Brave Bear: BBW Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance (BRIDES fur BEARS Book 2)

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Brave Bear: BBW Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance (BRIDES fur BEARS Book 2) Page 3

by Natalie Kristen

  “You can see our bears?” Joshua's eyes bugged.

  Ashley nodded apprehensively and winced. “Am I not supposed to?” she asked in a small voice.

  “It's fine, Ashley. We're twins, so yeah, we look alike,” Jax said quickly. “But I think you'll have no difficulty telling us apart, because I am the more handsome twin!”

  She giggled and eyed the big house curiously. “Are we...staying in your house?” Ashley asked Jax, looking both nervous and excited.

  “Yes. You and your Mummy will have my room, and I will bunk with Uncle Joshua for the night,” Jax answered.

  Serena gasped and began to protest. “No, no, we can't. We'll just sleep in the living room...”

  Jax, Joshua and Marcus all looked appalled. “No!” they said together.

  “Take Jax's room,” Staci said gently. “Marcus and I are just across the hall from you. So if you need me, just knock on our room door.”

  As Jax's family warmly ushered them into the house and did all they could to make them comfortable, Serena felt her eyes well up with tears.

  “I can't believe you're doing this for us,” she whispered, blinking hard. “You don't even know us, yet you're doing so much for us.”

  Joshua quirked a smile at her. “Jax told us you needed a place to stay. And he insisted we help you. It's not often that our baby brother insists on something. Jax is pretty laid back. If you're important to Jax, you're important to us.”

  “I...” Serena swallowed and spoke rapidly. “I have something to tell you. You are opening your home to us, and you have a right to know everything about us.”

  Jax shared a look with his brothers. The three brothers communicated swiftly and silently with just their eyes and took a quick whiff of the air. Serena sensed that they were sniffing her and Ashley. What could they tell from her scent? Could they tell what Ashley was?

  With a quick nod, Marcus strode towards her and laid a huge hand on her shoulder.

  “Don't worry, Serena. We know enough. You won't put us in danger, if that's what you're worried about. My brothers and I are bear shifters. We can scent danger, and we detect no danger from you and your young. Now, I'm sure you're exhausted. Rest well, and we'll talk tomorrow.”


  Jax fluffed his pillow up and threw his long body on the couch at the corner of Joshua's room. His brother threw him a blanket and watched him make himself comfortable.

  “So,” Joshua said cryptically.


  “Serena is your mate.”

  Jax closed his eyes for a beat, then nodded. He took a deep breath and sat up abruptly. “I never believed it, you know.”

  “Believed what?”

  “That I would meet my true mate and that my bear would recognize her. I mean, I saw what happened with Marcus and Staci, but Marcus isn't...damaged, like me.”

  “You're not damaged, goddammit!”

  Jax shrugged and pointed at his ear. “I am deaf in one ear. My bear can't hear out of one ear. And you know I still wake up screaming from my nightmares sometimes. I'm just broken, Josh.”

  “No.” Joshua strode over and grabbed him by the shoulder. “You are not broken, you hear me? Bazl is dead. Don't let the past haunt you for the rest of your life. You've found your mate. You have a future with her. You have a family to protect.”

  “I will protect them,” Jax said with absolute conviction. “But Serena and Ashley deserve someone healthy and whole. Not a broken, half deaf bear.”

  “Keep talking like this and I'm going to box you until you come to your senses,” Joshua snarled.

  Jax shook his head. “Enough about me. I'm worried about...Ashley.”

  Joshua rubbed his stubbled jaw and sat down heavily on the edge of the bed. “I don't know what she is. I can't identify her scent. She may be a budding witch, I'm not sure.”

  “I'd like to know for sure. I think it's good for Ashley to know as well. She's never met another kid like her and she's afraid and ashamed of her powers.”

  “What powers?”

  Jax told his brother briefly about Serena and Ashley's encounter with the two men. “Serena said that Ashley simply set them on fire with her hands. I've never seen a witch do that. She could be half fae, but...”

  “Nah. She doesn't look like a fae. Her eyes—she can see our bears even when we are in full human form.” Joshua frowned. “Have you asked Serena? She would know...”

  “She doesn't. I think she suspects what Ashley's father is, but she isn't sure. I sense she wants to know, and dreads to know the truth at the same time.”

  “The truth is the truth. You can't run from it, so it's better to just face it.” Joshua began to pace round the room as he thought aloud. “Hmm...since we can't identify what Ashley is, I bet the other shifters can't tell either.”

  “So...who would be able to help? Maybe we can ask...”

  “...Gramma and Ne-ma,” they said in unison.

  Jax chuckled. “Yeah. Gramma and Ne-ma are witches but they can find out almost anything. I think they can find out what Ashley is.”

  “Give them a call tomorrow and talk to them,” Joshua said excitedly. “I think they'll be happy to come see Ashley. They love kids.”

  Jax nodded and his expression turned grave. “Whatever she is...”

  “...she is family,” Joshua finished firmly. “We won't let anyone hurt her.”


  Jax rushed to open the door as soon as the doorbell rang. Gramma and Ne-ma stood on the front step, panting slightly.

  “We got here as soon as we got your message,” Gramma said.

  “You said there's a little girl who needs our help.” Ne-ma craned her neck and peered anxiously past him. “Where is she? What happened to her?”

  Jax closed the door behind them and led them to the living room. His two brothers and Staci came up to greet Gramma and Ne-ma warmly.

  Gramma and Ne-ma were the grandmothers of the Gray brothers. The Gray brothers owned Gray's Domain, a successful construction company in Shadow Point. Tristan Gray, the eldest grandson of Gramma and Ne-ma was the boss of Gray's Domain and a very good family friend.

  Gramma and Ne-ma knew almost everyone in town and they were always the first to know the latest news and gossip. The two grandmothers were fun-loving, outspoken and they could be bawdy and boisterous when they had too much to drink. And they sometimes got in trouble when they poked their noses into other people's business. But they were good, kind witches. And they were well-loved and well-respected by all the townspeople.

  “We were busy at the inn, so we couldn't answer your call,” Gramma said. “But once we heard your message, we dropped everything and rushed here.” Gramma and Ne-ma ran Broomstick Inn and ever since their inn was mentioned in a glossy travel magazine, they had been fully booked.

  “Is the little girl here?” Ne-ma asked worriedly. “Is she all right?”

  “Yes, Ashley is here and she's fine. She's upstairs in the room with her mother. I wanted to talk to you first before bringing them down,” Jax said.

  Gramma and Ne-ma blinked at him. When he hesitated, they looked at each other and shrugged.

  “I need you to find out what Ashley is,” Jax said in a rush. “She's half human, half paranormal.”

  “You can't tell by her scent?” Ne-ma frowned.

  “No I can't. Neither can my brothers,” Jax said, gesturing at Marcus and Joshua.

  “She's not a shifter,” Marcus supplied.

  “And she's not a vampire,” Joshua added.

  Gramma and Ne-ma glanced at each other. “A half witch, or half fae perhaps?” Ne-ma mused.

  The three brothers shook their heads simultaneously. “We don't think so.”

  Gramma and Ne-ma whispered rapidly to each other and straightened up. “Bring her down. Let us take a look at her. We have just the spell.”

  “Spell?” Jax's eyes widened. “Is”

nbsp; “Of course it's safe,” Gramma huffed. “Our spells never go wrong!”

  Ne-ma nudged her, and Gramma amended quickly, “Our spells usually never go wrong.”

  Jax sucked in a long breath. Riiiiiight.

  “I'll go get them,” Staci offered and went up the stairs. Jax watched her disappear into his room and appear half a minute later holding Ashley's hand. Serena followed closely behind them, wearing a brave smile for her daughter's sake.

  “Come here, sweetheart,” Ne-ma said, smiling kindly at Ashley. “Don't be afraid. Come on, we're just going to do a little magic. It'd be fun.”

  Ashley turned to Serena. “Mummy?” she said uncertainly.

  “Your Mummy can stand beside you, but you'd have to hold both my hands or the magic won't work,” Ne-ma said.

  “It's okay, Ashley. Mummy is here with you,” Serena said, giving her daughter a quick hug.

  Ashley nodded and let Ne-ma hold her hands. “Are you performing a magic trick? I can see colors around you. They're very pretty colors.”

  Ne-ma looked up sharply at Gramma. Their eyes widened a fraction but both their expressions remained somber. “It's not a trick, dear,” Ne-ma said gently. “What you're seeing is the magic gathering around me. Gramma and I are casting a spell, a very special spell for you. Now, just relax and tell me what else you see, Ashley.”


  Serena moved forward to touch her little girl but Gramma held her elbow and whispered, “Don't.”

  She balled her fists and dropped her hands to her side. She just wanted to comfort Ashley, let her know that Mummy was here with her. But from Gramma's warning look, it seemed that her touch might disrupt the witches' magic.

  Serena stared at Ashley's pale face. Ashley looked nervous but she didn't seem to be in pain. She was staring at a spot above Ne-ma's shoulder and blinking rapidly.

  “Red,” Ashley whispered. “The red is getting brighter. It's getting...hotter.”

  Ne-ma nodded encouragingly. “What else?”

  “Fire,” Ashley breathed. “I can feel the fire. I...I don't think I can stop it. Oh, oh! Be careful!”

  Gramma let out a shout when smoke began to rise from Ne-ma's head. With a sudden whoosh, Ne-ma hair caught fire. Ne-ma shrieked and jumped up as bright red flames leaped merrily from her hair.

  Everyone began yelling and moving at once. It was utter chaos and pandemonium as Jax and his brothers tripped over one another and toppled the furniture in their rush to reach Ne-ma.

  Serena looked around desperately and ran to grab the pitcher from the dining room table. Quickly, she dumped the water over Ne-ma's head. Staci yanked the tablecloth from the table and threw it over Ne-ma in an attempt to smother the sputtering flames.

  Gramma yelled an incantation and the fire extinguished completely with a loud hiss. Ne-ma stopped lurching all over the place and just collapsed on the floor. Everyone rushed to Ne-ma and Jax hurriedly pulled the tablecloth off her.

  Coughing and waving away the smoke from her face, Ne-ma sat up and adjusted her glasses on her nose. The neat bun at her nape had come loose and her hair was badly singed. Most of her long silver hair had been burnt off and what was left of her hair was standing up in spikes, forming a halo around her head.

  “Whoa,” Ne-ma said, staring around. “We didn't expect that, did we, Glynda?”

  Gramma shook her head. “Nope. The little girl is...”

  Gramma and Ne-ma both turned to stare at Ashley, who was trying to hide behind the couch.

  “I'm s-sorry,” Ashley stammered, bursting into tears. “I didn't mean it. I'm really sorry!”

  “It's okay, sweetheart,” Ne-ma said with a wide grin. “I'm not hurt. You did great! You were like...”

  But before Ne-ma could finish, Ashley turned and raced up the stairs, swiping furiously at her eyes. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!” she cried again and again as she ran to Jax's room and slammed the door.

  Serena rushed after her little girl. She pounded on the door and wrenched violently at the knob but she couldn't get Ashley to unlock the door. “Ashley! Open the door. Please open the door, darling. Everything is okay. Please let me in...”

  Jax touched her on the shoulder and pressed a key into her hand. “Use this.”

  Serena nodded shakily and knocked on the door again. “Ashley,” she said softly. “I'm coming in, okay? It's just me. No one else is coming in with me. I'm going to unlock the door now.”

  She turned the key slowly and pushed the door open a crack. The sound of her daughter's wrenching sobs tore her heart to pieces. Ashley was lying facedown on the bed, crying hard into a pillow.

  “Oh sweetheart...”

  Ashley raised her tear-stained face and scrambled up as Serena closed the door behind her.

  “I'm sorry, Mummy!” Ashley launched herself into Serena's arms. “I didn't mean to set her hair on fire,” she cried. “I never wanted to hurt her! What is wrong with me? Why? Why can't I be like everyone else?”


  Jax helped Ne-ma up onto the couch and went to the kitchen to get her a cup of tea. He pressed the steaming mug into Ne-ma's hand and waited for her to take a few sips.

  Gramma was trying to comb out Ne-ma's stiff, singed hair but Ne-ma swatted her hand away and tsked irritably. “Stop fussing, Glynda!” she snapped.

  “Fine, have it your way.” Gramma put away her comb and huffed. “I'm not the one with the crazy hair. Hmph! Anyway, it's high time you changed your hairstyle. It's so...nineties!”

  Everyone waited for Gramma and Ne-ma to stop squabbling. When the two witches finally calmed down, they stared at the circle of expectant faces in front of them.

  “Fire,” Jax said. “That's what she used to stop those two men who tried to rob and rape her mother. What is she? Is she a fire fae? Or...a half dragon, or some other rare paranormal?” Jax gestured wildly.

  Gramma and Ne-ma shook their heads. “No. Ashley has no fae blood or dragon blood in her. We cast a spell to draw out her powers. She could see our auras clearly. And you said she could see your animals. She has the Sight,” Ne-ma said.

  “And only angels and demons have the Sight,” Gramma said.

  “Angel?” Marcus and Joshua spluttered. “Are you saying that Ashley is half angel?”

  Gramma and Ne-ma exchanged a look. “No,” Ne-ma said at last. “Ashley is not half angel. Her father—is a demon. A fire demon.”

  Staci gasped. “The half demon?”


  Staci pressed shaking fingers to her lips. “Does that mean...will the girl grow up to be—” She swallowed and whispered, “—evil?”

  “No, no, of course not,” Gramma said. “What she is doesn't define who she is. There are good witches, wicked witches, good shifters, rogue shifters. And I'm sure you know that not all humans are good. By the same token, not all demons are evil.”

  “Ashley is a good child,” Ne-ma said firmly. “She should not be shunned, despised and feared simply because she is half demon.”

  “Can she control her powers?” Jax asked, staring at the disaster that was Ne-ma's hair.

  “She will learn. Ashley is still very young. She's only five. Yet she knows how to use her powers to protect her mother. Most demonlings only come into their power when they hit puberty,” Gramma answered.

  “What can I do to help her? Serena told me that Ashley was shunned by the other kids at her kindergarten. It seems that the other kids grew afraid of her all of a sudden. The poor girl didn't have anyone to play with,” Jax said angrily. It hurt his heart thinking of the little girl being excluded by the other kids and being forced to sit alone during playtime. She must have felt so sad and confused, thinking that she had done something terribly wrong.

  “The other paranormal kids, and even the human ones, could probably sense that she's different from them once her powers emerged. The shifter kids can scent that she's half paranormal, but they can
't identify her scent. Most people fear what they don't understand. So they keep away from her.” Ne-ma sighed.

  “Why don't you try letting Ashley go to school here in Shadow Point?” Gramma suggested. “The teachers are pretty good here. They've been trained to handle all the various paranormal children. Nothing can faze them. I honestly think Ashley would enjoy going to school here.”

  Jax nodded. It was a good idea. In fact, it was the best idea ever. Why hadn't he thought of that himself? If Ashley loved going to school here, Serena would definitely consider staying in Shadow Point.

  She would put her daughter's happiness first. Serena would uproot herself and move to Shadow Point if she thought Ashley would be happy here.

  “Go talk to them. Serena and Ashley need you now. Go on,” Ne-ma made a shooing motion at Jax.

  “I'll drive you back to Broomstick Inn,” Joshua offered.

  Ne-ma waved a hand. “Don't worry, we'll take our own car. We drove here. And—I'm not going back to the inn. Not looking like this.” Ne-ma pointed at her hair. “The guests at the inn will die of fright!” She turned to Gramma and said, “Glynda, can you call ahead to make an appointment for me? I'm going to Hair Razers right now!”

  “Oh, I'll make an appointment for us both.” Gramma grinned and pulled out her phone. “I was thinking of changing my hair color.”

  Jax walked them to the door, thanking them profusely. “Thank you, Gramma and Ne-ma. Thank you so much for your help. You...”

  “We didn't do much.” They shrugged. “Ashley has a long road ahead of her, but I think she'll do just fine. She's an amazing kid, and...she has an amazing family behind her,” Ne-ma said, smiling at Jax and his brothers.

  After Gramma and Ne-ma drove off, Marcus shook his head and whistled. “A demon. Wow. That's kind of...”

  “Awesome,” Staci finished for him. She shot her mate a meaningful look.

  “Yeah.” Marcus chuckled and hugged Staci to him. “It is.”


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