Family Business (Mixing Business with Pleasure Book 3)

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Family Business (Mixing Business with Pleasure Book 3) Page 33

by Ace Gray

  “You make me better and complete in every way a person can be. My heart races when I see you. My skin goose bumps when I touch you. I go short of breath when I kiss you. My soul is peaceful when I hear your voice. Every single fiber of my being recognizes my other half in you. You, Nicholas Bryant, are my soulmate and my utter truth."

  His chest heaved and I laid my hand over his heart. His eyes twinkled with unshed tears. "You are my everything and my only vow is to love you more than anything in this universe, the best way I know how. And forever, in the truest sense of the word. All I ask in return is that you care for my heart as you always have."

  It was his turn to muddle through, "I will."

  A single tear rolled down his cheek as he wrapped his hands around my hips and pulled me up against his chest; I rested my head against my hand where it still covered his heart. The reverend cleared his throat but neither of us moved. I did manage to smile widely up at him. Nick must have done something similar because the reverend began again.

  "Nicholas, take this ring and place it on Kate's left ring finger. We place rings on this finger because it is the only one with a direct connection to the heart. We hope this makes your commitment flow through you with every heartbeat and reminds your every fiber of this moment. Nicholas, repeat after me. With this ring, I pledge to be constant, my wife, and be the love that courses through your very soul. With this ring, I thee wed."

  Nick tried to project his voice as he collected my hand and slipped my ring on. I let out one loud, completely unladylike but delighted sob in response.

  "Kate, take this ring and place it on Nicholas's left ring finger. We choose rings because they are perfect, unending circles. No beginning, no middle, no end, only infinite consistency. The ring is the symbol of what your commitment should be and we hope this reminds the heart of future and perseverance. Kate, repeat after me. With this ring, I pledge to cherish our commitment, my husband, and preserve our forever. With this ring, I thee wed."

  I repeated, my voice an uncharacteristic and trembling whisper. I pushed the ring onto his finger without moving a single inch away from him.

  "It is with the utmost joy, and the power vested in my by the state of New York, I pronounce you, man and wife. Nicholas, you may kiss your bride."

  Nick leaned down and one of his long perfect fingers tucked under my chin. He gently pulled my lips to his. His other hand moved to the small of my back, and pinned me to his frame while we shared a kiss both desperate and chaste. It was tender but his tongue traced my lips and moved ever so slightly into my mouth. My heart jackhammered against his chest, his a perfect mimic of mine.

  "It is my deepest pleasure to introduce, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Bryant."

  With those words, Nicholas was mine, forever. To love always like this.


  I watched the needle against my skin. The way it dimpled deeper and deeper until it gave, the metal piercing my skin was oddly soothing. I could empty my mind as I stitched in and out, watching dark crimson seep out from my wound. The blood replaced tears. It always did.

  When I tied the tiny knot in the end and pulled, I couldn’t help but wince. Brooklyn Hart, combined with my dear, sweet, painfully infuriating step brother, was looking to be a lethal combination. And I didn’t like who it was going to be lethal for. Nor did I understand how their endless shitshow masquerading as security was getting the better of me.

  Perhaps even God himself preferred Nicholas Bryant.

  I let out a deep breath as I sagged against the large tree trunk behind me. The ache in my thigh from the gunshot wound started to throb in time with my heartbeat and I had to adjust. Thankfully, my eyes were comfortable in the darkness. I could keep watch on the bloodhound Brooklyn and the gang of morons he was traipsing through the woods with. They circled relentlessly, following the bread crumbs I’d laid out perfectly.

  How do these oafs get through the day?

  I shifted again and sucked in a deep breath. It was loud enough to stop the crunching footsteps behind me suddenly. As best I could, I flattened myself further to the tree, hoping the small hollow spot I’d chosen would do a good enough job of hiding me. My breathing stilled but I did what I could to hold it all the same. After what felt like an eternity, the footsteps started again.

  They hadn’t gone far before they broke a stick, cracking loud and sharp into the silent night. If it hadn’t been so close, I would have laughed. As it was, I smirked to myself. Despite being the bleeding one, I wasn’t the idiot in the clearing.

  “Christopher!” Brooklyn bellowed—probably still standing on that stupid stick—and I really had to make an effort to hold in the laughter now. “For a long time this was between you and Bryant.” My eyes narrowed at my step-brother’s name but Brooklyn kept howling. “But it’s personal now. I don’t lose. I refuse to. You will pay for your sins if it’s the last thing I do.”

  A guttural snarl built in my chest. I wanted to let it loose but the throb thick in my thigh reminded me not to. His words triggered something inside me. Something much like the time fuck-twat Nicholas told me school was easy and lacrosse was easier. It was like a switch flipped and every fiber of my being determined to prove him wrong. At any cost.

  “Mark my words Christopher. I will end you.” This time Brooklyn’s voice was lower, deeper, chilling even. I felt my smile peel across my face in response.

  I couldn’t hold the laughter in this time. I’d overestimated Brooklyn. He was as moronic as Nicholas. I chuckled lightly and saw the puffs of air from my warm breath against a chilly evening. Brooklyn took off running, this time his path cut just past my hiding spot along the trail of blood I’d laid out for him. His suit sent the slightest breeze flapping against my skin.

  He paused maybe a hundred yards from me but it wasn’t to look around. He’d run into one of Nicholas’ other suited doofuses. When the light shifted, Jaime was revealed, standing close and having an urgent, worried conversation.

  “I have to get back Jaime. She’s…” Brooklyn trailed off but he’d succeeded in piquing my curiosity with that one little word.

  She who?

  “I mean, they shouldn’t be left alone,” he backpedaled. “I need to see for myself that…they’re okay.” Brooklyn’s tone made it obvious. He wasn’t talking about a them. He was talking about a her. A her that meant a lot. A her that meant so much he’d leave his personal vendetta to rot in the midnight forest. A her that would be the perfect weak spot to dig into and abuse. And if Brooklyn was weak, the whole Bryant pyramid would crumble.

  Maybe God isn’t pulling for Nicholas after all…

  Now to find out who She was and how to tear her to shreds.


  Ace Gray is a self-proclaimed troublemaker and connoisseur of both the good life and fairy tales. After a life-long love affair with books, she undertook writing the novel she wanted to read, which culminated in her first release STRICTLY BUSINESS. When she’s not writing, she owns her own business teaching Pilates and studies the art of craft beer. She loves rainy days, shellac manicures, coffee shops and bourbon—all of which are bountiful in her adopted home of Portland, OR where she runs amok with her chef husband and two huskies.


  STRICTLY BUSINESS (Mixing Business with Pleasure Book 1)

  BAD FOR BUSINESS (Mixing Business with Pleasure Book 2)

  FAMILY BUSINESS (Mixing Business with Pleasure Book 3)

  HOW TO KILL A LADY BONER (Because Beards Anthology Piece)


  TWISTED FATE (A Twisted Fairy Tale Book 1)

  TWISTED DEATH (A Twisted Fairy Tale Book 2)





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