The Legend of Smuggler's Cave

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The Legend of Smuggler's Cave Page 1

by Paula Graves

  One man will go to any lengths when a vulnerable woman and her little boy are threatened

  County prosecutor Dalton Hale is convinced widowed Briar Blackwood has information that can help him take down a local crime organization. Getting it is no easy task, though, considering the distrust in the Bitterwood police officer’s beautiful gray eyes. But since he started his investigation, Briar and her tiny son have been attacked twice. The only solution is to move her and Logan into his home, where he can ensure their safety. However, neither Dalton nor Briar is prepared for the deepening feelings between them. Playing house is one thing, but when Briar’s son is kidnapped Dalton recognizes he wants the real deal—and will put his own life on the line to get it.

  “You’d rather go to a safe house?”

  Her mind rebelled at the notion of taking her son to some strange place, surrounded by people they didn’t know. But wasn’t that what she’d done anyway? Dalton Hale was little more than a stranger to them. And his house was like no place she or Logan had ever lived before.

  But she felt safe there, she realized. She had no particular reason to feel that way, but she did, regardless.

  “No,” she said, not intending to say so aloud but not really regretting it when she heard the word slip over her tongue.

  She felt his gaze on her again, a caress of scrutiny that sent a little shiver of awareness darting down her spine. He released a soft breath, as if he’d been holding it.

  “I don’t regret asking you to stay with me.”

  “I don’t regret staying.” She slanted a quick look toward him. “We’ll have to take pains to keep it that way, won’t we?”




  Paula Graves


  Alabama native Paula Graves wrote her first book, a mystery starring herself and her neighborhood friends, at the age of six. A voracious reader, Paula loves books that pair tantalizing mystery with compelling romance. When she’s not reading or writing, she works as a creative director for a Birmingham advertising agency and spends time with her family and friends. She is a member of Southern Magic Romance Writers, Heart of Dixie Romance Writers and Romance Writers of America.

  Paula invites readers to visit her website,

  Books by Paula Graves


























  *Cooper Justice

  **Cooper Justice: Cold Case Investigation

  §Cooper Security

  ‡‡Bitterwood P.D.


  Briar Blackwood—Bitterwood’s newest cop becomes the police department’s next mystery when her ruthless cousin tries to use her son as leverage to find what Briar’s late husband, Johnny, stole from a mountain crime lord.

  Dalton Hale—The Ridge County assistant D.A. believes Briar holds the key to breaking open an ongoing investigation that could repair his professional ambitions. But will the resourceful young widow repair his broken personal life, as well?

  Logan Blackwood—Briar will do anything to protect her three-year-old son.

  Blake Culpepper—Briar’s dangerous cousin has set his sights on controlling a criminal enterprise teetering on the brink of collapse, and there’s nothing he won’t do to get his way.

  Doyle Massey—The Bitterwood chief of police just found a brother he never knew about, but Dalton Hale wants nothing to do with him. Can he convince the stubborn, bitter D.A. that they’re on the same side?

  Dana Massey—She’s already lost one brother, and the newfound brother she’s just discovered wants nothing to do with her. But she’s not the sort of woman to give up without a fight.

  Walker Nix—The Bitterwood P.D. detective is Briar Blackwood’s closest friend. He’s not sure she should trust Dalton Hale with her son’s life…or her own.

  Leanne Dawson—The pretty bookkeeper had a torrid affair with Johnny Blackwood shortly before his death. Does she know something that could break open the case?

  Thurman Gowdy—The wily old cop is Briar’s patrol partner and mentor. His training may mean the difference between life and death as she goes up against a band of tough, relentless opponents.

  For my niece Melissa, who has added unexpected joy to my life in some of the most surprising ways. I love you, Missy. Now go do your homework.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen


  Chapter One

  The front door was unlocked. Jenny never left it unlocked.

  Hair rising on her neck and arms, Briar Blackwood took a careful step backward on the porch and drew her Glock 27. Not her weapon of choice; her Mossberg 835 shotgun was locked in the cabinet inside the cabin. But the Glock would do.

  She stayed still for a breathless moment, listening for movement within the cabin. Was she overreacting? Maybe her aunt had fallen asleep on the sofa without locking up.

  No. The break-in a month earlier had rattled Aunt Jenny’s nerves. She hadn’t been comfortable staying at Briar’s place with Logan alone at night since. She always locked all the doors and windows the second Briar left and wouldn’t even answer the door unless she knew the voice on the other side.

  So why was the door unlocked now?

  Everyone who mattered to Briar was behind that unlocked door. And she could stand here holding her breath, or she could go in there to see what was what.

  But not through the front door.

  Briar edged to the corner of the porch, making herself a harder target if someone inside started shooting. Tightening her grip on the Glock, she pulled her cell phone from her jacket pocket and dialed the cabin landline. She heard the phone ringing through the cabin walls.

  No answer.

  Now she knew for sure something was wrong. Aunt Jenny was a light sleeper. She never slept through a ringing phone.

  Shoving he
r cell phone back in her pocket, Briar slid between the wood slabs of the porch railing and dropped three feet to the ground below. Stopping below the big kitchen window, she peered up at the jars of fruits and vegetables stacked in three tight rows in front of the window. The colorful jars took the place of curtains, both as a dash of brightness in the small kitchen and as a privacy screen, keeping out the unwanted gazes of strangers who might be lurking outside the mountain cabin.

  They were still intact. Last time someone had broken in, they’d shattered the jars and left a huge mess in her kitchen.

  What could they want? She was poor as a church mouse. Her new job as a Bitterwood police officer would do little more than pay the bills and allow her to put aside a little bit for her son Logan’s college fund.

  Could it be her job that had drawn the intruders to her door?

  She edged her way around to the root cellar door and eased it open, wincing at the low creaks of the hinges. Six concrete steps took her down into the tightly packed cellar, where shelves full of canned goods filled one side of the room, and bins of root vegetables filled the other. She used the flashlight app on her cell phone to illuminate the narrow path between shelves and bins, but she still managed to stumble into the shelves near the stairs. With a muttered curse, she barely caught a jar of tomatoes as it started to topple off the shelf above.

  Setting it right, she shined the cell-phone light up the stairs. The door to the cabin was closed. She crept up the stairs and tried the doorknob. Locked, as expected. She eased her keys from her pocket and inserted the right one. The doorknob turned smoothly, and she carefully slipped into the hallway, shutting off the phone light.

  She went very still, just listening. There was no sound at all, she realized. Not even the hum of the refrigerator or the whir of heated air blowing from the wall heater nearby.

  The power must be out. Had someone cut it?

  Glad for the rubber soles of her work shoes, she went silently into the living room and took a quick scan of the situation. Her eyes had begun to adjust to the low light, allowing her to see that the living room was a mess. Sofa cushions had been pulled from the sofa and ripped open, the stuffing lying all over everything. The intruders may have spared her jars of fruits and vegetables this time, but most of the contents of her refrigerator lay scattered across the floor and counters of the tiny kitchen, going to ruin.

  She stepped back into the hallway, her heart pounding with equal parts adrenaline and dread.

  Please, God, let Logan and Jenny be okay. Please, please, please....

  The door to her own bedroom was closest. That was where Jenny slept when Briar was working a night shift, as she’d done during her stint as a dispatcher, and as she’d be doing for the first few months on the job as a police officer. But when Briar tried to push the door open, something was blocking it. She peered through the narrow space between the door and the frame and saw a pale white hand outstretched.


  A noise in the next room down made her freeze. That was Logan’s room.

  Someone was moving within.

  She reached through the narrow crack in the door and touched her fingertips to Jenny’s wrist. Relief rattled through her when she found a strong, steady pulse.

  Pulling back, she pushed to her feet and fell back on her police-academy training, so recently finished. She led with her pistol, moving as quietly and quickly as she could. The thumping sound she’d heard earlier repeated. A drawer closing, she recognized.

  She touched the door and found that it wasn’t latched. It swung open slowly and silently—thank God she’d oiled the hinges recently. It used to creak like crazy.

  A tall dark-clad figure stood silhouetted by the faint moonlight coming through Logan’s window. He had his back to her, allowing her to spare a quick glance toward the bed to reassure herself that Logan was still there, his face turned toward his pillow and his little chest rising slowly and steadily.


  The dark silhouette whirled not toward her but toward Logan’s bed.

  She couldn’t fire at him, not with her son so close, so she shoved the gun in her jacket pocket and ran, hitting the intruder solidly. They both bounced off the bed and hit the floor.

  “Mama!” Logan’s soft, frightened wail tore at Briar’s heart, but she couldn’t let go of the man punching and kicking at her in an attempt to escape.

  He eluded her grasp and started toward the door. She scrambled up after him, tackling him as he darted into the hall.

  Suddenly, strong, cruel fingers bit into her arm at the same time she was yanked back by her hair, allowing the man she’d brought down to scurry out of reach.

  She grabbed the Glock from her jacket and twisted around, shoving the barrel at her captor. “Let me go!”

  He dropped her with a hard shove, slamming her back into the floor. Her head hit the hardwood with a jarring thud, and for a second the whole world seemed to explode into colorful confetti.

  Then her vision cleared, and she swung the Glock in a semicircle, looking for any sign of the intruders.

  The front door was open, barely visible from her position on the hallway floor. She pushed to her feet, wincing at the pain in her shoulder, and edged her way into the living room.

  She took a quick peek outside. There was no sound of a motor, but she thought she made out the rustle of leaves in the woods just beyond her property. Even with a three-quarter moon in the sky, she couldn’t detect any movement in the gloom of the woods, just the fading rustles of the two intruders running away.

  She shoved the door closed and engaged the lock, her heart pounding and her head aching.

  “Mama!” Logan’s wail drew her back to the hallway. Pocketing her weapon, she pulled out her cell phone and turned on the flashlight app, shining it into the darkness.

  Logan stood in the middle of the hall, his blue T-shirt riding up his little round belly and his pajama pants sagging to reveal his big-boy underwear.

  She ran and scooped him up, pressing her face against his little chest, breathing in the beautiful smell of sleepy little boy. “Mama’s right here,” she assured him, patting his back in soothing circles.

  Mama’s got you.

  * * *

  HE SHOULD HAVE known Doyle Massey would be at the hospital. The Bitterwood chief of police seemed to show up everywhere Dalton Hale went these days, like a particularly hard-to-kill weed in a flower garden. And, as luck would have it, tonight the sister was there, as well, her auburn hair, green eyes and prominent cheekbones a persistent, visible reminder of what a mess his own life had become in the last month.

  Dalton had finally reached the point, however, where the sight of Doyle and Dana Massey didn’t send him into a seething rage. At least, not on the outside. He was still boiling a little inside, but he set that emotion aside and entered the Maryville Mercy Hospital waiting room with his head high and his own green eyes clear and focused.

  He bumped gazes with Laney Hanvey, who sat next to Massey. She was about to marry the chief, which had strained their formerly collegial relationship, but she was still the friendliest face in the room. She murmured something to her fiancé and crossed the room to meet him.

  “Is something wrong?” she asked quietly.

  He realized she didn’t know he was there for the same reason she was. “Not on my end of things. I’m here to talk to the victim.”

  Her gaze narrowed. “Jenny Franklin is still undergoing tests.”

  “I meant the widow. The Blackwood woman.” He realized, as Laney’s expression darkened, that he sounded cold and officious. Not the sort of man he’d ever been, not before now. He’d been the prosecutor who went the extra mile, tried to get to know the people for whom he sought justice. He still received Christmas cards from people he’d helped. He never used to call people things
like victim or the widow.

  He was doing a lot of things now that he’d never done before.

  “Her name is Briar,” Laney said quietly. “Do you have to do this tonight?”

  “Was she injured?”

  “Just roughed up a little. Didn’t even let the paramedics check her.”

  Dalton looked past Laney until his gaze snagged on the dark-haired woman sitting with a small boy sleeping in her arms. She sat apart from the others, though most of them threw concerned glances toward her now and then.

  “That’s her, isn’t it?” He nodded toward the woman with the child.

  Laney followed his gaze. “Yes. You know the police already have her statement, right? She’s a cop herself. She was thorough.”

  That was news to him, actually. “I thought she was a dispatcher.”

  “She graduated from the academy back in December, and a slot opened on the police force last week, so she finally got her badge.”

  Laney was answering all his questions with details, he realized, because she wanted to keep him from bothering Briar Blackwood. And hell, maybe if he were in her position, he’d be doing the same. He hadn’t exactly covered himself with glory over the past few weeks as he’d dealt with finding out his whole bloody life had been a lie.

  Matter of fact, he’d been a complete ass about it.

  “I just want to ask her a few questions about the break-in.” He intentionally added a gentle tone to his voice, though he was feeling anything but gentle at the moment.

  Laney’s eyes narrowed again, as if she saw through the pretense. But after a moment, her expression cleared. “I’ll introduce you.”

  He’d have preferred to approach the woman alone, away from all her friends, but he couldn’t exactly make any demands, could he? It wasn’t as if she were the culprit here.

  At least, not that he could prove.

  He followed Laney across the waiting room floor, ignoring the watchful gazes of the others, though he did spare the slightest glance at Dana Massey, as if his eyes couldn’t resist one more quick look to make sure he hadn’t been mistaken about the resemblance.


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