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About the Author
Tim Low is a biologist, environmental consultant, and best-selling author of seven books, including Feral Future, which inspired the formation of a conservation group, the Invasive Species Council, and Where Song Began, which became the first nature book ever to win the Australian Book Industry Award for best General Non Fiction. As a consultant he has written many reports about climate change and received a Churchill Fellowship to study its impacts on wildlife.
‘A perturbing and original book which should be read and discussed widely.’
‘A clear look at what is really happening with the creatures living in Australian environments and about solutions that work, not just make us feel good . . . An important topic presented in a readable manner by an expert. Read it.’
‘Crisp and entertaining . . . important and timely . . . and full of good ecological common sense . . . The New Nature should be read by all with an interest in nature conservation. It will broaden our understanding.’
‘Read this book carefully, consider the qualifications on its bolder statements, and perhaps you’ll make some sense of the muddled state of this continent.’
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