Surviving Broken

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Surviving Broken Page 11

by Beverly Preston

  “I’m starving. Surely, you have to be hungry?” Reed gave a pleading curt nod as if hoping for vindication. A shy grin hung on the corner of his full lips. “I promise to keep my clothes on.”

  If there was any one thing she knew about Codge, he was a man of his word. He’d never put her in harm’s way and was the closest thing she had to a grandfather.

  Tentatively, JC ambled toward the table. Turning mid-stride to face him, she bumped right into his chest. His strong rough hands clasped her by the elbows, steadying her balance.

  “Sorry,” she squeaked, inhaling the spicy wooded scent of his cologne. Drawing in another whiff of him she almost sighed out loud. JC frowned suspiciously. “Are you really my neighbor? What happened to the mean old woman?”

  Reed placed his warm hand on the small of her back. She shifted slightly, but didn’t flinch away. Her breath caught at the heaviness of his long powerful fingers spanning the width of her back. A pleasant and somewhat ticklish heat spread through her. The current of energy was so strong in intensity, her eyes fluttered shut and her back arched reflexively, reveling in the comfort.

  Rejoicing in the satisfaction of her own personal triumph, she forced herself to pay attention to his deep voice as he spoke.

  “My aunt was the mean old woman. She passed away eight months ago.”

  JC cringed, sliding into the booth. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called her that. I didn’t know her name.”

  His sultry smile broadened. “She was a mean old woman,” he said with a long drawl. “It was just her way. The worse names she called you, the more she liked you.”

  The dim light hanging above their table highlighted the waves in his dark blond hair.

  JC anxiously gnawed on her lip, taking in his sunbaked muscles filling out his white T-shirt. “She must’ve liked Tom, because she always called him a no good rotten son-of-a-bitch. Yelled might be a better word.”

  The waitress brought each of them a glass of water, asking if either would care for another shot of Jack.

  JC shook her head and Reed ordered a beer.

  “My Aunt must’ve liked him then. Now, if she called him a bastard—”

  She giggled softly. “That’s what she called the damn camera people. Can’t say I blame her. I don’t care for the paparazzi either. I’m with her on that one. Bastards all the way.”

  He dragged his knuckles over the stubble on his face. Staring at JC with a soft smile, he extended his hand over the top of the table. “Maybe we should try this again. Hi, I’m your neighbor, Reed Rider. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Nerves skittered up her spine. His slow southern tang and gorgeous sweet smile was enough to thaw her insecurities word by word. Goosebumps covered her skin and at that moment, she wished she wasn’t wearing a white t-shirt.

  JC hesitantly laid her hand in his. “Rider or Writer?”

  “Rider with a D.”

  “JC Mathews. It’s nice to meet you too…with clothes on.” He turned three shades of red and she grinned at his discomfiture. Forcing herself to withdraw her hand, she continued, “Now, why were you swimming in my pool, Reed and how did you get into my backyard?”

  The waitress brought out two large plates of food. Reed’s dinner consisted of a double hamburger with fries and JC had a turkey burger with sweet potato fries. Releasing her hand, Reed took a swig of his beer and both began eating their dinner.

  “I’ve been gutting my aunt’s house and I was up on the roof one day when I saw your pool. I’d been working all night, and it was hot and muggy. I’d thought about jumping the wall a dozen times, but always chickened out. Nevertheless, I didn’t think anyone was home and obviously, you are home. You surprised the hell out of me. I didn’t know what to say ‘cause I knew you were scared to death.” He imitated her covering her nudity and his cheeks flushed.

  JC pressed her lips together, bowing her head to hide the scorching heat climbing up her neck. “You did scare the hell out of me. I never go skinny dipping and the last thing I expected was to find some huge guy naked in my pool.” She shook her head, extending a stern warning, “I wouldn’t be peeking over that wall when my mom and Tom are home. It wouldn’t surprise me if they skinny dipped every night and he would make your life a living hell.”

  Reed’s face sobered. “I wasn’t trying to peek over the wall at you. I was just hot—”

  “That not what I meant, Reed,” she assured softly. “Next time just call first.”

  His gaze flickered over her tentatively. “I don’t have your number,” he paused. “Since we’re neighbors and all.”

  JC’s lips parted drawing in a gust of air. She dropped her gaze to the table. Nerves twisted in her stomach. Reaching for her burger, she dared to glance at him. Reed Rider oozed sexy masculinity mixed with a healthy dose of good old-fashioned charm. His wide shoulders and lean athletic build could’ve been intimidating, but he managed to squash her angst with one genuine heart-stopping smile.

  She took a bite, wiped her hands on her napkin and held out her hand motioning for his cell phone.

  Digging into the pocket of his faded jeans, he retrieved his phone and laid it in the palm of her hand. JC flinched slightly at the touch of his skin. An ugly feeling of defeat swathed over her. I can’t stand this! You are not going to be afraid of a man…no matter how big! Gathering her courage and determination, she disregarded her own bizarre reaction and slumped back into the cowhide booth.

  “Reed, if I put my number in your phone, I’m not going to have some woman calling me late at night, telling me they’re your wife or girlfriend, am I?”

  Reed shook his head. “No, ma’am. None of the above.”

  “Please don’t start the ma’am crap again.” She rolled her eyes in annoyance. “If I was seventy five I might find it endearing, but right now it sounds like an insult.”

  He rambled defensively while she entered her number into his phone.

  “You seriously find that offensive?”

  She nodded with a smirk.

  “How about honey or darlin?”

  “Definitely not honey.” Glancing at his empty plate, she offered, “You want the other half of my turkey burger? I’m stuffed.”

  Reed wrinkled his nose in disgust. “I’m from Texas, darlin. We eat beef. Not heart-healthy pretend burgers or those funny looking fries either.”

  JC’s mouth dropped open in shock. “Ohhh, I am telling Codge you said that. He makes the best turkey burger ever.” She picked up the burger and wiggled in front of him. “Come on, try it. You’ll love it and the sweet potato fries are delicious.”

  Tension and longing sparked inside her as he bent forward and took a bite of her burger right out of her hand. His warm tongue playfully licked barbeque sauce off her finger sending her pulse sky rocketing like fireworks on the fourth of July. All she could imagine was...

  “You’re right. That’s pretty good,” he snickered, inhaling the rest of her burger out of her fingers.


  Her lips separated, licking the inside edge of her mouth. Her gaze lowered to the tan skin on his throat. Prickly heat warmed her body. Every muscle at the core of her body contracted, steeling the breath right out of her lungs.

  Feeling hot and dizzy, she fought to control her breathing, unconsciously rubbing the nape of her neck. Lifting her chin, she met and held the blue heat of his gaze in a long smoldering stare, both without apology. The prolonged stare sent another rush of desire curling through her.

  Codge approached the table. “I take it you two are friends now?”

  They nodded like high schoolers caught making out behind the bleachers.

  Codge lingered at the table, entertaining them with a few colorful stories of his youth.

  “I..I should probably get going. Thanks for dinner, Codge.” She crawled out from the booth, giving him a warm embrace. “Tell Mom hi for me.”

  “Will do. Are you running off back to Europe or sticking around for a while?” Codge asked.

  JC shook her head. “I’m sticking around.”

  “Well damn girl. Don’t make me do all the dirty work. Come say hi to Mom yourself and soon if you don’t want to be on her shit-list.”

  “I promise. I’ll be back soon.” She timidly turned her attention to Reed. “I don’t even know what to say to you.”

  He stood from the booth, barely resting his hand on her back. “I’ll walk out with you.” Giving Codge a firm handshake, he snapped, “I’ll deal with you later.”

  Walking out the door into the cool night air, she anxiously wrapped her arms around herself for warmth.

  Reed placed his hands on her arms, rapidly rubbing up and down creating heat from friction.

  She squirmed, withdrawing from the warm of his touch, even though she knew he meant nothing by the kind gesture. Even though his hands felt like heaven. Even though she desperately wanted him to hold her. Something split in her brain. Her confidence began to fray like a loose end of a knit scarf. She feared if she pushed too hard she would unravel on the spot.

  He softly cleared his throat and tucked his hands into the pockets of loose denim riding low on his hips.

  Containing the urge to sprint, she slowed her pace and trudged through the gravel, stopping beside her car. The thrashing beat of her heart pounded at the pressure points in her wrists and neck.

  He stood close to her, resting his hand on the top of her car so she couldn’t open the door. “Are we friends now, JC?”

  Digging restlessly through her purse for keys, she managed to push the unlock button on her Prius. JC forced her gape upward from the bottom of her bag. His ice blues and simple smile spread a wave of heat over her body.

  Awkward silence filled the night between them.

  She wanted to hug him goodbye, but instead shirked away. Her nose and eyes burned, fighting back a surge of trepidation. JC had never run away from a man in her life before Luca. It wasn’t in her DNA. Typically, she ran toward them, full steam ahead.

  Nevertheless, nerves set in and her throat tightened. “Umm hmm. We’re friends.” Warily, she extended her hand. “I…I gotta go Reed.”

  Grasping her hand in both of his, he gently rubbed his thumbs in a circular motion against her palms. “You want me to drive you home? You’re trembling. Are you okay?”

  She nodded unconvincingly. “Yeah. I..I’m fine. I’m just tired. I haven’t been sleeping well.”

  Reed looked over her lazily, as if sensing her apprehension. Nonchalantly, he dropped her hand and opened her door. “I’m sorry I frightened you. Hopefully you sleep better tonight, since you know I’m a nice guy now. Not a burglar.”

  She climbed into the car and started the motor. Having the car door between them as a barrier eased her smoldering tension. “Well, you are definitely not a burglar.” She put the car in reverse and timidly bit her lip. “But the verdict’s still out on whether or not you’re a nice guy.”

  His face turned somber, deepening a groove between his brows.

  “I’m teasing you Reed. We’re friends. Good night.”

  “Good night, JC.”


  The thirty-minute drive through the wooded canyon felt like hours. She drove home in complete silence with the windows down, breathing in the earthy smell of the forest, listening to the sound of crickets zooming by in the darkness. Tears chilled on her cheeks from the cool air and burned her cheeks as they streamed across her face in the cool night air.

  She didn’t know why she cried or why all of a sudden she needed to escape from the bar, practically running away from Reed. Part of her wanted to turn around, drive back, and curl up next to the fire and Reed, even if they only talked all night. Oh, that is so not true. She sniffled. I wanted to touch him, kiss him, hold him. Haven’t I learned my lesson?

  The vision of him naked in her pool caused her to break out into a sweat. “Damn you, Luca Santini. I’ve never been scared of a man in my life. You are out of my life and still controlling me!”

  Walking through the garage door, JC did the only thing she could think of. She called her sister. After giving Tracy the lowdown of her evening, JC boiled over saying, “I feel like I’m over thinking every move I make. I keep waiting to feel normal again, but I don’t. I’m afraid if I run into someone I know, they’re going to see it written on my face like a badge of disgrace. Oh, did you see JC, she got her ass beat by her boyfriend. I couldn’t even flirt right! My hands were literally shaking. I was a complete ball of nerves. Honestly, I was scared to death, but I don’t know why. He was really nice.”

  “JC, you need to talk to someone. This isn’t working. What’s so bad about talking to a professional?”

  Full of pent-up frustration, JC paced barefoot in a circle around the sofa, drinking a glass of wine. “Every shrink I’ve ever met is twisted.”

  “And maybe you shouldn’t be thinking about hooking up with a guy right now.”

  “I wasn’t trying to hook up with him. I could barely talk to him. Just one look at the man made my heart nearly beat right out of my chest.”

  Her sister sat silent as a grave on the other end of the line.

  “Oh, great, are you mad at me now?” JC tapped her finger on the speaker of her phone, downing the last of her wine.

  “No, I’m not mad at you. I’m listening to every word. What did he do that made you so nervous?” Tracy asked curiously.

  JC held the phone between her chin and shoulder, tossing and waving her hands in the air. “All he had to do was stand there, all big and gorgeous in his damned white t-shirt and jeans. But just about the time I offered him a bite of my burger and he licked the barbecue sauce off my finger, I thought I might have a heart attack right in the middle of Mom’s! He didn’t even do it on purpose! It was as if we’d known each other for years, but…holy crap! I was sweating, Tracy! Sweating! Me!”

  “I take it back.” Tracy gave a soft chuckle. “Maybe you should date the neighbor. He might be able to help you with your other problem.”

  A flush of stimulation washed over her.

  JC inhaled sharply. “Sure, okay. I’ll simply scale the block wall, jump in his bed and beg for an orgasm. Thanks a lot, Trace. I need that visual like I need a hole in my head. I appreciate all your help,” she snipped sarcastically.

  She could almost hear her sister jumping up and down on the other end of the line when she giggled like a little girl. “I’m just saying, perhaps he could help you out. Big, strong, guy. Did I say big?”

  “Oh, my God. I’m going to bed. Love you, sis.”

  “Love you too.”

  JC poured another glass of wine and cuddled up on the couch with a blanket. As darkness lingered, she waited for fatigue to set in. She wondered what Reed was doing next door. The mere thought of him lying in bed naked sent a spike of desire twisting through her gut.

  She fell into a deep slumber, thinking of Reed. When she woke covered in sweat at one in the morning, it wasn’t Luca making her cry out. It was Reed. The dream seemed so real she could smell the scent of his spicy skin and feel the weight of his lean powerful body lying on top of her. His hands had caressed her aching breasts and the stubble on his face tickled her flesh as he took her nipple in his mouth.

  Unfortunately, when she opened her eyes, they were her own hands caressing her breasts…not Reed’s. “Damn,” she panted.

  Dragging herself to her feet, she stumbled to the kitchen to get a glass of water, wetting her dry throat. JC stared out the window at the block wall, wondering if Reed was thinking of her.


  The sun peeking through the morning haze warmed JC’s face as she sat at the table on the balcony, sipping a hot cup of coffee. Her ponytail rustled in the light breeze and she snuggled tighter into her baby blue fleece bathrobe, enjoying the cool morning air.

  A loud thud caught her attention. She glanced over her shoulder to see if a bird flew into the window behind her. There was no injured bird to be seen, but another dull thud echoed on the side of the h
ouse. Then another and another. Rising to her feet, JC peered around the corner of the house, listening to another thud.

  A smile erupted across her face. Holding perfectly still, she watched Reed as he sat on top of the block wall throwing tennis balls against the side of the house next to a window. He had on athletic shorts and sleeveless sport t-shirt. He tossed another tennis ball at the house and his feet swung back-and-forth dangling over the edge of the wall.

  “That’s not my bedroom,” she simmered, nearly causing him to fall of the wall.

  “It’s not?” His bright white smile coated with playfulness.

  “That’s my brother’s room and if you wake him up, he’s not going to be happy,” she warned with a straight face.

  His playfulness faded. “Oh, hell. I thought you were home alone.”

  JC burst out laughing. “I’m teasing. I am alone.”

  He shook his head. “Jesus, JC. That’s not funny.”

  “Yeah it was!” She sauntered toward him. “You look like a naughty little boy.”

  “I admit nothing.” He grinned impishly with a shrug. “I came to see if you’d like to go running with me.”

  “What makes you think I like to run?”

  Clearing his throat, he smirked, glancing at the pool in the background. “You look like you work out.”

  Her breath hitched. He was referring to seeing her naked in the pool. Her pulse thumped loudly in her ears. Shaking off any embarrassment, she tightened the belt of her robe and fixed her eyes on his. “Umm hmm.”

  “Plus, I saw you run past the house the other morning.”

  “Where are you running? Here or at the beach?” JC had been avoiding the beach, so she wouldn’t run into old acquaintances or looming cameras. But there was no way in hell she was going to tell him no. The ghost from her past would no longer haunt her or control her. His blue eyes drew her like a magnet. She wanted to be near him. “Actually, do you have plans for your morning? I know a great place to go hiking. If you’re interested.”

  Reed shot her a flirtatious heart-stopping smile. “Oh, I’m interested.”


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