How to Become a Woman

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How to Become a Woman Page 4

by Paula Spicer

  Besides, he consoled himself. She’ll probably come back this way. I can try talking to her again then.

  Will picked up his glass and took a sip, then another. His heart was still beating fast, and there was a light, barely noticeable tremble in his hand. He needed to calm down. So he put the glass down, and grabbed his napkin that came with it. He did a little bit of origami that he learned a long time ago. Most of the time, he found himself doing it unconsciously, but this time, it was deliberate, because it had become a routine action that calmed him down when he couldn’t relax.

  He didn’t know much about it, but he’d had a short business trip in Japan years ago, and it had stuck with him when this woman he met there taught it to him. He could twist and fold napkins into roses, but not much else. He made one of those paper roses now, and kept it by his tray table. Then he picked up his drink and took another sip while staring at it.

  Maybe… when she makes her next round, I could give this to her. But then he huffed a laugh to himself and smiled, self-deprecating. As thanks for turning me down gently, at least.

  But now that he’d made the decision to give it to her, he felt anxious. He kept one hand around his glass, the other drumming his fingers on the tray as one of his legs bounced uncontrollably. She didn’t come by soon, though, not as soon as he would have hoped. Someone else passed by to pick up his glass once he was done with his drink. He gave into the urge and looked around, wondering how he could have missed her. He struggled for a moment not to let himself feel disappointed.

  Well… she might still pass by. I haven’t lost my chance yet. The flight has only just started.

  He fussed with the rose as he waited. He had to be careful with it, though. Because he’d used a napkin, it was more fragile than he would have liked. If he didn’t handle it carefully, he’d ruin one of the folds and he couldn’t refold it again. That only made him more anxious, and he spent most of the time in his wait just staring at the paper flower.

  His wait wasn’t in vain. She came by with the in-flight meal, and he could see her before she got to him. He took the time to breathe in deep and release it slowly, relaxing himself so he wouldn’t seem so fidgety. Why did he feel so nervous? He had no problem talking to women, even when they were strangers. Getting rejected over and over hadn't changed that. But somehow, this one woman had him acting like he was a teenager in high school with a first crush. When was the last time he felt like that? He didn’t even know her name yet.

  Then, she moved to where he was seated.

  He picked up the rose, and when she stopped in front of him, before she could ask what he wanted to order, he held the rose out to her. He smiled up at her, feeling his lips tremble a little, but he couldn’t help it.

  “Hey, again,” he said and laughed, a little self-consciously. At least he didn’t stutter. “I just popped by the florist and got you a little something.”

  He said the words without thinking, and he wanted to cringe at how cliché they sounded once they were out of his mouth. He waited for her to do something, maybe laugh at him or come up with another practiced rejection.

  But she just laughed and took the rose, then served him and moved on.

  It only made him more anxious.

  He couldn’t tell, and he wondered if she was just pretending to laugh, or if she was genuine. Her laugh certainly sounded genuine. Her bright smile felt genuine.

  It also had his heart beating fast in his chest again, even though he’d managed to calm himself down, and remained calm while he talked to her. He put a hand over his chest for a moment, before giving up on calming it down. He looked down at his meal and picked up his fork and poked at the food without eating any of it.

  Maybe… he was actually getting somewhere.

  Chapter 3

  Night fell on the plane, and the cabin lights were dimmed so people could sleep. Will didn’t feel sleepy, though, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of the flight attendant. He was thinking of putting on some music on his phone, because he’d need the rest. He’d have some time after he landed to get prepared before heading for the conference, but not enough to allow him to take a long nap if he was tired later.

  He already had his phone out and was looking for the perfect playlist to lull him to sleep, when he heard something. It was a small sound, but in the silence of the plane, it got his attention, and he looked up. His eyes widened.

  It’s her…

  The flight attendant was back, and when he looked up, she met his eyes and smiled at him. He figured she was just going around and checking on the passengers… but then she came right to his seat and leaned over him. His breath caught in his throat as he got an eyeful of her cleavage.


  His mind had all but shut down, because he couldn’t understand what was happening. Then, he felt warm breath against his ear, and his body shivered.

  “I was heading to the attendants’ quarters,” she whispered. “The others are a little busy elsewhere, and I don’t want to be alone. Why don’t you join me?”

  His hand was so tight around his phone that it ached. His free hand moved to grip his thigh. It wasn’t by chance. She came by deliberately to ask him for this! He nodded unconsciously, and shivered again when she giggled and blew more air against his ear. Then she pulled back and took some steps toward the rear of the plane, pausing to glance at him over her shoulder, arching an eyebrow, sultry smile in place.

  Will scrambled out of his seat, pulling up the arm and slipping out to the aisle. He moved so fast, he nearly stumbled, but caught himself with a hand against the seat. She was moving again, and he followed her eagerly. His heart was beating hard and fast in his chest, so loud he was sure she must have heard it.

  In the attendants’ quarters, she poured them each some wine in plastic glasses. She held the other one out to him, and he took it with only the slightest tremble in his hand. They clinked glasses together and drank.

  Then she huffed a small laugh and smiled, hiding shyly behind her glass.

  “Sorry. Here I am, giving you a drink, and I haven’t even introduced myself. My name is Beth.”

  “I’m Will,” he answered automatically. She held her hand out for a handshake that he gladly accepted. He might have imagined it, but he thought her hand lingered in his just a little bit. “I’d like to ask, because I’m kinda curious,” he continued, brainstorming for a conversation topic and picking on the most obvious one. “How is it, being a flight attendant? You must get to travel to a lot of places.”

  She sighed and leaned against a counter, folding one arm under her breasts and crossing her leg over the other.

  “Well, yes. It’s nice, getting to see so many different places, but… it’s a lonely life, you know? Always being somewhere new, being a stranger to everyone…”

  She took another sip of her wine, her gaze holding his.

  He just barely stopped his eyes from dropping to her mouth, pink and plump and wet from the wine and her spit as she licked her lip. Instead, he smiled and raised his glass.

  “Then, I’m glad we’re able to have this moment. You know my name, I know yours…” he shrugged. “It’s not much, but we aren’t strangers anymore, right?”

  She smiled. “I’m happy, too.”


  His eyes dropped to her lips, and there was no way he could stop himself. He didn’t even try to, and she didn’t seem to mind. He leaned in to kiss her, slowly so she’d know she could back away if she wanted. But she just met his eyes, even tilted her head for him and took a step forward away from the counter, closing the space between them. His eyes slid shut as he pressed his lips to hers.

  Yeah. Just as soft as he’d imagined.

  He pressed their lips together chastely, at first. But then she kissed back and her hands were on the back of his neck. He kissed harder, taking one of her lips between his and sucking on it, making her gasp. He wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her closer. He licked her top lip and she parted her mouth
for his tongue, and he groaned into her mouth as he tasted the wine they’d just drunk on her own tongue. He felt her plush breasts against his chest, and he hardened.

  He also felt something else… Something hard under her skirt. What was it? He was confused, but he kept kissing her anyway, because it felt so good to finally be doing this with someone after months. One of her hands slid up into his hair and tilted his head just slightly as she retaliated, her tongue pushing past his lips and into his mouth, licking the underside of his tongue. She pulled back to suck on it for a moment, and he sighed as he imagined her doing the same on his cock. Then she rolled their tongues together, her body shuddering in his arms.

  His hand went under her skirt. Kissing was nice, but he wanted to do so much more. He went slow, though, because he didn’t want to spook her. She didn’t make any protest as his hand slid down her waist, over her hip, down the outside of her thigh to where the skirt ended. He slid his hand back up and under it, his hand feeling the inside of her thigh, pulling his hips back slightly as he pressed his hand to her soft skin and pushed the skirt up as he went. When his hand reached the top of her thighs, he felt a long hard cock beneath soft panties, and testicles. He froze completely the moment his mind processed this, and squeezed a little, feeling confused.

  Beth moaned and shuddered, and Will gasped as her cock twitched in his hand, eyes blowing wide as he stepped back, removing his hand from under her skirt.

  What the hell…

  Beth was panting for breath, her parted lips swollen slightly from the kiss and just a tad redder. Her cheeks had a pink blush on them, and her light green eyes were practically glowing. She looked amazing, and Will’s cock gave a twitch of its own at the view in front of him.


  “What’s wrong?” she asked, breathless. “Have you never been with a transwoman before?”

  Trans? So that’s what it was? Because it had been confusing. He was actually still confused.

  “I haven’t,” he answered honestly.

  But, why did he still have an erection? She might look like a woman, but she had a cock just like she did! When he looked down, he could even see the bulge over her skirt, though it hadn't fallen perfectly down. He wanted to touch her again just to be sure he hadn't imagined it, but he had a feeling he’d be disappointed if he was looking for something else under her skirt.

  Of all the… Beth was the first woman that hadn't reacted negatively to his flirting in a long time. Even more, she didn’t seem to mind taking things a little further. She was such a charming and attractive woman… but she had a penis.

  Shouldn’t that turn him off?

  And yet, he was still hard.

  Beth didn’t seem aware of his internal dilemma. She smiled at him, taking a step forward, her hand reaching for his. A part of Will’s mind was shouting at him, telling him to step back, to turn around and go back to his seat. He wasn’t so desperate for company that he would actually do this, was he? Beth was definitely a woman, but she still had a penis!

  He’d never tried anything like this before, but did he want to? Even knowing the woman in front of him didn’t have a vagina…

  But he didn’t move away when she reached for him. He stayed still, eyes gazing into hers, and she slid her hand into his. He even squeezed her hand back just slightly, and when a smile lit up her face, his breath hitched and his cock twitched in his pants, because he really loved seeing her smile at him like that.

  “There’s a first time for everything,” Beth said, and winked.

  Then, she pulled him to the airplane bathroom.

  Keep Reading Trans Atlantic Flight on Amazon!


  Girlfriend for the Weekend

  Chapter One

  Fred knew it wasn't just some ordinary get together. He got a bad feeling when he received the call and heard something strange in his friend's voice, and it stuck with him no matter how he tried to tell himself he was just being stupidly paranoid. The feeling of unease only grew worse when he got to the bar there and saw Jim in person.

  Jim seemed nervous, hesitant. He was seated at a table out of the way instead of waiting at the bar like usual. When Fred stepped up and got his attention, Jim jumped, looking high-strung. Fred sat down and waited for Jim to relax, only he didn’t. It didn’t make Fred feel better.

  A waitress came over and they both put in an order for drinks. When she went away, the two men went back to looking at each other, Jim looking a little pale under the fluorescent lighting, Fred waiting not so patiently for whatever it was his friend was trying to spit out. He made up scenarios in his mind and wondered which way this conversation would go, not liking what he came up with.

  Then Jim came out. As in, came out.

  "I'm gay."

  All Fred could do was blink. He… had not thought of that. Fred didn’t know how he was supposed to react, but by the way Jim was acting, he must have been worrying over this for some time before he had asked to meet up. There wasn’t time to react either, before Jim took advantage of his stunned silence to start babbling.

  "I'm sorry to spring this on you, I wasn’t sure how to tell you but I figured I could just tell you instead of beating around the bush." He shrugged, a jerky motion that almost looked painful. "I probably could have told you ages ago but I didn’t want to freak you out. I am so sorry for waiting this long, but I want to share the real me with you, so..." Then he bit his lip and seemed to shrink in his seat.

  Fred took some time to adjust, because he hadn't been expecting this scenario. If he was being honest, he was a little relieved, because he'd already thought up the worst case scenario and this was not that.

  Jim looked stressed, and like he was trying to disappear into his chair with a quietly terrified look on his face that made Fred blink. He must have been waiting for a bad reaction. Fred couldn’t help himself. He rolled his eyes and felt his lips curl up in one corner.

  "You don’t have to look like I'm going to pull out a pitchfork or something," he said. "Congratulations! And thanks for telling me. I'm honored you've shared the real you with me."

  If anything, he felt a little insulted his friend seemed to have so little faith in him.

  Jim froze in his seat, and then he looked confused. "What?"

  Fred rolled his eyes again. "Look, I know it couldn’t have been easy for you, deciding to tell me something like this. I always thought you might be gay, and it's wonderful you can finally be out of the closet. And I feel honored that you told me."

  Fred didn’t have all that many friends, but he made sure he was good to the few he did hang out with. Such a meaningful display of trust could only be a good thing in his mind.

  "Wait, you always thought…" started Jim.

  "I would say it was just a hunch, but you slipped up and I saw the real you a couple of times," Fred said. "I wasn't sure what I saw and I didn’t want to assume, so I never brought it up. I didn’t want to put you on the spot."

  Truth be told, Fred had often wondered if Jim was gay. He's dated a woman maybe once, years ago, and since then Fred never heard him mention a girlfriend or a boyfriend. He couldn't imagine what it would be like to keep a secret that big, to hide such an enormous facet of your personality and life from a friend. He was glad that Jim finally had gotten that weight off his shoulders. Fred smiled and hugged Jim. He thought this might put Jim at ease.

  But Jim still seemed nervous and hesitant. Maybe that wasn't the end of it? What else could Jim have to tell him? There must have been a reason why he was coming out now, some other factor besides wanting to introduce the real Jim to Fred. Before Fred could question further, the waitress appeared with the drinks, dropping them off before going to serve another table. Fred took a sip, arching an eyebrow when he noticed his friend taking several gulps.

  He waited for Jim to work himself up to it, meanwhile trying to act casual but probably failing. Whatever Jim was struggling with was definitely what had Fred uneasy.

  "I actually didn’t
call you for just that," said Jim. "I… have a favor to ask you."

  That had him interested. He wondered what Jim could possibly need, because he'd never asked for a favor before. Or at least, not in a while, as far as he could remember.

  "Sure, what is it?" asked Fred.

  "Well, it's just, my parents still don’t know," Jim said. "To be honest, I don’t want them to know. I sure as fuck don’t want to tell them, or plan to."

  "Would they take it badly?" he asked, curious.

  Jim just looked grim. "I honestly don’t want to find out right now. I don’t think I can just tell them. I've tried, but they are my parents—it's going to hit them hard. Especially my mother, who is still waiting for me to settle down." He took a nervous gulp of his beer. "I'd rather keep it secret from them. In fact, I told them I have a girlfriend."

  When his eyes slid away and he fiddled with his drink in his hands, Fred got an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach, but he still couldn't guess where this all was going.

  "And, of course, there is no girlfriend…" said Fred.

  "No," said Jim. "But now they want to meet her, my non-existent girlfriend. I've been stalling for a while but they're getting unbearable, and I'd rather not just stop going back home entirely, so the problem needs to be taken care of, and soon."

  Fred was confused. "All right. What are you going to do? How can I help?"

  He didn’t exactly have a stable of female friends to offer Jim as beards. How could Fred assist Jim in any way? Jim looked shifty for a moment, before taking a deep breath and meeting Fred's gaze with something like determination.

  "I…want you to pose as my girlfriend when I go to visit them this weekend," he said.

  Fred felt his jaw drop. That had not entered his thoughts either. It was an insane idea and didn’t even make sense. All he could do was stare at Jim, but the other man didn’t seem to see the problem. Fred shook his head, feeling a laugh rising in his throat, but he held it back. The situation was too ridiculous to be funny.


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