My Sexy Santa

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My Sexy Santa Page 9

by Weston Parker

  “Mom,” he said, gesturing to me. “This is Ella. Ella, this is Mom.”

  “Hello, Mrs, uh …”

  “Oh, please, call me Cecelia. Come in, come in! The wind is so biting out there, isn’t it?”

  Suddenly, I was whisked into a world that was all hospitality and warmth. Normally, I would feel out of place in such an environment, especially with someone like Cecelia greeting me and doting over me, but instead, I was filled with a type of warmth I hadn’t felt in ages.

  And goodness, when she found out that neither Drayer and I’d had time to buy Christmas presents for each other, she took me to one mall and his father took Drayer to another. The trip was frantic but enjoyable, and his mother filled it with plenty of warm, inviting chatter.

  When we got back home, I was treated to an opulent dinner that put almost all my dishes to shame. Several times, I felt tears almost come to my eyes as I was reminded of exactly what it was like to have a family.

  The rest of the night passed as wonderfully, and I began to wonder if I was dreaming the entire scenario up. That feeling continued even into the night when we both cuddled in Drayer’s old bed.

  And then, out of nowhere, it was Christmas.

  It was like life had been going normally, and then all of a sudden, the holiday I dreaded the most was here. But instead of being a black cloud over my head, I was greeted by the smell of fresh cookies and Christmas ham.

  When I walked downstairs, it was like walking into a dream. Everything was warm and happy, and people were smiling.

  Oh yeah, there were people! I wasn’t alone like I thought I would be. I was surrounded by kind people. And, while I didn’t know them well, I could feel their good intentions.

  Before I knew it, hot chocolate was thrust into my hands, topped with loads of whip cream and sprinkles, and then it was opening present time.

  The parents went first, exchanging sappy gifts with each other, and then it was my turn. I handed over my hastily bought present, and Drayer opened it with the utmost reverence.

  I felt my cheeks go red as he revealed the Santa tie I had bought for him. “It’s for your new job next Christmas. So, you’ll never forget how we met.”

  “That’s really sweet,” he said, already putting it on. Once he had it tightened, he handed me his own box.

  My hands were trembling as I opened it. When was the last time I had ever opened presents on Christmas?

  Four years ago.


  My melancholy thoughts faded as his present was revealed. Hidden within a beautiful box was an elegant, silvery necklace that was subtle enough to fit my aesthetic but not so subtle that it was plain.

  “Oh, Drayer,” I breathed, picking it up gingerly. “It’s beautiful.”

  “And so are you,” he answered, looking at me with an expression that words couldn’t do justice.

  It was in that moment with that look in his eyes, I knew I had finally found someone to trust again.

  And that was the best Christmas present I could ask for.


  Christmas ended, and so did the day after it, and then Drayer and I had to return home. However, I found myself spending a lot of my free time at his place, and some nights, I even got in some video chat with his parents.

  Cecelia really was lovely, and his father, Peter, had the driest wit I had ever encountered, and I absolutely loved it.

  And with every day we spent together, I felt so much better. More complete. More healed. I felt like the Ella I’d been before everything had gone to shit and like none of the negatives of my past were holding me back.

  Then, days turned into weeks, and Drayer started his new job. I missed him at work, but he loved his job so much, I couldn’t help but feel happy for him.

  It was sometime toward the end of January when Drayer came home from his job, bristling with excitement. I had stayed over at his house all night and had spent most of the day grocery shopping and preparing a nice dinner for us as well as his lunch for the next day.

  “Did work go well?” I asked, smiling at him as he kicked his shoes off.

  “Indeed, it did! I got put on this new project, and it’s exactly what I wanted.”

  “That’s awesome,” I said, grabbing his hand. “Look, I wanted to talk to you about something.”

  His face went pale, and I realized I had chosen the wrong words. “Oh really? And what’s that?”

  “I actually got a raise last week, so I was thinking.” I took a deep breath. It was now or never. “I’d like us to move in together. Maybe get a one-bedroom apartment, so we don’t have to cram all of our stuff into a studio.”

  Instantly, his face brightened, and he rushed forward to catch me in a hug. “Yes, Ella! Yes!”

  I laughed as he spun me around, but when he set me down, something more serious came over me. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, looked into his eyes, and said words that I hadn’t uttered in ages.

  “I love you,” I whispered, meaning each and every syllable.

  “I love you too,” he answered just as honestly.

  I was filled with such warmth and happiness that I had to kiss him, and we stayed in each other’s embrace for as long as we wanted, knowing we had the rest of our lives to be together.

  “So,” he said when we finally broke apart. “Do you have a specific color scheme in mind, or does this require a trip to the interior design shop.”

  I laughed again, so happy I felt like I could burst. “You seem awfully eager.”

  “Babe, this is the first step toward our future together. Of course, I want it to be impeccably styled.”

  “Oh, so you’re already thinking about the big ol’ future?”

  He winked at me, and I felt that same electricity. “Ella, I’ve been thinking about the future together since the moment I found you.”

  He really knew how to make a girl’s knees melt, didn’t he? I kissed him once more, happy to share my own thoughts and daydreams about all that awaited us.

  After all, I wasn’t alone anymore.

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  About the Author

  Hey there. I'm Weston.

  I'm a former firefighter/EMS guy who's picked up the proverbial pen and started writing bad boy romance stories. I co-write with my sister, Ali Parker as we travel the United States for the next two years.

  You're going to find Billionaires, Bad Boys, Mafia and loads of sexiness. Something for everyone, hopefully. I'd love to connect with you. Check out the links below and come find me.

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