Rough & Rugged (Notorious Devils Book 3)

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Rough & Rugged (Notorious Devils Book 3) Page 2

by Hayley Faiman

  “Can Tash lie down so I can taste her some more Dirty, please?” Serina begs turning her neck to look back at me.

  “How about you eat her pussy from behind so I can watch?” I ask. “But first,” I say directly to Tasha. “Open.”

  She opens her lips wide, like the good clubwhore she is, and I shove my fingers into her mouth. Fingers that were just inside Serina’s tight ass.

  I fuck her mouth with them, watching as they disappear between her warm lips, moaning when she greedily sucks them clean. When I release them, I drop my chin to the floor and she quickly hurries in front of Serina’s body and spreads her thighs as she tips her ass up for Serina’s mouth.

  Once Tasha is in place, I take my hands and spread Serina’s ass wide, lining my cock up with her asshole. I hear her whimper when I press against her hole, and I squirt a little more lube as I push into her. She relaxes around me with a long muffled moan as she eats Tasha’s little pussy.

  Serina’s taken my dick in her ass more times than I can count, and the bitch loves it. I watch as my cock easily slides completely into her, disappearing into her warm, tight hole.

  I close my eyes and I pound into Serina’s ass. I’m starting to sweat, and I feel my balls tingle with the warning of my climax. I freeze inside of Serina before I speak.

  “You both need to fuckin’ come,” I order.

  I can feel Serina shaking in my hands. She’s on the verge. I tilt my cock and I pound into her a few times, hard and rough, and I wait for her to scream. When she does, I watch as she squirts her release all over the floor of my room. G-spot orgasm. I feel her ass convulsing around my cock a few times before I quickly pull out of her.

  I slap her ass and stand walking over to Tasha before I grab her arm and pull her up from the floor. I yank the condom off and I pump my cock a few times before I moan my own release. I keep my eyes open, watching as my come drips all over Tasha’s face. She doesn’t even realize what’s happening, she’s so lost, her hand working feverishly between her legs as she brings herself to her own climax, again.

  “Jesus,” Serina says as she collapses on the floor. I think about saying something smartass, but I don’t.

  I look at them; two women I’ve just used for nothing but their holes. I don’t give a fuck about them. If I never saw them again, it wouldn’t matter to me. I can’t help but feeling that I’m missing so much in life. Sure, fucking is fun and no commitment means little drama, but I can’t stop myself from thinking of my brothers that have women at their sides, and how they seem more—at peace.


  Something I haven’t ever known.

  “Bed’s yours if you girls want to sleep after you clean up,” I grunt as I stand and start to dress back into my clothes.

  “You aren’t going to stay? Maybe round two? I didn’t get your cock inside of me,” Tasha pouts. She’s cute as fuck, but I have no desire to fuck them anymore tonight, at least not yet.

  “Maybe later,” I offer before I walk out of the door.

  I don’t even think twice about them being in my room. I have nothing in there they can fuck with. I don’t own any personal items other than my clothes. My guns are locked up, being the most monetarily valuable things I own.

  I make my way back to the bar and my brothers.

  “You ruin them for the night?” Grizz asks as I take a seat on the stool next to him.

  “Probably,” I shrug, motioning to a prospect for a beer.

  I spend the rest of the night with my brothers, my family—the only family I have ever had. I drink and play pool and just relax.

  Tomorrow will be another day, another hurdle to get through, as every day is. Tomorrow is also going to be a huge ass party with more than just our brothers in tow. But for tonight, I’m just going to be.

  Willa turns to me and grins. She’s trouble. She’s been trouble since the day we met in kindergarten. We’ve gone through our ups and downs, but we’ve stayed friends. Though, I’m not sure it was a wise decision on my part. She’s self-destructive.

  Tonight, I promised that I would go with her to a party. Apparently, she met some guy online and she’s been invited to this party almost an hour away, in Bonners Ferry. I take a skirt off the shelf in my closet and hold it to my stomach as I close my eyes and think about the last time I was in Bonners Ferry.

  Three years ago. I was sixteen. I heard a man being murdered, but that’s not what I think about or even see when I close my eyes. No, I think about the sexy as hell, tattooed biker who saved me and then kissed me like I had never been kissed before or after.

  I shiver as I pull on my skirt. It’s black and short with a lace overlay. The top is the same, black and cropped with a lace overlay. I grab my bright turquoise high heels and slide them onto my feet before I run my fingers through my long, straight hair. I take a look at myself in the mirror and bite my bottom lip.

  I look young.

  Really young.

  No matter how sexy I dress, how grownup I try to look, I always look like I’m just playing dress up. My round face and childish features, my big green eyes and full cheeks—I keep waiting to look older, more mature, yet I always stay girlish. My slim body and small breasts probably don’t help, either. I don’t think they’ll ever grow at this point.

  “You ready, whore?” Willa asks from the entrance of my bedroom.

  I look over at her. She’s wearing a skin tight, strapless, bandage dress that barely covers her vagina, and high heels that look like they should be worn on a stage, not to a party. Her black hair is curled and teased, and her makeup is dark and thick. She looks like a tramp.

  “Willa, what kind of party is this?” I ask as I stare at her boobs, which are barely contained in her dress.

  “A fun one,” she grins wickedly before she grabs my hand and drags me out of my apartment.

  I sit in the passenger seat of her car, my nerves completely taking over my thoughts. Willa talks non-stop about this guy she’s met and how he hangs out with this awesome group of guys that are known for the best parties. His name is Robbie, and she claims he’s hot and perfect. I have my suspicions; Willa is a terrible judge of character when it comes to men.

  “Here we are,” she squeals. I look up in horror. My heart starts to pick up its pace at the sight of the building in front of us.

  I’ve been here before.

  My brother dragged me out of here as fast as he could.

  The Notorious Devils Clubhouse.

  I didn’t know who they were. Not until my brother, Andy, schooled me on just how dangerous they are. A motorcycle club, a gang. And now, here I am again.

  “Hattie?” Willa asks, looking over to me.

  “Do you know where we are?” I breathe.

  “Yeah, Notorious Devils. Robbie hangs out with them sometimes, always comes to their parties. I hear they’re legendary,” she smirks as she applies more bright red lipstick.

  “Why didn’t you tell me we were coming here?” I ask as my cheeks heat with anger.

  “Because you’re a scaredy cat. You wouldn’t have come.”

  “Damn right, I wouldn’t have,” I grumble.

  “Ooohhhh, you must really be mad—you said damn,” she laughs as she slides out of the car.

  I follow her, only because I don’t want to be in the car by myself, but I’m terrified. I look around the parking lot and notice motorcycles everywhere. There are also a few pickups and cars, but not many. I grab her hand and pull her to a stop. I wait until she turns around and levels me with a glare.

  “What? I’m not driving you back home,” she practically growls.

  “No, just, don’t lose me. Please,” I beg.

  Willa throws her head back with a laugh and then squeezes my hand with hers.

  “You’ll be fine. Put your big girl panties on and deal, Hattie. You’re so fucking sheltered, it’s ridiculous. You know I would blame your parents, but Andy is just as bad. Maybe you’ll see something you like here. I’ve heard these guys are wild.�

  Without another word, she begins walking toward the front door. She isn’t wrong. I am sheltered. My parents are ultra-conservative and Andy is a police officer. I’m just little Hattie, baby sister and youngest child, meant to be a good girl and kept pure until the day I find a nice boy and settle down. Little do they know that my purity left the building when I was seventeen.

  My parents threw a fit when I moved out on my own into my little apartment. Andy checks on me four days a week and even does safety checks while he’s on duty. We live in a town of less than ten thousand people, and I don’t even remember the last time any real crime happened. Maybe a few years ago when Jimmy Parks ran from Andy after he tried to pull him over, and he chased him through town. Jimmy was drunk and didn’t want another DUI.

  I follow Willa inside of the entrance and my eyes widen at what I see. I actually don’t know where to look first. The air is hazy, and I can smell weed and cigarette smoke, along with beer and a mix of other unidentifiable scents. I stay close behind Willa as she forges forward into the crowded room.

  There are people everywhere. Men in leather and jeans, women dressed in either nothing, or in hardly anything at all. I am not only overdressed, but I am more covered up than any other woman here. I start to tug on Willa’s hand, but I stop myself. It’s too loud in here, she won’t hear a word.

  Then, she releases my hand and runs away from me and into the arms of a man. I look at him and I don’t understand her attraction. He’s tall, and his long hair appears as though, when clean, it’s light brown instead of the greasy, dark brown he is currently sporting. He has a short beard, and I watch as he picks up my friend and wraps his hands around her ass as he grinds his crotch into hers. I wrinkle my nose. This is the first time they’re meeting and she’s acting like she’s known him for a while. Why did she even bring me?

  I wait for her to come back to me, but a group of men walk in front of me, by the time they’ve passed, she’s gone. I look around in a panic, sheer complete panic, and I can’t see her. I hold my hand to my belly as I tell myself to breathe while I try to calm down.

  “Hey, babe, how about you party with me? No need to stand there by yourself,” a deep voice says as he wraps his big hand around my arm.

  I turn around quickly and look at him with what must be wide, frightened eyes, because he blinks once before his brows knit together. I take him in. He’s tall, built, with a tight shirt showcasing his hulking muscles under the leather vest he has on. He’s handsome, really handsome, but I’m terrified, and all I want to do is cry.

  “Hey, how old are you?” he asks, narrowing his eyes on me.

  “Nine—nineteen,” I whisper.

  “You don’t belong here, girl,” he grunts.

  I shake my head as tears fill my eyes. I don’t belong here. Not at all. I want to go home. I hate Willa in this moment.

  This isn’t the first or even twentieth time she’s ditched me. In fact, she always does. I don’t know why I thought tonight would be any different, but I’m done. This is it. I’m in a situation, a situation she brought me to that could get me raped, and she’s off doing—whatever.

  I open my mouth to say something, to wholeheartedly agree, but a strong arm wraps around me and drags me away. I reach out for the man in front of me, but whoever is behind me is too strong. I get swallowed in the thick crowd in an instant. I scratch at his arms and try to break from his grasp, but I can’t.

  He’s too strong.

  “Shut the fuck up and take what I give you if you know what’s good for you,” he growls in my ear. My entire body freezes.

  Then he slams my back against a wall. We seem to be in a hallway. A dark hallway. A lonely dark hallway. I look up at the stranger with terrified, wide-eyes, and he just grins down at me. He’s not wearing a vest like some of the other men, so I don’t think he’s part of the club. Not that it matters. Once he’s raped me, I’ll be damaged no matter who has done the act.

  “Please don’t,” I whisper through trembling lips.

  “Beg me. Fight me too, bitch,” he growls as he reaches between my legs.

  I close them tightly and try to push his hand away from me, but he only wraps his hand roughly around my thigh and squeezes as hard as he can. It hurts so bad. I pinch my eyes closed tightly, trying to fight him off, trying to keep my legs closed. I gasp when his hand wraps around my throat and tightens.

  Soon, I forget about the hand between my legs as I wrap my own hands around his wrist and then his fingers as I try to pry him off of my neck. I can’t breathe. I see spots in front of me and hear him grunt as his free hand finds its way to the center of my panties. I can’t stop the tears from falling, knowing exactly where this is going.

  “Please, no,” I gasp before everything goes dark.

  I turn the corner on my way to my room, where Serina and random girl from the party are waiting for me. The hallway is dark and empty, as it should be, since nobody is really supposed to be around our living quarters. The only reason I even come to these big parties are the new girls. New pussy is fun; variety is the spice of life.

  “Please, no,” I hear a female’s voice whimper.

  I move closer to the sound and freeze. A guy has a hand wrapped around a girl’s throat and she looks like she’s unconscious. His hand is shoved up her skirt and I hear him grunt. He’s not one of my brothers. In fact, I’ve never seen him before. Hang-arounds are a fuckin’ pain in my ass. They’re always causing shit.

  “Hey, man, you ain’t supposed to be back here,” I say, tapping him on the shoulder.

  “Just let me fuck her and I’ll be gone,” he growls as he turns his neck. I look into his eyes and he looks fucking maniacal.

  I look past him to the girl. She’s young, and pretty, and dressed nothing like any of the other girls. I feel it in my gut as it clenches—I know this is wrong.

  “Step away from the girl,” I order.

  “Fuck off,” he growls, turning away from me.

  I take my gun out of my shoulder holster and point it to the back of his head. I lean in and whisper for him to step away from her, again.

  “Just having fun with your whores, what’s the problem?” he shrugs as he releases her and steps away. I watch as she collapses in a heap on the floor.

  “What the fucks goin’ on here?” Fury asks from the mouth of the hall.

  Kentlee is wrapped around his waist, looking at the scene with horror marring her features.

  “This asshole was just leaving,” I announce, my gun still trained on this fucker’s head.

  “Prospect,” Fury bellows. Almost immediately, one of our new prospects shows up. “Get this hanger the fuck out of here,” he grunts.

  The prospect grabs him and drags him out of the hallway. I keep my eyes focused on them until they disappear, then I put my gun back in its holster.

  Kentlee runs past me and crouches down on the ground to roll the girl over. She gasps at the sight of her and yanks her skirt down before she presses her fingers to the pulse point on her neck.

  “She’s alive,” Kentlee breathes.

  My eyes roam over her face, and then move over to the girl on the floor and then recognition hits me.

  I know her.

  I remember her.

  I’ve dreamed of her.


  I sink down next to Kentlee, turning her head to face me.

  “Did he hurt her?” I ask, not taking my eyes off of Hattie. She looks the exact same, young and perfect.

  “Do you mean, did he rape her?” Kent asks.


  The word feels like it burns on its way out of my throat.


  “I don’t think so. I mean his dick wasn’t out, but without asking her or looking to see if there’s any blood…” she trails off.

  “Check her,” I demand.

  “Where?” Kentlee murmurs looking over her shoulder at Fury.

  “Here, now,” I choke out, unable to look away from her face.

  “Go ahead, baby girl, I’ll make sure nobody sees,” Fury murmurs.

  “It’s dark,” she mumbles.

  I take out my phone and turn the light on for her. I don’t want to look. I can’t. Instead, I focus on Hattie’s face. Her round cheeks and her bruised throat. Fuck.

  “I don’t think he hurt her. I mean, nothings wet and there’s no blood,” Kentlee whispers as she hands my phone back to me.

  “You know her?” Fury asks as I crouch down next to Hattie.

  “Three years ago I found her at that gas station. Remember when I killed the attendant?” I ask, arching a brow.

  “This is the girl he tried to force himself on?” he asks.

  “Yeah,” I nod.

  “The fuck is she doing back here?” Fury murmurs.

  “No fucking clue, but I’ll take care of it. And her.”

  “Lemme know if you need anything,” Fury grunts as he wraps his arm around Kentlee’s waist. Together, they walk away from me.

  I watch as Kentlee turns back and eyes me, her brows furrowed in confusion and worry. I’m sure she’s as worried about Hattie as I am.

  I bend down and pick her up, cradling her in my arms. I take her toward my room, and as soon as I step inside, I feel her move against me.

  “It’s you,” she whispers, her voice hoarse and her eyes filled with tears.

  She remembers me. Something happens in my heart, to my heart—a feeling I’ve never felt before. I tamp it down quickly.

  “Who’d you bring us?” Serina purrs from her place on the floor.

  Hattie’s head whips around and she gasps. Serina and the new girl are completely naked and kneeling on my floor. Hattie wriggles in my arms, but I tighten my grasp around her before I tell the two girls to leave.

  “But… but I need you,” Serina whines.

  “Get the fuck out, whore,” I shout.

  I don’t move. I keep her pinned with my gaze as the other girl runs past me. Serina doesn’t hurry. She slowly puts her cheap outfit back on and then slowly slithers out of my room. I flip the lock as soon as she’s gone and then I take Hattie to my bed and lie her down as gently as possible.


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