Western Kisses – Old West Christmas Romances (Boxed Set)

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Western Kisses – Old West Christmas Romances (Boxed Set) Page 27

by Carré White

  She gave the horse it's head, trusting it to keep her from further harm. She finally sat up, slowing the horse, and got her bearings. She looked behind her, but there was no way he could have caught up to her. She looked around and realized she was closer to the Sheriff's home than the homestead.

  She headed that way, looking for reinforcements.


  Jonathan watched the door close on Heloise's terrified eyes. The men were frozen until they heard the hooves of his horse pound away, then they scrambled for the door.

  "Elijah, go for the sheriff, I'll follow them. He'll be heading back to town. I don't know how he thinks he'll get her on a coach or train with him."

  Elijah grabbed his arm. "He knows who you are, Jonathan. And you never told her. The truth can cut both ways." The men rapidly saddled their horses.

  Jonathan paused. "Well, she's my wife. And...my god, if he knows who I am, he thinks he knows what happened with Georgina." His head drooped.

  "Do you want to let her go? If your father threatened to disown you, what would you do."

  "I would stay with her, Elijah. I would give it all up for her."

  "Go get her. She might be heart sore, but she'll not give you up so easily, and that man is a fool if he doesn't see the steel in her."

  They leapt into their saddles and pounded after the escaping duo. Luckily for them, Albert hadn't thought to cover his tracks, and left easily visible sign for them to follow, Elijah finally splitting off and heading off to the sheriff's land. It wasn't long before Jonathan found Albert laid out on the ground.

  Jonathan lost his head, and jumped down off his horse, ready to pound the man into dust. As he jerked him up, he thought Albert might be dead. He felt for a pulse, the man was just unconscious. He quickly gathered up Albert's firearms, and as the man groaned and started to come to, Jonathan grabbed him and pulled his face up to his.

  "If she's hurt, if you've done anything to harm her, you'll be hung before dawn. You are right about one thing, this isn't the soft east."

  The man blinked at him in confusion.

  "Stupid whore hit me. Hit me. Albert Stampton."

  Jonathan couldn't help but feel a swelling of pride. Heloise was made of pure grade steel. He shook Albert.

  "That is my wife you're talking about."

  Albert started laughing at him.

  "Your wife like that little slut in Boston thought she'd be your wife? I bet once you cracked her ice, Heloise was made of quicksilver and fire."

  Jonathan dropped the man, and grabbed rope off his saddle. He laughed to himself, if nothing else, being a farmer for a year taught him how to hogtie in record time. He enjoyed watching Albert strain to keep his face out of the dust, spewing epitaph after epitaph after him.

  "You think you could have her, but she was mine first, mine! You're just going to discard her anyways. Let her leave with pride, with a place to go."

  "What on earth makes you think I'll leave her? I've finally found a fine, worthy woman, who I know will be at my side, no matter what. She's gold, and deserves better than either of us."

  "Do you really think that?" He jerked at Heloise's soft tones and spun around. He hadn't heard her approach, with the sheriff and Elijah. He ran over to her and pulled her into his arms.

  "Are you ok?" He ran his hands down her body, checking her for injuries, his face darkening as she winced. "Oh god, you're hurt." Panic took over his mind, and he started to unbutton her dress. Elijah reached between them, and pulled him away.

  "Pull yourself together, man. I don't think stripping her down to her skivvies in the winter air will endear yourself."

  Heloise reached forward and touched Jonathan's hands.

  "I'm bruised, a little battered, and I'll even go see Doc Spencer. But he didn't...he didn't do more than leave a few marks."

  Elijah grinned at her words.

  "I reckon you left him the worse for wear. Damn I wish my Clarabelle could have met you."

  Jonathan clutched her hands, and said, "Yes, Heloise, I really think that. I've never felt more helpless or angry than watching that door close. I know I haven't told you everything, but know this, fate brought you to me, to make me a perfect match, and I will do whatever it takes to prove to you, over and over again, that I deserve you. I love you, Heloise."

  A quiver of doubt passed over her face, and all the men held their breath, until Albert started howling with laughter, and shouting, "Oh, he says that now, but you know there is no license, no proof. He'll just leave you when he's bored playing farmer and Daddy let's him come home."

  The sheriff reached down and stuffed a bandanna in Albert's mouth.

  "My apologies, folks."

  Jonathan turned to Heloise, his heart in his throat, until she finally started giggling, a trifle hysterical.

  "Jonathan, I came here to run away, to get a new start, to get away from the life I let stifle me. And," She paused, turning toward Albert, "let me be clear, Albert, we weren't only church married. We had a witness and a notary. I worry about a lot of things, but Jonathan abandoning me, leaving me to suffer? That is not the man I've come to know." Jonathan pulled her into his arms, squeezing her tight, until her slight whimper made him let go. "We still have a lot to talk about, Jonathan."

  The sheriff interrupted again, and said, "Jonathan, Miss Heloise, I believe Elijah and I can rustle this fellow to the jail, while you enjoy your Christmas Eve. You ok, riding double, Miss Heloise?"

  She nodded at him, and Jonathan swung her up into his saddle, and they settled, watching the sheriff tie Albert to the spare horse, he tipped his hat to them, and said, "See you for Christmas services tomorrow."


  Jonathan and Heloise walked into the house, side by side, but not touching. Heloise turned to the parlor and gasped. The beautiful angel was on it's side on the floor, and she scurried over to it, picking it up.

  "Oh Jonathan, she got a ding!" Jonathan plucked it from her hands, and wiped the tear from her face.

  "Heloise, life gives us dings. She's still as beautiful as the day my aunt brought her here, and put her on the first tree in this house." He walked over to the tree and stretched up, placing the angel at the top of the tree, in her place of honor. He walked back over to Heloise. "She will always watch over us." He guided her to the back of the house, to the laundry room, and the soft, padded bench. All the energy and adrenaline flowed out of Heloise, and she slumped into the bench. Jonathan bustled about the room, stoking the fire, and getting the water on. Heloise looked around the room and laughed, Jonathan looked over to her.

  "Well, this room makes a lot more sense knowing about your family now. I don't know anybody back east with this fancy a laundry room." He nodded sheepishly.

  "She loved it out west, but it was the one comfort she demanded from my uncle. She really loved a hot bath after a hard day's work. Getting someone out here that could build this kind of thing? Covering you in gems would cost less."

  "Tell me about your family."

  "Please, let me look you over, first. I promise, I will tell you everything."

  She nodded, too worn for much else. He eased her out of her shoes, and peeled her dress off her. His eyes darkened and his mouth tightened as each bruise and scrape was exposed. He knelt at her feet and hugged her gently.

  "Oh, Heloise, he will pay for every mark, every drop of blood." She ran her hands through his hair.

  "Jonathan, he doesn't matter. He's so focused on the land he feels he should have, he'll be slinking back, a failure. His father is not a kind man."

  Jonathan sat up, and stared at Heloise. "Dear heart, I don't think he'll be going anywhere."

  "I don't understand."

  "He came here on a coach. If he just took that horse, he'll be a horse thief, as well as a kidnapper."

  Heloise's face went white and she said, "You mean..."

  Jonathan nodded. "They hang horse thieves. Even if they don't, he took you, and as far as I'm concerned, I wish he'd died when you knock
ed him off that horse. Which, by the by, I'd give my eyeteeth to have seen that. You really are magnificent."

  Heloise looked away, and finally said, "Let's hope he didn't steal the horse. I know he's not a good man, but he was once a kind boy, and in that memory, I'd rather he not die at the end of a rope."

  Jonathan cradled her head in his hands and pressed a kiss against her forehead.

  "Your heart is too good. I'll talk to the sheriff. But at the very least, he'll be horsewhipped."

  Heloise nodded, and said, "My heart isn't that good. He deserves a good thrashing."

  "I'll give him a lick for every bruise on your flesh."

  Jonathan finished undressing her, stopping to kiss every darkening spot, until she found herself breathless and pressed against him. He pulled back, reluctantly, and huskily dropped a whisper into her ear. "I want you, I want to mark you as mine, I want you to scream my name and proclaim to the world that you belong to me."

  She nodded against him and gasped, "Yes, please, please Jonathan." She finally released the tight grip on her emotions, and sobbed, "I was so scared. I was scared I was never going to see you again, that you really would just leave me, that you'd been forced into it, and that it would be easy to be rid of me."

  He held her, rocking back and forth, and said, "I thought he was going hurt you, or kill you, and take you from me." He pulled back and stared into her eyes. "I'm just going to hold you tonight. You are going to soak your soreness away, and I'm going to touch you, but I will not add to your hurts." She smiled as he stood and prepared the bath, padding it well with the soft toweling.

  She gasped as he stripped her chemise off, feeling suddenly uncertain. He peeled his shirt off, scooped her up in his arms, and eased her into the warm bath. She let the warmth of the water soak into her. He lathered the soap in his hands, and slowly let his hands skim over her body, the soap letting him slide without friction. She relaxed under his gentle touch, as he simply stroked her softly. He finally took her pebbled nipples, and rolled them in her fingers, until she moaned and pressed into him. He released her and settled her back down into the water.

  "Sshhh, don't move, not a bit. Just close your eyes and let me touch you."

  She forced herself to relax back, although she couldn't hold back the moan as he rubbed his thumbs over her breasts again. He paused, placing her hands on the edge of the tub, and repositioned her legs, with one draping over a towel on the edge.

  She kept her eyes closed, blushing. She had never been so open to him, under his gaze, and she thought she might die of embarrassment, until his hands stroked down her stomach and grazed the exposed curls at the apex of her thighs.

  Her head lolled as he gently parted her soft folds and he stroked softly at her exposed core, until his thumb rested on the little button at the top and her breath caught. His thumb gently circled while he slid his finger slowly into her slick entrance, his other hand capturing her breast, lightly pinching her nipple.

  She couldn't help but thrust her hips up, meeting his hand, desire turning her bones liquid. He chuckled as he slide a second finger into her, and she wailed. She screamed as his hands movements finally took her over the top, and he revealed in her sheath's joyful pulses.

  "You are so beautiful, my little fighter. My queen of the west. I love you."

  Her eyelids fluttered open, and she smiled shyly at him.

  "I love you, Jonathan, even if you aren't who I thought you were."

  He scooped her out of the bath and dried her off, before settling her back on to the bench.

  "I am not done yet."

  She lifted her arms to him, expecting him to embrace her, when he slid down her body, and knelt between her legs. She blushed to her roots, and tried to close her legs and cover herself.

  "Jonathan! What on earth are you doing?"

  "What I should have been doing all along."

  "I don't think this is proper or dignified."

  He lifted her legs on to his shoulders and she squealed.

  "Propriety and dignity be damned, I don't care." And he nuzzled into her soft inner thigh and nibbled his way up, stopping when he got to her guarding hands, then moving to the other thigh, slowly laving her with kisses, and gently kissing her hands.

  "Please, love, trust me."

  She hesitated, but couldn't resist his pleading eyes, and relaxed her hands. He leaned forward, slipping one hand up to part her, opening her to his eyes. He could feel her start to tense again, so he leaned forward and sucked her nubbin into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue. Instead of moving to block him, her hands found their way to his head, clutching at him, and he grinned.

  He licked slowly up and down her soft folds, pausing to plunge his tongue into her, timing himself with her moans and movements. He took her hard nub back into his mouth and was gratified that she now pressed herself willingly against him. He stroked his fingers up and down her, savoring the taste and feel of her desire for him, finally plunging his fingers into her, pushing her back over the peak as she screamed his name. She slumped against him, unable to move, stunned by the heights of her passion.

  He laid her out on the bench and softly stroked her hair as she drifted off to sleep, watching her for hours, until the room finally cooled, and he carried her back to their bedroom

  Chapter Six

  Christmas Day

  Heloise woke in the morning, from a terrible nightmare. She was confused for a moment, until she realized she was in her own bed, on the farm. The nights events rushed back to her, and she sat up in a rush. It was Jonathan beside her, not Albert. She flopped back on the bed, and pressed her hand against her mouth. Jonathan gathered her in his arms.

  "Be still, love. You're home, you're safe."

  "Jonathan, the dream, it was so real. He won in the dream. He won." He hugged her until her shakes subsided.

  "That was just a dream. You're safe and sound. He did not win, he lost. And we're here together."

  She relaxed in his arms.

  "I'm sorry. It just. It frightened me." He kissed her forehead and they settled back into the bed, wrapped in each others arms.

  "I didn't tell you last night, but let me tell you about why I am here, and my father."

  She leaned into him while he spoke.

  "I fell head over heels for a beautiful termagant named Georgina. My father had been pressuring me to settle down, but I was still enjoying the social whirl. I thought she'd be perfect, she was the life of the party, quick with a witty word and very beautiful." He stroked Heloise's hair, and said, "Not nearly as pretty as you, but I was a very callow youth, and my head was easily turned. She welcomed my company, and we began courting. I didn't realize, but she had carefully planned..." Jonathan trailed off, trying to find the appropriate words.

  "She had carefully planned a seduction. She thought if she let me have my way with her, we would have to marry. Which is fairly silly, as I had been courting her with good intentions. I suppose I had courted other girls in the past, and it came to naught, and she intended on forcing my hand."

  Heloise couldn't help but giggle at the thought of the strong man next to her being ruthlessly seduced by a wee slip of a girl.

  "Manufactured moments arose, where we would be alone, with no expectation of interruption. Apparently my father put a minder on me, not especially liking Georgina and actively disliking her family. There was never enough time for me to be...inappropriate with her."

  Heloise said, "But you would have?"

  Jonathan slowly shook his head. "I'd like to think I wouldn't have, as I was trying to be a perfect gentleman, but I am also only human. She started to get more aggressive, and my father finally blew his top. Called me into his office, made it very clear that if I continued with her, he would completely disown me."

  "So you left the east?"

  "Not quite. I ran straight to her home, threw myself at her feet and told her my father was trying to stop our love. As soon as the words 'completely disowned' where out of my mouth, h
er father was through the door. It wouldn't have mattered, she went completely cold as well. She summarily dismissed me and had me thrown out of her house."

  "She didn't think your father would soften? Or at least support his grandchildren?"

  "My father is many things, but there are some things he won't stand for, and apparently gold digging social climbers are high on the list. When I got home, completely dejected, I was brought back into his study."

  "Oh my, I can't imagine he was happy with you."

  "Not a bit, but he didn't yell or threaten. Well, much. It was the first time I got an inkling of what my father might really want from me. The only time I saw him look more heartbroken was when my mother died."

  He went silent, holding Heloise tightly to him.

  "He just looked me in the eye and said, 'I'm sorry, son. I hoped I was wrong.' He hoped that he was wrong about her. He sent me off to bed, said he'd see me in the morning."

  Heloise clung to him, and said, "I'm sorry."

  "He was right, I was wrong. It's only taken me a year to say that out loud. She would have made me miserable in short order. But the next morning, we met again in his study. That's went he laid it out. The servants where already packing my things. I was banished to my uncle's farm out west, to become a man or die trying. I'd be allowed back when my uncle decided I was ready, and I was under strict orders not to tell anyone about the family. Uncle Elijah was very happy here, and didn't want any fuss raised up in town. And so, I became a farmer."

  "But sending you a bride?"

  "Well, my father figured I was no good at picking my own bride, so he got in touch with a matchmaker, who let him choose someone. Apparently he was shocked to see your name."

  "My name? Why on earth would that matter? He doesn't know me or my people."

  "Well, Elijah said that's not quite true. Apparently he and your father went way back. They lost touch, but when he found out your parents died and you were looking to go west, he leapt at the chance. I think he didn't quite mean to make me get married, but don't tell anyone, he has a very romantic heart."


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