USDA Food Safety Information
Highly recommended email reminder service sends e-mails From freezer cooking to pantry storage, get tips on safe to your inbox or smartphone.
cooking and food storage practices.
Green living
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Big Green Purse
This site provides food safety facts and tips, information A site aimed at changing women’s shopping habits,
on food labelling, and food recalls.
identifying environmentally safe, socially responsible products and services at affordable prices.
Green Home offers holiday organizing tips, free
printable holiday planner forms, easy craft gifts, recipes, and Comprehensive online resource for making your home or gift ideas. Get organized for a great holiday season!
business greener, supplying environmentally friendly products and offering advice and information.
The Green Guide
Craigslist is the grand-daddy of online classified ad sites.
Drill down to your local Craigslist listings to find values for Get the information you need to live green at home with donated items or to advertise de-cluttered items for sale.
articles and resources from National Geographic. Use the Home and Garden guide to make green choices for every Consumer Council of Canada
room in your home.
Provides consumers with financial service information, including credit reports and consumer-protection issues.
bedding bundles 193
child-friendly solutions 206
control of allergens 171
abrasive cleaner 53, 65
decluttering 190
artwork by 209, 227
abrasive scrubbing pads 62
bedrooms 34
book storage 45
Action Files (paper management) 225,
cleaning 197
and chores 70, 71
226, 228
control of allergens in 171
clothing archive 135
activity centers 34, 40, 41, 43
decluttering 196–197
clothing needs 124
see also individual centers
organizing 198–199
teaching to clean 70–1
address books 75, 85
STOP clutter 196–197
children’s rooms 206–207
ads 93
beds 170–1
decluttering 204–205
aerosols 67
beginner’s pantry 118, 119
choice, and cleaning 51
all-purpose cleaner 52
bills 222, 223, 225
Chuck-it Bucket (paper
homemade recipe for 55
books, storing/organizing 45, 212–213
handling) 223
allergens, control of (bedroom) 171
boxes, for decluttering 21
circuit box 174
ammonia, non-sudsing 55
breakfast requirements, keeping
Classic Files (archive papers) 228
appliances, small kitchen 103
together 106
classified ads 28
see also electrical appliances
brick, care of 158
clean enough, standards 49, 50–51
aprons, for cleaning 57, 63
brooms 59
Clean Extreme 51
archives 228
Clean Sweep declutter method 24
arts and crafts 34, 214–215
Clean Up Time, weekly 70
arts and crafts activity
calendar 73, 75, 86, 87
cleaning 13, 41, 49, 65, 68–9
center 41
clothing to wear while 57, 63, 64
artwork 209, 227
caring for 163–164
kitchen 108–111
deep-cleaning 164
schedules 68
catalogs 34, 213
special surfaces 158
bags, reusing 10
centers 34, 40, 41, 43
teaching children how to 70–71
baking soda 54, 55
see also individual centers
top tips from the pros 64–5
Banishment Candidates 216
ceramic tiles 164
walls 156–157
Basic Files (paper management)
care of 158
see also individual entries
change/changing 34
cleaning cloths 57, 145
basic skills 12
behavior 14, 15, 28
cleaning products 52–3
bath bundles 193
gradual, and children 70
the Big Four 65
habits 83
homemade/green 54–5, 67, 108,
cleaning 62, 188–189
chaos 10, 39
110, 188
decluttering 184–185
charity 28
ones to avoid 67
STOP clutter 185
checklists (daily, monthly, seasonal,
saving money on 53, 54
storage in 186–187
weekly) 73, 74, 76–7
cleaning tools 57, 145
bathroom cleaners 52, 53, 57, 62
household systems 175
choosing 58–9
bedding 192
dusting 60–61
clutter personalities 14, 30–31, 34–5,
disaster plan 176–177
wet cleaning 62–3
133, 197
dishwashers 173
cleaning totes 57, 62
see also individual personalities
disorder 10
closets 215
collections, and clutter 32
disposable wipes 53, 189
decluttering 128–131
compact fluorescent light bulbs
organizing 130
(CFLs) 175
drawer 46, 133
clothes closet
composting 102
Family Notebook 84, 85, 86–7
decluttering 128–131
computer games 29
document shredders 220
organizing 130–133
consignment stores 28, 127
documents, how long to
planning 124–125
cooking activity center 104–105, 107
keep 230
STOP clutter 128–129
cooking for the freezer 95
Drawer-a-Day declutter
clothes moths 135
correspondence basket 41
method 24
clothing 13, 123
cosmetics 184, 186, 187
drawers 46, 133
buying quality 126–127
crafts 34, 214–215
dressers 133, 206
care labels 146
cutting boards 111
dry-cleaning clothes 137
care and maintenance 136–139
cycles of home keeping 12, 13
dry-room cleaning 60–61
decluttering/STOP clutter
dry suds 170
drying laundry 143, 149
dry-cleaning 137
daily cleaning checklist (s
ample) 68
dust mites 171
inventories 124
Daily Do-Its 76
dusting 60–61
mending clothes 41, 138–139
sample Morning/Evening
fine wood furniture 166, 169
planning 124–125
checklists 76
using the vacuum for 59, 164
recycling 145
daily to-do lists 81
dust cloths 60
saving money on 127
dander 171
duvets, putting on cover
storage of 130–131, 133
decision-making 21
swapping 29, 127
declutter buddy 15
see also seasonal storage
decluttering 12, 24
clutter 10, 19, 180–181
see also individual entries
electric blankets 203
causes of 19
deferred decision-making 20, 226
electrical appliances 174–175
clearing 20–23
deferrer personalities 30, 133
electrostatic dry cleaning
clutter-busting tips 227
defrosting do’s and don’ts 114–115
cloths 61
reducing paper 222–223
degreaser 52, 62, 65
emergency information 85
selling 28, 32, 213
deodorizers 102
emotions 31
stopping it coming
detergent 143, 149
energy costs, reducing 175
back 28–9
dinners, planning menus 92
entertainment systems 41
whole house 24
direct marketing preference services 213
entryway, decluttering 183
clutter consultants 34, 35
dirt 10
Evening Do-It Checklist 76, 77
clutter magnet areas 180
Dirt Dodger 51
Evening Pick-up/Sweep 27, 207
folding techniques 143, 193, 194–195
fabric care 146–147
habit buddy 83
washing/drying guidelines 147
back-up products 118, 119
habits 12, 28, 74, 82–3, 94
fabric protection 167
shopping for 93, 96–7, 118
where to start? 82
fabric softener 54, 55, 143
storage guidelines for 98–9, 117,
hangers 46, 131, 134, 206
green 149
hanging files 45
and sheets 193
see also menu planning
hard-surface floors 164
food ads 93
hardwood floors 164
and cleaning plans 65
food preparation surfaces 111
health center 187
clutter, dealing with 34–5
freezer 95, 101, 115–116
heating systems 175
and household organization 40
cleaning 115
heirloom clutter 32–3
put-away time 27
cooking for the 95
hoarders 30, 186
teamwork 34, 49, 50, 65
decluttering 114–117
hobbies 34, 214–215
see also Launch Pads
food storage guidelines 95, 117
home library 212–213
family calendar 73, 75, 86, 87
inventories 116
homeless household items 28
family disaster plan 176–177
STOP clutter 115
homework activity center 41
family information center 73, 75, 86, 87
freezer bags 95, 115
hooks 46
see also Household Notebook
fridges 112–113
household filing system 228–231
family organizer see Household
Front Door Forward declutter
Household Notebook 75, 84–7
method 24
dividers in 84, 85, 86–7
family room
frozen pipes 172–173
household storage plan
decluttering 210
furniture care 166–167, 169
STOP clutter 210
farmers’ markets 97
fear of letting go 32
garage sales 28, 127
identity clutter 33
feather dusters 61
garbage bags, for clutter 21
infant clothing 29
files/filing 45
garbage cans 104
information center/resource 73, 75,
paperwork 222, 223, 225, 226
GFCIs 174
86, 87
setting up household systems 228–231
glass 52, 55, 62
see also Household Notebook
financial issues and clutter 32
cleaning 159
Information Central (paper
fine wood furniture 166–167, 169
glass cleaner 65
handling) 220
first aid center 187
homemade recipe for 55
inherited clutter 32–3
first aid kit 177
good enough 70
ironing 146, 147
first steps 14
granite, care of 158
how to avoid 153
fix-it desk activity center 41
green cleaners 54–5, 108, 110, 188
top tips for 152–153
flexibility 35
greeting cards 227
ironing boards 152
flip-files 45, 207
groceries see food
floor care 161, 163–164
grooming 41, 184, 187
shoes-off policy 161, 164
grout, cleaning 62
junk drawer 22, 34
floor cleaners 58–9
gum, gunk, and goo remover 53
junk mail 10, 222, 227
maintenance routines 69, 175, 207
mailing options 228
keepsakes 31
makeup 186, 187
planning systems 79
manuals, product 227
oosouji 29
activity centers/organizing 43,
marble, care of 158
organic bedding 203
Master To-Do lists 74, 80–81
Organize clutter 20, 22
cleaning 52, 62, 108–111
maternity clothing 29
organized function 39
storage 102–103
mats 161
organizing 12, 39, 44–5
tools/equipment 43, 107
mattresses 170–171
products for 46
meal centers, in refrigerator 113
rules of 40
labeler, electronic 223
meal planning see menu planning
other people’s clutter 34–5
labels 44, 45
meal preparation 77, 95
out-of-place belongings 27
in the clothes closet 133
mementos 31
outdoor clothing activity center 41
on frozen food 95, 115
memories 31, 33
ovens 108, 175
graphic, for children 207
mending clothes 41, 138–139
paperwork file folders 230–231
menu planning 91, 92–5
lambswool dusters 60
basics/tips 93–4
packaging 10
Launch Pads 28, 183
flexibility 94
paint 203
laundry 142–143, 149, 187
routine 94
panic clutter 190
activity center 41, 140–141
microwave oven 110
pantry 118–119
product storage 140
mind clutter 74
building, on a budget 121
schedules 140
mini-vac 59
storage guidelines 119, 120–121
see also fabric care
mirrors 52, 55, 62
paper handling/paperwork 13, 45, 75,
laundry baskets 140
Moderate Mopper 51
85, 209
leaks 172
mops 58–9
Action File (daily) 225, 228
least-used items 44
Morning Do-It Checklist 76–7
activity center 41, 220
leather furniture 166
morning habits 82, 207
dealing with clutter 226–227
leftovers 101, 113
most-used items 44
document types 228, 230–231
lemon juice 54, 55
multi-surface cleaner 65
speedy 222–223
library 212–213
storage of 220
lighting 175, 200
paper towels 61
lime and scale remover 53, 63
neat, keeping things 44
party equipment 29
linen closet 44, 194–195
newspapers 28, 227
pegs 46
decluttering 192–193
No-Buy-It Diet 28–9
Penicillin declutter method 24
linoleum floors 164
perfectionist personalities 31, 133
little and often 68
personal care centers 187
one-in, one-out 28
personal planner 75, 84–7
one step at a time 21, 24
dividers in 84, 85, 86–7
magazines 34, 45, 46, 213, 227
personal solutions 14
Magic Minimum 69
auctions 28, 32, 127, 212, 213
photograph surplus clutter 31
mail 226, 227
bill-paying 223
Pick-up Time 70, 207
place for everything 28, 40
speed cleaning 64
planning an organized home
safety supplies, basic 200
spills, on carpets 163
13, 73
safety tips, electrical 174–175
sponge mops 58
activity centers 41
sanitation 110
sports equipment 29
four tools for 74–5
sanitizing cleaner 62, 63, 111
spot-remover, carpet 163
planning family menus 91, 92–5
scarcity thinking 32
spray bottles 57
plumbing systems 172–173
scheduling 41, 80
spray cleaners 52
polish 167
scouring powder 53
homemade recipe for 55
possessions no longer used 33
scrapbooking 31
spring-cleaning 68
power strips 175
Cut the Clutter Page 30