The Romancing of Evangeline Ipswich

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The Romancing of Evangeline Ipswich Page 8

by McClure, Marcia Lynn

  Jennie’s sudden burst of laughter surprised Evangeline. “What a…what a nightmare that would’ve been,” she puffed. “I can just see the both of them passed out cold on the floor.” She laughed again, adding, “Did you see Calvin leap off the bed when I said I thought I’d wet it?”

  A nervous giggle erupted from Evangeline then—a strange sound to accompany her admiration of her friend. Even in the throes of excruciating pain, Jennie was still able to find mirth.

  As Jennie’s laughter turned to tears born of more pain, Hutch moaned with sympathy for his sister.

  Looking up to him, Evangeline said, “Dig your heels in, Hutch. It may be a long night.”


  It has been nearly three hours since Calvin had returned to the house with Doctor Swayze and his wife. And Doctor Swayze was concerned. He felt that Jennie’s body should be further along in being ready to deliver the baby. Yet he had assured Hutch and Evangeline that they should remain calm and that all would be well.

  Evangeline still sat on the floor just outside Jennie’s bedroom. Jones’s head was in her lap, and though she gently stroked the velvet of one of his ears with reassurance, even Hutch’s dog knew that Jennie was enduring overwhelming pain on the other side of the door.

  Hutch had taken to pacing back and forth up and down the entryway, to and fro. Every few minutes, Jennie would cry out, moan, or strain aloud, and Hutch’s brows would furrow as he looked to Evangeline for reassurance. Each time he did, Evangeline would nod at him—a silent reminder that such sounds of agony and trauma were to be expected.

  Yet even Evangeline was not so certain all was well in the room where Jennie struggled to deliver her baby. Even with the help of Doctor Swayze and his wife—even with the fact that Calvin had demanded to be present, to hold Jennie’s hand and attempt to offer her comfort—Evangeline thought Jennie’s cries sounded too desperate.

  All at once the door to the bedroom burst open, and a frantic, disheveled Calvin appeared.

  “Hutch,” he breathed. “Fetch the Reverend Lloyd. Hurry!”

  Evangeline’s eyes filled with tears as she saw Hutch’s jaw clench, even as he nodded his assurance to Calvin that he would do what he’d asked. Without even pausing to retrieve his coat and hat, Hutch fairly bolted out the front door.

  “Calvin?” Evangeline breathed.

  Calvin took a deep breath and said, “She wants to talk to you, Evangeline.”

  Nodding, Evangeline kindly pushed Jones from her lap and stood up. The dog whimpered, and she looked down at him, forcing a smile and saying, “Everything will be fine, Jones. Don’t worry.”

  Of course, Evangeline knew that everything would obviously not be fine. Calvin had asked Hutch to fetch the local clergyman, and now Jennie had asked to talk to Evangeline. Her heart told her all was not well.

  Slowly, she entered Jennie’s room, her heart filled with dread. Jennie was lying on her left side in the bed, pale and weak looking.

  “Evangeline!” she whispered—and Evangeline did not miss the extreme anxiety in her voice. “Please come here…quickly!” Jennie breathed.

  Evangeline looked to Doctor Swayze, who nodded. “It’s going to be a difficult birth,” he said. “Long and arduous, I’m afraid.”

  Dr. Swayze was a good-looking, middle-aged man with brown hair and round-framed spectacles. Yet Evangeline thought he looked ten years older in that moment than he had when he’d first arrived several hours previous.

  Mrs. Swayze was sitting on the foot of the bed, folding clean washcloths. She did not look up to greet Evangeline, and Evangeline’s heart sank to the very pit of her stomach.

  “Evie, hurry!” Jennie begged.

  Racing to her bedside, Evangeline knelt next to her friend. Forcing a comforting smile and tenderly brushing the perspiration-saturated hair from her forehead, she said, “Jennie, you’re doing a wonderful job. Having a baby is no easy thing.”

  “The doctor thinks the baby is very big,” Jennie breathed. “Or…or that something is wrong,” Jennie told her. “And I want to beg a favor of you…please.”

  “Anything, darling. You know that,” Evangeline whispered, trying hard not to cry. She knew exactly what Jennie was going to ask—that she stay in Red Peak and care for her baby if Jennie herself should lose her life in bringing the baby into the world. Tears welled in her eyes, and Evangeline fought to keep them from spilling. But she couldn’t, and they escaped into warm, salty rivulets over her cheeks.

  “I want you to marry Hutchner,” Jennie whispered. “I can’t think of him being alone here…alone in the world if I go.”

  “Jennie!” Evangeline quietly exclaimed. “Doctor Swayze says you’ll be—”

  “Please, Evie!” Jennie begged as more tears flooded her cheeks. “A woman knows things…feels things…senses things that a doctor can’t. And I need to know that Hutch won’t be alone. And more than that…that he’ll have you to care for him.” Jennie’s whisper dropped to a mere breath as she added, “That he’ll have you to love him, Evie.”

  Evangeline was awestruck! She wondered if Jennie were in her right mind. She looked up to Calvin—Calvin standing strong but frightened for his wife’s well-being. He nodded, his silent gesture that he wanted Evangeline to agree to Jennie’s request.

  For a moment, Evangeline thought, Where’s the harm in promising it? If her friend were indeed preparing to make her way to heaven, then who was Evangeline to refuse her last request? It wasn’t as if Hutch would have to go through with marrying her, after all. And did he even know what Jennie was asking of Evangeline?

  At that very moment, Hutch strode into the bedroom with a clergyman in his wake. He too knelt beside Jennie, kissed her hand, and said, “I’ve brought Reverend Lloyd, Jen. But you’re gonna be fine. Do you hear me?”

  Jennie weakly caressed her brother’s whiskery cheek and smiled at him. “Hutch,” she began, again in a whisper. “Will you do something for me, Hutch?”

  “Anything, Jen. You know that,” Hutch answered.

  Evangeline watched as moisture filled Hutch’s eyes—as emotion caused his hands to begin trembling where he held his sister’s.

  “I want you to marry Evangeline, Hutch,” Jennie began. “Promise me you’ll marry her. I don’t want you to be without her…and I don’t want her to be without you. Promise me you’ll marry her.”

  Evangeline held her breath—waited for Hutch’s response—wondered if he would be as astonished as she had been at Jennie’s request.

  “All right, I promise,” he said, however. Evangeline felt her mouth gape open with astonishment.

  But Jennie’s requests were not finished. “Marry her now, Hutch—right here, so I’ll know you’ll both be cared for…so I’ll know you’ll be together. It’s why I had you fetch Reverend Lloyd.”

  Evangeline couldn’t breathe for a moment! Was she dreaming? Was Jennie actually demanding that her brother marry Evangeline?

  “All right,” Hutch said without pause.

  Evangeline closed her eyes a moment—concentrated on simply trying to draw breath.

  But she was startled from her weakness of mind and body when Jennie cried out in sudden returning agony!

  “Please, Evie! Please!” Jennie cried through her pain. “I need to know that it’s done! I need to have that peace!”

  “Of course, of course!” Evangeline assured her, brushing tears from her own cheeks.

  Hutch took Evangeline’s chin in one of his strong hands, forcing her to look at him. “You’ll do this thing with me, won’t you?” It was a demand, not a request. “For Jennie.”

  “O-of course,” Evangeline answered in a whisper.

  Hutch turned to Reverend Lloyd—a tall, spindly man, dressed all in black and with graying hair that stood up on his head as if it were wire driven into his scalp.

  “Marry us, Reverend Lloyd,” Hutch rather ordered. Realizing then the tone of his demand, he halfheartedly added, “If you please, sir.”

  “Hurry! Hu
rry, Reverend Lloyd!” Jennie begged through her own tears. “Marry them before I…before I’m gone.”

  Evangeline wiped her tears on her sleeve. It couldn’t be happening. Jennie couldn’t be dying! Not after everything—not after they’d only just become so close once more!

  “P-please join hands,” Reverend Lloyd instructed, nodding first to Hutch and then to Evangeline.

  Evangeline trembled at Hutch’s touch. Even for the tragedy that was upon them all, his mere touch caused her pleasure.

  “Here now, Jennie,” Doctor Swayze said, suddenly speaking. “Brace your leg over my shoulder here…but do not push until I tell you it’s all right to, do you understand?”

  “Do you, Hutchner LaMontagne—” Reverend Lloyd began.

  “I do,” Hutch growled. He was nearly glaring at Evangeline as he knelt next to her. Yet she knew his glaring was for the fear of losing his sister, not in disgust with Evangeline.

  “Very well. Uh…” Reverend Lloyd stammered. “Do you, Evangeline…I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten your last—”

  “Ipswich,” Hutch grumbled with impatience. “Evangeline Ipswich.”

  “Oh yes,” Reverend Lloyd choked. “Do you, Evangeline Ipswich, take Hutchner LaMontagne as your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to—”

  “Yes! Yes!” Evangeline cried.

  “Well then…I, by the powers invested in me, now pronounce you man and wife,” the reverend abruptly finished. Closing the Bible he’d been holding when he walked into the room, he added, “You m-may kiss the bride.”

  “Kiss the bride?” Evangeline cried as more tears streamed over her face. “Are you mad?” she cried, looking at the reverend in astonishment.

  Evangeline’s attention was drawn away from Reverend Lloyd, who stood perspiring as if he stood in a furnace, and back to Hutch.

  Yet before she could even blink, he reached out, taking her face between his two powerful hands and pulling her toward him as his mouth met hers in a fierce kiss of mingled anger and desperation.

  “All right, everyone out!” Doctor Swayze ordered suddenly. “I want no one else in this room while this baby is delivered.” He looked to Calvin, adding, “No one but you, Calvin, and of course Mrs. Swayze.”

  Evangeline watched as Hutch stood and then leaned down, kissing his sister on the forehead.

  “You take care of her, Hutch,” Jennie panted.

  “I will, Jen,” Hutch promised. “But you take care of that baby. You get that baby out, and you live through it! Do you hear me?”

  Jennie nodded as tears of fear and pain streamed down her face.

  “Come on, Reverend,” Hutch said, taking hold of Reverend Lloyd’s arm in one hand and Evangeline’s in the other and pulling them out of the room.

  The door closed just as Jennie wailed in agony.

  “Do not push, Mrs. McKee!” Evangeline heard Doctor Swayze command. “Not until I tell you.”

  “I-I should probably stay…in case I’m needed for…well, anything else,” Reverend Lloyd ventured.

  “She’ll be fine,” Hutch mumbled. He leaned back against one wall a moment before sliding down into a sitting position. Jones was quick to go to his master, licking his face with an affectionate kiss of encouragement.

  Evangeline was stunned—so stunned that she could think of nothing else but her proper manners. Jennie had a guest, after all—Reverend Lloyd—and the man looked as completely out of his element as a man could possibly look.

  “M-might I offer you a piece of cake, Reverend Lloyd?” Evangeline asked, brushing tears from her cheeks. “I made one just this morning, and a little sweet thing goes a long way to settling one’s nerves, I find.”

  Reverend Lloyd seemed to sense Evangeline’s need for distraction. Therefore, as Jennie cried out in agony from behind the bedroom door, Reverend Lloyd said, “That would be good, I think, Miss…rather, Mrs. LaMontagne.”

  Reverend Lloyd cleared his throat, and Hutch looked up at the awkward-seeming man. Oh, he hadn’t missed the reverend’s obvious reminder that Hutch had just taken Evangeline to wife—even if it had been under curious and very traumatic circumstances. How could he forget such a thing! In what were perhaps her dying moments, his sister had given him what he had wanted most: Evangeline.

  The truth was, Hutch was awed that Evangeline had agreed to marry him. Yet he knew how much Evangeline loved Jennie—loved her enough to grant her last request to marry him.

  He nodded to Reverend Lloyd, an unspoken acknowledgement that Hutch was in his right mind and knew the magnitude of what had just transpired. But when Reverend Lloyd turned and followed Evangeline into the kitchen, Hutch wasn’t so certain that she understood the enormity of it. After all, she’d married him as seemingly willingly as he married her, but he suspected it was different for Evangeline. For only that morning, Hutch had confided to his sister his growing feelings for her friend. Yet he doubted that Evangeline felt the same for him. Otherwise she would’ve confided in Jennie as well, and Jennie would have told him.

  And so he wondered, as he sat with his dog’s head in his lap, stroking the canine’s soft head—as he watched Evangeline serve Reverend Lloyd a piece of cake. He wondered if Evangeline had truly meant to marry him or if she thought it was all just a farce for Jennie’s comfort’s sake. And what would happen when Jennie’s baby was born and all was well? Would Hutch simply scoop Evangeline up and carry her back to his house, over the threshold, and to their wedding bed? Surely not! Evangeline Ipswich would never have thought of that—and least not yet—not with Jennie crying out with pain in the other room.

  And what if the unimaginably worst happened? What if Jennie were lost in childbirth? Would Evangeline stay with Hutch then? Remain his wife? Live with him in Red Peak simply because she’d promised her dead friend that she would? Hutch certainly did not want Evangeline’s companionship for the sake of pity and obligation.

  “Another push, Mrs. McKee,” Hutch heard Doctor Swayze instruct. “When you feel the pain begin, push as hard as you can…with all your might and strength.”

  Hutch closed his eyes and listened—listened to his sister growl with agony and the exertion of attempting to push another human being from her body, with the attempt to bring new life into the world—and he prayed for hers to be spared.

  “Hutch?” Evangeline asked in her beautiful, lilting voice.

  Hutch opened his eyes to see Evangeline hunkered down in front of him, offering a glass of water to him.

  “And this is for you, Jones,” she said, placing a bowl of water near Jones.

  Hutch took the glass from her and mumbled, “Thank you.”

  Jennie cried out, and Evangeline clenched her eyes tightly shut. “She’ll be all right. She has to be all right,” she whispered.

  Hutch knew his time for weakness was over. Patting Jones on the head with reassurance, Hutch stood, took Evangeline’s hand, and pulled her to her feet.

  “She’ll be fine,” he said, attempting to appear certain. Evangeline was his wife now, and he was her husband—her protector, her provider, her companion, and perhaps one day her lover. He would be strong for her sake—no matter what the outcome eventually was on the other side of Jennie and Calvin’s bedroom door.

  Evangeline’s hand clenched tight where Hutch held it as she heard an earsplitting, agonizing scream from Jennie’s room. For a moment following Jennie’s shriek, there was silence. And then, she heard it. Hutch heard it too. Even Reverend Lloyd abandoned his plate of cake to hurry toward them.

  As the baby’s cry broke the horrid silence following Jennie’s screams, a measure of comfort washed over Evangeline.

  “The baby is here,” she whispered to Hutch. As the baby continued to cry, a nervous giggle rose in her throat, and she repeated, “It’s got a powerful set of lungs too!”

  Hutch smiled a little, but Evangeline knew the worry that was still in his heart—for it was in hers too.

  “And Jennie?” he asked.

  Evangeline wanted to throw her
arms around his neck in that moment—hold him close to her—draw strength from the power of his body and lend him the strength of the hope in her soul. But she didn’t. She simply said, “I’m…I’m sure all is well, or they would’ve come for us. Wouldn’t they have?”

  The bedroom door opened then. Jones leapt to his three legs and began wagging his tail as Calvin stepped from the room with his and Jennie’s baby swaddled in a blanket.

  “It’s a girl,” Calvin whispered almost reverently. “A strong and healthy baby girl.” He chuckled as he studied the tiny baby in his arms. “She’ll need a good bath, of course,” he said. “But I thought you both should know that the baby is fine.”

  Evangeline exhaled one sigh of relief. Yet she felt that another was waiting in its wake.

  As Hutch kissed the new baby’s small head and then the fingers on one tiny hand, he asked, “And Jennie?”

  Calvin gulped—seemed to force a smile. “She’s…she’s unconscious and not well. But she’s alive.”

  Evangeline glanced past Calvin into the bedroom. She could see Jennie lying on the bed, eyes closed, as Mrs. Swayze removed some blood-soaked towels and Doctor Swayze dabbed her head with a cloth.

  The baby fussed a bit and the nervous new father, Calvin, handed her to Evangeline.

  “The baby will need to nurse soon,” Doctor Swayze said as he walked to where Evangeline and the others stood. He looked to Evangeline and added, “I’m afraid you’ll have to see to nursing the baby, Miss…Mrs. LaMontagne.”

  “Me?” Evangeline gasped.

  “How is that possible, Doctor?” Hutch asked, obviously as astonished as was Evangeline.

  Doctor Swayze, tired as he obviously was, chuckled all the same. “No, no, no,” he began. “You’ll need to be sure that the baby nurses even if Mrs. McKee isn’t conscious every time.”

  “Oh!” Evangeline sighed with relief.

  “But she will regain consciousness, won’t she, Doc?” Calvin asked.

  Doctor Swayze nodded. “Yes. Yes, she will. But she’s lost more blood than is normal and is again with fever. I’m not sure what is wrong, so we’ll have to wait it out and see if I can tell more when she’s recovered for a few hours and awake.”


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