Ms Amazing: Vigilante Justice (Synne City Super Heroine in Peril) (Synne City Super Heroines in Peril Series)

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Ms Amazing: Vigilante Justice (Synne City Super Heroine in Peril) (Synne City Super Heroines in Peril Series) Page 5

by JK Waylon

  “I know! I’m so excited.”

  She smiled at her sidekick’s excitement, then glanced out the limo’s window. Barbara bit her lip, watching the eager faces outside the limo gather. The press, and she was sure all their questions would be about Armand's very public takeover bid of her company, and his obvious success so far. Very uncomfortable questions. But like Lynda said, she really needed to get her power belt back from Danica. She could order another power belt, but the goddess only knew how long that would take. The Council of Witches did things on their schedule, not hers.

  It was a rough day. Barbara's mind was torn between concern of losing her beloved company, and getting her power belt from Danica. She was being pulled in two directions at once, but at the moment her power belt wasn't going anywhere, but Armand was. He was about to oust her, and that would be the ultimate public humiliation for her. In one fell swoop Armand could strip away all of her business, social, and political power in Synne City and the state.

  "Besides, Armand is the bigger threat to me personally at the moment," Barbara said as the door was opened.

  Even before her first foot hit the pavement, the reporters were shouting questions, jostling for position. She took Lynda by the hand and led her swiftly and quietly through that press of ravenous humanity. They were just a little disheveled when they passed through the front doors.

  "Barbara, you actually came," Silvia Germaine said, standing beside her smirking husband. "After your epic defeat in the boardroom, I never imagined you'd be brave enough to show your face tonight."

  "Ah, look at you, Silvia," Barbara said, baby blues narrowing. "Gosh, you know how to rock trailer trash chic, don't you? I don't think it is physically possible to push those fake boobs any higher."

  Someone snickered, and Sylvia’s face when white, then deep red. Barbara noticed her hands clench, and hoped Armand’s wife would be foolish enough to actually assault her. Very bad press for the Germaine’s, which would only help her cause, but Armand stepped between them.

  "Just as petty and superficial as always, heh, Barbara?" Armand said, glaring at her now.

  "No, truthful," she said.

  He pressed up close, his face just inches from hers. Barbara didn't retreat an inch, showing him nothing but contempt.

  "You want truth? I'll give you the truth," he said, his hot breath in her face. "I now control forty percent of the voting stock, and I am on the verge of signing agreements to control another twelve percent, giving me a solid majority." Barbara sucked in a sharp breath, turning her face and eyes dropping, and her head starting to spin as a chill slithered up her spin. "After I vote myself Chairman and CEO, I'll take over your office. As for you…" Despite herself, Barbara held her breath, waiting for the ax to fall. "I have figured out how to even kick you off the board, unless you agree to be my loyal and obedient personal assistant."

  Barbara couldn't believe her ears. If he wasn't lying, her world was about to come tumbling down. Her mind was too chaotic to know what would be worse, more humiliating — kicked off the board or forced to be his personal assistant to remain a part of the company.

  "You haven't stolen my company yet," she said, almost a hiss. Lynda pulled her hand, leading her away from Armand and Silvia. "Thanks, Lynda. I was about to lose it."

  How she would have lost it, Barbara wasn't sure. She frequently lashed out physically when threatened, and it wouldn't look good if she kicked his butt at a charity event he was hosting.

  Gold Avenger and Golden Girl arrived at that time, to cheers and great fanfare. After they shook hands with Armand and Sylvia, a photo op for the press, Barbara caught Gold Avenger’s eye and they gave each other a little nod. The tall, shapely blonde looked especially stunning.

  “Looks like Goldie upgraded her costume,” Barbara said. “A little skimpier, more boob showing, and her legs look amazing. I think she increased her heel height.”

  “Very shiny” Lynda said. “I think Golden Girl’s costume is sexier now, too.”

  Ms Amazing sighed gustily. “I hope she doesn’t spark another costume war.”


  “Remember when all of the city’s super heroines wore bikini costumes two summers back? You can thank Gold Avenger for starting it,” Barbara said. "The city's heroines finally came to their senses and changed back to their original costumes, but only after they suffered a lot of grief.”

  Mainly because that super skimpy costume trend only inspired more criminals to seek them out, just to get them out of those costumes. Ms Amazing lost all or part of her bikini costume three times that summer, and it was also the last time she permanently lost her power belt. She never did find out who bought it from the three pushers that waylaid her.

  “What a shame that was, too,” Amon Jordan said.

  Both women jumped, having not noticed his approach. Barbara smiled and hugged the forty-two year old Daul Enterprises board member. As far as she could tell, Amon hadn’t been seduced by Armand’s promises of greater profits.

  He held onto her a little longer than necessary, and his hands lingered as they slid down her sides. Amon’s never been so touchy feely with her before, and the look in his eyes told her that he was imagining getting to know her a lot better.

  “Oh my, Amon, you always look so dashing and daring in a tux,” she said, looking him over and feigning interest. He was recently divorced, and word was he was turning into quite a player in the city’s upper class dating scene. Most import of all, she couldn’t afford to alienate him in any way, shape, or form. “Where’s your date?”

  “I’m flying solo, Barbara,” he said, and winked. “Just like you.”

  The way he looked at her spoke volumes. Amon really did expect something more from her. That told her more than anything how far she’d slipped in status already. Before Armand her board members were just a little afraid of her.

  Fortunately, a group of high society blue bloods called Barbara away, eager to meet Lynda. She introduced Lynda as her protégé, saying she saw great promise in the young woman. Barbara had a reputation for “grooming” young women for big things. Unfortunately, since she rarely dated, most people just thought the young women were mentored in the bedroom, rather than the board room. The way the high society women responded to Lynda said they also regarded her as a hot little sex toy, another of Barbara’s string of kept women.

  She knew the moment Lynda figured it out. Poor thing turned deep red and started to stammer.

  “Are the Golden Ones the first heroines to arrive?” Barbara asked, to change the subject. Gold Avenger and Golden Girl were posing for pictures near the door. Everyone wanted their picture taken with the sexy super heroines. “We just arrived, and Lynda is hoping to get pictures with them all.”

  “Oh, sorry, the only heroine not to arrive yet is Amazing…I mean, Ms Amazing,” Harold Winthrop said. He was a seventy year old widower, with a hundred million dollar fortune and a nineteen year old bleach blonde girlfriend. He was also the dirtiest old man Barbara ever met. She always stayed out of hands reach of him. Lynda, though, got her butt pinched three times before she figured it out. “Word is she suffered a little…um…setback recently, and may not be up to visit tonight.”

  Barbara stiffened. How did he know? Did everyone know? Was Danica crowing about her little, very brief victory?

  “Oh?” Barbara said. When he looked about to eagerly tell her all the sordid details of Ms Amazing’s disgrace, she held up her hand and stifled him. “Please, those nasty rumors are rampant. If a quarter of them were true, there wouldn’t be any super heroines in the city. They’d all be hot to trot oversexed porn stars or happy hookers, or something equally disgusting. I don’t need to hear it, but thanks anyway.”

  Barbara took Lynda’s hand and rushed towards Gold Avenger and Golden Girl. It looked like they were about to leave already. None of the heroines ever stayed long, since like herself most of them were extremely wealthy and had to make appearances as their civilian alter egos.

bsp; “Ms Avenger! Please, can we have a photo with you too?” Barbara called.

  Up close, she could see their costumes better. Gold Avenger's costume was all gold: Mask, opera gloves, bustier, short-shorts, and thigh boots. Her bustier used to cover her down to her shorts, but now it left her midriff bare. Her bustier laced up with black laces, and was trimmed top and bottom with black. Her short-shorts were also trimmed in black, as was her mask. Her choker was also black, with a solid gold A that was her Object of Power.

  “Really? Ms Avenger?” Gold Avenger said, shaking her head.

  “Oopsie,” Barbara said, and giggled. It was a game they played. Their enemies liked to debase their good heroine names so much, usually making it more sexual or perverted, so they also called each other by corrupted names. They just weren’t so vulgar about it. “I mean Gold Avenger. So sorry.”

  “Wow, Ms Daul, that dress is amazing,” Golden Girl said. “So…gravity defying!”

  Golden Girl was Gold Avenger's eighteen year old daughter, though that wasn't common knowledge. More an open secret, that only the really bad guys cared enough to know. Like her mother, she was a natural blonde. Her long hair was kept in a sassy bangs and ponytail style as a sidekick, while her costume was even skimpier than Gold Avenger's. The perky sidekick wore all gold, like her mentor, trimmed in black, but her top was a bikini top, and her shorts the skimpiest of all of the city's heroines. She finished off her costume with golden thigh boots and opera gloves, and a black choker with a gold G that was her Object of Power.

  “Tape or magic?” Gold Avenger said.

  “Unfortunately, it’s tape. Ouch,” she said, and they laughed.

  Some extremely rich men and women employed staff witches. A witch could cast a spell to hold her gown pretty easily, but they weren’t cheap. Besides, a rogue witch would quickly figure out she was a super heroine. As a rule rogue witches didn't liked super heroines, and they didn’t have to be evil to dislike the costumed crusaders, either. So Barbara had to use more mundane methods in her glamour smoke and mirror show.

  They quickly sorted themselves out in a line. Gold Avenger stood on the end, with Lynda between her and Barbara, and Golden Girl on the other end. After a few pictures by an event photographer and then some paparazzi, the golden costumed super heroines bid farewell and departed the event.

  Barbara and Lynda mingled for about another ten minutes, before they stealthily slipped away. Going to a bare wall, Barbara placed her open palm at a certain place, and the wall swiveled to allow them inside.

  “Hey, you,” Gold Avenger said. She was stripped down to just her boots and mask. As they watched, she removed her mask and started unzipping her thigh boots. Golden Girl was already naked, and pulling on a soft pink gown. “Amazing to catch you here.”

  “You’re funny,” Barbara said. “Lynda, meet the real Gold Avenger and her daughter, Tamara Taylor and Tandy Taylor. This is Lynda Witte, the new Amazing Girl.”

  “Welcome to the team, Amazing Girl,” Tamara said.

  “Yeah. I saw a TV spot on you. You look awesome in your costume,” Tandy said. “We should get together as ourselves and go shopping.”

  “Oh, for shoes?”

  “Duh,” she said, and they all laughed.

  “Gotta go,” Tamara said, now in full hair, makeup, and white evening gown. “Knock em dead, girls.”

  After the hot mother and daughter team left, Barbara and Lynda opened their waiting gym bags and started transforming into Ms Amazing and Amazing Girl. Ms Amazing wore a faux power belt, just a pretty replica of the original. And after they were dressed, she led her sidekick through another secret access door out onto the dark street.

  Hurrying around the corner, the press and people were so excited to see them no one questioned the fact they didn’t fly in. As soon as she reached the red carpet Ms Amazing struck a super heroine pose, with Amazing Girl at her side mimicking her stance.

  “Citizens of Synne City, please welcome the newest member of the local super heroine community! I give you Amazing Girl!”

  "Hi, Synne City! I'm Amazing Girl, and I'm excited to be serving you all," she said, in all her perky glory. "I promise, I'll give you my all and then some!"

  They gave the paparazzi and local press time to get their pictures, and then hurried into the building. Ms Amazing introduced Amazing Girl to the major players of politics, business, and High Society. The beautiful young sidekick charmed them all, and took lots of pictures. Just about the time Ms Amazing figured they should leave, Armand and Sylvia appeared at their side.

  Ms Amazing didn't get along any better with Armand than Barbara, but they both understood the power of a good photo op. Pasting on smiles, they posed for the camera with first the two super heroines flanking the Germaines, and then between Armand and Sylvia.

  "It's been fun, and we're excited to be supporting such a worthy cause, but it's past time we got back on patrol," Ms Amazing said, as a small disturbance rose up near the front entry. Everyone glanced towards the door, and then back at Ms Amazing. She grinned. "We're going to ignore that, since we're looking for bigger fish than a gate crasher."

  The small crowd and photographers all laughed.

  A gas grenade came clanking across the floor to rest at the super heroine's blue booted feet. She gawked at it a second, then a familiar scent reached her.

  "Oh no, not…Aaaggghhhhh!" Ms Amazing cried, her body exploding with the most intense of climaxes. "Ultra Bliss! Aaaggghhhh!"

  Ms Amazing fell to her knees, her mind spinning, body hot, mushy, and throbbing with intense need and desire. She was just coherent enough, long enough to realize it was a particularly powerful strength of Ultra Bliss. Armand was already face down on the floor beside her, humping nothing and clawing at the tiles. Sylvia and Amazing Girl were gasping and pawing at each other's clothes, as they kissed deeply and passionately.

  A photographer stepped up to her, unzipped, and pulled his erection out, cum already dripping off his cock from his initial climax in his shorts. Ms Amazing wrapped a red gloved hand around his shaft, and started licking all that delicious cum off the end, before giving him intense head. And with some help from the cloud of Ultra Bliss they were still engulfed within, he quickly gave her a mouthful of cum.

  "Hold still," Armand growled into her hear as he molded himself to her backside. He pushed her to all fours, yanked her shorts aside, and thrust into her. "Yes!"

  "Uggh," she cried, back bowed as she slung her head around. He was big, and stretched her wet hole out nicely. "Oh, yes! Fuck me! Fuck me!"

  Armand unzipped her bustier as he thrust into her. The blue top fell off her, and he grabbed two hands full of firm titty meat. Suddenly another man was in front of her, his big black cock hanging out of his pants. She looked up to find Amon Jordan looking down with intense lust in his dark eyes.

  Movement to her left caught her eye. A line of black clad men in gas masks was moving through on-line, systematically striping all of the women of their jewelry and designer gowns, and the men of their wallets and jewelry. Then Amon buried both hands in her soft, silky black hair, and she opened wide to receive his cock.

  "Mmmmm," Ms Amazing groaned, Amon pushing straight to the back of her throat. She gagged and cough around his length and girth, before he thrust again and entered her throat. Though it was stressful and tough going, the blissed out super heroine worked her mouth, tongue, and throat to give him the best deep throat ever. "Ack! Ugh! Ack!"

  Armand hungrily nibbled on her ear, neck, shoulders, as he pinched, twisted, and pulled on her hypersensitive nipples. His actions sent the most amazing ripples through her overheated, needy body. She gasped around Amon's cock, baby blues glazed as they rolled up to watch Amon's pleasure filled face. Her back bowed, giving Armand better access to her pussy, as she squirmed and panted through her nose between the two men.

  It was too much stimulation, and Ms Amazing's body erupted with another climax. And another quickly afterwards. She never felt so quiverly wonderful in
her life, and all she wanted was more, more more.

  "What do we have here?" a muffled voice said, sounding amused.

  Ms Amazing cut dazed and barely open eyes up at the gas-masked man. He picked up her bustier and stuffed it in a bag. Then he removed her golden belt, and used scissors to remove her shorts without making Armand stop.

  Then he removed her mask.

  Ms Amazing knew a moment of panic, but the powerful drug quickly overwhelmed any concerns she had. She returned to happily sucking and fucking, while the robber removed her choker, gloves, and boots.

  "Have fucking fun, Ms Amazing," the robber said. "You're doing an amazing job. Amazing blow job that is."

  She heard muffled laughter, but continued sucking and grinding her butt into the cock banging her from behind. That man fucking her from behind finished, she couldn't remember who it was, and another took his place, and another, and another. An endless number of faceless, horny men banged her pussy and ass, while more humped her face until blackness engulfed her.

  "Ugggh! Goddess! Uggh, pig," she groaned, when a rather large cock was shoved up her ass. That woke her up. She found herself amid a writhing, panting, sweating mass of naked humanity. Men and women were kissing and fucking all around her, and a glance over her shoulder found a jubilant Armand with a viciously lustful face fucking the shit out of her ass. "Bastard."

  She had that bitter aftertaste in her mouth of Ultra Bliss, as well as the lingering scent of the world's most powerful aphrodisiac.

  "You're not making me stop," Armand said through clenched teeth. "I've wanted to fuck you from the day I first laid eyes on you, Barbara."

  While fucking her hard and fast, Armand yanked her up by her hair, forcing Barbara to lean back into him while on her knees. While one hand roughly, rudely, and crudely explored her body, his other hand forced her face around so he could kiss her. And what a kiss. It was hungry, lusty, and passionate all at the same time.

  Barbara tried to figure out how she got there. And where she was, at that.


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