Safe Under Protection

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Safe Under Protection Page 9

by Holla Dean

  Russ chuckled, “Let’s just call it a first customer bonus. Don’t worry, I know how to charge for the work I do.”

  His eyes had been wandering all over the store looking at the various items. On one wall was an armoire with its doors open and hanging inside were all kinds of whips, crops, straps, and even some things he’d never seen before.

  Quincy said, “Would you like to take a look at our vintage spanking implements? Some of them are very nice. Your wife might enjoy a good girl spanking with an old soft leather implement.”

  “Uh…not right now.” He stumbled over his words thinking Quincy must not have heard that he and Debi were not into spanking. Then again, he’d just spanked his wife for the first time a few hours ago.

  Somewhat confused and wanting to get out of there, he added, “I’m sure Debi will have dinner waiting for me soon.”

  “Well, stop in any time. And thank you so much for the quick service.”

  Russ left quickly and headed home. His work phone rang and when he picked it up, it was his mentor, Jason.

  “Russ, I just wanted to ask you if you’d like to come down to the man cave tonight. Maybe shoot some pool or just hang out with some of the other men.”

  “Sure, that sounds good. What time?”

  “Oh, I’d say some of the guys will start showing up between seven and eight.”

  “All right, I’ll head that way after dinner.”

  * * * * *

  It was not easy keeping her mind on the task at hand as Debi worked at organizing the linen closet. Her mind kept wandering back to the incredible sex she and Russ enjoyed just a few short hours ago. Had she really came right out and asked him to spank her? It was unbelievable how hot and wet her pussy got while she was telling Russ the story from the blog. With his fingers teasing her clit and nipples, it all became too much and all she wanted was to feel the crack of his palm on her ass.

  Asking him to spank her had just slipped out in the heat of the moment. She laughed to herself as she wondered how many women in their late fifties discover they have a desire to be spanked. Sex had always been good with Russ. They had ‘discovered’ it as teenagers and had learned and experimented with different things over the years. But it had been strictly vanilla. Or what Russ called ‘regular’ sex with a little sixty-nine thrown in. Doggie style or other positions and licking chocolate syrup or whipped cream off each other was about as kinky as they got.

  In their more than forty years together, she’d never been unhappy with their bedroom activities and she was sure Russ felt the same way. Other than the occasions when the kids were all sick at the same time and keeping her up all night, they had always made love three or four times a week. And were proud of beating what she had read was the national average of only twice a week.

  Had they been missing out on really great, superior sex by never trying other things? Had they been in a rut and not even known about it? Could you be in a rut and not know? Perhaps they were simply unimaginative people.

  It wasn’t like they didn’t know about some kinky stuff. Who didn’t know that some people liked to be tied up and beaten? Of course they had heard about bondage and discipline or master and slave relationships. It wasn’t for them and they had never even discussed it because neither one of them seemed to be inclined in that direction.

  Certain aspects of their sexual activities had changed over the years. When they were very young, they were always ready. Russ would get a hard-on just looking at Debi and she would get wet just knowing he was hard. Now, as they were approaching their sixties, it not only took Russ a little longer to get hard, but his cock often didn’t get as hard as it once did. Although that had not been true today, she thought with a little smile.

  As for Debi, she sometimes felt a little self-conscious about her figure. She was still trim and pretty damn fit for a woman her age, but four children and time had taken a toll. Her tummy wasn’t flabby, but neither was it as taut as it once had been. Her ass wasn’t as tight and firm anymore either. And while it took Russ a little longer to get hard, it took her a little longer to get wet. They joked about it and said it gave them more time to enjoy getting to the goal.

  Today had been different. None of the factors they’d been chalking up to age seemed to come into play. As she told the blog story, Russ had become harder and harder and she had become more and more wet. Of course, his busy fingers had contributed to her panties getting soaked, but it was more than that. What had been nothing more than information gathering as she searched on blogs, had become what she could only describe as a fantasy realized. But then she didn’t think it had ever been a true fantasy; it was just reading about spankings had simply aroused her.

  Was Russ serious when he made that rule? Would he really spank her every time she slipped up and uttered a J sound before saying Russ? That would be a punishment spanking and everything she’d read so far said a spanking meant as punishment was a completely different animal from the deliciousness she’d experienced today. It was difficult to even think about Russ punishing her. And yet, as she thought about it she could feel her pussy tightening in a sudden clench. Did that mean she wanted to experience a punishment spanking?

  It was time to talk to Venia.

  Chapter Eight

  Venia answered her phone on the second ring and Debi said, “Hi Venia, it’s Debi. Are you busy?”

  “Oh Debi, I’m so glad you called. I was going to invite you over but saw the gathering of men around the new van and figured you were busy. Anyway, Erin and Angela are here and if you’re free, why don’t you pop over?”

  “Well, I don’t want to disturb you if you have visitors.”

  “Nonsense, come over and meet them. Remember I said I was going to invite you?”

  Debi laughed and said, “Okay, I’ll be right over. Russ went to hang out with the men in their man cave at the community center.”

  She ran her brush through her hair and put some lipstick on before walking out the door and crossing the street to Venia’s house. The front door was open and she knocked before calling out.

  “Come on in, Debi,” Venia answered. “I left the door open for you.”

  Debi walked in and followed the sound of the voices coming from the kitchen.

  “Hi,” Erin and Angela both said at the same time.

  “Let me introduce you,” Venia said. “Angela and her husband Jim O’Brien came from Ireland and moved here with their children. Ange owns the pastry shop here in Corbin’s Bend and has the most delightful pastries.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Debi said to the petite blond who looked to be in her late thirties. “My husband has a wicked sweet tooth so I’m sure I’ll be visiting your shop.”

  “And this is Erin Cunningham. Her husband, Zachary, teaches at the elementary school.”

  “Oh, I’ll be starting as the kindergarten teacher on Monday,” Debi said to the thirtyish brunette. “I’m sure I’ll be meeting your husband.”

  “Then I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of each other at the school events. I try and help out with some of the events.”

  “You’re the couple that doesn’t spank, right?” Ange asked.

  “Well…um.” Debi blushed a deep pink and wasn’t sure what to say. She’d just been spanked that very day.

  “I’m sorry,” Ange apologized. “I have a big mouth and don’t always mind my own business. Please don’t feel you have to answer that.”

  “Well…it’s not that. It’s just that…well, um…something happened today.”

  Venia looked concerned. “Is it something you want to talk about?”

  “I’m not sure, it’s kind of embarrassing.”

  “Oh there’s nothing to be embarrassed about around here, Debi,” Ange piped in. “Erin and I have both suffered through a public spanking. Now there’s something to be embarrassed about!”

  Debi’s eyes opened wide. “I remember reading something about public spankings in the community information. It happened to both of you?” />
  “Yep,” Erin answered. “Though Ange got let off before her spanking was halfway finished. The person responsible for getting her in trouble came forward and it was stopped.”

  “But what happened?”

  “It’s a long story and I’ll tell it to you another time,” Ange said. “It had to do with my business when I was still running it from home.”

  Debi turned to Erin. “Can I ask what caused you to be publicly spanked?”

  Erin laughed and said, “Sure, you’re bound to hear about it sooner or later from someone. It was not just me, but also three other ladies here in Corbin’s Bend. We got a little out of hand when we went to town and made our community look bad. Here’s what happened…”

  Erin spent nearly an hour telling the tale of what had caused the four women to be humiliated with a public spanking. The fact that she laughed about it now amazed Debi.

  “I’m surprised you can laugh while you tell that story,” Debi said.

  “Now I can laugh; but let me tell you—I’m walking the straight and narrow these days. I never want to experience that again.

  The two women had made Debi feel so comfortable with their conversation she was no longer shy about why she wanted to talk to Venia.

  “I was spanked for the first time today.”

  All three women looked at her with their mouths open in a big O and Venia said, “This is certainly a story I want to hear.”

  The other two laughed and Erin asked, “Did you get in trouble for something?”

  “No, not at all. I think it was what you’d call an erotic spanking. But afterwards…well, afterwards Russ made a rule and said if I broke the rule he’ll spank me.”

  “Uh…oh,” Erin said with a chuckle. “Now you’re in trouble. You won’t be known as the non-spanking couple of Corbin’s Bend for long now.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

  “Here’s what I want to know.” Ange smiled slyly and asked, “How did it come about and did you like it?”

  When Debi hesitated, Ange said, “You don’t have to tell us anything too personal. But I have to know if you liked it.”

  Debi told them about looking up spanking and Domestic Discipline on the internet. She told them about the blogs and how they turned her on when she read the accounts of various spankings. How Russ had laughed at first, but then decided to take advantage of the situation.

  “He wanted me to tell him one of the stories that had excited me and all the while I was telling it…well, he was…you know…”

  “Teasing you and getting you more excited, I’d bet,” Ange said.

  “Yes, and then I couldn’t stand it anymore and the next thing I knew I said, ‘Spank me.’ So he did, and yes, damn it, I did like it.”

  They all laughed and Venia asked, “So what has you troubled?”

  “When I was thinking it all over after Russ went to get Quincy’s niece’s car running, I was thinking about the rule and wondering if he was serious. You know, did he really mean it? And would that be a punishment spanking? I read they are completely different from the erotic kind. I’m embarrassed to admit that I found even the idea of a punishment spanking exciting.”

  Venia patted Debi’s thigh. “That’s quite normal. Most women—at least the ones that are spankos—find the idea very arousing. But let me tell you; it is very different when it’s for punishment. Of course, there are degrees of punishment and that is another point to consider. Every HoH is different. Just remember, I’m here for you if you need to talk.”

  “That’s right, Debi,” Erin agreed. “And you can always come talk to me or Ange. Or any of the other women once you get to know them. We’ve all been there.”

  “But the thing is…when Russ read the brochure, he said neither one of us is the head of the household. You see, we married when we were still teenagers. We sort of grew up and learned everything about life together. We talk about things and figure out together what to do.”

  Erin asked, “What happens when you can’t agree on how to handle something?”

  “Oh, I give in and he gets his way. But usually we make a list of pros and cons and go with the side that has more pros than cons. I usually made the final decision with most things that concerned our daughters. Russ says who better to know what to do with a girl than her mother? Unless it was about boys or skirts that were too short.”

  “You must realize when you give in and let him have his way it’s the same as him making the final decision, just as any HoH would,” Ange pointed out.

  “So you’re saying in some respects he’s already the HoH.”

  “Let me ask you this,” Erin said. “Does he ever put his foot down and refuse to change his mind?”

  “Well, yeah. He is a guy, you know.”

  Ange snorted and said, “Debi, I don’t know how to tell you this, but you’ve got yourself a HoH. He may not be very strict with you, but I’ll bet he takes the bull by the horns when necessary and gets done what needs to be done.”

  Debi blinked a couple of times before saying, “I see you’ve already met Russ.”

  “He sounds like most of the men here in Corbin’s Bend. Some are strict, some are lenient, and some just like to redden their woman’s behind. But they’re all in charge.”

  With a sigh, Debi responded, “I’m not sure I like that.”

  Erin stood up. “I’d best be getting home. The men will no doubt be leaving their cave soon.”

  “Me too,” Ange said as she got up.

  “Stay a minute,” Venia mouthed to Debi as she went to let the others out the front door.

  When she returned, she sat down in the chair across from Debi.

  “I’m sorry I had company when you needed to talk.”

  “Don’t be. When they told their stories, it helped me loosen up and tell about what happened today. I’m glad they were here.”

  “How do you feel now about it all?”

  Debi blushed a deep pink and said, “I’m not going to go into detail, Venia, but the…uh…aftermath was quite delicious.”

  Venia burst out laughing. “I have a feeling your sex life is going to improve in ways you can’t even imagine.”

  Still blushing, Debi confided, “I think Russ will make any punishment just as yummy as today was.”

  Shaking her head, Venia advised, “Don’t be fooled. Jason is Russ’s mentor and he’ll be sure to give him all kinds of tips on how to give a meaningful punishment spanking. I suggest that whatever your new rule is, you do your best to obey it.”

  “Do you think the men talk about giving spankings like the women talk about getting them?”

  “Oh yes. And let me tell you, just so you won’t be surprised when you come across it—we have gay couples practicing DD and we have heterosexual couples who have the woman as the HoH.”

  “I did read about that and I was surprised.”

  “There are submissive men and alpha women. You’ll be meeting them before long.”

  “Wow, I never thought about it, but I guess it makes sense.”

  Debi left Venia’s house with plenty to think about. She wanted to know, in a scary sort of way, how a punishment spanking would feel. She began thinking about breaking her new rule on purpose, just as a test.

  * * * * *

  Most of the men had left the basement area of the dome that was called the man cave. It was getting late and only Russ, Jason, and Brent were still there.

  “You seem distracted,” Jason said to Russ. “Something on your mind?”

  Russ let out a deep sigh, “Yeah, but I don’t know if I should be talking about it to you guys.”

  “Hey, there’s no pressure here, Russ,” Brent told him. “Just know that if you want or need to talk, we’re here to help. I imagine it’s been a little different for you and Debi now that you live in a spanking community.”

  “It sure has. That little block party Venia put together so we could meet our neighbors was great, but we were a little surprised at the easy way everyone t
alks about spanking and discipline.”

  Jason chuckled and said, “A lot of our people were ostracized in whatever town they came from. Some of them were shunned by their own families when their ‘secret’ lifestyle came out. Ange O’Brien lost her teaching job in Ireland. Matt Renton lost his job as a chef in Arizona. His wife’s family thought he was abusing her and urged her to leave him. When domestic discipline and other slightly different dynamics are so common and natural, as they are here, it’s a relief to be able to talk about it and discuss it.”

  “Yeah, I can see that. It’s probably similar to what gay people have always gone through.”

  “It is very similar to that. And on top of it, HoHs have been accused of abuse. So let us help you if we can. We don’t need specifics, you can talk to us in general terms.”

  Russ looked at the two men who he now considered as friends and told them what he’d done.

  “I spanked my wife today.”

  Jason and Brent looked at each other, then turned to Russ and they each grinned from ear to ear.

  “What did Debi do to earn a spanking?” Jason asked. Then he backpedaled and said, “Don’t answer if you’re not comfortable with it.”

  “She didn’t do anything. At least not something that would call for a spanking. She just got curious about the lifestyle…you know, about DD—and she looked it up and read these blogs.”

  “So you spanked for being too curious?” Jason asked with a lift of his eyebrow.

  “No, of course not. She told me reading about women getting spanked sort of…well…hey, are you sure this isn’t going to get back to her?”

  Brent reassured him by saying, “Whatever is said in the man cave stays in the man cave.”

  “She said it turned her on. So while we were…uh…you know, fooling around, I made her tell me one of the stories that turned her on. She got turned on even more and practically begged me to spank her. So I did.”

  “Oh ho.” Jason nodded his head in understanding. “So this was a pleasurable spanking.”

  “It sure as hell was.”

  When the other two men looked up, Russ was sure they heard the less than pleased tone that he couldn’t quite keep out of his voice.


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