by H. R. Rekow
“No, no, no, no . . .” he moaned. He shook her shoulders. “Come on. Come on! Talk!”
No one moved as they watched their prince’s frantic efforts. He did not care; all he knew was Olivia was gone. Dead in all likelihood! Killed, left in some shadow or behind a rock, her clothes torn by hungry hands. He swallowed hard, but the lump would not leave his throat.
A hand lay on his shoulder. “My lord?” Sobriina whispered. He did not respond as he stayed focused on the dead woman. “Theron?”
“Get away!” he hissed.
She withdrew her hand, but did not move from his side. “She is dead.” Theron closed his eyes, his jaw clenching. “No further insight can be drawn from her.”
He stared down at the Wilder and realized her blood stained his clothes and pieces of stolen skin had flaked onto him. He looked into her rolled-back eyes, hoping life could still be found in them. He glanced away and stood with shaken hands. Still, no one moved as they stared at their prince. The breeze whipped between the gathering and chilled them all.
“Get rid of it,” Theron ordered Elshender before turning and thundering away. He rushed downstairs, his steps strong and loud as he stomped down the hallway. His thoughts twisted and collided until they were a tangled mess. His eyes darted to everything that moved, and his fists were clenched. A servant almost collided with him as he rushed around a corner. She threw herself against the wall to avoid his piercing gaze.
Theron had told himself there was no such thing as Spellbinders, no such person as Lord Demus. But now there was? And he, the future king, had left her. Left his betrothed, his Olivia, to be used. To be killed! What kind of king was that? Who leaves their woman defenseless in the horrors of Wraith’s Hollow! Not a king worthy of Tulaun. Not worthy of any land.
Theron burst into his chamber, the servants inside jumping as the door banged against the wall. “Everyone out.” They stared at him in stunned silence, staring at his bloodstained tunic and clumps of flaky skin. Theron met their gaze and his stare darkened. “Out!”
They dropped everything and hurried out the door.
He paced the room and his heart pounded in his throat. He wiped his mouth again and again, remembering the fervent kisses he had given a Wilder. A fool, that’s what he was! He clenched his eyes shut and gritted his teeth.
How long had Olivia been gone? What if she was taken before they were even in Wraith’s Hollow? Crown Haven could have been the last time he had seen her. Or worse! What if he never met her at all? Lady Olivia could be a mere name from a sick-minded fiend! A fake! Could she be nothing but a well-disguised sham? Theron shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair. It can’t be! He loved Olivia! She loved him! She could not have always been that Wilder! But if she was . . .
Olivia’s smile, her laugh, her lips, her words, her life . . . all a lie? She betrayed him. She was a lie from the start—
Theron shook his head. He groaned and took hold of the bedpost. The Flesh Thief’s blood made his fingers sticky against the wooden frame. He felt the hard wooden engravings against his fingertips; it was something solid, something real.
Olivia didn’t betray me, Theron told himself. She is real. The Wilder is to blame! He took in a deep breath and forced himself to think rationally. As he rigidly stood, like a warrior on the verge of war, his heart bowed under the weight of pain. The glassy surface held together with all its might, but it could not withstand the burden. A crack lined its side and shards fell and stabbed him. Theron flinched, but did not hear the fracture of his heart.
He turned toward the window, looking in the direction of Wraith’s Hollow. He knew she was still in the demented woods, still alive. He could save her. Yes! He could bring her home! Marry her! There was hope! And he would rid the world of this so-called Lord Demus. The Spellbinder was a fool to have taken his bride!
Theron lifted his chin and straightened his back. His eyes narrowed as he stared toward the horizon. He could almost feel his sword in hand, and the required force to lodge it through Demus’ stomach. A shadow darkened his brow. Yes, he would go back to find Olivia and bring her safely home. He only prayed she had the strength to survive long enough for him to find her.
Glossary/Character List
Black Dwarf – Reserved breed of dwarf who live in the remote territories of Flavency. They have midnight black skin, eyes of black, dark blue, or white, with hair colored black, gray, or white. They hate people and get along with the giants of their land.
Blind ghosts - In Suvarian culture, gouging out the eyes of the dead and or dying is considered a dishonorable death. Thus, the superstition of blind, dishonorable ghosts arose and are feared by many. Also, one may lay a curse on another by foretelling their ghost will be blind or blind ghosts will haunt them.
This curse originated from the War of the Royals once the rebellious Solarics were slain and rightfully blinded. Their bodies were left to rot within the depths of Fogranna Line’s eastern forested edge. Soon after, blind ghosts were seen by commoners searching for their bodies. The eastern side of the forest was abandoned, renamed Deep Wilds, and was reclaimed by the Wilder KinFolk soon after.
Bronn the DogStare – The Head Fang of Fang Kin. He is a ruthless barbarian who hungers for more territories. He is known as a fearless leader with one pale blue eye and one dark brown eye.
Cedany (Sid-any) – Olivia’s lady in waiting who began serving her when they were young.
Cedar Folk – Wilders nestled beside Wolf Kin territory, Cedar Folk, consists of two Kins: Root and Shade Kin. Root Kin is known for its knowledge of herbs, roots, barriers, and so forth in terms of healing and poisoning. Shade Kin is a mysterious, reserved Kin often communing with Wraiths, thus learning dark arts, a little of The Pravus, only a few KinFolks know. Nearly every Flesh Thief derives from Shade Kin.
Charnelic (Char-nell-ick) – The most ruthless of the Suvarian, elvish kindreds. Typically disturbing the peace, taking part in shady activities, and are keen on the dark, gory side of life; Charnelics are rarely trusted. Their skin is pitch black, hair dark, gray, white, silver, or, rarest of all, bronze. Their eyes range from white, gray, and black to amber, rust, and blond. They are the only mortals who have gray eyes, thus thought of as Wraiths at times and killed.
During the War of the Royals, they sided with the rebellious Solarics and, once their rebellion was crushed, fled and became a renegade kindred. The name Charnelic derives from the word charnel, as in a charnel house, which is a building or vault where corpses or bones are piled; also associated with a violent death.
A putdown for Charnelics is ‘Runners’. When the rebels during the War of the Royals were defeated, the Charnelics were the first to retreat, avoiding slavery and mass slaughter, yet gaining a fend-for-ones-self persona.
Cold Speaker – In Flavency, birds can be trained to speak, using dark arts endowed by Frost Ghosts (the Flavencen name for Wraiths), to send messages. They have the ability to speak, but must speak only to the person intended to receive to prohibit speech. If the recipient is dead, they are free to speak to whomever they chose.
Crimson Rings - When a Song Bearer has reached Seer-hood, The Wizard adorns their wrists to a deep crimson hue, textured with intricate loops, lines, and designs, as a sign of their promoted position.
Crown Haven – Duke Aldret’s estate, closest dwelling to Wraith’s Hollow, and place of refuge for Tulish royalty.
Dar-o-gal (Darr-ow-gal) – White Dwarf mercenary leader who Prince Theron hired to find Lady Olivia. He was formerly a general during the Dragon War.
Duke Aldret (Al-dur-et) – Half-giant, half-human duke who owns Crown Haven, nestled close to Wraith’s Hollow. In Prince Theron’s youth, Duke Aldret taught him strategy, geography, government, leadership, and several other subjects. He is considered a well-respected duke, regardless of his half-human, half-giant origins. His skin is pitch black, eyes a piercing, icy blue, and hands and feet disproportioned because of his half-blood disadvantage.
– Proxy Elshender is a knight and proxy to Prince Theron. He is a large, well-built man, with long brown hair and a scruffy beard, who fights with two swords. He is the son of Baron Sedrick, though his lower-class upbringing hindered him little in supporting his prince since childhood.
Flavency (Flah-ven-ci) – The northernmost realm, a frozen wasteland, home to dwarfs, giants, and, if legends are true, frost dragons.
Flesh Thief – The Wraith-led craft to taking a skin, from a man or animal, and wearing it like the thief’s own skin. The skin is tightly synched against the thief’s body and, by dark magical means, their body adjusts to fit the skin’s shape, forming a snarling wolf to a graceful lady. The fleshy covering is uncomfortable and must be maintained by constant flexing and rubbing in oils to prevent cracking. The majority of Flesh Thieves are Shade Kin.
Han Ci – The Treeling-infested country across the Ardi’on Sea, adjacent to Tulaun. Treelings dominate the land, happily living alongside snarling werewolves and mischievous pookas. Harts thrive amid the unending forest, however the Jaw Jin, the only humans to live in Han Ci, struggle to survive. Because trees do not require cities, they are few and far between. They worship the goddess of water, Sin Jo Lyn, god of earth, Won Show, god of sunshine, Tee Ahn, and goddess of fire, Yin Yah.
The realm is in constant tension because of Han Ci’s callous nature toward the Rotten Lot: anyone who proves weak, disabled, or rebellious. Lumbermen continually chop down citizens deemed Rotten, selling their wooden pieces to other realms or, if not a Treeling, as slaves. Rebellion is within sight.
Head – The leader or chief of a Wilder Kin.
Highest Melodies - This collection of songs The Wizard sang to create the worlds. The songs are alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It penetrates even to divide soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of glass hearts. 5 Nothing can escape the Highest Melodies, its power flowing from The Wizard’s Red Magic. When sung, the Highest Melodies change the environment they are in, bringing warmth, light, gentle winds, and a stirring of one’s soul. Faced with such dangerous might, Wraiths can only surrender, flee, or face The Wizard’s fatal wrath.
KinFolk – Wilders refer to themselves as the KinFolk instead of the word ‘Wilder’. This one word sums up each of the five Folks and every sub Kin.
King Matthias – King of Tulaun, Prince Theron’s father.
Krea (Kree-ah) – Olivia’s lady in waiting. She is an adventurous, uneducated girl who began serving Olivia when they were young.
Lunaris (Loon-ar-ies) – An elvish kindred who typically have pale skin hued creamy white or soft blue, hair of night black or moonbeam silver, and eyes of purple, silver, black, or faded gold. During the War of the Royals, the Lunaris were the first to align with the rightful Solaric rulers. Thus, when the civil war was over, the Lunaris were given a higher standing than the other elvish kindreds: second to the Solarics themselves. A putdown for Lunaris is ‘blindie’, mocking Lunarsis’ blind-like pale eyes. This term reveals the mocker views the Lunaris as an already blind ghost.
Nan – Elderly servant of Olivia, cares for her in a motherly way, yet has her own secret agenda.
Olivia – Lady Olivia is the daughter of Earl Gavin, raised by her uncle, Earl Quinn, after the death of her mother. She is known for her long blonde hair, emerald eyes, and allegiance to The Wizard.
Poisoned air – A derogatory phrase, implying the air is unhealthy and poisoned, and sickness, disaster, and/or death will come soon. It is the most vulgar swear word.
Pooka – A small, cat-like creature with various colored pelts, golden eyes, human-like hands, and a long, long tail. Known for craving children flesh, pookas thrive in ominous places, can befriend Charnelics, and, though small in stature, have overpowering personalities. They originate from Han Ci and are viewed with high regard within their realm.
Primis – Countess Primis is a highborn lady and aunt to Lady Olivia. When Olivia’s mother died, she was given to Countess Primis for the duration of her childhood. Primis never understood or tolerated Olivia’s youthful spirit.
Proxy – The second-in-command of a master, general, prince, Master Wraith, etc.
Queen Ellis – Queen of Tulaun, mother of Prince Theron, and a darling elderly lady of grace.
Quinn – Earl Quinn is Olivia’s uncle and husband of Countess Primis. He is a quiet, self-centered man bent on demanding respect without offering it to others.
Red – A symbol of The Wizard and a source of his life-giving and deadly power.
Red Master – The title of a Seer mentoring a Song Bearer.
Sacred Creature - A Red item, may it be an animal or thing of nature, which bears a sign and/or message from The Wizard. Examples are a carnal, fox, red oak leaf, red sunset, fire, and blood.
Seer - Individuals who dedicate their life’s work to The Wizard’s leading. They wear red robes, are marked by Crimson Rings, and cannot wear shoes. This helps them stay humble when they walk through unpleasant grounds, for the snow, mud, and rain reminds them they still are mortal and must stay humble. Thus, it is hospitable in Tulish culture to provide a soft piece of fur for a Seer to rest his or her feet upon. Seers can marry, yet few do. They do not have an occupation for The Wizard is their dedication throughout life.
Sea Folk – The Wilder Folk living along the Eastern coast of Deep Wilds, Sea Folk is comprised of three Kins: Sand Kin, Cave Kin, and Tide Kin. Sand Kin is a small, weak Kin hardly worth the other Kins’ time whereas Cave Kin are highly regarded. Cave Kin live in unending cave system carved into Unki’s Face; a seaside cliff face miles long. Because Unki, Wilder’s superior god of war, is made of stones and caves are made of stone, Cave Kin are considered a wise and holy Kin. Most Stone Listeners travel to Cave Kin territory to learn and perfect the art of listening.
Septimus (Sep-tim-us) – The Spellbinder’s right-hand man, formerly bought as a slave, and werewolf of Brodwin Hall.
Sky Folk – The smallest Wilder Folk, Sky Folk once comprised of three Kins: Wind Kin, Cloud Kin, and Storm Kin. Both Wind and Cloud Kin faced elvish warmongers and, because of their fewer numbers, were defeated and obliterated. Storm Kin is the last surviving Kin, mourning the death of their other KinFolk, yet learning from their mistake. They are a spindly, half-naked Kin adorned in tattoos and led by Thurni of Thunder and his faithful woman, Cluda.
Sobriina (Sow-bree-nah) – Mistress Sobriina les Desoreel is a Lunaris, eldest daughter of Master Offron, and warrior. She has long, silken black hair, purple eyes, and tanned skin known for her use of her two anelaces, which she nicknamed her ‘little ladies’.
Solaric (Sol-ar-ick) – The heist class of elvish kindred in Suvaria. They typically have pale skin with freckles either hued dark or light brown, blond, red, or gold. Their hair, long and smooth, is also typically red, blond, golden or white. Eye color can be black, white, red, gold, pale yellow, and, coveted above all, royal blue. They are seen as the royal kindred of elves and the only type to become king and queen. Each kindred of elf treats a Solaric with the deepest respect.
A derogatory term for Solaric is ‘Corncob’. Because they are the highest ranking kindred, they are egotistical and demanding, thus were given the sarcastic metaphor of having a corncob up their butts.
Song Bearer - Apprentices to Seers who “bear” the songs of The Wizard. Though they are not required to wear red clothing, they cannot wear shoes.
Spellbinder – A mortal who trades their heart for the Wraiths’ Prāvüs. Once exchanged, the mortal’s eyes become gray, like a Wraith’s, and are ruled by Wraiths and the dark powers endowed to them. Sometimes, Wraiths prolong a Spellbinder’s life beyond humanly possible. Spellbinders are feared and nearly unstoppable. Their power exceeds Suvarian Witches, for they give their entire heart to Wraiths, unlike Witches who give piece by piece over a long period of time.
Star Kings - In Suvaria, the Solarics are the only royal bloodline. When an honorable king dies, he becomes a new Star and is worship
ed and burned incense to. The Star Kings are thought to guide and protect their people from above as their followers constantly seek to attracted their attention with incense, chants, reflective objects, and flattery.
Stag Folk – The woodsy tribe of the Wilders is Stag Folk. Though only made by two Kins, Bone and Trail Kin, they are notorious hunters and trackers and at one amid animals in the forest.
Stones on bones - A negative exclamation, referring to the Wilders’ way of disrespecting the dead by burying their enemies, alive, under a mound of stones.
The One in Red – Another name for The Wizard, referring to his Red robe.
The Prāvüs (Prah-voos) – The dark magic Wraiths possess. If mortals are exposed to too much of The Prāvüs, they will drop dead. Thus, Wraiths introduce The Prāvüs to mortals in small, manageable doses. The Wizard is the only being unfazed by the deathly force. In Latin, pravus means corrupt, evil, improper, immoral or sinful.
The Wizard – The immortal, Red-cladded Lord who created all things and longs to lead mankind with his wisdom and mercy. He protects his followers against Wraiths while punishing the wicked. He can transform into anything he wishes, teleport anywhere without effort, be invisible, and be located in several places at once. His hair is long and pure white, his eyes a hot silver with fiery glow speckled throughout. He does not have a weapon for he himself is the weapon.
Theron – Prince and heir to Tulaun’s throne, keeper of the Western Border, valiant knight, enemy of the Spellbinder, and betrothed to Lady Olivia. He has sandy blond hair and dark, chocolate eyes.
Tulaun (Too-lahn) - Realm inhabited primarily by humans speckled with centaurs, griffins, a few elves, and occasional immigrant from another nation. The Wizard is worshiped and considered the unseen Lord of all, delegating his songs of wisdom though the Highest Melodies and his Seers.