’t lied to make it sound more plausible.

  Master Niallan was one step closer to becoming king of the vampire race.

  That night, after the Overlords had gone out for ten minutes, I received an official invitation to dinner tomorrow night from Master Niallan. I turned away from the spying portrait and smiled.

  It was time for TERMINATE.

  Chapter Tweny-Five

  ~ Gwynnore ~

  The Overlords’ seating arrangement at the dinner was obvious, but I didn’t mind. I had a great view of Ysander from where they’d placed me safely away from him. Lord Cato sat to my left, and Lord Belshazzar sat to my right. Dinner was served, and Ysander was eating with relish—it was probably his very favorite meal. I thought the meat and potatoes were fairly bland, but the man who was about to die wasn’t of the same opinion.

  The only thing missing from this dinner was…

  Master Niallan.

  He had yet to arrive. Not that I blamed him.

  I’d done the same on my last Challenge.

  I took a large drink from my goblet of wine. I swirled the liquid inside my mouth, adoring the cherry and woodsy flavor. The wine did add to the dead man’s meal before us.

  Lord Belshazzar stabbed one of my baby potatoes with his fork, stealing it off my plate. He’d already eaten all of his. The Overlord seemed to enjoy the meal as much as Ysander.

  I placed the rest of my potatoes on his plate.

  His blue eyes twinkled. “Thank you, your majesty.”

  “You’re welcome, my lord.” I grinned.

  We were in fine spirits tonight.

  Although all six of us wiped our smug expressions from our faces when Master Niallan finally arrived through the doors. The druid ruler walked straight to Ysander and bent at the waist next to him. Master Niallan kissed his shocked partner.

  And kissed him.

  And kissed him.

  Master Niallan whispered against his lips, “You are my heart. I will see you again, my love.”

  He swung his sword.

  Neat and clean.

  Ysander’s head toppled to the table.

  Blood flowed.

  I choked back the bile that rose in my throat as the memory bombarded me. He’d killed him with the exact same strike as I had with Adelie. Instant death, merciful and kind.

  Master Niallan backed away from his dead lover.

  His sword clanged on the tile as it slipped from his limp fingers. Away and away his steps took him. His green eyes never leaving the dead.

  He swallowed hard. “I want to leave now.”

  I dabbed at my mouth with my napkin.

  Master Niallan’s tormented eyes lifted to us. He shouted in a fury, “I want to leave right now! Do you hear me?”

  I placed my napkin on the table and stood. “We’ll be ready in thirty minutes. We’ll have a car waiting for us, and we’ll have the jet ready in Qikiqtarjuaq to take us to Japri.”

  Wide green eyes focused back on his dead lover. He nodded his head quickly and turned to rush out of the dining room, his feet pounding loudly on the tiling.

  The door slammed shut behind him.

  Peacefully, I retook my seat. I lifted my glass into the air, and stated with pleasure, “Congratulations, my lords. Those bastards are finally dead.”

  The Overlords lifted their glasses, and we all clinked them together in a private celebration.

  Lord Otto glanced down at his watch. “Do you think we have time to finish our meal before we take off?”

  “Yes, finish up.” Lord Belshazzar ate one of his gifted potatoes. “Her majesty gave us plenty of time.”

  I smirked and sipped my wine.

  Lord Pippin peered down the table. “Do you think he had any meat left?”

  I snickered quietly. “Do not steal from the recently departed, my lord. That’s just tacky.” My lips twitched. “But we should definitely burn those dolls before we leave.”

  Lord Cato smiled. “Already done, your majesty.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  ~ Gwynnore ~

  Japri, Ultima Esperanza, Chile

  Pacific Coast

  “Where the fuck is Master Niallan?” I muttered. I leaned toward my father and peered around his ceremonial-clad body. I searched the crowd again for a certain blond druid. “Our guests are getting restless.”

  Lord Cato patted the space between us. “Lord Belshazzar went to find him. He’ll be here soon.”

  I sniffed. “I can’t believe he’s late to his own crowning.”

  My father’s brown eyes met mine. “You took four days to grieve after your last Challenge. He did not.”

  “Fine. He can be late.” I touched my crown, making sure it was on straight. My blue eyes wandered over the repaired cavern. “They did an excellent job in here.”

  Lord Cato smirked. “The crew we used was my choice.”

  I hummed softly. “Well, it was an excellent one. You can’t tell anything even happened in here a week ago.”

  The crowd of upper elite vampires suddenly quieted, their attention turning to the entrance in a wave—one right after the other.

  Lord Cato whispered, “Showtime.” He tipped his head to the side. “Take your place at the bottom of the stairs, your majesty.”

  I passed Lord Belshazzar on my way down. Our eyes caught, but we swiftly glanced away. Thousands of vampires were watching everything avidly. Today was historic, whether you wanted the “Original” druid as your king or not.

  I stopped at the bottom of the stairs.

  Master Niallan was before me.

  I spoke loud and clear in the silence. “I, Queen Gwynnore, am the Monitor of the fourth Challenge. It shall be known to the people of the Black Heart crown that Niallan of…,” I paused, having been given this information only minutes ago, “S’Kir, has satisfied all conditions of the Challenge, as they were presented to him, by my eyes. I am a Witness of Final Challenge. Niallan of S’Kir has satisfied all conditions of the Challenge as they were presented to him, by my eyes. These truths are sworn by my blood.”

  I lifted the knife strapped to my waist. I sliced down on my left palm, scoring the skin and drawing blood. I squeezed my hand into a fist and let my blood drip down to the cavern floor for all to see. My eyes turned to Master Niallan. I dipped my head to him, letting him know to proceed.

  He climbed the stairs, dressed in his finery, his back straight and his head held high. If his hard green eyes appeared lifeless and haunted, not many noticed. His attention was solely on the throne.

  The Overlords stood.

  Master Niallan turned to face the audience.

  Lord Belshazzar called loudly, “Niallan of S’Kir, the Council of Overlords has called you and seen that you have passed all five Challenges, along with the approval of the Monitor of Challenge and Witness of the Final Challenge. Upon this moment, you are hereby the King of Vampires, the King of Gods. We welcome you to the throne with your crown.”

  Lord Pippin placed the crown atop Niallan’s head. He dipped his head, murmuring, “We welcome you, my king.”

  Lord Pippin…may have made the placement of the crown a wee bit crooked.

  Lord Belshazzar continued, commanding everyone’s attention. “Niallan of S’Kir, as the King of Vampires, the King of Gods, you are hereby granted the Black Heart Star, the very heart of your subjects. It must always be worn and guarded. Wi
thout it, you are diminished, your crown tarnished. So it has been since the beginning on earth, and so it shall continue.”

  Lord Xenon dipped his head and lifted the delicate pillow, where the ring lay on top. “We welcome you, my king.”

  Niallan slipped the Black Heart Star ring onto his finger, the same version as the one I wore, only larger. He studied the ring and lifted his other hand, fixing the crown on his head until it was perfectly straight.

  The King raised his eyes to the room.

  The smile that lifted his lips was truly sinister.

  His muscular body flowed gracefully as he sat on the throne. He waved his hand with royal flare, the ring flashing in the light. “Be at peace. Be merry. Drink your fill of blood and enjoy the festivities. I am now one of you.” His eyebrows lifted. “And, yes, I am really from S’Kir.”

  The chamber slowly filled with applause.

  But it did. Eventually, the clapping was deafening.

  I lifted up the edge of my dress just enough to scale the stairs carefully, and stood next to my druid king, and stared out at our people. The royal crownings were complete.

  One druid deceiver. One vampire manipulator.

  And a whole world in trouble.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  ~ Kimber ~

  It took a few minutes for me to open my eyes after I woke. I was too comfortable, tucked between the massive bodies of Rilen and Roran.

  Also, I wasn’t confident my legs would work.

  The twins were fully naked and fully sprawled out under the sheets with me. Sometime during the night, they had rolled away from me and found a comfortable sleep position.

  I sat up with the sheet clutched to my chest and just took my time studying them. Broad shoulders, there was a light dusting of blond hair on Roran’s chest. My hand dusted over it before I realized what I was doing, and I snatched the offending limb back.

  Trim waists, showing off the corded muscles and narrow hips that had rocked my world oh so thoroughly last night.

  Currently, bottom up, the fantastic ass on Rilen.

  I bit my lip. I didn’t need to get myself worked up right now.


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