HUNTED: The Midnight Series, Book Two

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HUNTED: The Midnight Series, Book Two Page 21

by Toni Goode

  John was out of it as Briana pulled up. The wound on his arm was nearly healed now as she got out of the car and walked over to the passenger side. She opened the door as he groaned some. “John we’re here. You need to get up.” Briana said as his eyes opened some and he smiled drunkenly at her as he moved. He got out of the car and stumbled forward some as she quickly grabbed his heavy arm. She put it over her shoulder as they walked.

  “You are so beautiful.” He slurred as he looked at her and she shook her head with embarrassment. He was literally naked as the day he was born and hitting on her. She wouldn’t have believed someone if they had told her that this would be happening to her. “You can’t hate me.” He continued.

  “Let’s just get you inside, ok.” She said quickly as they got to the door. A petite Hispanic woman opened the door. She looked like a maid. Her eyes drifted over his naked form as she gasped some. “Can you help me get him to his bedroom.” Briana said as the maid grabbed his other arm and then proceeded to mumble a prayer in Spanish. Sana sana colita de rana, si no sanas hoy, sanarás mañana

  She led them to a bedroom on the first floor and Briana was happy that they weren’t going to have to climb the stairs that she had seen. His place was enormous. How did he have a place in her town? She had so many questions but now wasn’t the time to ask them. The bedroom they walked into was large and had a king size bed in it. The maid quickly pulled back covers as Briana helped him to sit on the bed. He smiled at her again as the maid left the room in a hurry.

  “You need to get sleep.” Briana said as his eyes closed some and she turned from him, but he reached out and grabbed her wrist. She went to say something, but he pulled her hard and she fell forward onto the bed. Onto him as he groaned.

  “Don’t go. Stay. Please.” He said as she tried to get up. She was half laying on him and half on the bed.

  “I can’t stay.” Her words came out as a whisper as she looked at him. He looked so lost and so damn sexy. She knew that she needed to leave. She had to. Staying there would not help anything.

  “Stay.” He said again as his breathing slowed and his eyes closed.

  Briana sighed as she leaned up on one arm. He was still holding her wrist and her eyes glanced down his body and then quickly up as she pulled the blanket over him. He looked so god damn pathetic laying there. She told herself she would just lay there until that wound had completely healed. It was the least she could do, right? She shifted her body so that she was next to him. He was snoring now as she laid her head onto the pillow and just watched him.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Briana eventually fell asleep next to John. She was so exhausted and pulled in so many different directions that she couldn’t push off sleep even if she wanted to. It was close to 2 am when she woke up to the feeling of John’s arm draped over her body as she laid on her side. She could also feel his warm body against her backside. He was essentially spooning her as he laid there naked and it didn’t take her long to feel his erection pressed against her.

  He pulled her closer against him as he groaned, and her eyes shot open now. She could feel his body engulfing hers and she would be lying if she didn’t admit that he felt good. Too good actually as she allowed her body to sink back into his.

  John woke up to the feeling of a soft body next to his. Pressed against him to be exact. When he opened his eyes, he saw red hair. For a moment he was confused as to where he was and who was in bed with him but then he inhaled her scent. His body grew even harder in anticipation.

  He couldn’t quite remember how they ended up in bed. He had drunk an entire bottle of Whiskey and then Steele took off. John had gone for a run even though he knew that wasn’t the best of ideas considering the amount of alcohol in his system. He remembered seeing a car and he remembered hitting the ground. His body was still sore from the impact and then there she was.

  He used his arm to pull her even closer to him and a groan left his mouth. His hand moved up from her stomach to her breasts. They fit perfectly in his large hands and he couldn’t help as he squeezed against one. He was rewarded with a soft moan from her.

  Briana could barely contain herself as his hand roamed over her breasts. She tried to tell herself that this was the king of all bad mistakes. He was a womanizer. She was better than that, but his body and his hand felt so good she couldn’t think straight. She moved some, but he kept a tight grip on her and then she felt his mouth coming onto the back of her neck. He pushed her hair aside as he leaned up on his side now. His mouth moved to the side of her neck as he licked and sucked against her skin. Her hand moved on top of his and she slid it down her body. She was at a loss of words as desire rushed through her at an alarming rate. She felt her body tingle and the ache between her legs was almost unbearable.

  His hand moved with a purpose as it slid between her legs and a soft moan left her mouth. She was still fully dressed as his hand moved underneath her jeans and then lower. His mouth was still on her neck as he used one of his legs to anchor hers up and on top of his. This simple movement granted him access to where she wanted him most and he growled against the sensitive flesh of her neck as his fingers slid into her wet depths.

  Briana was losing all control of her body as his fingers entered her. She nearly orgasmed right then and there but then he was shifting his body some as he used his other hand to move head. Before she knew it, she was on her back. His fingers were torturing her body and now his mouth was collapsing on hers. He kissed her hungrily as his fingers kept up a steady rhythm. His body was impossibly hard as he kissed her passionately.

  Briana felt her body so close to release that she couldn’t help but rock her hips against his hand. He groaned into her mouth as he kissed her deeper. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to keep this up much longer. His body was literally ready to explode but he also knew that sex with her would probably end up with her being hurt. He couldn’t risk that and so he brought her to her release as she cried out in pleasure.

  Briana’s breathing was dangerously fast. She knew she wanted him, needed him as she began to unbutton her jeans. His hand moved out from between her legs and he pulled her hand back as she gasped in surprise. It was dark in the room, but she could make out as his silhouette. He shook his head at her.

  “Please.” Her words were pleading. “I need you.” She pulled his mouth against hers and they kissed with a raw intensity that had her moaning into his mouth again. Her hands trailed over his back and then she reached down to his ass as she grabbed him.

  John growled deep as her hands traveled over his body. He wanted her so bad that he could barely stand it anymore. He had only ever slept with one other mortal and the outcome left her nearly dead. He wouldn’t risk that with Briana even if it meant denying himself.

  Her hand moved between their bodies and when she grabbed hold of his achingly hard manhood. He nearly lost it as he kissed her more urgently.

  Briana was absolutely losing her mind as she stroked against him. She didn’t know why he wouldn’t just get on top of her and take her right then and there! But his kiss was so distracting. All she could do was kiss him back and stroke his hard length. She wanted him inside of her so bad that her body ached desperately.

  He rocked his body against her hand as she stroked him harder and faster. He mimicked the movements with his tongue as he kissed her with a wild hunger. He felt his release so close and his hand quickly moved back into her jeans as his fingers dove inside of her. She cried out immediately as her orgasm came hard and swift. His did to as he growled deep into her mouth as her hand continued to stroke him and then he was pulling back from her swollen lips.

  The room may be dark, but he could see her with his vision. She was so damn sexy. He was getting hard all over again. She would be the death of him. He quickly got up from the bed and went into the bathroom to clean himself up as Briana sat up in the bed wondering what the hell had just happened?

  Briana had never lost control like that before and as reality came cr
ashing back down, she felt overwhelmed with everything. She was in his place. In his bed. What the hell was she thinking. She quickly got up and rushed out of the room. She needed to get home. She needed to clear her head and so she left without saying a word.

  By the time John got out of the shower he had seen that she was gone. He wanted to yell in frustration. He still had so many unanswered questions about her, but he knew it was her. How was that even possible? He had no idea, but he knew it was her. He was 99.9% sure of it.

  Briana got home in a hurry and her mind was still clouded as to what had taken place. Her mother hadn’t called her, so she assumed no news was good news.

  She took a shower once she got home. Her mind was still on John and it was actually a bit funny how she had done the exact opposite of what she had said she would do. She wanted to tell Eve but then what? God, she hated that she was so weak when it came to him. He was just a stranger but then there was that feeling she got around him not to mention her mind still had odd images floating around. What did they all mean?

  Briana stopped at the hospital on her way to school. There still was no change with her father. His family was going to be in town soon and Briana worried about how that family reunion would go. She knew nothing about these people. She also worried about how her father would react to seeing his siblings again.

  School went on though and it was a nice distraction from everything going on in her life. She put herself deep into the books as she sat in two classes, but her mind kept going to John. He had said something to her that had been sticking with her. It made no sense; he had said that he couldn’t lose her again? He said it as if he had lost her previously and she didn’t know how that would have been possible considering she had only just met him not to long ago. Then there were the images, the god damn images that haunted her. They were images that seemed to be burned in her mind even though they didn’t make sense. How could something seem so real and yet it wasn’t?

  Her mind was distracted as she walked out of class. She nearly bumped into Chris in the hallway. He looked concerned as he closed in the distance between them. “I heard about your father. I had gone by the bar last night. Is he ok?” He said with worry.

  “Thanks, he is still fighting.” She said softly.

  “Are you done with classes? Want to grab lunch?” He asked as she shook her head.

  “Yeah I’m done with them, but I really need to get to the hospital, so my mom can have a break.” She said honestly.

  “Yeah I completely agree, let me walk you to your car.” He smiled softly as they began to walk.

  “How’s your artwork coming along.” She spoke to break the awkward silence.

  “Pretty good, I am working on a new piece. Maybe I could show you when I am done.” He said with a smile.

  “That would be great.” She said as they got outside but then she saw John out there and for a moment her heart skipped a beat. Why did he always have to look so god damn amazing? He was casual in jeans and a dark blue button-down shirt, but his hair looked un-tamed and wild, just like him.

  “What is he doing here? Do you need me to get security?” Chris asked as she looked at him and shook her head.

  “No, it’s fine. Thanks for walking me out here Chris. I will handle this.” She said as she continued to walk over towards John as Chris stood and watched. “What are you doing here?” She snapped at John as she walked up to him.

  “Why is he always hanging around? Is he like your personal walking buddy?” John said sarcastically as he glared at Chris who gave it right back at him. John looked at Briana. He wanted to grab her and claim her in front of everyone so there would be no question as to who she belongs with.

  “He’s a friend and honestly it’s none of your business. Why are you here?” She tried to stand strong but the attraction to him was undeniable.

  “A friend? Are you sure he knows that?” John began and then he looked at Chris. “Keep walking buddy, trust me there isn’t anything here for you!” He called out and laughed some.

  “Seriously! Stop that!” She huffed as he looked at her.

  “Sorry, I don’t like him.” John shrugged his shoulders.

  “Well you don’t even know him.” Briana rolled her eyes. “Listen I am running late as it is.” She tried to walk past him, but he got in front of her.

  “I want to see you again.” He said seriously as he looked at her.

  “I can’t, we can’t. Last night, was a mistake.” She said in a voice that was lower than she intended.

  “No, it wasn’t.” He said matter of factly as he looked at her.

  “I don’t have time for this.” She went to walk past him, and he got in her way again. She sighed heavily.

  “I need you.” He said as he reached out and held onto her wrist.

  “What? No. You don’t even know me.” She said as she went to pull her wrist back, but he held on. Her heart was racing fast. His words were making her body ache something awful. What was happening to her? She barely knew this man and what she did know wasn’t anything to brag about. He was wrong for her.

  “Ok, good point. Let me take you out so I can get to know you.” He said with a sexy grin that had her looking away. Why did he have to be so damn good looking and so sexy!

  “I’m busy.” She said quickly as he licked his lips and stepped closer to her. “I have to work.” She swallowed hard and he continued to step closer to her.

  “After work then.” He closed in the distance between them. “Just one date and then if you still feel the same way then I will disappear.” He smirked. Briana rolled her eyes at him. “Worried that you will find me irresistible?” He grinned as he brought up the wrist that he was holding, and he kissed it seductively as she gasped some.

  “Fine, if it will get you to leave me alone.” She forced the words out as she pulled her wrist back now and he smiled. “I’m only doing this, so you will know I am not interested ok. I have done my research on you.” She added quickly.

  He smiled as he stood there. He could see he was affecting her. He was so close to having her to himself, he could almost taste her. “So 2 am it is.” He grinned.

  “2:30.” She said quickly, and he smiled bigger.

  “I can’t wait. “He grinned as he walked past her, and she stood there with her body trembling in anticipation. What had she just agreed upon? She quickly got to her car and left. He probably wouldn’t even show up tonight, she was sure of it and then she would have her answer. It would be simple. He was no good for her and she would prove that tonight!

  Briana got to the hospital and she changed places with her mother. Her father was in and out of consciousness. It wasn’t a good sign according to the doctors. Briana sat next to him and held his hand. He looked like he had aged at least ten years. She hated seeing him like that. He looked frail and weak as he laid there with all the tubes on him. She rubbed his hand as she spoke softly. “Hey Dad. Mom is getting really worried about you and you know how she gets all crazy. So now would be a really good time to come back to us.” She said softly as her eyes began to fill with tears. “We really need you dad. I need you.” She leaned her head down next to his hand as she cried softly. The feeling of his hand moving against hers made her look up and she gasped as she saw him staring at her with wide confused eyes. “Dad!” She couldn’t hold back her excitement as she hugged him, and he coughed some.

  “Alright pumpkin, you’re going to kill your old pop.” Her dad said as she pulled back. Tears streaming down her face now as she looked at him.

  “Oh, Dad we thought we were going to lose you.” She cried as he used his free hand to wipe some of her tears.

  “Lose me? I didn’t make it through two wars to let a little hiccup do me in.” He said with a smile and she laughed through tears now. “I’m not going anywhere pumpkin, not for a long time.” He said as she hugged him again.

  By the time Briana go to work, word had already gotten around about her father’s recovery and Charles had shots li
ned up on the counter. “I hereby give everyone here a shot as a salute to Briana’s father Frank who has made it through a quadruple bypass surgery and is looking to live another day with us sorry ass folk. Here’s to Frank!” He held up a shot glass as the customers that were there all grabbed a shot.

  “To Frank!” They all said in unison as they drank, and Briana smiled big as she hugged Charles.

  “Your family is my family darling!” Charles said as everyone cheered.

  Briana couldn’t get the stupid grin off of her face as she worked that night. The doctors had said that if her father continues to do well that he would be discharged by the end of the week and she couldn’t wait for that. Her mother was already planning a welcome home party. He still had no idea that his siblings would be showing up any day now, but it was about time. They had carried on the fighting for way too long as it was, and life is too short for all of that.

  Briana was so distracted that she hadn’t noticed that Eve had come in. She ran over to the bar with a huge smile. “Oh my god Bree, I heard about your dad! I am so happy. See I told you he would be ok!” Eve said with a huge smile.

  “He sounds so good too.” Briana said with a smile.

  “I am totally going to the party at your parents place.” Eve grinned, and Briana handed her a beer as she took a sip. “So, what else has been going on?” Eve smirked as she raised an eyebrow. For a moment Briana thought she knew about John. She began to blush some. “Oh my god that good. You know I like Chris a lot. He is a bit on the dorky side, but he is really funny!” Eve grinned as Briana shook her head.

  “What? No. I’m not like with Chris like that.” Briana said quickly as Eve tilted her head some.

  “No? Then what was that smirk about?” Eve said with shock and then her eyes got wide. “Oh Bree, are you not telling me something?” She asked suspiciously.


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