Reality's Plaything 5: The Infinity Annihilator

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Reality's Plaything 5: The Infinity Annihilator Page 82

by Will Greenway

  (6): The relationship between the Baronian war-witch and Everia is a complex knot involving her brother Darin, Luthice, and a number of events that would take several chapters of a book to do proper service to. Simply, it was a relationship that went hot-cold-hot-cold-hot-cold—something that was a source of confusion and frustration for Everia and simple irritation for Luthice. In general, Baronians lead cold passionless lives of duty with little other emotions save anger and blood-lust to warm their emotional pallet. Being creatures of war they have strong libido and a desire to reproduce. In any event, Desiray had approached Luthice to see if she could receive some tutelage in spying arts. (Elders who are great mages are not uncommon, but elders with vast experience in espionage are considerably more rare.) Luthice and Desiray met an accord, and in the Baronian’s shuttling back and forth to train Desiray she ran across Darin’kel. (Darin’kel makes women regardless of age stop and stare.) Being a rather forward elder, she made some advances on the boy which the possessive Everia immediately tried to rebuff. Luthice eventually lost interest in Darin, he was married and boringly true to his wife Gwynned. However, Everia was much like him in a lot of regards, and completely unattached. Luthice bribed Desiray into “giving” her Everia. What ensued after that was a cat-and-mouse chase that went on for cycles. Eventually, Everia came to care for Luthice and they were engaged. Children? The grandmas are waiting with baited breath drooling over the prospect of child that has both Desiray’s enhanced genes and that of the war-evolved Baronians. Time will tell.

  The main relationships are chronicled in the tables above but they are of course not the full extent of the allies and close-knit trysts that have formed over the decades. There are Gabriella and her children. There is Bertram and his wives. First Thamara who he later divorces. Later Bertram marries the daughter of Algernon D’Tarin, Valsiden who then by association becomes Desiray’s new sister-wife. There are pantheon lords, eternals, Kriar, savants…oh my. Enough material for a story or two at least?

  See Also: D’Tarin, Algernon, Felspar, Desiray Illkaren, Felspar, Everia, Felspar, Loric, Felspar, Annawen Kel’Ishtauri, Felspar, Caldorian, Felspar, Cassandra Kel’Ishtauri, Felspar, Cassin Kel’Ishtauri, Felspar, Darin’kel, kriar, Shadowstalker, Bronawyn

  Felspar, Desiray Illkaren — Desiray Illkaren Felspar, also known as Whitelock, is one of the core members of the Band of the Crescent Moon. She is one of the “three matriarchs” of family Felspar (Cassandra Kel’Ishtauri and Dorian Degaba Ishtarvariku being the other two). Desiray has had a long and sordid history as a thief. Her adventurers in Silissia and later in quests against Hellzan, Surr, and the Dream Merchants made her fortunes which she turned to the task of building a network of guilds. Her skills as a thief are renowned through Sharikaar as is her merciless reputation. In her later years, this reputation softened considerably when she married Loric Felspar. She became gentler still after the advent of children.

  Desiray was the personal patron of Sireth, who in turn was the patron of Liandra Kergatha. Desiray and Liandra initially share a mutual enmity toward one another that almost ends in them killing each other. Later, they grow closer and Desiray takes on a role as Wren’s surrogate mother. In an attempt to shield both Desiray and Liandra, Gaea alters Desiray so that she can become Liandra’s tao beta (meaning that they can join to become a single far more powerful being). In this form, Desiray and Liandra proved a reasonable match for even elder elite like the D’klace sisters Sindra and Drucilla.

  See Also: ascendant, Frielos, Drucilla, Frielos, Sindra, Felspar, Loric, Ishtarvariku, Dorian Degaba, Kergatha, Liandra {Wren} Idun-daughter

  Felspar, Loric — Numinorian elder elite and patriarch of family Felspar. Loric is a renowned Ranger and grand lore-mage. He has two wives, Desiray and Cassandra. He has three children by blood (with Cassandra). Loric is the creator of many magical items and technologies. The most notable of which are the Krillar. His wife Desiray wields the krill sword and dagger, Khairhavhel and Khairhavkul. Cassandra and Dorian both used krill staves of his design.

  Loric is one of the last generation of Numinor, an elder race that eventually destroyed itself in pursuit of the ultimate power of entropy once possessed by the first ones.

  Loric was born approximately 90,000 cycles prior to the events chronicled in most of the stories taking place in the Ring Realms. He by far pre-dates the lives of Aarlen Frielos and Elsbeth Crowninshield. Being one of the few remaining creatures possessing “true-magic” he felt that he should have a say in the development or the corruption of magic and how it was being distributed by the pantheon lords. This led Loric down a path where he began trying to police the ancient lores. He developed powerful magicks and trained allies to help him in this venture. Despite their limited number and resources Loric and his followers became a growing irritation to many of the pantheon lords, as he “kept them in line” policing not only the spread of magic, but enforcing a certain amount of separation between the lords and their sources of demiurge. The hit-and-run gorilla tactics of the Krill warriors finally escalated into full fledged war and Loric and his followers were forced into hiding. He and his followers would go into seclusion for centuries at a time, spending the “cooling off” cycles in specially designed stasis chambers that Loric had secreted throughout the worlds of the Ring Realms. There were occasions when he spent as long as five millennia in stasis, the exact reasons for these extended submergences are unknown but there are at least four known periods when he went “underground” for several thousand cycles. It’s been speculated that he was in actuality sleeping off massive injuries to his body and spirit, but there is no evidence to support this theory. Upon each new emergence, he was stronger and more persistent in his desire to “clean up” the tyrannical dominion of the pantheon lords. Over the course of the millennia, the original desire to merely shepherd magic transformed into a one-man vendetta against the lords. It was in the latter portion of this war that Loric met and befriended Damay Alostar one of the great Kel’Varans. They undertook several quests to protect various members of the savant race scattered throughout the Realms. It was Loric’s eventual plan to gather up all the savants and turn them against the pantheon lords. In the middle of this plan, Damay soured on the idea fearing that they would in fact cause the destruction of savant kind rather than their preservation. This fundamental difference eventually resulted in their going their separate ways. In the interim, Loric had learned a great deal from the individual savants he had met, and had discovered intrinsic properties in the foundating power of Eternity. These new discoveries were integrated into the Krillar weaponry and the power turned against the pantheon lords in a renewed onslaught in order to force the lords to give up their possession of the “material plane” and constrain their activities to the outer dimensions. The conflict escalated quickly, and several lords were slain permanently by Loric’s new powers. The threat posed by the Numinorian created a situation where the pantheon lords would be forced to either comply and give up their possession of the core worlds, or cooperate and dismiss Loric from existence once and for all. The lords chose the latter, and in a massive battle the pantheon lords came together and in final battle corralled Loric and his followers and destroyed them all in a single entropic blast of demiurge.

  In the aftermath of the conflict, it was a general consensus of the pantheon lords that they would all withdraw their primary influence to the outer planes, in order to prevent any further such conflicts. This was not only a direct result of Loric’s efforts but an increasing pressure from a number of other sources.

  Unknown to the lords, Loric had invested his essence into a secluded location, placing it within one of the five great krillglobes of his creation. Several millennia later, Cassandra Kel’Ishtauri found the globe and discovered the great mage’s essence within. The lady mage used her powerful magics to recreate a body for Loric and place his essence within the shell, restoring the ancient Numinorian to life. This last violently forceful vacation had taken most of the fight out
of the great mage, with the pantheon lords having withdrawn to the outer planes there really wasn’t much left to fight about. Loric spent a great deal of time in seclusion, healing, and regenerating his lost powers. In the meantime, Cassandra was fascinated by this powerful man, both by the possibility of gaining his lore, and learning from him, and the romantic idea of associating with this legendary figure. Loric was, of course, alone and lonely, Cassandra was hungry and enticing. Eventually, the youngster wore down the elder’s resistance and the two of them developed a more intimate relationship. They were finally engaged in 1074 N.I.S. after five years of persistence. They were finally married in 1079.

  Loric is the patriarch of the clan. The gods tolerate his new existence but remain wary that he might start his old tricks again. He has three boys by Cassandra (born as triplets) Loric II, Radian, and Celek. He has a single son by Desiray (his second wife) named Farveth.

  See Also: Crowninshield, Elsbeth, Eternity, Frielos, Aarlen, Felspar, Desiray Illkaren, Ishtarvariku, Dorian Degaba, krill, magic

  flutterbugs — Colorful delicate insects that start their life in a cocoon and initially hatch as many segmented plant eating worm. People on Earth just call them butterflies.

  frell — Frell is a common curse in the Ring Realms. The compiler of the glossary leaves it up to the reader’s imagination as to what ‘frell’ refers to. It can be conjugated in a number of ways: That’s really frelled. What the frell?! You frelling made that up!

  Frielos, Aarlen — Supreme Magestrix of the 4th Alliance territories. Engaged to Regaura Targallae. Aarlen’s exact age is unknown (even to her) but historians agree that she can be no less than 45,000 cycles old. This member of the grand elder elite is descended from Territaani branch of humanoid stock. Aarlen was magically and technically enhanced by her Father in order to create a living weapon. Abused and tortured throughout her childhood, she eventually turned on her Father who had already killed her mother and sister. Unfortunately for the then twelve cycle old Aarlen, the cycle of violence did not end there. Mishap, misfortune, and aggression over a span of years eventually turned the white-haired woman into a brutal killing machine. She became proficient in all the major martial and magical arts, and mastered many forms. The millenniums long series of bloody conquests she hacked out the territory of space now known as the fourth alliance.

  During her rise to power she made many enemies, which include Elsbeth Crowninshield, Vulcindra Skybane, and the Trackazoid and Eddorian empires. During her thousands of cycles of life, Aarlen has begotten children for purposes of having agents under her direct control. She has thirteen acknowledged children still living. The Frielos family has some 12 recognized generations of relatives that number close to 75,000 members. Though it seems hard to believe, with a life that spans over 1000 generations, Aarlen’s distant relations likely number in the hundreds of millions.

  See Also: Crowninshield, Elsbeth, Ice Falcon

  Frielos, Drucilla — Daughter of Aarlen Frielos. Elder elite and member of the D’klace guild of assassins. Being “into” everything, she even plays in an all-girl musical group with Luthice and Arabella. She is the silent sister to Sindra Frielos.

  Something to note about Drucilla and her sister is the fact that while they are to a certain extent evil, and definitely self-serving, these two never became the unredeemable black that many of Aarlen’s creations became. This seems to be a deliberate happenstance on Aarlen’s part, presumably so that they would be more effective as spies and seductresses.

  Drucilla is married to Annawen Kel’Ishtauri Felspar. The elder woman has been teaching Annawen the etiquette and protocols of the 4th alliance high court, as Annawen seeks to conduct law there.

  See Also: Frielos, Aarlen, Frielos, Sindra

  Frielos, Sindra — Daughter of Aarlen Frielos. Elder elite and member of the D’klace guild of assassins. Being “into” everything, she even plays in an all-girl musical group with Luthice and Arabella. She is the speaking sister to Drucilla Frielos.

  Something to note about Sindra and her sister is the fact that while they are to a certain extent evil, and definitely self-serving, these two never became the unredeemable black that many of Aarlen’s creations became. This seems to be a deliberate happenstance on Aarlen’s part, presumably so that they would be more effective as spies and seductresses.

  Sindra is married to Cassin Kel’Ishtauri Felspar. Being the “voices” of the two sets of twins its not uncommon to see them paired with the other twin. Why they didn’t simply marry that way is still something of a mystery…

  See Also: Frielos, Aarlen, Frielos, Drucilla

  — G —

  Gaea — The name for the female creator-force. Legend has it that a coupling between Alpha and Gaea gave rise to all the living things in Eternity. Gaea is the patron of Wren Kergatha. She is known to many as the ‘green mother’ and there are many legends of this cosmic fertility goddess interacting with various heroes. The diaries of Wren Kergatha cite having met and received boons from this powerful immortal creature.

  See Also: ascendant, Eternity, Kergatha, Liandra {Wren} Idun-daughter

  Genemar — CLASSIFIED. Sorry folks… not letting this one out. We have only Rakaar’s reference. ‘Creation run amok…’

  [Detailed glossary entry to be revealed in the Infinity Annihilator.]

  Gladshiem — The outer plane where Asgard, Niflheim, and the other realms ruled by the Aesir and Vanir can be found.

  god — Generic term for the immortal pantheon lords and ladies who make their homes in the outer planes.

  goddess — Generic term (female gender) for god. See god.

  golems — Creatures made from inanimate materials which motivate and act as something alive. Some such creatures are autonomous, most are not. In the Ring Realms, golems are typically used in the role as guardians, tireless, fearless, powerful, and ultimately loyal they are popular tools amongst powerful mages.

  gorgon — Legendary creature that could turn people to stone.

  guild — In the generic sense, any of several organizations that represent various craftsman. Mages, thieves, and warriors all have representative guilds (sometimes more than one in the bigger cities). When spoken of as ‘THE guild’, it is generally assumed to be the thieves or assassins guild.

  — H —

  Hades — The outer plane where many ‘under-realms’ of demons and creatures of the dark can be found.

  Hecate — Pantheon lord, goddess of magic, death, and the moon. Hecate is an outcast even among her own kind. She pursues the ultimate power, Tan’Acho, and is willing to go to any lengths to achieve it.

  See Also: magic

  Hella — Pantheon lord, goddess of death who guards the domain of Niflheim. In the story of ‘Neath Odin’s Eye Hella joins with Daena Sheento to become a first one.

  See Also: ascendant

  Homeworld — Actually, a gigantic ship in space. The Kriar homeworld actually encompasses and entire star. The entire structure is mobile and has wandered the multiverse for untold millions of millennia. The Kriar have two homeworlds the Fabrista homeworld (from which most of the Kriar in the realms hail) and Karanganoi homeworld which has been over-run by Baronians. Characters such as Senalloy, Luthice, Alloy, Rakaar, and others essentially hail from Karanganoi homeworld.

  See Also: Corresont, Senalloy Moirae, kriar

  house valharesh — The Valharesh family while old and well regarded among the elves was not a part of the circle of great houses that made policy and guided the destiny of Titaan’s Elf population. In fact, the Valhareshs actually hail from another world (Charon) in the Magocratic ring. What made the family move from Charon has not been disclosed, but it is known that they keep a great number of secrets.

  The Valharesh have for many generations been great mages, and in fact, have the support of a very powerful (and obviously immortal) patron who has trained the first born Elf of each new generation who takes up the art of magic. Bertrand, the first-born son of the 25th generation chose n
ot to enter seriously into the endeavor of magic. Most Elves “dabble” in magic, learning a few simple spells and incantations—but the family patron only teaches the first serious mage of each generation. Kalindinai, the next born after Bertrand, did enter into serious magic. She had no choice. The young Elf lady was a “wilder” a natural mage with far beyond ordinary magical potential. Such potential, that she could spontaneously cause magical effects whenever she experienced strong emotions or surprise. Kalindinai required magical tutelage simply to prevent her powers from inadvertently causing harm to others.

  Even as a young Elf, Kalindinai’s magical talents were renowned and grew even more so as the family patron apprenticed her further and further in the arts of magic. The law of Malan requires that all skilled mages join the defense militia, and Kalindinai was no exception. As a wilder, her phenomenal magical strength made her a natural battle-mage, and she quickly distinguished herself as a powerful asset in the Elven legions. Malan experienced many skirmishes with Corwin during this era and Kalindinai’s potent magical skills were recognized by the then ruling T’Evagduran family and utilized to best advantage. It was during her tours of duty that Kalindinai would first meet young prince Jhaan T’Evagduran. Later, these two would fall in love, and marry—but only after a great deal of political turmoil. House Valharesh, was not a member of the inner circle of houses, and for the soon-to-be king to marry outside the cadre of nobility was frowned upon greatly. However, Kalindinai’s tremendous magical ability was seen as a potentially enormous boon for the T’Evagduran bloodline. The T’Evagduran family had not seen a great mage in their ranks for several generations and it was hoped that Kalindinai’s children would rejuvenate that lost spark. For that reason the sentiments of the noble houses were dismissed and the marriage not only allowed but encouraged. This defiance of tradition caused a great deal of enmity between house T’Evagduran and the other ruling houses.


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