Bad Boy SEAL

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Bad Boy SEAL Page 2

by Lilly Holden

  “Four burgers and fries.” The shaggy-haired blonde I’d addressed earlier grabbed the menus and handed them to me, which I shoved under one arm. “Iced tea for the drinks.” He glanced across at the man who’d rattled my cage so badly. “That okay with you, Jake?” he asked with an amused look on his handsome face.

  Jake. So that was the dark haired man’s name.

  I grabbed the excuse to divert my attention. Keeping my gaze fixed on the pad, I scribbled their order even though the stupid pen wasn’t working, but looking at the order pad gave me a reason to look elsewhere. “Gotcha. Won’t be long.”

  As I hurried to the counter to re-write their order, I couldn’t ignore the feeling of the stranger’s—Jake’s—gaze following my every step.

  And the thrill of knowing he was watching me?

  Now that part I absolutely chose to ignore.



  I watched my target as she moved back to the diner’s counter. The sway of her hips, the way her blonde ponytail bounced with each step—not to mention the outline of her sweet, curvy body in that ridiculously fucking tight uniform she was wearing, all had me memorizing every single detail like my life depended on it.

  Fuck, it might yet.

  But that wasn’t the reason every fucking part of my being was super charged with adrenaline—the same kind of rush I had felt during my years as a SEAL right before a mission.

  The reason was the fact ‘Charlie’ was a girl and not a younger male cousin of Wyatt Reed as initially stated in the intel supplied by my boss’s client.

  No, scratch that. The reason was Charlotte Reed was all curves, kind of shy and with big blue eyes. The kind of eyes that had me wanting to explore what lay behind the secrets and sadness I saw in their depths. And the curiosity she couldn’t hide. Yeah, I’d caught that, too. Each time she’d unconsciously licked her lips. The way she’d stood there, staring at me, unsure, but wondering.

  That’s why I was so fucking fined tuned.

  Charlotte Reed. My target.

  A wave of possessiveness consumed me. I breathed deep, letting the need burn in hard, leave its brand.

  I wanted her. Wanted to claim her.

  To have her beneath me. In bed.



  I felt myself harden. An image of her lying naked and tied spread-eagled on a bed with me leaning over her filled my mind. I’d tell her all the filthy things I was going to do to her. Would she let her curiosity take over or beg for me to let her go?

  As if letting her go was an option.

  Not with what was at stake with this mission.

  Dangerous men who didn’t care how many lives they destroyed as they got rich from drugs and human trafficking and were determined to win at all costs. Charlotte was a pawn in my mission to help bring them to justice.

  I glanced across and watched as she chatted with an elderly couple a few tables down from us. Her smile was genuine as she laughed at something the old man said. Her gaze, bright with joy, was filled with warmth. As she went to move away, she lightly touched the woman on her shoulder as if conveying that friendship.

  Walking past another table, Charlotte gave a tiny wave to a little girl who was sucking a milkshake. The kid gifted Charlotte with a huge grin, swinging her legs in happiness.

  The little blonde waitress cared about people. Showed that in her every action.

  And I was the guy about to put her in harm’s way.

  The gut-churning idea of her getting physically hurt plowed into me with the force of a knuckle-duster punch to my face. I fisted my hands against my thighs. No fucker would get near Charlotte. Nobody but me.

  She was under my protection.

  The speed and passion of my decision both shocked and pleased me. For years, my instincts, along with my training, and trust in the men by my side had kept me alive. I didn’t question this new path.

  One thing was certain. My mission had now changed.

  My mind raced to reconfigure plans previously worked out in precise detail. I hadn’t survived long enough to become a retired SEAL without learning to adapt at a moment’s notice. Having the correct facts in the first place helped. Speaking of which… I glared across at the man sitting opposite.

  “What the fuck happened with the local intel?”

  Ryder Nolan’s mouth turned down. “I admitted as we entered this dump the guy checking facts back in Dallas fucked up. Charlie Wyatt’s photo was the only one missing from the case file. We only got confirmation Charlie was female five minutes before we walked in.” He shook his head, his blond hair longer now that he was out of the Teams, fell across his forehead. Bastard needed a haircut. “That’s why Lance’s contact in the Feds told us to take charge of the job from this end.”

  Jake cursed. Lance Marshall must have been all kinds of pissed when he’d found out about the Feds’ fuck-up. Their first SEAL team leader and owner of the private security firm me and his buddies now worked for expected the highest standard of his employees and those he contracted jobs from.

  Ryder’s downturned mouth showed his own displeasure. “The agent’s excuse was he didn’t think someone not directly implicated in the case needed to be scrutinized, and he was busy with other aspects of the case.”

  Too busy to run a driver’s license? How time-poor was the lazy ass?

  “That kind of mistake costs lives.” Eli Ford sat back in the booth next to me, his voice tight with disgust. The bald sniper had no time for unprofessional behavior on a job. It was one of the reasons I respected the man. “Bastard deserves a demotion at the very least.”

  Deke Wallace leaned an elbow on the windowsill. “Is he clean? Maybe his mistake wasn’t so innocent.” His gray eyes narrowed, and I could imagine the questions in my buddy’s head. Deke had interrogated the prisoners they’d captured on missions when time had been short and answers desperately needed.

  Such as their last mission in Afghanistan.

  But the answers they’d received had come too late to stop—

  I drew in a deep breath and forced those memories away. Not today. The sounds of the screams of battle and explosions of gunfire would wait for another time. Like at night when the terrors of warfare haunted a man and stole his sleep.

  “The Feds fucked up. I’m changing my plan.” I held up my hand as Ryder opened his mouth. “No. You brought me in to hook Wyatt and use that to our advantage. I’ve got that bastard on his knees. He’s close to a breaking point. Now I’m taking that leverage.” Just in ways Ryder hadn’t planned. “Either way, I have the girl.”

  I met the stares of the men sitting in the booth. Skepticism, shock and maybe more than a little jealousy were detected. Deke raised an eyebrow. “You’re claiming her? After knowing her less than two minutes?”

  Totally fucking insane maneuver, I know, but that didn’t change my commitment to keeping her safe. More than that, the caveman instinct to throw her over my shoulder and keep her forever only increased as the seconds passed.

  I didn’t think about deeper emotions beyond attraction. They were there, building, maybe even at the core of my need to protect her. But for now, I’d concentrate on securing my prize.

  “Charlotte’s mine.”

  Saying the words aloud should have scared me, but instead, a flood of calmness flowed through my body. Seconds later, a rising tide of anticipation swept through me.

  My decision was made. Now I’d claim my target.



  The Texas summer heat seared my back and shoulders as I walked home to Wyatt’s house. After six hours on my feet waitressing, every step stretched out like a mile. The grocery bag filled with the fixings of a salad to go with tonight’s dinner felt like a lead weight in my hand.

  Nearing Wyatt’s driveway I cast a curious glance at the two black SUVs parked behind his white truck. I studied the vehicles. When was the last time Wyatt had visitors to the house? A buddy of his came t
he first week I was here, some guy Wyatt didn’t bother to introduce me to, but since then, nobody.

  A glance at the house revealed nothing since the blinds on the front windows were closed, blocking any view into the living room.

  But I was home and about to get out of the heat. What did I care?

  With a grateful sigh, I opened the front door and stepped inside, letting my eyes adjust to the darkness of the interior after the brightness outside. The cool breeze of the air conditioner wafted over me.

  Oh, that felt so good. All I needed was a quick shower and then get myself a cool drink, and I’d feel half human. Dropping the keys on the small hall able, I moved toward the living room. “Wyatt, I’m home.”

  Maybe I could put dinner off for—

  “Charlie, get out,” Wyatt’s urgent warning came as I entered the room.

  What the hell?

  I stopped in my tracks.

  There was Wyatt, his wrists cuffed behind him as he sat in one of the old dining chairs in the middle of the living room. His lip was split and already swelling. But most shocking were the four linebacker sized men standing near my cousin, menace clearly outlined in their muscular profiles as they stared dispassionately at Wyatt before turning their gazes on me.

  The same four men I’d served at lunchtime in the diner.

  “Charlotte, I’ve been waiting for you.”

  I caught my breath at the sound of the dark, rich baritone voice.

  Jake, the chocolate-eyed stranger, was to the side of Wyatt. Tall and standing with his arms lose at his sides—as if ready to strike in a split second—he exuded danger and confidence.

  And he’d been waiting.

  For me.

  We locked gazes, his bold and determined as he regarded me. I couldn’t look away. Not for a second.

  “Charlie, I’m sorry” Wyatt began, his voice wavering with fear.

  “Shut your mouth,” ordered the brown-haired man in a sleeveless T-shirt closest to Wyatt. His deep, harsh voice matched his threatening stance as he leaned in close to my cousin.

  Another of the four men, this one bald and just as scary looking with the way he balanced the ends of a big knife between his hands, looked bored with what was taking place. Was he thinking of ways to make use of the wickedly sharp looking blade?

  I failed to suppress a shiver, but tried my best not to let my voice tremble. “What’s happening here?” I moved to step forward, but the blonde guy—the one with the movie star good looks who’d smiled at me earlier at the diner—blocked my way.

  Gone from his face was the amusement he’d shown at lunchtime. Now his expression was resolute, cold even, as he grabbed my bags in one hand and took hold of my arm, leading me to stand a few feet in front of Wyatt. “Quiet and listen,” he ordered me with a hard stare, before letting go of my arm. He nodded to Jake, as if handing over control of the proceedings.

  “Your cousin lost big playing poker.” Jake spared Wyatt a bored glance before focusing back on me. “He’s overdue paying is debt.”

  “Poker?” I looked at Wyatt, but my cousin couldn’t meet my gaze, keeping his locked on the floor. A frisson of unease crawled up the length of my spine. “How much do you owe?”

  Wyatt remained silent. With a sickening feeling in my belly, I turned my gaze to Jake. “How much?”

  Jake speared Wyatt with a look of disgust. “Christ, you’re not even man enough to tell her yourself.” With a shake of his head, he turned back to me. “Fifty grand.”

  I could only stare back, my thoughts whirling. Fifty grand? That was more than I could ever make in three years of waitressing. Hell, probably longer. I scrambled to think of some way we could fix this. But…how?

  “We don’t…” I couldn’t finish, the enormity of the dollar figure rendering me silent. Sucking in a shaky breath, I tried again. “We don’t have that kind of money.”

  A glint entered Jake’s gaze and the unease I felt earlier deepened, falling like a heavy rock in my belly. “There’s another way to pay Wyatt’s debt.”

  “What other way?” As soon as I said the words, I wanted to call them back. I didn’t want to know.

  Jake prowled toward me, his body now inches from mine as he towered over me. His hard gaze pinned me to the spot. “You.”

  The ground dropped a foot beneath me. “What?” I whispered.

  “You, Charlotte.” Jake grasped my chin between his thumb and forefinger. The firmness of his touch rooted me to the spot as the world swayed around me from his shocking answer. “For seven days you’re mine. You do exactly what I say, when I say. No questions asked.”

  “You can’t be serious?”

  But he was. I could see from the determined look in his face, the forceful way he stood before me, held my chin. As if my decision was a foregone conclusion.

  Wyatt lifted his head, his eyes tearing up. “I’m sorry, Charlie, but they’ll hurt me otherwise.” His whiney voice was like a deep scratch on sunburnt skin. It was because of him we were in this mess. “They mean it. You don’t know how dangerous they are.”

  Anger flamed inside me. I’d lost my mother less than a month ago and this coward was all the family I had. “But it’s okay to sell me to pay off your debt?”

  “It’s just sex. You’ll live through it.” Wyatt’s tone had turned accusing, as if I was being unreasonable. “Hell, you may even like it for all—”

  Jake lunged with lightning speed, punching Wyatt in the mouth. Wyatt’s head snapped to the side from the force, blood spurting from a new cut to his lip. But Jake was far from done. He grabbed Wyatt’s neck with one hand and squeezed. “You’re not worthy to lick her boots, you little fucker.” His voice was deceptively calm as Wyatt’s face turned red. Choking sounds came from his mouth, his eyes bulging as he struggled to breathe.

  “Stop that.” I ran forward, but the blond guy clamped an arm around my waist and dragged me back. I tried to wrestle free, but was no match against his strength.

  “Maybe I should let Deke set you straight on respecting women.” Jake glanced at the man in the sleeveless t-shirt. “That split lip he gave you was his way of warming up.” Jake seemed oblivious to Wyatt’s frantic gaze as my cousin’s face turned a hideous shade of purple. “Or Eli might find a use for that knife of his. Teach you a lesson about manners when it comes to Charlotte.”

  “I’m all for that.” The bald guy, Eli, straightened from his stance of leaning against the wall.

  “Count me in.” Deke cracked his knuckles.

  Wyatt’s eyes began to roll back in his head as his body went slack.

  I clawed at the steel band around my waist, desperate to get free. “Please, I’m begging you, let him go.”

  With a shove, Jake released his hold on Wyatt’s neck, but the merciless look on his face promised he’d show Wyatt no mercy a second time.

  Leaving me with no choice.

  “I’ll go with you.” I hated the way my voice trembled. Hated the way it made me look weak and scared in front of these men, even though that’s exactly how I felt. I let my body slump, no longer fighting the guy holding me, and waited.

  Jake turned to face me, his gaze immediately going to the man’s arm still at my waist. “You can let her go, Ryder.”

  So the one holding me was called Ryder?

  I committed all their names to memory. Some law enforcement agency would want to know, along with every detail I could remember from their appearance.

  With a soft chuckle, Ryder stepped back. “You get her straightened out. We’ll secure this piece of shit.”

  I wasn’t given time to process what that meant for Wyatt before Jake took my arm in a firm grip and led me away.

  “Where’s your room?” he asked as he pulled me down the hallway, shoving doors open as we went.

  “Next on the left,” I got out just as Jake opened the door. Bringing me into the room, he stopped next to my bed and looked around.

  My bedroom was spacious enough, but Jake’s large frame seemed to dw
arf everything from the bed to the tall dresser. Plus, he was close enough I could reach out and run my fingertips over the tight fit of his black t-shirt.

  Not that I would dare.

  In that second, he turned back to face me, and the way his gaze sharpened, I swear he could read my thoughts. I curled my fingers in my hand at my side, as if hiding my idiot earlier notion.

  “Grab what you need. You’ve got two minutes.”

  I shook my head. This all seemed so surreal. One moment I was bringing home dinner, and the next, I was being dragged around by a total stranger. One who had already shown he was capable of violence, even as he was apparently defending my honor to my cousin.

  Considering Jake was the man blackmailing me to go with him in the first place, the irony of him protecting me was laughable. At least it would have been if I could have mustered up the courage.

  And now I was going away with him for a week?

  Oh my gosh, what about my job? There was no way Mindy would keep me on after not showing up for that time. How would I find another job in this two-bit town?

  “One minute thirty,” Jake said in a tone that warned he’d drag me out of there not a second later.

  I grabbed the duffel bag I’d used to bring my clothing from Chicago and ran to the dresser, opening drawers and grabbing a few t-shirts, jeans and a couple of summery skirts. Trying not think of Jake watching me, I stuffed a bunch of underwear and a couple of bras in the duffel, too. Looking around the room, I tried to focus on what was most important. I mean, I should be coming back, right? Seven days. That was the deal. But what if he was lying? What if something happened to me?

  My breathing started to quicken as I grabbed my hairbrush and comb. Next my e-reader, because, well, hell, I don’t know. I just wanted something every-day normal with me. Something that would help me feel this wasn’t some crazy, dangerous deal I’d made.

  I reached for my toiletries bag. The one mom had given me last Christmas filled with my favorite lilac soap and matching body lotion. We’d smiled together over the little blue flowers—forget-me-nots—featured in the pattern of the bag’s material. I joked that the next Christmas I’d get her a matching bag.


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