Rough & Rugged (Notorious Devils Book 3)

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Rough & Rugged (Notorious Devils Book 3) Page 16

by Hayley Faiman

  I say a prayer of thanks as soon as the clubhouse comes into view. I notice that we’ve bypassed the town completely by taking the back roads through the country. I can’t wait to get off of the bike and inside. When we step off of Johnny’s motorcycle, I look around and notice that the parking lot is completely full of bikes and cars.

  “Is there a party?” I ask. I rub my hands over my arms in a sad effort to warm up.

  “Lockdown,” he grunts.

  “Lockdown?” I ask in confusion.

  “There was a reason you were held hostage, princess,” he starts to explain.

  I suck in a breath when he wraps his arms around me. Then he pulls me into his body as he rubs his warm hands up and down my back.

  “What was the reason?” I ask, looking up into his dark eyes.

  “Blackmail,” he says as his way of explanation.


  I hope he’ll give me more.

  “That is not anything for you to worry about,” he murmurs before he brushes his lips against mine.

  “If these guys are after me, I think I have a right to know why,” I say, narrowing my eyes on him.

  “I’m seein’ you don’t know anything about the life, so I’ll school you a bit. The rest you can learn from the other Old Lady’s. You don’t get to know anything about the workings of the club. You know what I tell you, and you don’t ask any questions,” he explains.

  “I’m not allowed to know anything?” I ask in disbelief.

  “Not a single fuckin’ thing. That includes where I go, or what I do. If I say it’s business, then that’s more than some Old Lady’s get to know,” he informs, completely unapologetically.

  “So if you’re with another woman, I’ll never know?” I ask, chewing on my bottom lip before I add, “which means we’re exactly where we left off.”

  Johnny sighs and looks away from me; then he quickly moves his hand to cup my cheek, and his thumb pulls my lip from between my teeth before his forehead rests against mine. We stay like this for several breaths before he speaks. When he does, it’s low and rumbly, full of what I can only describe as tremendous emotion—something he thinks he doesn’t possess, but I see it in him.

  “Just you, Hattie. Only you,” he exhales. “I know what it’s like to have you, even if it was only for a short time—but I also know what it’s like to lose you, and, princess, I can’t lose you again.”

  I close my eyes and let his words sink in. His beautiful words. Well, beautiful for him. This man, this hard and dangerous man, this man that only follows the rules of his club, not society or convention—he wants me. He wants only me, and he wants to give me my fantasy come to life.

  Will being his be difficult? Yes.

  Will it be worth it? I hope.

  Will I know unless I give in and try? Absolutely not.

  “Okay,” I whisper.

  Without hesitation his lips crash against mine and he takes me in a hard, relentless, owning kiss. I feel his tongue sweep against the seam of my lips and I open for him, taking him inside of me. It’s as if he’s telling me everything he can’t verbalize in this kiss, showing me and owning me all at once.

  I wrap my arms around his neck and pull myself closer to him. When his big hands wrap around my ass, I’m done—completely done. I whimper when he breaks the kiss, but instead of lifting his head, he kisses my jawline, all the way to my ear. He nips the lobe of my ear before he speaks.

  “Come inside, Hattie, before I fuck you out here in the cold.”

  I don’t say a word. I shiver. Yes, it’s cold, but more importantly, I want that. I want him.

  Without saying anything else, Johnny picks me up. I quickly wrap my legs around his waist and look at him in the eyes. They’re focused and dark; not angry, but very intense. As soon as we walk through the doors of the clubhouse, I hear cheering. I bury my face in Johnny’s neck as his body shakes with laughter.

  I peek one eye out to look at the room and notice that there aren’t any naked bodies, not one. The room is filled with men, women, and children. The whores are nowhere to be seen, and it just looks like a family party, not a motorcycle club hangout. Lockdown. This is what he meant. All of the women and children are brought to safety until whatever the threat is is gone.

  Johnny quickly carries me to his room, and once we’re locked inside, he takes me over to the bed and lays me down. I wait for him to slide off of me and start to undress, but he doesn’t. His hips are fitted between my thighs, and his elbows are propped up on either side of my face. Instead of kissing me or trying to touch me, he just stares at me.

  “You want your dessert thing, princess, you can have it. I meant it when I said whatever you want,” he whispers into the silent room.

  “I thought it was stupid?” I ask, turning my head to look away from him. His hand catches my cheek and he guides my face back to meet his.

  “I’m a dick, baby. Plain and simple. You want that? It’s yours. If that’s what you want to do, who the fuck am I to think anything about it? I’ll give you the money, you make it a success,” he smiles.

  “You’ll give me the money?” I whisper.

  “Well, yeah, what the fuck did you think I meant when I said whatever you wanted?” he asks, furrowing his brow.

  “That you’d support me, like, emotionally. Maybe if I needed help, finding a building or fixing it up or something, that you’d help me when it was time,” I shrug.

  “I’m not poor, Hattie. You want that fancy dessert bar, it’s yours. We’ll look at a place to live and a place for that all at the same time. Whatever your heart desires, if I can give it to you, it’s yours,” he murmurs.

  “That’s too much,” I whisper, trying not to cry at his sweet offer.

  “You gonna be my woman? Take my dick whenever I give it to you?” he asks, his face completely serious yet soft.

  “Uuuhhh,” I sputter.

  “You are,” he grunts.

  “Yeah?” I ask, narrowing my eyes.

  “Yeah, princess. You’re gonna do those things for me, give me some babies too, and in return, I’ll give you your dream come true,” he murmurs. His face dips and he kisses down the column of my neck.

  “Johnny,” I moan lifting my arms and diving my fingers into his hair as I inhale his scent, cigarettes and leather.

  “Yeah, you’ll do it,” he chuckles as his hands unzip my jeans.

  His heavy body disappears from mine as he peels my jeans down my legs. He pauses, pulling my shoes and socks off, and then finishes with my pants, throwing all of it on the floor somewhere. Then my panties are quickly stripped down my legs and thrown behind him.

  “Take your sweater off,” he orders as he goes to his knees and strips himself of his own clothes.

  I quickly pull my sweater up my body and then release my bra as well. I watch while Johnny’s eyes turn from chocolate to black as he takes in my naked body.

  “Spread,” he orders.

  I spread my legs as wide as I can, no hesitation at all whatsoever. I’m still shy, but with Johnny looking at me, I feel less shy and more—beautiful.

  “Look at that pretty pussy you have, princess,” he mutters as he drags a finger through my center. I shiver at his intensity; the way he’s completely focused on the most intimate part of my body.

  “Johnny,” I whisper lifting my head in hopes of catching his eye.

  I hold my breath as his hand flattens against my lower belly and then travels up my stomach between my breasts before it gently wraps around the front of my throat. My heart races as I watch his head descend, and then I feel his lips kiss my nipple before he opens his mouth and sucks my breast deep into his mouth, hard.

  My entire back arches at the pain before it turns into something more, something different, something close to need. His hand tightens around my throat, cutting off a bit of my airway, before he relaxes it and switches to my other breast, repeating his motions and leaving me light headed.

  I feel the head of his dick sli
de through the folds at my center, coating himself with my arousal. I whimper as I close my eyes. Feeling him surrounding me, all of him, it’s all so surreal. I’m here again, with him again, and he wants this, he wants—me.

  “You’re so wet, Hattie,” he murmurs as he slides inside of me.

  I moan as he stretches me with every inch of his cock sliding deeper inside of my body. Once he’s completely seated, his hand tightens around my neck and his eyes focus in on mine. His other hand is at my head, helping to brace himself above me without squishing me.

  “You take me, Hattie, every way I give myself to you, and in return I’ll give you everything you could ever want. Whatever it is, princess, it’s yours. I mean every word I say. Everything I have is yours.”

  My eyes well with tears and my bottom lip trembles. Though he’s just repeating his words from earlier, I love them, and I love the meaning behind them. I’ll give him whatever he wants, as long as he keeps his promises to me. No other women and supporting my fantasy. I’ll give him the life he wants, and one day, I’ll give him love and babies, too. I’ll make him as happy as he’s made me.

  Johnny’s eyes stay connected to mine as he continues to glide out and slam back inside of me—his hand gently on my throat, squeezing every so often, and his face set in serious concentration. I gasp when he lowers his head slightly and runs his nose along the side of mine.

  “Lift your legs, Hattie, wrap them around my back,” he murmurs as his forehead rests on mine.

  I lift my hips and legs, gasping when Johnny hits me even deeper inside. I moan as the hand that was braced on the bed lifts and wraps around my thigh, pushing my leg back even further, and then his other hand releases my throat and does the same on the other side. My knees are almost touching the mattress on either side of my head, I’m bent completely in half. Johnny’s on his knees and he’s thrusting inside of me, his eyes focused on where our bodies meet, using all of his lean muscled strength.

  “One day, when you’re ready, I’m going to fuck your ass just like this, Hattie. I’m going to watch my dick bury itself inside of your sweet, tight, little asshole, and I’m going to make you come everywhere. I’m going to own every piece of you, princess. Every single fucking piece will be mine,” he informs me.

  I can’t speak, my breath has been stolen. I feel my body building, and I have that urge I felt another time before. I know what’s coming. I can feel the buildup and I can’t control it. I close my eyes as I start to scream, and then it happens.

  “Oh, fuck, yes,” Johnny hisses before I feel his fingers on my clit. He works me even harder, making it all that much—worse.

  “Johnny,” I beg, but he doesn’t stop. He’s in his own world, and he isn’t focused on anything but our bodies as he comes.

  He releases my legs and collapses on top of me, his dick still inside of me, and I feel his lips at my neck as he kisses his way to my mouth. I sigh when his tongue gently glides through my lips and inside of my mouth in a big, lazy, wet kiss.

  My hands wrap around his biceps and I momentarily forget about everything but the feeling of his mouth on mine, his tongue inside of me, and his heavy body pressed against mine.

  My Johnny, my man, my fantasy turned to reality.

  Once I lift my face from hers and break the kiss we have been locked in, I look at her. Really look at Hattie. Her face is red, but her eyes are bright, the green in them somehow more vibrant as she looks at me.

  Fuck, Hattie is the hottest bitch I’ve ever fucked, and she’s mine. One hundred percent, all mine. I feel like I should pinch myself, like this shit can’t be fuckin’ reality.

  “It happened again, didn’t it?” she mumbles. I can’t help but laugh at her embarrassment.

  “I told you, princess, nothing to be embarrassed about. It’s the sexiest fuckin’ thing I think I’ve ever witnessed,” I grunt pressing my hips against hers to prove my point. My dick’s still fuckin’ half-mast. Just being inside of her does that to me.

  “It’s not sexy. It’s so embarrassing. It’s gross—it just shot out, and it’s wet, and it’s just gross. It’s like I peed,” she cries.

  “The fact that I can do that to you, fuck, I feel honored. Nothing about it was gross at all. You’re so damn amazing, Hattie. Do you know that I couldn’t keep from coming the second I saw you start to ejaculate? Fuck, you squirted everywhere. It was so beautiful,” I murmur, trying to emphasize just how hot I thought it was.

  The fact that I can do that to her without being in her ass, and this being the second time, fuck, makes me feel like the goddamn king of the world. I feel high right now just thinking about the way she squirted for me, fucking everywhere, and all just because my dick was inside of her. Just me.

  “You’re weird,” she laughs. The shake of her body causes me to lose her heat as my cock slips from her pussy.

  “I’m yours, and I think everything about you is absolutely gorgeous, Hattie,” I say as I place a kiss to the tip of her nose before I roll off of her.

  “You gonna go smoke?” she asks, rolling to her side and putting her hands beneath her cheek, her eyes watching me.

  “Yeah, princess, you get some rest,” I mutter as I pull my jeans over my hips and zip the fly, leaving the top button undone.

  I take my cut and slide it on over my bare chest before I shove my feet into my boots and grab my pack of cigarettes from the nightstand.

  “Wish I could go out with you,” she yawns.

  I can’t hide the grin that creeps onto my face. I wish she could, too. Probably the best smoke of my life was when she was perched on my lap on the balcony of her apartment.

  “I’ll be back in a few, princess.”

  I walk out of the door, closing it behind me and leaving her sated and completely naked in my bed. I wonder why she hasn’t gone into shock, why she hasn’t freaked the fuck out yet. I know it’s bound to happen, that it’s just a matter of time.

  The bar is pretty quiet, men and their Old Ladies drinking and talking, the music loud but not blaring. It’s peaceful for maybe the first time ever.

  I make my way outside to my usual smoking spot and see that Fury is there, a bottle of beer in his hand and a joint between his lips. He doesn’t smoke weed as often as he used to, so I’m a bit surprised to see him smoking it right now.

  “Prez,” I mutter as I take a seat next to him on the top of the picnic table.

  “How’s she?” he asks me before he takes a drag. I inhale my own smoke and nod.

  “She’s good, so far. Won’t know for sure, only time will tell,” I say. I watch as Fury nods.

  “Could have been Kentlee again.”

  “It wasn’t, and she’s safe now. It won’t be her,” I assure him.

  “I’m getting too old for this shit,” he grumbles.

  “Too old? No, I don’t think you’re getting too old. I think you’re in love with your wife and you’re a father now, so you got somethin’ worth losin’. I feel the same with Hattie,” I shrug, taking a drag from my smoke.

  “Yeah, fuckin’ eats me up that they could be used against me.”

  “It’s why we got them all locked up in this building. We’re doin’ all we can to keep them safe. I was a smarter man, I woulda had her here to begin with,” I mumble, looking off into the dark.

  “Woulda coulda shoulda’s will do nothin’ but eat you up inside, brother. Look forward, not behind. Do shit different and just live,” Fury says before he stands and leaves me alone on the picnic table.

  I think about his words.

  Look forward, not behind. Do shit different and just live.

  That’s exactly what I’m going to do. I’m going to look forward, look forward to the life Hattie and I are going to have together. I’m not going to even think about the past ever again, about my childhood or my parents.

  I’m going to be a different kind of man than my father is, and I’m going to do right by Hattie. I snub out my own smoke and walk back inside of the clubhouse, making sure to lock the
door behind me as I go.

  I open my bedroom door and see Hattie’s legs spread and her swollen pussy on display. This, this right here is looking forward. I want her in my bed from now on, her pink pussy waiting for me. Her soft body pressed against mine, and her sweet voice filling my space.

  Hattie’s what I’ve been waiting for. Everything about her is like a fuckin’ dream come true. I only hope that I can deliver everything I’ve promised her.

  I suck in a breath and my heart starts to race when I feel a heavy body slide into bed beside me. I open my eyes and look around for a minute before I realize exactly where I am. I’m in Johnny’s bed. I let out a sigh of relief when I hear him murmur behind me.

  “It’s just me, princess,” he says as he wraps his arms around me, shifting so that his thigh is between my legs and pressed against my bare core.

  “I fell asleep,” I mumble.

  “Did I tire my girl out?” he chuckles from behind me.

  I grumble as my response, unable to actually form a complete thought, let alone a complete sentence with his close proximity to me.

  “Get some rest,” he murmurs and places a sweet kiss to my shoulder before I fall back asleep.

  I sleep the best I’ve ever slept in my life, wrapped in Johnny’s arms.

  The next morning, I crack my eye open and see that it’s well past noon. Johnny’s still pressed close to my body, the heat of his thigh pushing against my center.

  My breath hitches when I feel his thigh press even harder against my pussy.

  “Johnny,” I whisper.

  “Put your arms behind your back, Hattie,” he murmurs huskily.

  I press my cheek into the pillow and I do as I’m told. Putting my arms behind my back. I grab onto my forearms and earn a hum of approval from him.

  His big hands wrap around my arms as he shifts me onto my stomach. There’s rustling behind me until I feel his chest press against my back and his cock cradling between the cheeks of my ass. My body tenses but he kisses my shoulder and then right behind my ear before he whispers.


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