HUNTED: The Midnight Series, Book Two

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HUNTED: The Midnight Series, Book Two Page 7

by Toni Goode

  “I’m not avoiding them; I would just rather not talk about it.” She began as he sipped his beer and she did too.

  “You know most people hide things when know they are doing something that is wrong.” He began as he looked at her.

  “I’m not doing anything that is wrong.” She said with a roll of her eyes.

  “So, let me come with you. I can show you different parts of the world.” He said as she blinked in surprise.

  “You want to come with me? “She laughed a bit, but he was serious as he stood there. “I’m a rogue remember; you have a pack.” She added as she sipped more of her beer.

  “I always wondered what it would be like to go rogue. I could give it a try.” He said, and she honestly couldn’t believe his words. Was she already making a big impression on him? Was their future changing because of this?

  “You wouldn’t like it, trust me plus people look up to you. “She began as he sighed.

  “You know if you don’t want me to go then just say it.” He said with annoyance now.

  “I wasn’t expecting to have company.” She said quickly as he downed his beer and then turned from her as he walked over to the other beers sitting on the ledge. “You would be bored, and I would drive you crazy.” She added quickly as he opened another beer and glanced at her.

  “You know its rude to assume that you know what’s best for another person unless you’re a parent and last time I checked you weren’t a family member.” He said angrily, and she sighed. She didn’t want to fight with him, but she also couldn’t tell him the truth. He wouldn’t understand, and the consequences could be irreversible.

  “Can we not do this right now. We had a nice night, and this is silly to fight over.” She said honestly as he rolled his eyes angrily now as he sipped his beer. “Seriously John! God why do you have to ruin this!” She snapped now. Why couldn’t he just leave it be?

  “You know you just come into town out of nowhere and then you play with my head.” He said with annoyance.

  “I didn’t do anything. You’re the one who talked to me at the bar. I don’t have to explain myself to you John. I hate to break it to you but there is a world out there that doesn’t revolve around you.” She snapped at him as he walked over to her.

  “What are you hiding?” His words shocked her as she stood there.

  “What? Nothing. Now you just sound paranoid.” She rolled her eyes.

  “No, I think I’m right, you are hiding something. You’re not working for the council, are you?” He asked as she sighed.

  “The council? No, why would I work for them?” She said with a shake of her head.

  “Why not? They are always up to some sort of secret shit and well then there is you. Just an innocent rogue yet when I look at you, I feel something that I can’t explain.” He said seriously.

  “Wow, so you think I am a secret agent or something?” She said sarcastically.

  “I think. I think there is something.” He got closer to her and he put his beer down as she swallowed hard at the look of desire in his eyes. “You make me feel crazy.” His hand touched the side of her face. “There is something behind those blue eyes. It’s just under the surface but it’s there.” He was inches from her now as he kept his hand on her face. “Tell me you don’t feel that?” He began as his mouth moved closer to hers. “What are you doing to me?” He finished as his lips collided with hers in a heated kiss.

  The kiss deepened quickly as he pushed her against him and groaned. She was so lost in the kiss that when he pulled back, she felt her lips swollen from him. The desire in his eyes was thick and heavy, filling the air around them. His hands moved to the spaghetti straps of her dress. He slid them down her arms as the dress fell to her feet. She fought the urge to cover her exposed body, but his look was so intense. He quickly began to unbutton his silk shirt as he looked at her.

  Her hands went to his pants as she quickly began to unbutton them. His hands made short work of her bra as he unlatched it and tossed it aside as his pants fell down. He had gone commando and the sight of his erection, thick and proud as he stood there almost made her orgasm at the sight. He wrapped one arm around her as he pulled her close. He pushed down her panties as she quickly stepped out of them. Before she knew it, they were moving quickly across the roof as her back hit into a cement wall by the door. He lifted her up as her legs wrapped around his waist. He sunk into her slowly as his mouth hovered over hers and he locked eyes with her. He looked intense and serious as he pushed his length inside of her. Her moans filled the air as he filled her until she felt as though she would burst. “God you are beautiful.” He groaned before his mouth collapsed onto hers.

  They made love and it was unlike anything she had ever felt before, even in her future life. There was something special about the way he touched her body. She cried out in pleasure until she was a trembling mess of emotions as they found their release together.

  She went back to his apartment with him afterwards and they laid in bed. Neither of them speaking but both still awake. She was going to wait until he fell asleep and she was going to leave. It would be better that way, plus she would rather remember him like this. There was no reason why she should ruin a good thing, but she hated how it made her feel inside. Tomorrow she would find Clara and she would find the book in question.

  He rolled onto his side as she listened to his breathing slow down. He was falling asleep and she laid there. She waited and waited. Almost an hour had passed before he was snoring like crazy. Part of her hated to leave him like that but she knew there would be no other way. She climbed from the bed and grabbed her clothes from the floor. She took another one of his t-shirts as she got her boots on. She made her way across the room and she saw his wallet. She hated to steal from him but at the moment it was important. She glanced at him and pulled the cash from inside it. There was a hundred and sixty dollars inside. She shoved the money in her back pocket with the museum flyer. With a final look at him in the bed, she left the room.

  Briana did not know where to look for Clara. The internet was not around at the moment and she did the only thing she could as she grabbed a phone book and flipped through it. How many Clara’s could there be in New York? That is if she lived in New York back then. The white pages had hundreds of Clara’s, and she sighed with frustration as she sipped the coffee and ate her bagel. She glanced at the yellow pages; it was like the white pages but for businesses. She flipped to the letter C and she moved her finger down the numerous listings until one caught her eye. Clara the clairvoyant. Get your psychic reading today! The ad read and then a small picture was next to it. Briana’s eyes got wide as she saw a younger Clara but a Clara no less. She wanted to laugh, of course she would use the term clairvoyant to her advantage! She looked at the address and she felt her heart race dangerously fast. She was only a few towns away in Flushing, Queens.

  Briana finished her bagel and cup of coffee as she quickly got outside and hailed a cab. She held the address in her hand. It only took about thirty minutes to get to Queens from where she was. The traffic was surprisingly good, and Briana paid the cab driver as she got out. Looking across the street she saw the flashing signs in the windows. The words Tarot Cards and Spiritual Advice was flashing as Briana nervously walked across the street. It looked like a store. She could see Candles in the window as well as other spiritual items. She didn’t know why she felt so nervous, but she also didn’t know what the consequences of telling someone that she was from the future may bring. She sucked up the courage and walked into the store as a bell dinged alerting anyone of her arrival. It definitely was a store inside, like a witch’s store honestly and Briana walked over to one book.

  “Have a look around and I will be out in a second.” She heard a familiar voice as she looked at a doorway that had beads hanging. She brought her attention back to the book and she picked it up. It was a tarot reading card book. It was an impressive front, she had to admit. Everything looked really authentic and it was smok
y with incents that filled the air.

  Briana glanced at what looked like a crystal ball and she walked over to it. The inside was filled with swirling smoke, definitely a parlor trick and a good one at that.

  “That is a one of a kind crystal ball, some say that if you look hard enough you can see your own future.” Clara’s voice made her jump as she turned and looked at the much younger witch. She looked maybe 30 but she had that wisdom to her voice that made Briana wonder how old she really was. Could witches alter their own appearance? She wasn’t sure, but she wouldn’t put anything past them. “My name is Clara and you are?” She smiled as she put her hand out to Briana.

  “I’m Briana.” She shook Clara’s hand but a look on Clara’s face made her heart race. There was a recognition there and Briana pulled her hand back quick.

  “I must apologize. I forgot something I had to do. I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” Clara said with a forced smile as she walked to the door and opened it.

  “Actually, I really need to talk to you.” Briana said quickly.

  “I’m sorry, like I said. I hate to be rude, but I do need you to leave.” Clara said again this time with some agitation in her voice.

  Briana sighed heavily. “I need your help. I have no one else to go to.” She pleaded as Clara walked over to her quick.

  “You should not be here. You need to leave.” She turned, and Briana reached out and grabbed her arm.

  “Please just hear me out.” Briana raised her voice some as Clara turned white as a ghost and then roughly yanked her arm back as she rubbed it.

  “You have no soul.” Clara said with wide eyes. “You have to leave now.” She looked scared as she stared at Briana.

  “No soul? What the hell lady!” Briana snapped now as Clara backed away from her quickly.

  Clara looked around nervously. “Why are you here?”

  “Because I have a problem and I don’t know where else to go.” Briana said quickly as Clara’s hand went to her mouth and then she walked across the room as she looked back at Briana. “I’m not trying to freak you out, but I have had a really crazy 48 hours.” Briana said seriously. “And I’m sorry but I can’t leave, not until you help me.”

  Clara began to whisper something to herself as she paced back and forth. Briana walked up to her and Clara backed up quickly. “Please don’t come any closer.” She put her hand up. She looked terrified and it was beginning to really worry Briana. This woman was looking at her like she was a monster. “I do not have the help you need.” Clara added as she looked at her.

  “Great so your freaked out by me and yet you’re the witch!” Briana huffed as she shook her head.

  “Why would you say that?” Clara said as she looked at her. “Who did you speak to?”

  Briana sighed. “Listen I wish I could do this song and dance so that neither of us gets uncomfortable, but I just don’t have the time and I need to get home.” Briana said quickly.

  “Home.” Clara said quietly and then she went to the door and locked it as she pulled down the shade. She looked at Briana. “Where is your home?” She said with worry.

  “Listen I know you’re a witch and I know this will sound crazy, but my home isn’t in this time. It’s actually about twenty-eight years in the future.” She blurted out as Clara gasped and began whispering what sounded like a prayer. Was she scared of Briana? “I’m not here to hurt you ok.” Briana added.

  “Your mere existence here could have changed every person’s life you came in contact with.” Clara said with wide eyes. “My god. You could have just killed us all.” She said as she covered her mouth and walked across the room.

  Briana rolled her eyes. Seriously Clara was a bit of a drama queen. Now even though Briana didn’t know what the consequences were, she was fairly sure that it wouldn’t result in death. The thought rang in her ears, could it?

  “You’re here because You know me? Don’t answer that, I don’t want to know.” Clara said with worry as she continued to pace.

  “Listen it is not even that big of a deal ok.” Briana began but she had to admit that Clara’s reaction had her rethinking that very thing.

  “Were not meant to meddle in the past. The repercussions could be life changing.” Clara said quietly.

  “Well that’s why I am trying to get back!” Briana huffed.

  “Get back? Oh, your life as you knew it is already gone. Who knows what your new future holds?” Clara said with concern.

  “Are you kidding me? No way. I didn’t even want to be here. I swear to god I will kill that witch bitch!” Briana yelled with anger. She just wanted her life back, that’s all. Her old life not some messed up future.

  “Someone put you here?” Clara said with wide eyes.

  “Yeah that stupid bitch Selena. I will kill her!” Briana yelled angrily as Clara’s eyes got wide.

  “Who did you say? Who did this?” Clara looked even more freaked out as she stood there.

  “This witch Selena.” Briana finally lowered her voice. She would kill Selena if she had to! “Why do you know her?” Briana finally asked as Clara stood and looked at her with wide eyes. “You know her!” Briana finally said in shock.

  “She can’t know that you are here. She will kill us both.” Clara said as a knock was heard on the door and they both looked.

  The knocking got louder as a female voice was heard. “Open the god damn door Clara, I know you’re in there. I can hear you!” The female said as Briana gasped because the voice was very familiar, and she knew why. It was Selena’s!

  “You can’t say anything. She would kill you or worse. You need to hide, go in that closet. Fast.” Clara said with concern and her worry made Briana incredibly uncomfortable, but she ran over to the closet and got inside. She closed the door as Clara called out.

  “Give me a second sis.” Clara said as Briana gasped in shock. Was Selena her sister? Things just went from bad to worse as Briana stayed quietly in the closet. Her mind racing now with how this could all turn out very bad.

  Chapter Six

  Briana listened in the closet as Clara opened the door to the store. “Locking the door this early?” Selena said sarcastically and then she sniffed quickly. “Damn did you have one of those dogs back in here?” She said with a shake of her long black hair.

  “Well it is a free country. I keep my doors open to everyone.” Clara said with a forced smile.

  “Yeah, I suppose, is Frank around?” Selena said as she picked up one of the candles and smelled it as she shook her head quickly.

  “No, he went out to do some errands. Why do you need him? I’m actually on my way out too.” Clara lied.

  “Little sis is actually going out in the real world, nice.” Selena said with a grin. “God it really stinks in here. You should air the place out. Those dogs always leave their stench around!” Selena said with annoyance. “We should do lunch one of these days. It feels like forever since we have talked.”

  “Sure. I will let you know.” Clara said as she walked over to the door.

  “Ok. Let Frank know that I need him regarding a leak in my basement.” Selena said as she walked over to the door. “You know you should really liven up the place a bit. It’s depressing in here. I could have one of my girls come by and decorate properly.” She added.

  “Yeah I will let you know about that as well. “Clara said as Selena stepped out of the store. Clara stepped out too as Briana stood in the closet. How the hell were they sisters? Was it like one was good and one was bad? It sure seemed that way and Clara seemed scared of Selena. There had to be more to that story, she just knew it.

  She stayed in the closet for five minutes when the front door opened once more and then closed. The closet door swung open and Briana jumped but then saw it was Clara.

  “You can’t be here. She will know, and she won’t be happy about it.” Clara said nervously.

  “She is your sister? She’s a bitch.” Briana said honestly.

  “And she is also heavy in
to black magic, that’s how she got you here I’m sure.” Clara said with a shake of her head and then she quickly went over to a book. She picked it up and flipped it open as her eyes got wide.

  “Speaking of books, I’m looking for one called The Kamatayan.” Briana began as Clara’s eyes got wide and she backed up some. “Ok so that freaks me out, why are you looking at me like that. Your sister sent me back here to get that book. It’s like a spell book or something.” Briana said quickly.

  “That is not just a spell book. That is the book of death. Kamatayan is a Filipino word and it means death. That’s exactly what we will both be if Selena finds you here.” Clara said with worry.

  “I’m sorry what? A book of death? What the hell does that mean?” Briana said in shock.

  “That book is an ancient relic that predates Jesus himself. That book if in the wrong hands can destroy the world we know. That book is death itself.” Clara said as she began to walk around the store almost frantically. She kept picking up different books as she whispered to herself. “It’s somewhere in here, I know it is.” She said softly.

  “Do you have the book?” Briana began as Clara looked at her with a crazy look.

  “Absolutely not! I would never allow such a book to be here.” She said as she picked up another book and began to read it.

  “I think you misunderstand me. It’s just a spell book. A silly little spell book.” Briana added.

  “There is nothing silly about it at all.” Clara said with a shake of her head.

  “Well listen I need that book, Selena sent me here for it. She said it was stolen from a museum.” Briana began as Clara looked up from her book.

  “Stolen? Are you sure?” Clara said with wide eyes.

  “That’s why I am here and that is why I need to get back. That’s why I came here.” Briana began but Clara cut her off.

  “You should have never come here. Can I assume that you met me in your time?” Clara began and then she shook her head. “Don’t answer that. I don’t want to know. “


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