Family Business (Mixing Business with Pleasure Book 3)

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Family Business (Mixing Business with Pleasure Book 3) Page 15

by Ace Gray

  "Well, well. That night was an epic train wreck, or at least what I can remember. You still have that scar?”

  I pinched my face and absentmindedly rubbed on the raised skin on my shoulder.

  “Only one person can get you that worked up nowadays. Are you moving out and smashing glassware as you go?” She cocked her head. “I’ll help, but I refuse to drink Fireball.”

  “Whiskey will do just fine,” I grunted.

  “You rarely make good decisions while drinking whiskey." There was amusement twinkling in her bright blue eyes.

  “Thanks Mom, I hadn't realized…" I hadn't meant to sound as snarky as I did.

  "I won’t go anywhere with you if you take this out on me." She shot me a deadly look from behind her desk. I immediately slumped in resignation. “I thought so,” she quipped and started shuffling her paperwork. When I let loose a world weary sigh, Laura picked up the papers and shoved them in her bag.

  She grabbed my elbow and led me out of S&C and toward a bar. My heart jackknifed and made my ankle wobble as we crossed the threshold. Laura’s brow crinkled in response but she let me choose a large booth away from the front windows without question.

  Our drinks came quickly and my whiskey neat went down far too easily. The worry I’d been consumed with mellowed but wouldn’t melt completely, not even with the too sweet amber liquor.

  Ugh, this is why I drink scotch.

  "Where are your shadows?” Laura asked.

  "Haven't a clue. They disappeared with Nick and I couldn't even begin to guess at why." I rolled my eyes, thinking it over for the tenth time in as many minutes.

  "Do you want to talk about it?”

  "Not really." I shrugged my shoulders as I stole a cherry from her drink.

  “Is it about the naked photos?” If I’d had a mouthful I would have spit it out at her, totally unconcerned with the mess it would have spattered everywhere. I ordered another drink with a quick, curt gesture.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Kate…” She went to chide me but I cut her off.

  “No. Nope. Don’t even think of Kate-ing me. What naked pictures?”

  “Well they aren’t so much naked pictures as they are pictures of you and Nicholas in the middle of…well…you know.”

  “No, I don’t know. This is all news to me. In the middle of what?”

  “Don’t make me say it,” she whined.

  I simply arched an eyebrow and pursed my lips. I pulled my fresh whiskey to my lips and let it burn across my tongue and down my throat.

  “Fine.” Laura glowered at me. “Fine. They’re of you two having sex.”


  How? Why? Was I tied up or getting paddled? Motherfuckinggoddamnshit.

  “I don’t know when.”

  “How bad are they?”

  “I don’t know.” She sipped on her cocktail. “Ari told me about them. I don’t ever need to see your naked ass all twisted up with Nicholas.”

  “Ari knows?” My volume was rising.

  “Yeah, she called me the day after the gala.”

  “So everybody knows this shit except me?”

  “Christopher was right, Nicholas loves to keep you in the dark.”

  Christopher was right?

  I didn’t even bother responding to her. I shoved out of the booth and stomped to the bar. Laura yelled after me but I crossed my arms and gritted my teeth as I slid onto a barstool.

  How dare she agree with Christopher. On Anything. Ever. Even something fucking tiny! Sexual photos explained a lot. Nick’s adamancy that, this time, I would actually be hurt. Christopher calling me a whore. The security ramifications were even more worrisome. He would have had to be close—too close. Maybe even inside the apartment.

  “Looks like you need a drink worse than I do.”

  A snicker interrupted my spiraling thoughts from the corner of the bar. The bearded ginger-haired man across the way was vaguely familiar but I couldn’t place him.

  “No, thank you, I’m engaged.” I tried to soften the tone of my voice.

  Sort of.

  “I’m not trying to hit on you kiddo, just offering a drink to another angry soul.”

  “I am not an angry soul,” I enunciated each word sharply. “And I don’t want your fucking drink.”

  “Okay, okay.” He was chuckling again as he raised his hands in defeat over the bar.

  The laugh made him seem all the more familiar but even wracking my brain, I couldn’t figure him out. The creepy feeling he gave me was easier to place.

  “Glenfiddich. Neat, please.” I angled myself away from the lowlife and toward the bartender.

  As soon as the scotch hit my lips, it tasted wrong. There was something slimy about it and the usual notes were muddied, the aftertaste acidic as hell.

  Everything is wrong today…

  After a second sip, my head cocked back and I scrunched my face. That’s when the laughing began.

  No, maniacal chuckling.

  I looked over and it clicked. It was the sadistic smile that hung on the ginger man’s face that was familiar. Satan’s grin itself made all the features I’d missed snap into place.


  I couldn’t think about him or the implications of his presence, because my head started to swim. I swayed on the stool.

  “You’re so predictable, Kate. Just like Nicholas.”

  My fingers curled into the marbled bar as I swayed again. My knuckles turned white. My heart was hammering faster than I’d ever thought was possible, it was shaking my body, shooting pain up and down my limbs. I couldn’t help but reach for my chest, and when my hand left the bar, I pitched further.

  Like a lopsided bag of potatoes, I started sliding from the stool then tumbled into a heap on the wooden floor. My body tingled and not in the blissful way, in the oh-God-it-fucking-hurts way. Voltage shot through my body and I was fairly sure I knew what it felt like to be electrocuted. And what was worse, I couldn’t feel much else. My hand fell away from my ribs, as my body lost motor control. My vision tunneled but I could see Christopher slinking toward me.

  "You keep your hands off her.”


  She sounded like she was underwater.

  "I'll help you get her in a cab.” Christopher’s voice made me want to shove or shout but I couldn’t move. I could barely breathe.

  "Back the fuck away!" Laura screamed just before I blacked out completely.


  A small, piercing beep rang repeatedly through my subconscious. I was cold, colder than I should be. The light was dim but somehow still harsh even through my closed eyelids. I could hear voices drawing me out of a deep, miserable sleep.

  It's your fucking fault. The woman's voice was shrill.

  I would give my life for hers. Had I known, I never would have let this happen. The male voice was pained and ferocious but still ran like warm butter across my skin.

  You would have known if you'd been around. The woman's voice was getting more agitated. I finally processed that the voices were fighting.

  I had to keep my distance to protect her. All I do is think about her. Every God damned moment of every single day. The man's voice sent small shockwaves down my spine.

  You keep telling yourself that. The words were acidic as they dripped off the woman’s tongue.

  Ms. Gold, Mr. Bryant, if you would please continue this discussion outside. This was a new voice. Deeper, kinder. Somehow more forceful too—authoritative.

  The clipping of heels and shuffle of shoes faded out of earshot. Only then did I let my eyelids flutter slightly. A wheeze escaped my lungs when unfamiliar cold fingers pressed to my wrist. The pressure on my wrist tightened but no one spoke.

  After a few seconds he questioned, "Ms. Elliott?" There was something small and round and cold at my chest.

  "Nick?" I muttered.

  “No, Ms. Elliott, I'm Dr. Chambers." He scribbled on a clipboard at the foot of my bed. “Mr
. Bryant is just outside. How are you feeling?"

  I didn't really know yet.

  "Fuzzy," I grumbled. My voice didn't sound like mine.

  He chuckled softly. "That's to be expected. Anything else?"


  “I'll make sure we get another blanket for you. Do you remember what happened?"

  I tried to get my brain to kick into gear. I remembered drinking then…

  "Not really.”

  "You were drugged,” he spoke matter of factly. "Quite heavily actually. We had to pump your stomach to prevent you from succumbing to an overdose. You passed out and suffered a head contusion as you fell. Your CT scan came back clear. However, there are still toxins in your blood. Preliminary results show it was amphetamine based, so until it's thoroughly through your system, I expect you’ll feel pretty awful."

  No shit, Sherlock.

  "We're going to keep you one more night for observation but if you continue to make improvements, we should be able to release you tomorrow. You're expected to make full recovery with rest and time.” He smiled warmly as he tucked a tablet under his arm.

  He was about to continue when all hell broke loose outside. Dr. Chambers immediately went to find the source of the uproar. I knew. I finally understood Nick and Laura were brawling. They’d been in the room bickering as I woke up. And apparently things had escalated.

  Dr. Chambers added to the cacophony, his voice rising above both of them, threatening to remove them from the hospital. I rolled over, hoping to drown them out. And stop the room from spinning. Different cords and tubes twisted and protested as I shifted. One slipped off and the machine behind me started squawking. The commotion as they all poured back in the room overshadowed the piercing sound. There were frantic movements and barked commands but I couldn't make myself turn back over to greet them.

  "She's fine, machine slipped.” Concern still colored Dr. Chamber’s voice.

  “Sorry,” I croaked.

  "Sweets?" Nicholas's voice was almost as bad as mine.

  I closed my eyes, letting the sound wash over me anyway. Even scared and angry, it was him. And he was what helped steady the whirring room. I wasn't ready to answer though. I wished I was myself, and that spite and stubbornness had me punishing his silence, but I just honestly couldn’t force my mouth to move.

  "I'll get him out of here, just say the word." Laura was still back there too.

  "I'll have everyone removed if needed, Ms. Elliott."

  I seriously thought about Dr. Chambers offer. I didn't turn when the silence turned heavy behind me.

  "They're fine.” I pulled the blanket up to my chin, burrowing away from all of them.

  An ear-splitting phone ring reverberated through first the room and then my teeth. Laura answered and her voice hesitated before she click-clacked out of the room. Dr. Chambers was quiet at my side, readjusting whatever monitor had broken free.

  "If you change your mind, or need anything else for that matter, please call the nurse’s station. All you have to do is press this button." The blue button was more comforting than his sweet smile. "One of us will happily come running."

  I tried to muster a smile in return but couldn't quite manage. He understood and squeezed my shoulder gently before striding out of the room. Only Nick was left behind. His breathing filled the room. His body was nearby too—the telltale current between us told me so. I didn't particularly want him to go, but I wasn’t ready to deal with him either.

  To his credit, he let me sit in silence. Something creaked and crinkled as he took a seat on whatever was behind me. I let my eyes wander over the tiled floor and up the clinical walls. The survey was taxing and I almost nodded off before Laura click-clacked back into the room.

  “Best, can I get you anything?" I imagined her glowering at Nick when she said it. I raised a hand and waved her off. She couldn’t make the nausea or headache go away. "I'm here to help," she continued. "I can go anywhere, get anything. I can start moving things out for you. Whatever you want."

  "Moving things out?" Nicholas's angry growl rolled from his corner of the room. "What on Earth do you mean?"

  "I think she should move out, you obviously don't care about her. Look at her."

  "You think I like this? I would have done anything in my power to prevent it."

  "Except stick by her, be by her side." They were shouting again. I pulled the blanket up over my head, trying to hide from the noise.

  "Stop it right now, Laura. You're bothering Kate."

  "You're bothering Kate," she snapped back.

  "Shut up,” I wheezed as loud as I could.

  The words hurt my throat and my head, but Nick and Laura went silent at my command. I stayed with my head tucked under the blanket.

  "Kate?" Laura questioned.

  "Please leave me alone," I rasped.

  “I…I can…I guess I’ll come back after lunch." I could tell she was hurt, but I said a silent thanks that the fighting would stop. My eyelids sagged even though I’d just woken up.

  My thoughts drifted to Nick. They hovered there for quite some time. I wanted to hear his voice, feel his touch, then fall fast, fast asleep. I’d been devastated before blacking out but now I was just hopeful. Whatever had happened to me, whatever had happened in that bar, I was alive and Nick had stayed. If he was here, I would be okay.

  I pulled the covers down to find him inches from the bed. He'd pulled a chair over to my bedside and was sitting with his head in his hands, his elbows on his knees, staring at the floor. I didn't speak as I studied him. I hadn't seen him in what felt like forever.

  He was frazzled. No, tormented. His hair was disheveled, and he wore a dangerously sexy five o’clock shadow. I’d never seen him scruffy. Ever. His suit didn't look overly fresh or clean either. The upper buttons were undone and his tie hung loosely around his neck. I silently reached my hand out and let my fingers run through his hair. My touch surprised him and he jumped.

  “Sweets." He sucked in a deep breath.

  "I missed you." Even at a whisper, my voice sounded horrible.

  "I missed you more." He looked so scared I had to reach for him.

  I cupped his cheek and he nestled into my hand. His tentative fingers reached up and wrapped around mine. My skin warmed where he cradled it.

  "May I?" He gestured to the bed. I wiggled to make more space for him. I couldn't help the wince that crossed my face. "Kate?" His face filled with panic.

  "I'm okay."

  He eyed me suspiciously before slipping out of his jacket and tie and sliding into the bed next to me. Warmth blanketed my body where we touched. I slowly moved into the crook of his shoulder and laid my cheek on his chest. I finally felt a familiar feeling course through my veins.

  He’d need one hell of an explanation for almost leaving me. And for taking Jaime with him. But right here, right now, I didn’t want it. The moment was actually beautifully, and wonderfully peaceful.

  Another familiar voice filtered into my blurry thoughts.

  "Please don't wake them, Dr. Chambers. Please. She needs her rest and he hasn't slept in over a week.” By the rise and fall underneath my cheek, I gathered Nick was still beneath me, which meant he was the one who hadn’t slept.

  "I need to check her vitals. The drug she ingested doesn’t normally affect people so severely. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t concerned. I need to make sure she made it through the night okay, and Mr. Bryant is on her monitor."

  I was processing faster now. They wanted to wake Nick to make sure I was okay. I recalled how rundown he’d looked.

  "Jaime," I whispered. "I'm fine. Please let him sleep."

  "Ms. Elliott may I take your blood pressure?” I nodded and lifted my free arm for Dr. Chambers. The room was quiet while he pumped, only Nick’s steady breathing and monitors disrupted the silence.

  "May I listen to your heart and lungs?" I twisted, trying not to jostle Nick, and he slid a stethoscope under my gown. I let out a deep breath when Nick didn't f
linch. Dr. Chambers stepped back and started to scribble on the tablet attached to my bed. "Rest for the next few hours. We’ll make sure you can keep some food down and have you complete a simple set of daily activities, but as long as you feel alright after, we’ll be able to discharge you."

  "Thank you, Dr. Chambers." I smiled genuinely then melted back into Nick's body. "What time is it Jaime?" I smiled at him and his protective position in the chair I’d found Nick in not too long ago.

  "Just after 5 a.m."

  "What day?"

  "Thursday." That was a shock. I’d passed out on a Friday. "He's been incredibly worried about you.” Jaime jerked his chin toward the lump of man meat beneath me.

  "If he was so worried, why haven’t I seen either of you for a week?"

  "I'll answer that. When you're home. In my arms, in our bed." I hadn't noticed Nick was awake until he mumbled, his words rustled my hair. I nuzzled into him and he hummed appreciatively. "What food sounds good? Jaime will get you anything." Apparently, Nick had been awake for the entire exchange with Dr. Chambers.

  "I most certainly will." Jaime nodded and smiled at me.

  "Chicken noodle soup sounds alright," I answered as Nick ran his fingers through my tangled hair, gently combing out knots. Jaime didn’t even hesitate, he simply nodded and left.

  The room was silent except for the electric hum of all the monitors when Nick whispered so light I barely caught it. ”I'd never forgive myself if you weren't okay."

  "Me neither," I whispered back with a smile.

  He gently kissed my forehead. It sent a jolt of electricity through my body. We both chuckled when it registered on the machine to my side.

  I was able to keep the soup down but my stomach had a hard time. I masked it as best I could; Dr. Chambers bought it. Bryant knew damn well how hard it was. He kept his mouth shut too. After that, different therapists popped in and out.

  Nick’s disapproval with each one became more blatantly obvious. His eyes churned gray then went flat. His jaw clenched so tightly I thought he might split his teeth as we walked slow, small step, by slow, small step down the hall. I wanted to tell him to relax but it was almost too charming.


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