Never Forsaken

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Never Forsaken Page 15

by Michael Anderle

  Nathan sat his coffee on the table, “Tell me what happened, and we will figure it out. I haven’t noticed you becoming a fumbling old professor, so don’t give up on me Frank. Otherwise, I’ll be relegated to hacker status for the group.” Nathan’s voice trailed off his own voice lost for a moment, “Fuck us.”

  Frank noticed the change in Nathan’s demeanor, “What? Fuck us why?” His voice inching a little towards normal, caught up in Nathan’s obvious concern.

  “Frank, what if someone has hacked us?” The two men stared at each other, alarm rising in both of their eyes. Nathan’s chair made a scraping, keening sound as he pulled it around to sit closer beside Frank who turned his laptop so both of them could read it.

  Frank’s funk evaporated, his fingers typing quickly over the keyboard, both men lost in concentration trying to track down a possible digital attack they hadn’t noticed.

  Lance and Patricia stepped into the room, noticed the two men deep in conversation using words neither one recognized. Lance grabbed the keys to one of the SUV’s and the two left to go quickly get a bite to eat.

  Two hours later, time having sped by, Frank sat back and muttered, “I’ll be gott verdammt. How the hell did they find that?”

  Nathan stood up and put his chair back to its normal position at the table, stretching his back. “I don’t know, but they were able to stop the email from getting to you. The data was still on the server where it was recorded, but something intercepted your email and returned the acknowledgment. You never received the email, the other server doesn’t look compromised, so we have some sort of man-in-the-middle attack. Your email didn’t have much to go on so I doubt they understood the content and so far, the firewalls held. We need to upgrade that system; it doesn’t look like the attacks have stopped yet. They’re subtle, not brute force.”

  Frank leaned back and sighed, “Yeah. I supposed as often as I do this to others, I shouldn’t get upset when I’ve had it done to me, but can you imagine what we might have done if I hadn’t missed this?”

  Nathan shrugged, “Coulda, woulda, shoulda. Can’t think like that right now. What we need …” His cell phone range, it was Stephen’s phone. He stabbed the speaker button, “Hi, you are on speaker with Frank and myself.”

  Bethany Anne’s voice came across the speaker, “Hi guys, I assume you have heard the situation report from the Polarus team?”

  Nathan continued, “Yes. What do you want us to do?”

  “I need you two to find out everything about David’s lands particularly this old castle that is right outside… hold it,” she pulled the phone away from her face and spoke to Stephen. When Stephen provided the name of a small town, Nathan wrote it down. When he heard her put the phone back to her ear, he broke into the conversation, “We got that, so you want a detailed reconnaissance and other info how quickly?”

  “Yesterday, Stephen is almost healed up, he and I are going to try a fast sneak attack before David understands his effort to kill Stephen failed. John might be a little upset.” Nathan’s laughing interrupted her, “Ok, John is going to have his head blow off like a massive volcano, but between Stephen, Ashur and myself, we will get this first part done. I’m not trying to take the bricks apart, just get Michael free. Once we have him, we have probably got one mean and righteously pissed Patriarch on our side again. It could really change our tactics, especially if I can kill that son-of-a-bitch David in the process.”

  Nathan thought about how calm the UnknownWorld had been without Michael being around, “Sure we couldn’t rescue him but keep him on ice? Life has been nicer without his shadow on everything.”

  He heard her sigh on the other side, “Nathan, I get that, I really do. I’ll take care of Michael and have a talk with him. He owes me big right now and I could use some additional understanding he can provide before we move forward.”

  Nathan asked, “You know Carl is dead, right?”

  “I did, but how did you? Reginald was pretty free with his information when I spoke with him.”

  Nathan heard Stephen snort and speak in the background, “After you pulled his arm off…”

  Maybe, Nathan mused, Bethany Anne was the right person to talk with Michael. He had always wondered if she was ignorant or just insane when they first met. He figured if anyone might be able to rein Bethany Anne in, it might be Michael. Now he worried more for Michael than he did Bethany Anne. Those two made a hell of a couple… Oh, holy crap. He hoped that never happened, please God in heaven don’t let those two become a couple.

  Bethany Anne brought his wandering thoughts back on track, “Ignore Stephen, how did you know about Carl?”

  Frank jumped in, “Because we just heard a conversation recorded by a system I had in place between Anton and David talking about the situation. Here, let me play it.” Frank played the recording on his laptop speakers, Nathan holding the phone closer to the laptop.

  “When did that happen?”

  Frank admitted, “A couple of weeks ago. I thought I had failed you by not uncovering this quicker but the reality is we have someone aggressively hacking us and the email informing me of the recording was blocked. I’m sorry, I should have figured this out more quickly.”

  There was a pause while Bethany Anne thought about what she had just heard. “Well, it gives us a few hints. That we aren’t looking for Carl changes the rules of engagement a little. There won’t be anyone at the castle we can’t shoot and we need to find something that constrains a non-corporeal body. Michael will be inside of it. Better late than never with the info, but find and get rid of whoever or whatever is attacking us.”

  Nathan jumped back in, “What if it is governmental?”

  Bethany Anne response was immediate, “Well, get rid of the attack, fuck up their computers and operations. If it takes a more personal discussion let me know. Until we figure out if ADAM is going to come online, we can’t have this bullshit interrupting our efforts. I’ll take them on the same way I take on anything else, find their nuts and kick them so hard they have to swallow again to speak. Your priorities are my castle information and then these hacking activities. Do you have enough resources, guys?”

  “I’ve got someone coming in, one of the ones you saved back in Miami.”

  Her voice showed surprise, “Really? I’m going to get a plus in my Karma column for not just killing people indiscriminately? That’s a nice surprise.”

  Nathan smiled, he had to add, “You will be even more excited to learn he wants to meet you.”

  This time, there was a pause on the line, if only an extra second, “Like a date, or just a meeting?”

  “He requested a meeting but I think he wants a date.” Frank was looking at Nathan like he had just provided more information for his book.

  “Ahhh, you know what? I don’t give a fuck, it’s not like my dance card is full right now. See how he does with you and if he isn’t a slime ball you can setup a dinner meeting. Let’s see what happens when he finds John and Eric hovering over me.”

  Nathan smiled, he doubted John and Eric would matter. Most geeks just roll with the punches especially if a beautiful woman was involved. He had to get Ecaterina involved in this; the story might become a chapter in Frank’s book after all if they could actually swing something. Maybe a little payback for a frozen Pepsi in their bed? “I’ll let you know after I’ve worked with him some. However, I have to admit I’m going to tell him dating you isn’t a good idea. Not that I figure he will listen to me, sorry.”

  She retorted, “It isn’t a good idea, I could eat him for dinner and that’s literal not sexual. He could get shot or tagged as an information source, so make sure you try to scare him away. Otherwise, we are all living on borrowed time so if he has the ‘nads to ask me out, he will probably get a yes. I hear Ivan coming so get back with me on Stephen’s phone with the info, I want to be gone within the hour.” She hung up the phone. Frank was already pulling data.


  Ivan looked like shit when she spoke
to him, “What’s going on with slut bunny? Is she ok with all of the deaths or do we have just a horny zombie down there?”

  Ivan started to interrupt her provoking the woman but realized she was trying to get his mind back in the game. “She is in shock right now, but Claudia is made of pretty stern stuff if it doesn’t require violence. She isn’t a violent person.”

  “Ok, you two get with Stephen and figure out where she can stay before the sun comes up. I’m surprised we haven’t had anyone official come out this way so far.”

  Stephen spoke up, “We are pretty far away, and most people fear my home and don’t come here without an invitation.”

  “I must have surprised the hell out of you.” She smiled over at the vampire.

  “Yes, that is true.” Stephen looked over at Reginald's remains. “I’m going to call a cleanup crew. They will take all of the remains then come back and fix the house. I’ll have the remains of Scott and Juan cremated so we can hold a service for them after our discussion with David.” He paused and looked back at Bethany Anne, “And by discussion I really mean decapitating that arrogant ass and burning his body in case anyone is curious.” His eyes intense with anger.

  Bethany Anne shrugged, “Works for me. I might want some questions answered but I won’t lose any sleep if they aren’t.” She pointed to the fridge, “Do we have enough extra bags? I can’t let Michael drink from me, not sure what that would do, so probably a bad idea.”

  Stephen went to the fridge and started pulling out ten bags. “I stocked a lot for our extra company, so we might be a little over stocked right now.”

  “Really? How many bags?”

  Stephen looked back in the fridge, “I don’t know, at least twenty-five? Why?”

  Bethany Anne walked into the kitchen and looked around Stephen at the blood sitting there. “Because desperate times call for desperate measures.” She turned around and looked at Ashur, who was calmly laying down on the couch, Bethany Anne had cleaned off the couch seats of glass and sharp debris. “Stephen, how much do you trust me?”

  Stephen started pulling bags from the fridge and putting them on the counter, “With my very existence, my Queen. It is a vow that apparently is only relevant for countries that do not exist. I believe it was not misplaced at all.” He continued pulling out bags, “By the way, what is a shit-faced ass jacker?” He asked the question the same as if he was wanting to know the weather the next day.

  “Hmmm? Oh.” She pulled her attention back from Ashur who had been intently watching the two of them, “It’s a drunk guy who sticks his dick in the wrong hole and claims to the girl afterwards it was all a mistake. So, don’t be one, ok?”

  “Not to worry, I never miss.” Stephen finished pulling the bags out of the fridge and closed it.

  Ashur got up from the couch and jumped off, coming over to Bethany Anne who put her hand on his head. Ivan just stared at the huge German Shepherd. “Ivan, meet Ashur. He invited himself to a fight over in Costa Rica a couple of weeks back. He almost died. He has had my blood and some time being ‘fixed’ in TOM’s ship.” She grabbed some of Ashur’s hair on his head to pull it back, “Hey! Pay attention, he isn’t food. He’s my friend and Ecaterina’s brother.” Ashur’s tail started wagging. “Figures you would remember who spoils you with the treats you like so much.” She let go of Ashur’s head. Ashur went over to sniff at Ivan who slowly put his hand on the dog’s head.

  “He’s beautiful.”

  “God, don’t encourage him. He already has all of the Wechselbalg on the ship claiming him as their mascot and I swear he understands every word said around him.”

  Ivan continued petting Ashur, “Is he going to start cursing soon?”


  Bethany Anne heard Claudia slowly coming up the stairs, as if she was having to talk herself up each step. Bethany Anne nodded in her direction and then pointed to the body pieces still around, she mouthed the word ‘Claudia’. Ivan shook his head in understanding and went to intercept her before she saw too much.

  Stephen got off of the phone, “They will be here within the hour. They have a completely secure van to take Claudia to a safe house I have. She and Ivan can stay there until we come back.”

  Bethany Anne smiled, “Pretty sure we are going to get through this, aren’t you?”

  Stephen looked at her, “My Queen, just stay back. Ashur and I will take care of everything.” Grinning when Ashur barked in agreement.


  The trip to David’s Castle didn’t go anything like Stephen had expected.

  Stephen took a shower and cleaned up. He shocked the hell out of Bethany Anne when he came back out of his room.

  He was dressed in military fatigues, the patches removed. He wore them comfortably. This wasn’t the first time he had been involved in operations, she thought. Damn, this man had secrets. He had always been such a light hearted ‘lover not a fighter’ type. She never considered he might have a past that would surprise her.

  He went downstairs three times; each time he came back with wooden crates. Opening them, they contained a large assortment of weapons. He had all types within the three crates. She chose an extra knife and retrieved an extra set of clips for her pistols. They would be attacking, she hoped, during sun-up. That would mean more humans, easier to just shoot them and be done with it.

  Ashur stood up, putting his front paws on the table and seemed to be looking over the choices. She snorted, “See anything you like?”

  Ashur turned his head and cocked it at her, as if to say, “I don’t have opposable thumbs, dumb-ass.” He then turned back and sniffed around the boxes.

  She mumbled, “I guess I just got told off.”

  Stephen looked at Bethany Anne’s outfit, “Oh!” His eyes opened in alarm and practically disappeared running back downstairs vampire fast.

  What the hell?

  She heard him coming back, not nearly as quickly as he left and had one more wooden crate, this one wasn’t as big as the others and the wood was different. This wasn’t a crate to carry stuff; this was a special holding box for something. Stephen had her attention as he set the box down, pushing a machine gun to the side. He unlocked the box at both ends and stepped back, waving Bethany Anne forward.

  She smiled and stepped up, the excitement of opening the box similar to receiving a beautiful gift. She opened the top and stared down, speechless. She picked a striking saya up, the handle to the sword matching seamlessly with the sheath.

  Inside the saya was the most exquisite katana Bethany Anne had ever seen. “It is beautiful, Stephen.”

  “It is yours, my Queen. It is time that you leave your functional sword behind and take up your mantel. It is said this sword can differentiate between someone deserving of death and that which doesn’t. Personally, I think it has more to do with the person who bears it, but it is unbelievably sharp.”

  Bethany Anne carefully went through a few attack movements, feeling the perfection of the balance, taking in the beauty of the blade. She tied the new saya in place. It felt right, like something had been returned to her. “Thank you, Stephen. It is a treasure.” She approached him and reached for his face, kissing his forehead. “Are you ready?” He nodded, “Then let’s get our stuff. We need to be at the airport in five minutes.”

  “How are we going to get there so fast?”

  Ashur woofed, as if to say, “Seriously?”

  “Trust me.” This time, it wasn’t a question but a command.

  Frank had dipped his hand back into his military contacts and had procured a fast transport for the three of them, no questions asked, at the military airfield she had used to get to Florida. She trans-located the three of them with two bags. One full of metal clinking and one insulated that carried their blood. The front security gate guard was surprised to see two people and a very large dog walking up to his post, each person carrying a bag. Once he got approval, they walked through the open gate, a car arriving to pick them up to take them to the h
anger. Stephen jumped up front so Ashur could ride in the back with Bethany Anne.

  The airplane was in the air ten minutes later taking them straight to a small airfield in Germany. There was a Mercedes SUV waiting for them, the driver by the door as they got off of the plane. Ecaterina had outdone herself, Bethany Anne thought. The two of them got in the back seat after placing their bags in the back area where Ashur jumped in. He could easily lie down, his head resting on the bag of blood. She got her update from Nathan on what to expect. She handed the phone to Stephen in case he had specific questions.

  They both could hear the conversation just fine without putting Nathan on speaker and sharing any information with their driver.

  They stopped in a small village to gas up, then continued on. Bethany Anne made one adjustment after seeing the topology of the valley David’s Castle was a part of. There was another tourist building two miles away from David’s castle, but at a slightly higher elevation. The driver dropped them off at the restaurant/hotel. They paid top dollar for two adjoining rooms that faced David’s abode. They charged Stephen a three-week deposit to allow Ashur into the room. Bethany Anne looked down at Ashur whose face, she would swear, was saying, “What? I’ll be good.”


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