Turning the Tables

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Turning the Tables Page 20

by Claire Thompson

  He’d completed the bank training program and was now working in their mid-size corporate group, analyzing balance sheets and profit and loss statements, and structuring loans to help businesses get ahead. To his surprise, he loved the work, even the cold calling to scout out new business. He’d gotten used to donning his dark suit and sober tie each day, settling comfortably into the role of a banker, though he always wore Avery’s triskelion medallion under his starched white shirt.

  “Well, we better get a move on,” Avery said, giving Hank a playful swat on the ass. “We need to get the truck loaded and head on over to the convention center.”

  Their booth was one of dozens set up on long tables in a huge space. Avery and Hank were kept busy handing out beer samples in one-ounce plastic cups to the huge crowd of folks moving steadily down the line, while Nolan handled sales. There were dozens of independent microbreweries represented at the festival. Hank never knew there were so many kinds of beer—from pumpkin to vanilla cream to jalapeño, along with any number of more traditional brews. Though he was biased, none of them compared to Avery’s original Colorado Mule.

  At one point in early afternoon, their wares nearly sold out, Hank looked up to see two elderly gentlemen, both wearing jackets and bowties. The taller of the two squinted at Avery and then broke out into a broad smile. “Why, it’s Avery Thompson. Frank,” he said excitedly, turning to the man beside him. “This is the young man I was telling you about. The one who took my cherry.” He chuckled wheezily.

  “Mr. Smith?” Avery said, breaking into a grin of his own. “Is that you?”

  “One and the same,” the old man replied. “And it’s James. Remember, I told you to call me James.” He shook Avery’s hand. “Is this what you do when you’re not saving old men from a life of loneliness?”

  Avery chuckled. “This is all I do now. It takes all my time and then some. I’m glad to see you’re doing well.”

  “Yep,” James agreed. “I’m still alive and kicking.” He turned to the dapper man beside him. They both had to be in their eighties at least. “This is Frank Jarvis, my gentleman friend. Frank is a real beer enthusiast. He’s trying to get me to try the peanut butter ale, but I draw the line at blueberry.”

  “Try some of this Colorado Mule,” Hank interjected amidst the laughter. He offered a cup to each gentleman. “It’s our best seller.”

  The men accepted the cups and took sips. “Excellent,” Frank pronounced. “I’ll take a case.”


  That night, exhausted but happy, the couple snuggled together in bed. Avery lay on his back, Hank curled around him. “Happy anniversary, Sir,” Hank said softly, lifting his head to kiss Avery lightly on the lips. “I love you.”

  Those three simple words had never come easily to his lips before he’d met Avery. He’d never said them to Reese, not once. He hadn’t been able to say them, not because Reese wasn’t deserving, but because he hadn’t loved himself. He hadn’t believed in love and had been dismissive of those who did. But now he was the most ardent of converts, thanks to the amazing man lying beside him.

  “Happy anniversary,” Avery replied with a tender smile, which turned devilish as he added, “I have a present for you in the morning. Something special I think you’re going to love.”

  “Oh, tell me, tell me now,” Hank urged, excited.

  Avery chuckled. “Patience was never your virtue, Hank. Remember, good things come to those who wait.”

  Hank knew from his tone that Avery wasn’t going to budge, so he let it go.

  He kissed Avery’s cheek and then shifted lower, pulling away the covers to expose Avery’s big, strong body. He planted tiny kisses along Avery’s neck and chest. Shifting, he kissed along Avery’s stomach, inhaling Avery’s woodsy, intoxicating scent.

  “Hmm,” Avery murmured. “That feels good. Don’t stop.” His big cock was inflating, lifting its head for Hank’s kiss.

  Purposely ignoring it, Hank kissed in a teasing circle around Avery’s groin. Ignoring Avery’s small mew of frustration, Hank brushed his lips along Avery’s muscular legs and even kissed the tips of his toes. Adding his hands, he stroked Avery’s firm flesh, kneading the hard muscles beneath it. As he worked his way back up Avery’s legs and body, he again purposely ignored Avery’s cock, which was now fully erect in its nest of ginger curls.

  “Hey, sub boy.” Avery finally lifted his head, a mock frown on his face. “You keep missing the best part.”

  Hank grinned. “A wise man once told me—good things come to those who wait.”

  Avery laughed. “Touché. Just don’t make me wait too long, boy. I’m the one with the paddle.”

  “Yeah, but I like that,” Hank replied, laughing too. He continued his leisurely pace, kissing, licking and stroking Avery’s body for several more teasing minutes. When he finally lowered his mouth over Avery’s huge, perfect, throbbing cock, he had to agree—some things were definitely worth waiting for.

  The next morning, Hank woke before Avery. He slipped quietly out of bed. After washing up, he went into their kitchenette and put on a pot of coffee to brew. He returned to the bed, where Avery was still sleeping. He sat quietly beside him, just watching his sleeping lover, marveling at the life they’d created together.

  As if feeling Hank’s gaze, Avery slowly opened his eyes. “Hey, there,” he said sleepily. “Is that coffee I smell?”

  “Yep. Want a cup?”

  “Yes.” Avery threw back the covers. “And there’s your surprise, too, don’t forget.”

  “Cool,” Hank said, excited. He glanced around the room. “Where is it? What is it?”

  “Patience,” Avery said, his eyes twinkling. “Let’s have our coffee first.”

  Hank made some bacon and eggs while Avery showered. He managed to hold his tongue during breakfast, though he was wildly curious as to what the surprise was. Finally, Avery said, “I want to give you something special before we go for our tattoos. To get you ready, I’d like you to give yourself an enema first. You’ll find some pre-prepared douches in the bathroom cabinet. When you’re done and showered, present yourself to me.”

  They hadn’t used enemas before for anal play, not finding it necessary. “Why?” Hank blurted. “Why an enema?”

  Avery met his question with a slightly amused gaze. “Because I said so.”

  Hank swallowed, the cloak of his submission falling at once over his senses. “Yes, Sir.”

  In the bathroom, he took a douche from the cabinet and went into the shower stall to insert the small tube into his ass. It didn’t take long for the liquid to do its work. He used the toilet and then took a quick shower.

  When he came out into the living room area, Avery was sitting in his big recliner doing something on his laptop. He looked up as Hank, naked, came to stand in front of him. “I did it, Sir.”

  Avery closed his laptop and got to his feet. “Good. Come to the bedroom and lie down.”

  They went together to the bedroom. Hank pulled back the rumpled bedding and lay down, his cock already rising with anticipation of Avery’s promised surprise. Avery stripped off his shorts and T-shirt. He reached for a jar of premixed J-lube and a disposable glove he must have placed on the nightstand while Hank was in the shower.

  “Remember when we talked about fisting?” Avery asked, lust sparking in his green eyes.

  “Sure,” Hank said, his stomach suddenly flipping over as he eyed the glove and lube.

  They’d had a long conversation about fisting earlier in the week. Avery had some experience with it, both as Top and bottom. Hank wasn’t opposed to the idea in principle, but making it a reality was a whole different ball game.

  “You go slowly,” Avery had said. “It’s not a sprint. It’s a slow, sensual marathon, and the finish line is fucking awesome. The orgasm you can experience with fisting is truly mind-blowing. It involves your entire body. But even beyond the sex, it’s the connection with your partner. It’s a kind of flying, when that connection is there. The tr
ust, the submission, the grace, the passion—it’s the ultimate power exchange.”

  “Is…is that my surprise?” Hank ventured now, not quite sure how he felt about it.

  “Yes,” Avery said, his lids hooding, giving his eyes a smoldering look. “I wouldn’t suggest it if I didn’t think you were ready.”

  The idea of fisting, in theory, was hot. But, in fact? Hank wasn’t so sure.

  “This is why we’ve been using the graduated anal plugs over the past few days,” Avery continued. “I’ve been getting you ready. I’m confident you can handle this or I would never suggest it. The success of this kind of thing boils down to two things—trust and surrender. You’ve proven yourself over and over as a brave, courageous sub, and I’m certain this time will be no exception.”

  He sat on the bed beside Hank. “Lie on your stomach and I’ll give you a massage.”

  Hank rolled over, sighing with anticipatory pleasure. No one could deliver a massage like Avery. It wasn’t just his big, strong hands and masterful touch. He seemed to have an intuitive understanding of just what you needed, even before you knew it yourself.

  As Avery gently kneaded Hank’s shoulders and upper back, he continued, “It’s important to be relaxed and receptive, both in mind and body. For fisting to work, we have to communicate. I don’t want you to power through it. If anything doesn’t feel right, you tell me right away. There’s nothing wrong with calling for a timeout, or even stopping the scene altogether if it turns out it’s not right for us.”

  Avery moved his hands down, working out kinks in Hank’s lower back he hadn’t known were there. “If you can trust me and surrender your fear, I really think you’re going to love this. But I want you to want this, too. Are you willing?”

  Hank rolled over to look into his Dom’s deep, kind eyes. He loved and trusted this man with all of his being. If Avery wanted this for him, then he wanted it, too. “Yes, Sir,” he replied softly.

  Avery smiled. “Great. You please me. As I said, we’ll take our time. And just so you know beforehand, you have my permission to come. Don’t worry about trying to ask for it, since you probably won’t be able to speak coherently at that point.”

  If that was supposed to relax Hank, it had the opposite effect. But at the same time, he couldn’t deny he was deeply intrigued.

  Avery prodded him gently to lie again on his stomach. Resuming the heavenly massage, he continued, “I want you to focus on relaxing, both now and during the scene. We tend to tense our muscles when we experience new sensations. Fisting can actually be extremely pleasurable if you’re able to relax enough to give yourself over to it. I get it that you’re scared, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’s part of the eroticism. The vulnerability of working through and exploring the limits of your pleasure and your body with someone you trust is very powerful.”

  Hank nodded. He was still scared, but Avery’s words made sense to him.

  “Remember, you belong to me. What that means is that I’ll always protect you from harm and keep you safe. We’ll go very slowly, working our way up to it. I’ll be right there with you, looking into your eyes, paying attention to your body. It’s okay to be scared. It’s okay to say stop or slow down. We’re exploring this together, you and me. Like I said before, I have a fair amount of fisting experience, but never with someone I truly loved.”

  Hank smiled. He never tired of hearing Avery say he loved him. “I want to try it,” Hank said, his resolve firming. “If you want it for me, Sir, then I want it too.

  “Excellent.” Avery rolled him gently again until he was once more on his back. “You’re going to love it. I promise,” he repeated. He pulled on the disposable glove and scooped a large dollop of the thick lube onto his gloved fingers.

  In spite of his desire to submit, relax and obey, Hank’s heart kicked into high gear.


  Avery crouched between Hank’s legs on the bed and smiled encouragingly at his lover. “I’m going to start very slowly. Tell me if it gets too intense.”

  “Okay.” Hank looked nervous, but Avery could sense his underlying excitement.

  He was eager to give this gift to Hank. Avery had considered the idea before, but had decided to wait a little longer to broach the idea. With the trust and love they’d built together over the past year, along with Hank’s growth as a sub, Avery was certain he was ready.

  He’d tried to explain the sensations when they’d talked earlier in the week, but words could only approximate the power of sensual fisting. It could stimulate a whole range of nerves throughout the entire body, radiating out from your core to your limbs all the way to your fingers and toes. The connection between partners was deeply intimate, and when the overlay of a Dom/sub relationship was added to the mix, it took the experience to an even more intense and powerful level.

  He started slowly, first rimming Hank’s tight hole with plenty of J-lube. Then he gently inserted a single gloved finger inside. He stroked Hank’s cock at the same time, turned on by Hank’s sexy sighs and moans. When he added a second finger, Hank tensed a little.

  “Relax,” Avery soothed, moving his fingers carefully inside Hank’s hot tunnel as he stroked his shaft. “Stay open to me, both in mind and body.”

  Hank opened his eyes and met Avery’s gaze. The tension eased out of his body as they stared at one another. “Yes, Sir,” he whispered.

  Avery added a third finger. Hank squirmed a little, but kept his eyes firmly locked on Avery’s.

  “We good?” Avery queried, feeling the muscles in Hank’s anus relax and open to him.

  “Yes,” Hank breathed. “Good. So good…” He moaned softly and pushed against Avery’s hand, forcing his fingers deeper inside.

  Not wanting Hank to ejaculate too soon, he let go of his shaft. He wiggled his fingers carefully inside Hank’s ass. “Ready for more?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Hank said, a small quaver in his voice. “I think.”

  “I think so too,” Avery said, thrilled at how well Hank was handling it so far. “You’re doing really well. I’m not going to go deep, so don’t worry.” He placed his free palm on Hank’s chest. “We’re nearly there. Focus on letting go. Breathe.”

  Hank drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly, his body again relaxing. Avery moved his fingers inside of Hank while reaching again for his erection, which hadn’t flagged at all. As he stroked his lover inside and out, Hank moaned and gasped, a deep tremor moving through his frame.

  Very slowly Avery added his thumb.

  Hank groaned, his face scrunching as he struggled to accommodate the invasion.

  “You doing okay, kiddo?” Avery asked, pausing but not pulling out.

  “Yes, Sir,” Hank gasped, his voice husky. His pupils were huge, his lips parted, a fierce, consuming passion in those lovely dark eyes. It was happening—he was nearly there. Something in his face was softening, that familiar, beautiful submissive glow lighting his features as he relinquished control.

  A wild erotic power surged through Avery’s loins, making his cock throb. His eyes fixed on Hank’s face, carefully, slowly, Avery balled his hand into a fist inside Hank’s ass.

  Hank groaned again, his eyes fever-bright, his cock hard as steel.

  Avery moved very slowly at first, massaging the small bump of Hank’s prostate with his fisted hand.

  “Jesus,” Hank breathed in a sibilant sigh. He was trembling from head to toe, his face and chest flushed, sweat on his brow. “Oh, it’s so good. So good… Oh, fuck. Too much, too much. I can’t… Oh… Fuck… Oh, yes, oh, god… ”

  “You’re there, sweetheart,” Avery breathed, transfixed. “Surrender to it—to me.” Avery gripped Hank’s hard, hot shaft.

  Hank’s sighs and moans shifted into something more animal as his breath quickened. There was an almost visible glow around him now as his submissive spirit rose and soared. He panted and growled as Avery brought him closer and closer to the edge.

  Fisting balanced on a delicate line between
pain and pleasure, so that the orgasms were equally intense and agonizing in the loveliest way possible. Avery was panting along with his lover, fully sharing the moment, his entire focus on Hank as they crested together toward Hank’s climax.

  All at once, Hank shuddered violently as he cried out in a guttural roar that was as primal and sexy as it got. As Hank ejaculated, he continued to howl, the sound rising and falling in peaks and valleys generated from absolute surrender and raw, blinding pleasure.

  It was a beautiful, almost frightening thing to witness, and it spoke to the deepest part of Avery’s dominant soul. “Yes,” he breathed softly, in awe. “That’s it. Let it all go.”

  Hank’s body, arced and rigid in the moment of release, collapsed back against the mattress. His eyes had finally closed. His features slack, his body sprawled over the bed. Slowly, Avery eased his hand out and stripped off the glove, dropping it into the small, lined trashcan nearby.

  Leaning over his lover, Avery said softly, “Hey, you. You okay?”

  Slowly, Hank opened his eyes, though they remained unfocused. “Hmmm,” he mumbled and then his lids fluttered closed again. A blissful, goofy smile moved over his lips. Peace and satisfaction radiated from him like the halo around an angel.

  Avery smiled, warmth radiating through him. Hank was floating in sub la-la land, and Avery was happy to let him stay there a while. He lay down beside Hank, took him gently into his arms and closed his eyes.

  Avery must have drifted to sleep, because when he opened his eyes again, Hank was crouched between his legs, Avery’s cock in his hot, perfect mouth. Avery moaned with pleasure, letting the heavenly sensations of Hank’s lips, tongue and hands wash over him. At the moment of release, he cried out Hank’s name, repeating the single syllable over and over, like a mantra, like a prayer.


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