HUNTED: The Midnight Series, Book Two

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HUNTED: The Midnight Series, Book Two Page 17

by Toni Goode

  John got back to his place in record time and he immediately began putting his men around the bar as security detail. He told them to stay out of sight but to remain vigil as well. There was a total of five guys watching the parameter as well as following Briana. He wouldn’t let anything happen to her. He would get to the bottom of this or die trying!

  Eve had stopped by in the morning with coffee and donuts. Briana began to tell Eve of what happened the night before. Eve listened with wide eyes. “Oh my god Bree that’s horrible and you’re sure he was a vampire?” She asked in shock.

  “Unless there is something else out there with pointy fangs.” Briana shook her head as images flooded it. “But he said all this weird shit.” She continued.

  “Vampires always say weird shit. It’s like in their blood or something.” Eve shook her head.

  “I don’t know, it’s like he knew me or something and then that guy was here. I feel like I am starting to go crazy.” Briana said seriously.

  “Listen vampires have a way of getting in your head and messing things inside there.”

  “You’ve dealt with a lot of them?” Briana asked as Eve sighed.

  “A few, most of them are cool but some of them are like really weird and it’s like they get off on the pain they inflict.”

  “Well I don’t know but this one looked crazy and who is the green-eyed guy?” Briana said as images flooded her head. “It’s like I have seen him before.”

  “You did say you saw him in the park. Looks like you may have a stalker.” Eve began as Briana shook her head.

  “He doesn’t seem like he is out to do me any harm and even before the park, it’s like I have seen him before. I can’t explain it.” Briana began as Eve sighed.

  “Listen you have had one hell of an ordeal over the last month. No one would blame you for feeling like your life is spiraling out of control. The green-eyed guy seems at least somewhat helpful.”

  “I don’t know, honestly I don’t know about a lot of things anymore these days.” Briana got up and walked over to the window and looked out. She saw a man dressed in a black suit with black sunglasses on staring up at her. “Who is that?” Briana said as she looked at Eve who was rushing over and by the time, she looked back out the window the guy was gone. “I swear there was just someone there.”

  Eve looked at Briana with concern. “Listen you haven’t been sleeping well. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to talk to someone, you could have PTSD. I’ve seen it with patients especially when something traumatic happens.”

  “Or maybe I am just going crazy!” Briana said as she walked away from the window.

  “You’re not crazy Bree, you’ve been through a lot.” Eve said softly. “Maybe you went back to school too soon. Maybe you need more time.”

  “More time? I will actually go crazy if I have any more time.” Briana said sarcastically. “I just wish all the pieces fit.” She said as she sat back on the couch. “Chris said something yesterday that has me thinking.” She began as Eve’s eyes got wide.

  “Chris? As in The Chris?” Eve said with a huge smile. “Oh my god did you hang out with him!”

  “Listen it’s not even like that, we had lunch and he stopped by the bar last night.” Briana began as Eve grinned big.

  “So, when were you planning on telling me all of this. I want details.” Eve curled her feet up under herself on the couch.

  “There isn’t even much to tell. I ran into him at school and thanked him. He is a professor there by the way. An art professor.” Briana added.

  “He always looked like the book worm kind of guy, go on.” Eve said with excitement.

  “Well he isn’t exactly a book worm but still. So, we chatted a little bit.” Briana began as Eve cut her off.

  “He is pretty hot now, isn’t he? Sort of in that Clark Kent kind of way.” She smiled big.

  “As in Superman? Now I think you’re crazy.” Briana laughed a little.

  “Oh, trust me I am. I think you must be to live in this day and age. But go on. Did you kiss him?” She smirked.

  “Kiss him? We had lunch and a beer, well two beers but no. I’m not just running around kissing people.” Briana laughed some.

  Eve sighed. “Ok fine, go on. You had lunch, blah blah.” Eve rolled her eyes. “Did you at least check out his package?”

  “Eve!” Briana hit her with a pillow from the couch.

  “What?” Eve laughed.

  “Anyways I did not check out his package thank you very much, but he is nice. He talked about Quantum Theories and what not.” Briana began as Eve looked at her and then began to laugh. Briana laughed too. “Ok so it’s not every day you have conversations about quantum theories.” She continued to laugh.

  “I think that is probably the first time I have even heard those words in any sentence like ever.” Eve laughed.

  “Ok, Ok. So, it seems funny, but it actually was kind of interesting. It has to do with a parallel universe that coexists with ours.” Briana began as Eve rolled her eyes. “What? It’s interesting.” Briana added.

  “Maybe you are crazy.” Eve snorted a bit as she laughed.

  “Maybe I am.” Briana laughed a little as the girls hit each other with pillows.

  “You know I want to hear more about this tall mysterious green-eyed guy.” Eve finally said with a grin.

  “Yeah well I have absolutely nothing to go on regarding him, not even a name.” Briana shook her head.

  “Did you check out his package?” Eve smirked, and Briana turned red. “Oh my god you did!”

  “I did not.” Briana began and then she smirked. “Ok I mean not on purpose anyways.”

  “You dirty, dirty dog you! I knew we were best friends for a reason.” Eve laughed.

  “Why cause you’re a pervert!” Briana laughed.

  “It takes one to know one!” Eve laughed as she hit Briana with the pillow. The sound of her phone going off made her jump as she looked at it. “Shit, I forgot I had clinicals to do today. I got to run but we will finish this conversation off later.” Eve said as she ran over to the door and left as Briana sighed heavily. She still had no answers, if anything she had more questions now then she had before.

  John drove up to the large property with the equally large house on it. His brother Michael had done very well for himself. He was a renown surgeon. He had three nephews that he barely knew, the oldest named after his brother and he was 16. Then there was Alex who was 13 and Gabriel who was 5. Currently the five-year-old was running through the front yard as a large golden retriever chased after him.

  John got out of his truck and Gabriel stopped running as he looked at him. He hadn’t met Gabriel yet nor had he met Alex and the last time he saw Michael Jr was when he was born.

  “Oh my god, do my eyes deceive me!” Maria said as she stepped outside, and Gabriel ran over to her. John smiled softly. “Gabriel do you know who this man is?” Maria said with a smile as John walked up. “This is your Uncle John.” The small boy didn’t say anything as he looked at him. “God it’s great to see you John.” Maria finally hugged him tight. “Michael will be thrilled to know you stopped by.” She said as she pulled back.

  “Oh, he is not home?” He said quickly.

  “Not until later, please come in. It’s just me and Gabe at the moment, the other boys are out.” She began as Gabriel kept looking at him.

  “Hey little man.” John put his hand out to him, but Gabriel just shook his head and then walked in the house.

  “He isn’t much of a talker.” Maria said as they stepped into the house. She kicked a soccer ball out of the way. “Don’t mind the mess. I would love to say that it doesn’t always look like this, but it does.” She smirked as she led him into the kitchen. “Coffee?”

  “Sure.” John said as he looked at some pictures on the wall of the boys. “I can’t believe how big they are, Mikey Jr looks just like Michael when he was that age.” John said with a shake of his head. Seriously Mikey Jr looked exactly like Michael. It wa
s odd to see a smaller version of his brother. “Great looking kids.” John finished as Maria smiled.

  “Thanks, they have good genes.” She handed John a black cup of coffee. He sipped it as he looked around the large kitchen. His little brother had really done it. He had the American Dream. Part of him felt jealous as he stood there. John had wanted a family at one point but that was quickly squashed with the rest of his hopes and dreams. “So how have you been, you look good? Are you hungry?”

  “I’ve been good, just was in the neighborhood.” He began as he sipped the coffee.

  “You haven’t come around since Michael Jr was born. Besides the cards and presents for the boys, well you just disappeared.” She said honestly as she looked at him. There was a bit of anger behind her words plus sadness. “Are you in trouble?”

  “What? No.” John put the coffee cup down as he watched Gabriel come in the kitchen and look at him.

  “Why don’t you go play honey and maybe Uncle John will play catch with you later.” She said as the small boy left the room. “Why are you here John, cut the bullshit. You have stayed away for years.” She began as he sighed.

  “I didn’t mean to.” He said as he ran a hand through his hair. “Life happened.” He added.

  “Changing careers and making babies is how life happens, not dropping off the face of the earth and leaving your brother to wonder if you are even alive. Every time he gets a card for the boys from you, he knows that at least you’re still alive somewhere.” She said angrily as she stood up now.

  “I needed time.” John finally said as she turned and faced him. She had tears in her eyes.

  “Well your brother needed you.” She said as he stood up now. “I’m glad that you stopped by but unless you are planning on making yourself a permanent fixture in the boy’s life then I would rather you just leave now.”

  The sound of the front door opening was heard and then Gabriel could be heard yelling in excitement. “Daddy! Daddy!” John turned and looked from the kitchen as Michael high fived Gabriel before looking up and staring at John in shock.

  “Hey Gabe, why don’t you get that new model car, so we can work on it after dinner.” Michael said as the small boy ran off and Michael walked into the kitchen. Maria looked at John and then walked out of the kitchen as Michael walked in. “Wow so you are alive.” Michael said dryly as he walked to the fridge and grabbed two beers. He held one out to John who took it.

  Chapter Fourteen

  John looked at his younger brother who looked a bit older now but not by much. His face had more lines on it. “So, are you running from the law?” Michael asked dryly as John rolled his eyes.

  “No, I should have come around a lot sooner.” John began as Michael just stared at him.

  “Then what do you need.” Michael sipped his beer.

  “I didn’t come here because I needed something.” John began even though he knew that was a lie.

  “John the last time I saw you, you came to the hospital piss ass drunk when my first son was born. You made a huge scene and then if I remember correctly you told me take my degree and shove it up my ass.” Michael said as he shook his head. “So, you’re not drunk but you want something.”

  “Can’t I just want to see my baby brother.” John began as Michael laughed now.

  “John let’s face it, you don’t give a shit about anyone but yourself and you barely take care of yourself, so? Oh, I did see that your strip club in Atlanta got rave reviews so congrats on that.” Michael said sarcastically.

  “You know what Michael. I’m not perfect ok but you’re the one acting as if you’re too good to be in the same room as me.” John snapped at him.

  “That’s because I am. You threw away everything and then you disappeared and then you were back. Each time you were just a little bit shitter than the last time.” Michael shook his head. “So, what the hell do you want this time cause I sure as hell know that it isn’t for a nice family reunion.”

  “Fine, maybe I need help.” John began as Michael rolled his eyes.

  “And there it is. God you’re so predictable!” Michael walked across the room. “If it’s the cops I’m not hiding you out. I’m letting you know that right now. I have a life and a reputation.” Michael began, and John cut him off.

  “I think I am going crazy.” John finally blurted out and Michael looked at him and laughed now. He laughed hard. “This isn’t funny Michael. I’m serious.” John snapped.

  “You probably are going crazy John. You’re a narcissist and an egomaniac.” Michael began. “I would have expected it much sooner you know with all the drugs and what not.”

  John slid his phone across the table as he cut off his brother. “Who does that look like?”

  Michael glanced at his phone and rolled his eyes. “Just look at the god damn picture.” John snapped as Michael picked up the phone and looked at it.

  “I don’t know, some girl. She isn’t pregnant, is she?” Michael said sarcastically.

  “You know you can be a real ass sometimes Michael. Just look at the picture and tell me who it looks like.” John said again as Michael rolled his eyes and looked at the picture.

  “Ok a red-haired girl. She is over 18, right? She looks young.” Michael said with a shake of his head.

  “Jesus, give that back to me.” John snatched the phone back from his brother. “I think it’s her, ok. “

  “Her? Her who? “Michael said quickly as he looked at his brother with confusion.

  “Briana god damn it! I swear it’s her.” John began as Michael shook his head.

  “Ok fine, then it’s Briana, is that her name? So, what would you like me to do with that information?” Michael said sarcastically but before John could say anything Maria walked back in the kitchen.

  “Did you say Briana? Where? How?” She asked with wide eyes as she snatched the phone from John.

  “Ok so apparently I’m the odd one out. Who is this chick and how would you know her?” Michael said to his wife Maria.

  “Briana, remember back in like the early 90’s. The red head, the one that started this whole crazy revolution we have today.” Maria said quickly.

  “It was 1990 to be exact.” John took the phone from Maria. “Is that her?” He asked seriously.

  “But she died.” Maria said softly.

  “Oh, I remember now, that was the crazy red head who killed all of those people. She is dead, isn’t she?” Michael shook his head.

  John felt his blood boiling with anger. “She wasn’t crazy, she was drugged or something. It was those god damn witches!” John snapped.

  “Probably for the best that she is dead then. I mean she did go on a rampage.” Michael said, and John jumped at him and grabbed him by the collar on his shirt. “See that’s the brother I know and love.” Michael said dryly, and John roughly shoved him as he quickly left the room.

  John was infuriated, he should have never gone there to see his brother. There was a reason why he had stayed away. He left out the front door as Maria called out for him. He kept walking.

  “John, just wait ok.” She said as he stopped by the door of his truck. “It does look like her.” She said softly, and he turned and faced her.

  “I don’t know why he does this every single time. I get it that I’ll never receive the brother of the year award, but I was going through shit and he never wanted any part of it. I was just supposed to suck it up.” John said as he ran a hand through his hair.

  “You loved her.” Maria said softly and then she sighed. “Let me see what I can find out for you, are you staying in town?”

  “I’m over in Sheppardsville, here’s my cell.” He said as he reached into his truck and grabbed a pen as he jotted down the numbers on a napkin. He handed it to her.

  “Ok. Just stay out of trouble. I will do some research.” She said with a quick hug and then she was heading back inside. John got into his truck and left.

  Briana began to get the bar ready for customers. The place wasn�
��t quite open yet as she wiped down the tables. The sound of the bell going off, alerting her to a customer made her turn. There he was. Mr. Green Eyes himself. She froze for a moment, not knowing if she was dreaming or not.

  “Are you open?” He asked as she blinked a bit in shock at him.

  “Um, yeah, sort of. “She said as she began to fumble with her words. He was really there. She wiped her hands on her jeans as he walked over to the bar and sat down. “The food isn’t ready yet, but I could get you a beer.” She finally said nervously as she walked around. He was even better looking than she remembered.

  “A beer would be great.” He said as he watched her. He couldn’t get over the fact of how much she looked like his Briana. She put a beer on the counter, and he reached for it, their hands touched for a moment.

  She pulled her hand back quick. It was like an electric charge ran through her arm. She looked back at her hand and then went to say something, but he did too, and she laughed nervously.

  “No, go on.” He said, and she shook her head.

  “No, you first. I shouldn’t have cut you off.” She said as she quickly looked away but then he was just staring at her. It was intimidating. “You were here the other night, weren’t you?” She blurted out.

  “I was.” He said as he sipped his beer and she swallowed hard. So maybe she wasn’t going crazy after all.

  “Have we met before?” She asked and before he could answer people came through the door being loud. They came over to the bar before he could answer and soon, they were all ordering drinks. He moved from the bar to a table across the room.

  John watched as she made drinks for the customers, soon the entire place was filled. She walked over to him with another beer in hand. John leaned back in the chair and she smiled as she came over.

  “I can keep the beers coming if you want.” She said as she swallowed hard.

  “If that means I can talk to you for a few minutes each time then keep them coming.” He smirked at her and she swallowed hard again. Was he flirting with her? It seemed like he was. Did she know him from somewhere? She had to; he was looking at her as if he knew her. His eyes drifted over her body in a seductive gaze and she handed him the beer. His fingers grazed hers for a moment.


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