Rogue: The Sons of Dusty Walker

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Rogue: The Sons of Dusty Walker Page 12

by Hunter, Sable

  “Damn.” He looked over at her. “He’s a piece of work.”

  “Yea and she said he kept asking her about some bonds but we didn’t know what he was referring to.” His hand was resting on the console between them and she couldn’t resist, covering his hand with hers and entwining their fingers.

  Rogue needed to tell her the rest. She had to know. Somehow, he couldn’t spoil the moment. Finding out she’d been missing had just slain him, he was weak, his bones felt like water. “Where am I taking you?”

  “My house. It’s been airing out all day. I don’t want to go to the lodge. I want to be alone with you.” Kit couldn’t believe she was saying this, but Rogue had proved himself. He’d come looking for her when no one else had. He cared.

  “There’s nothing I want more,” he assured her.

  As the truck ate up the miles, he rubbed her hand, every stroke of his fingers felt like he was petting her between the legs. “Um, how’s Jester?” she asked, trying to maintain control.

  “He’s fine. My mother is staying at my house for a while. I had some good news on a business deal and I brought her over so she could do some shopping. She’ll barely tolerate Jester, probably lock the horsey door.” Rogue chuckled. “The first time she saw a horse in my house, you should have heard her carrying on. She kept expecting to find big dollops of horse sh—dookey all over the house.”

  Kit laughed out loud. “Well, it’s not like you could sandbox train him.”

  “True, but Jester’s smart. He’s only made a couple of mistakes since I’ve had him—although they were some big mistakes.”

  Soon, he was pulling up to her place, a small farm house complete with a wrap-around porch. “Welcome,” she said. “It’s nothing fancy.”

  She was reaching for the door handle when he stopped her. “Stay put, let me be a gentleman.”

  His face was sincere, his eyes hooded and Kit froze, completely willing to wait for him—for as long as it took. “Okay.” In no time, he was at her side, taking her hand and together they covered the distance between his truck and her door.

  “I know there’s a lot between us that needs to be said,” Rogue admitted. “But I have to tell you that talking isn’t my highest priority right now.” He wanted to taste her, take her in his arms and make all his dreams come true.

  Kit quickly fumbled with the door, barely getting it open before they were in and he was pushing her against the wall. Rogue eased his head forward and she framed his face in her palms, loving the scruff of his beard. “You’re so sexy. I’ve always thought so.”

  “I was a dick to you on the circuit. I couldn’t see you for what you are and I’ll always hate myself for it.” He slid his fingers up her arms, over the curve of her shoulders until he cupped her throat just below her ears.

  “Stop.” She raised her face for his kiss. “The past is over. We’re here now. Together. Let’s celebrate.” Her lips met his, a soft mingling of firm and tender.

  Kiss and retreat. “Believe me, my whole body is up for a party.” He nudged her with his erection. “I’ve wanted you for so long, I think my cock is petrified.”

  “Scared?” She giggled.

  He laughed. “No, permanently hard like petrified wood.”

  The room was dark and Kit was hesitant to break the mood with light. Everything seemed so right, she wanted nothing to go wrong. “Kiss me again.”

  “Gladly.” He sighed as he mated his lips to hers, his tongue darting out. Holding her still, he began a slow, sensual exploration. A sense of urgency teamed with a gentle seduction.

  The reality of what was happening was almost more than Kit could take. “Are we going to make love?” she asked in wonder.

  “If you’ll let me,” he whispered.

  “Come.” She took him by the hand and led him through her home.

  Rogue knew he wanted to explore her world. He wanted to know her, learn her secrets. First, he would start with her beautiful body. “Turn on the light,” he requested, not wanting even one of his senses to miss a moment with her.

  Flipping a switch, she illuminated her bedroom in a soft warm glow. So much of her life had been spent in the pursuit of activities not always suited to a girl. So here, in her inner sanctum, she had allowed her sensuality to emerge. A big bed was piled high with pillows, a chaise lounge was draped with a silk throw. Off to one side a deep Jacuzzi tub sat with candles arranged in groupings, just waiting for someone to relax and enjoy a fragrant soak. While all of these things brought her comfort, none of them seemed erotic until tonight. Kit began to tremble, realizing she was about to give herself to the one man who’d occupied her dreams for years. “I’m nervous,” she confessed.

  “Why?” Rogue asked. “I’ll never hurt you again, I promise.” He came to her, lifting the weight of hair so he could plant kisses on her neck. “You don’t know how sexy I think you are. I love this tumble of curls.” As he gazed into her eyes, his other hand was busy, hunting buttons and zippers, gradually and carefully undressing her.

  “I’ve never…” How lame was this going to sound? Here she was in her mid-twenties in the year 2015 and had never been intimate with a man other than what she’d done with Rogue.

  Rogue strained to hear what she said. “You’ve never…” When she raised her eyes to his, he had his answer. Shy. Uncertain. Hopeful. He understood. A powerful possessive pride swept over him. “I’m glad.”

  “You are?”

  “I’d like to think you waited for me.”

  She would’ve liked to tell him she’d waited for him, but that would be a lie. This was totally unexpected and totally amazing. “We’ve run the gamut of emotions, haven’t we?” Kit asked softly.

  “Yea, but a few have dominated my thoughts.” As Rogue pushed her blouse from her shoulders and she stepped from her jeans, her clothes weren’t the only thing on the ground—his jaw dropped. “Desire. Need. Lust,” he growled. “Woman, you are breathtaking.” Before, on the couch during the card game, he’d seen her but the time had been rushed and the circumstances had been awkward. But now, there was no wager between them and their time together wasn’t limited—heaven could take its time.

  Almost reverently, Rogue let his eyes and hands rove over her. A perfectly feminine hour-glass figure flowed into long, slender legs. Placing one arm behind her knees and the other around her shoulders, he picked her up and walked the few steps to the bed. As he laid her down, he kissed her again. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten the spanking,” he muttered with a smile, “but I plan on loving you first.”

  Kit was trembling, but not from fear. She wanted him so much she ached. “Just don’t forget, I’m looking forward to it.” She wanted to do everything with Rogue. He made her want things, things she didn’t fully understand, erotic play she’d only read about in books.

  Her teasing made him laugh. “I don’t think that’s something I could ever forget.” He knelt by the bed and stroked her hair, his thumb grazing her forehead. “I’ve wanted to be with you like this from the moment you drove away from me on that dirt road.” His warm breath caressed her cheek as he bent his head near hers.

  “I wanted you too. I’ve wanted you for so long,” she admitted, watching him begin to undress. Almost hypnotized, she saw that his body was bigger and harder than she remembered, perfect in form and symmetry. The vest went first. Kit wondered how many he’d worn out over the years, this one looked exactly like the one he used to wear. Next went the shirt, this time a light blue one with snaps that he opened by holding the shirt at the neck and jerking it open. Kit groaned at the sound. What he revealed made her hot, she put her hand up to touch.

  “Careful, I’m on a hair-trigger here, Kit-Kat,” he cautioned her. “If that little hand wanders any lower, I won’t be responsible for what you find.”

  Kit licked her lip nervously and met his eyes. He was undoing that belt buckle now, she could hear the rasp of the zipper. “I promise, you’re in good hands.” Kit knew she was displaying more bravado than
she was feeling. “Would you kiss me?”

  “Hell yes, baby.” Helpless against the temptation, Rogue felt a desperate hunger rage through his body. “I dream about kissing you.”

  He came to her, stretching out beside her. They both still wore their underwear and Kit wondered if they were both preserving some last boundary to protect their feelings. Could he possibly feel as vulnerable as she did? Mesmerized, she stilled as his mouth lowered, felt his breath on her face, then moaned when the warm rough glide of his lips touched hers. Kit’s breath hitched as the electric sensation sizzled over her skin. The pleasure was so intense it took her by surprise.

  She whimpered and his hand tightened on her neck, his lips settled more firmly on her as she opened and let him in, her eyelashes fluttering closed as pleasure cascaded over her. Kit’s heart was hammering in her chest as his tongue swirled against hers. She placed a hand on his chest, caressing the strength she found there and was surprised his heart was thundering as loudly as her own.

  Wrapping her arm around his neck, Kit pressed closer to him, rubbing herself against the hard ridge of his erection. Rogue was incredible. Masterful. His kiss swamped her. But she knew it wasn’t really his kiss that excited her—it was him. Rogue dominated her as he sated himself and she surrendered to anything he wanted. Liquid heat flowed through her body, pulsing through her sex.

  Knowing this was her first time, Rogue was determined to take his time. “Anything you want,” he muttered. Her answer was a little mewl of need that was almost his undoing. Fighting to breathe, he slipped one arm beneath her and lifted her closer. Her nipples bore into his chest and she slipped one leg over his and ground herself against him. Rogue didn’t know if could hold out, this was unlike anything he’d experienced before.

  “Rogue,” she whispered, tearing her lips from his. “I’m burning up.”

  “I know, I know,” he murmured, “me too.” Every move she made, every little mewl from her lips were only fanning the flames higher.

  For years, old insecurities had haunted her. She’d never been flirtatious or confident around men. Her one big experience had been with Rogue and after that she’d shunned any advance a man would make.

  But this man…he was the only one who could free her. And now she was in his arms and he was tense and hard with arousal—for her. For a moment she opened her eyes and stared at him. His face was tight and flushed with excitement, his eyes were intense and gazing at her with what she could only term lust.

  Rogue wanted her. This was no joke. A man couldn’t fake something like this. “Help me,” she said as she pushed at the waistband of his briefs. The last time she’d done this, she’d been wanting to hurt him and now all she wanted to do was please him.

  “Are you sure?” The question sparked in his eyes, but he let her have her way, even raising up to make sure the cotton shorts slid down his hips and off his legs.

  “I’m sure.” She licked his lips, craving his kiss, but aching for even more. “I want to touch you.”

  Shaking with need, Rogue lay back as Kit began to make herself at home. Having her lying half on half off his body, her glorious tits were rubbing his chest and arm, making his mouth water to suck on them again. But this was her rodeo—for as long as he could stand it, then he’d take over and give her what they both needed.

  She began at his lips—one tender kiss, before moving down, leaving a path of licks and nibbles on his throat to his shoulder. When he felt the scrape of her teeth, shivers tore down his spine and his cock jerked with anticipation.

  The many times she’d rehearsed this in her head, Kit hadn’t been able to get past a certain point. As she kissed and explored his chest, running her hands and lips over every bulging muscle, Rogue encouraged, soothed, and praised her with whispers and touches. His hand was caressing her hip, slipping beneath her underpants, warming her flesh and making her wet.

  “I don’t want to be the only one naked,” he said as his hand skated from the back to the front of her panties, making her jump. Would he notice? She held her breath as his fingers delved across her mound, a mound that was now as smooth as silk. “Jesus,” he hissed. “You’re bare.”

  “Yes.” She didn’t explain, didn’t tell him that she had taken advantage of her trip in Kansas City to go to a spa. At the time, she hadn’t even admitted to herself that she was doing it in the hopes she’d one day soon be in the place she was at the moment—in bed with Rogue. “Undress me,” she requested and he wasted no time in ridding her of panties and bra. For a moment, she let him caress her – his hands lifting and molding her breasts. “You like my…” she hesitated, even saying the word to him seemed so erotic.

  “God, yes, I love your tits. I can’t get enough of them.” He plumped them, pushed them together, raking his thumbs over the swollen tips. When he tried to suck on both nipples at one time, Kit lost her ability to breathe. “I want all of you.” He confessed this as one hand left her chest to slip between her legs, giving her something to push against.

  Kit didn’t know how to process so much pleasure. He was pushing her past the brink of thought. Eagerly she rubbed against him. The feel of skin on skin was so luxuriously heady that she thought she might swoon. She rubbed her face against his softly furred chest, lavishing him with kisses, running her fingers over the silky hair, tracing the line that ran from between his pecs to a narrow trail that led to…

  “Ah, God, yes, touch me – right there, please,” Rogue groaned.

  The idea that she could make him beg was euphoric. A niggle of memory pinched her, she’d made him beg before and look how that had ended up. But this time would be different. This was different. But what was it – really?

  “No, no,” she murmured to herself. This was now. This was tonight. Tomorrow might never come, but she wanted what he could give her—now.

  “What is it?” he asked, whispering in her hair.

  “Nothing,” she answered. “I just want you so much.” And so she showed him, letting her fingers acquaint themselves with his heated flesh, curling her fingers around his thick, heavy shaft. Her womb clenched and her pussy tightened, the cream of her need iced the bare folds of her femininity.

  “Fuck, you’re making me mad with wanting you.” Rogue closed his eyes, bowing his neck as she began to slowly pump him – up and down, the thick crested head throbbing in her hand, the tip glistening with a pearly drop of liquid. A turbulent rush of pleasure crashed over him as she touched him. He arched off the bed, his whole body shaking.

  Her hand stroked down the velvet steel, the sight of him loving what she gave him was something she never wanted to forget. “You’re so big, so perfect,” she whispered. The night of their regrettable fiasco, it had been too dark and she’d been too angry to really look. But now, they were here and things were different. He seemed to want her as much as she wanted him, so she could appreciate his male beauty and know he was responding to her. Heavy veins pulsed underneath the skin as his cock flexed in her palm, rock-hard and powerful.

  “Can I?” she whispered.

  A gasp of laughter slipped from his lips. “Anything, anything you want to do is welcome - just do it.”

  He sounded desperate, Kit marveled. The pure sensuality of the moment struck her. She knew what she wanted, she wanted her mouth on him—to taste him, to suck him. Moving over him, between his spread thighs, Kit leaned down and soothed her lips over the softer flesh just above his cock, gripping the stiff, heavy rod at the root.

  Rogue wasn’t missing a moment, he was propped up, watching her beautiful face as she took him in. He was nearly crazed with lust. It was all he could do not to wrap that waterfall of hair around his fist and take control. “Kit, please, honey, I’m dying here.” She met his gaze, gave him a mischievous smile and lowered her head. Rogue held his breath. And when she finally gifted him with her lips, fitting them over the head of his cock and sucking it into her mouth, his hips bucked and he pulled the sheet loose from where it was tucked.

  Her s
oft tongue was like a flame of fire flitting over the sensitive head of his cock. The grateful flesh jerked with ecstasy and she hesitated, looking back up at him to see if she had done something wrong.

  “Don’t stop, please don’t stop,” he pleaded. “I just want you so much, that’s all.” His reward was a smile and her return to him—he almost levitated from the bed when she took him between her lips, her tongue curling around and licking his shaft, teasing the sweet spot under the head. “God, it’s good,” he groaned. What was it about this woman? As before, she had him in the palm of her hand.

  At his urging, Kit’s confidence grew and soon she relaxed and did what she wanted, enjoying herself. It did her ego good when he panted and cursed as she licked and rubbed. Taking him deep, she began to suckle, her hand still rubbing and pumping the portion of his sizeable length she couldn’t take into her mouth.

  Rogue was fit to be tied. He didn’t know if he’d survive the pleasure. He’d gone beyond fisting the sheet, if he hadn’t torn a hole in the material it would be a miracle. “Touch my balls, Kit.” Seeming to want to please him, she did as he asked. Cupping his balls, Kit rolled them between her fingers, massaging the sac, letting herself play as she continued to suck. The bliss was almost too much, he was about to explode. Her sensual innocence was pure erotica. Rogue tried to muster up some guilt, but he couldn’t. He was a bastard in more ways than one. “That’s it, that’s it.” When she looked up at him through those long lashes and hummed her happiness, he had to clench his teeth and every muscle in his body to keep from jetting his cum between her lips.

  Women have no idea how gorgeous they look to a man with their lips stretched around his cock. He couldn’t be still to save his life. His hips bucked helplessly and he threw his head back and groaned. Sweat beaded on his body as he jerked, forcing his dick deeper into her throat. She didn’t flinch, she accommodated him and kept sucking.

  “Fuck!” Rogue hissed, reveling in her attention. Virgin she might be, but she was turning him inside out. She was going to have to stop or he was going to… “Kit.” When he said her name, she raised her eyes to his once more and the joy on her face and the sparkle in her eye told him she was enjoying it as much as he was—nah – impossible! He was loving every second, every lick, every suck and there was no way in hell he was going to last.


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