Demon Possession

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Demon Possession Page 22

by Kiersten Fay

He had been so close to claiming her as his mate, so close to marking her as his forever—trapping them both in an unbreakable bond.

  How would she have felt about it?

  He knew how she would feel, going from the slave of one man to the possession of another, for that’s what she would be. She would belong only to him and him to her.

  Would she hate him for it?

  Of course she would. Just when she had gained freedom for herself, Sebastian was al too ready to take it away. She would yel and scream and flee from him as if he were her new jailer.

  And Sebastian would be forced to keep her any way that he could.

  When a demon took a mate it was a lifelong bond. No woman, no matter how beautiful could tempt that demon to stray. He would want only his mate for the rest of his life. Seek only her touch.

  With Anya’s soft body against his, her warmth, her scent, he had been so close to driving his fangs into her, and drawing greedily.

  Would she have accepted him? Melted in his arms as a true mate would?

  Why was he even considering this? It’s a moot point. Thankful y Sebastian had regained his senses before he did anything irreversible.

  Stepping out of the shower the water instantly ceased flowing. He dressed in a pair of loose pants and relaxed into his large empty bed. The look she gave him when he had left her nagged at him. It was almost as if she was hurt by him leaving, when in reality she would be grateful if she knew the danger she was in. Stil , her eyes had been stark.

  No doubt at this moment she would be curled up on the couch. The attack probably caused al her fears to return. Was she afraid now without him there?

  Before his mind realized what his body was doing, he was already halfway to her room.

  Just as he suspected she had rejected the bed, but in lieu of the couch she was once more on the floor. Sebastian frowned. The room was more brightly lit than if it harbored its own sun. At his entrance she’d shot straight up, but instantly relaxed when she saw it was him, then merely shrugged at his questioning look. She carried no hint of drowsiness, was in no way close to fal ing asleep, and probably wouldn’t as long as she stayed like that, in her defensive position on the floor.

  Cursing, Sebastian fought the urge to scoop her up and take her to the bed himself. “If I stay here tonight,on the couch,” He amended. “Wil you try to sleep in the bed?”

  Biting her bottom lip—which made Sebastian instantly hard as steel—she nodded. But instead of making her way to the bed she remained where she was, studying him. He was shirtless with only a pair loose fitting pants to cover his lower half. The material was doing nothing to hide his bulge. Her slow gaze traveled his chest and arms then moving even lower. Sebastian did nothing to bar her from looking. She could look al she wanted. If she asked him to strip right now, he gladly would. When her gaze dipped to his bulge she licked her lips.

  Stifling a groan, “Anya you’re kil ing me.”

  Her eyes snapped to his face. “How am I doing that?”

  “Just get into bed before I put you there myself.” His tone had sounded huskier than he meant it to. To his surprise she looked as though she were considering the latter and amusement lit her features. His cock became impossibly hard.

  As if mental y shaking herself, she stood and carted her hefty load of blankets and pil ows to the bed. She was wearing a silky long,light bluesleeping gown, the image lingered long after she was under the covers. He realized Anya seemed to favor the silks when sleeping, oppose to the thicker, warmer materials. He imagined her in some of the more racy stuff he could buy for her. Nowheneeded to mental y shake himself.

  Sebastian moved through the apartment,switching off more lights than he knew existed in this room. When the room was final y dark he became painful y aware of her scent again. Settling into the couch he prepared for another long night of unsatisfied need.

  “Sebastian?” She cal ed through the dark.


  “Why did you come to space?”

  He thought it was an odd time for this conversation, and suspected she was stil a bit uneasy. “There was a devastating war. We were barely able to escape, Sonya, Cale, and I, before our planet was destroyed completely.”

  Anya was quiet for a long moment. Sebastian thought maybe she had fal en asleep. “I thinkmyplanet was attacked. I think I was sent away during the battle.” She snorted with bitterness. “They meant for me to be safe.”

  Sebastiangroundhis teeth. Whoever hadplannedher safe escape would die along with whoever else had hurt her.

  There was another moment of silence before, “What if my home planet has been destroyed too? I think I may have had a family. Sisters maybe.”

  “We’l find out everything we can about your … people. As wel as where you come from.”

  “There you go making promises again. I think I’l let you though. I like the way they sound.”

  She stil thought Sebastian planned to leave her. She had no idea he was contemplating keeping her forever.

  “Did you fight in your war?”

  Sebastian stiffened. He hadn’t spoken about this to anyone but Sonya, Cale, and Marik. Even then,they hadn’t brought it up in years. “I never got a chance to.” Her silence urged him on. “I, that is, we were betrayed at the start of the battle, by some of our own. Cale and I, even Sonya had been eager to jump into battle and defend our planet. However, Cale’s mate and our mother drugged us, betrayed us to the invaders. They were promised safety for their loyalty. We didn’t know it at the time but many of our kind had been lured to do the same. The war had real y begun years before any blood had been shed.” Anya had remained quiet through his speech. “Anya? Are you asleep?”

  “No.” Her voice was a little shaky.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Your own family betrayed you?”


  More silence. “What if … what if my family …”

  “No.” He cut her off. “Never think that.” He hated that she jumped to that conclusion and hated how her voice shook with emotion. Although she could be right, someone in her family could have betrayed her, same as him.

  “Did you … did you kil them, the ones who betrayed you?”

  “No. At the time al I was thinking was how to escape, but I won’t lie, sometimes I wish I had. I’ve … we have al had a hard time trusting people since then.

  Especial y Cale.”

  “Is that why you’re at such odds with me?”

  Sebastian couldn’t help but chuckle. “So you’ve noticed.” His natural night vision was adjusting and he could see her clearly now. She had the slightest smile.

  “Kind of hard not to.”

  Sebastian didn’t answer her question. Instead he asked one of his own. “Do you have a gift Anya?” Like a bul et she sat straight up, jaw dropped, eyes widened in shock. “What?”

  Touchy subject?

  Sebastian pushed himself to his elbows to get a better look at her. “You seem to read people very wel . Is that some kind of gift?”

  She let out a harsh breath before easing herself back onto the pil ow. “I … um … yeah,I guess.”

  Her reaction was intriguing. He was now sure that there was more to it than he’d guessed. “What kinds of things can you read from people?”

  Obviously she was weighing her answer, perhaps being a little too careful about her response. “I can sometimes tel when someone’s mood changes.

  Like from happy to sad, or angry.”

  “You sensed when I changed then?”


  “What was that like?”

  “Daunting. It was like you had changed into something else entirely. You were happy one moment and pure rage the next. I’ve never felt anything like it.”

  “I’m sorry you were frightened. It’s hard to control.”

  “It’s okay. You made it up to me later.” She was smiling again. The image she invoked had him wanting her once more. Her taste was exquisite, addictive.

/>   There would definitely be no sleep for him tonight. His shaft was relentless. At this rate, when she fel asleep, he would be sneaking into the bathroom to relieve himself for the second time tonight.

  In the dark, faces began to appear.

  Blurred faces.

  Unreadable expressions.

  The sound of chains scraped against cold hard floors. The faces laughed, moving to surround Analia. She was suddenly being held down by massive heavy chains, tightening around her wrists, legs, and throat. She tried to scream but the chain was too tight, cutting off her air.

  As the faces hovered over her they merged into one and began to clear, though she knew what she would see beforehand. Xandar’s evil grin loomed over her. His hands grabbing at her, making her skin crawl. Then he morphed his face molding into something else. She tried to look away but even as she closed her eyes she could see.


  Anya woke to her own screams, body thrashing. Someone was shaking her. At first she thought to fight but then Bastian’s scent flooded through her and she instantly relaxed, able to come to her senses. With a harsh sob she threw her arms around him, seeking the comfort only he was able to provide. His strong protective arms didn’t hesitate. He wrapped them around herand held on tight.

  “Just a dream,” he cooed. “It’s okay.”

  She sobbed harder because itwasn’tjust a dream. “Bastian, please.”

  “What beautiful?”

  “Please make me forget.”

  He squeezed her tighter seemingly at a loss. “You have no idea how badly I wish I could.”

  She knew he couldn’t. The memories were there until she could overcome them. But Sebastiancouldease her in other ways. In ways she was only now beginning to realize how badly she wanted. His touch alone dimmed her memories. His kiss made her feel desired, beautiful, and more cherished than she could even describe. She felt protected in his arms. “Please Bastian. Please touch me, kiss me.” She almost said love me.

  “Anya I …”Shaking his head he held on to her.

  She could tel by his energy that he was going to deny her. Thinking quickly she reached past the elastic of his pants and grabbed hold of his thick shaft.

  He was immense and hard in her hand.

  Sebastian shuddered. “Anya!” He threw his head back, thrusting into her hand. She was growing wet at the idea of him thrusting into her like that. Unable to stop herself she licked along his chest, savoring his manly flavor. With a carnal sound, he pul ed her lips to his,and scorched her with his kiss. This was not like any kiss before, this was a branding, primal, and aggressive kiss. Gripping the back of her neck he held her in place as his mouth glided over hers. A hungry sound escaped him as he demanded entry, she wil ingly gave in, opening for him. Hot and wet his tongue found hers.

  As he tasted her she hazily realized she was stil gripping his shaft, gliding her hand up and down. When she rubbed her thumb over the wet tip Bastian seemed to lose himself completely, a low groan left him. To Anya, the sound was a triumph, as wel as an aphrodisiac. Her body throbbed with need, skin growing hot and sensitive.

  Though she real y had no idea what she was doing, instinct seemed to be leading her. When she rubbed her hard nipples on his chest she was rewarded with a cal us hand gripping her ass. She thril ed at the touch, longing for more.

  When she let out a soft needy moan he seemed to go wild. Tossing her to her back he covered her with his massive body, pushing himself between her legs. In the back of her mind she registered the silk being torn from her body. She hardly cared because he continued to kiss her masterful y, hard yet tender, while his hands roamed her body.

  She made an aggravated sound when he removed his mouth from hers. She was about to argue when she caught the look in his eye. A wicked look burning with promises of things to come, it stole her breath. When he took one hard nipple in his mouth she gasped, arching into his touch she cried out from the pleasure.

  While he continued flicking and teasing her nipple with his tongue his hand trailed down her stomach—she quivered—below her panties and through the soft curls until he met with her core. She gasped once more, mindless with overload of sensation.

  “Is this where you need me?” His voice sounded so rough, on the verge of losing control.


  She began undulating her hips to his rocking finger. His lips returned to her breast as his fingers made slow maddening movements along her sex. The pressure began to build, she cried out as the sensation of it overwhelmed her, making her breaths short and fast and her heart pound against the wal of her chest. When he delved one finger inside her she squeaked out a moan and opened wider for him.

  “Gods yes Bastian!”

  A second finger entered her increasing her pleasure. When he suddenly pul ed away from her, she had no words for her devastation. Just as she was about to protest she felt his tongue trailing down her body, his hands gripping her hips. She shuddered in anticipation.

  When his hot tongue met her liquid core she couldn’t stop the scream of pleasure that was forced from somewhere deep inside her. She writhed, thrashing her head on the pil ow. Another scream tore out of her as she climaxed. The waves of pleasure seemed never-ending, al the while he continued his relentless licking and sucking.

  When she final y went limp he rose above her, easing himself between her legsonce more. Eyes wide,her heart began to hammer.

  What had she started?

  Sebastian couldn’t believe his current situation. He marveled athis Anya’sbeauty, taking in every inch of her spread before him. Her breasts were plump hard and wet from his attention, rising and fal ing with her heavy breathing.

  His shaft was screaming for her body. He needed to be inside her, badly. Vaguely he noted her sudden apprehension as he climbed over her. As bad as he needed her tight core clutching his shaft, he needed to know she was absolutely ready for him.

  “I’m going to ease myself into you. Do you want me to?” Hesitantly, her eyes debating, she nodded but her reluctance showed. Her body had gone stiff.

  “Tel me to stop Anya, and I’l stop.” He waited.

  “I want you Bastian, I’m just afraid … the pain.”

  He felt between her legs. She had gone dry. If he took her now shewouldfeel pain. Sebastian dipped his head to lave her nipple, when she let out a soft moan he fingered her sex, rubbing her up and down as she grew wetter. “I wil ease myself into you slowly. I’l be gentle. If you want me to stop at any moment al you need to do is say so, and I wil stop. I promise.” Her hips began to rock into him,and her body became relaxed. When he had her mindless with need onceagainhe guided his shaftto her entrance.

  She gasped at the first feel of him. He had to struggle against his need to thrust deep and hard, she needed slow right now. Her eyes had closed tight.

  “Anya, look at me.” She did. “I won’t hurt you. He eased in a little further, rubbing his thumb over her clitoris. “I only want to make you feel good.” With maddening slowness, he fil ed her inch by inch. “Gods Anya, you feel so good, so tight.” As if she agreed, Anya moaned again and shifted her hips to take more of him. “Are you ready for more?”


  Shoving further into her she took him to the hilt.

  “Oh gods!” She cried, gripping his shoulder.

  “Did I hurt you?”

  “No. It feels good.”

  In a slow rhythm he eased in and out of her,trying to keep himself from bucking too hard. In and out, he basked in the exquisite feel of her soft flesh around his shaft. He dipped his head to take one of her soft plump nipples into his mouth. Her sounds were encouraging and soon she was writhing beneath him.

  Her nails digging into his back while she cradled him between her legs.

  Before long, Sebastian was driving into her, encouraged by her eager cries of pleasure. Her legs widened for him and her back arched pressing her breasts against him. She was the most beautiful creature he’d ever beheld. Again he felt his fangs
emerge and the urge to bite her, claim her, was almosttoo difficult to resist.

  Anya looked up at him, glancing at his fangs, and then met his eyes. She didn’t look afraid. She looked wonton. Lifting herself up Anya pul ed him to her and licked his lips.He hissed out a breath, hips buckingwildly.

  “Anya!” he grated,both fighting his urge and losing himself to her warm sheath.

  Bowing her back she cried out. Her sex convulsed around his shaft, milking him. He soon fol owed her with the most mind-blowing orgasm he’d ever experienced. On and on it went for both of them, until they were both drained and fatigued from the onslaught of pleasure.

  Sebastian slumped on top of her, holding himself up by his elbows so not to crush her. While they struggled to catch their breath Anya’s legs were stil wrapped around him, her hands rubbing his arms, his chest, his back, as if she couldn’t get enough of touching him. He rol ed to lie beside her, pul ing her against him she nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck. He couldn’t get enough of her either.

  “That was amazing. I never thought it could be like that. Thank you.”

  He couldn’t help but tease her. “Anytime, just let me know the next time you’re in need and I’l drop everythingtocome running.”

  Anya’s soft giggle was the last thing he heard before drifting into sleep.

  Anya woke to a heavy need. Wetness pooled between her legs as Sebastian’s thick finger played there. Her nipples were hard and her body was making itself ready for him.

  She peeked open an eye. Gazing down at her with his head propped up on one elbow, Bastian’s grin was wicked. “Good morning.” His voice had already gone husky and she knewhemust be erect. “I’m at your service.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh. And what he was doing to her right now was nothing short of amazing. Never had she thought sex could be so wonderful.

  Vaguely she suspected it could only be so with Sebastian.

  Closing her eyes,she reveled in his touch, he continued to pet her until he had her panting, chest heaving, body aching. When she neared the apex of her climax he raked his tongue against her nipple forcing an explosion of ecstasy. Riding her through it he dipped a finger inside, heightening her pleasure.


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