Rough & Rugged (Notorious Devils Book 3)

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Rough & Rugged (Notorious Devils Book 3) Page 27

by Hayley Faiman

  “Never. You look hot as fuck, just stay at my side all night,” I inform her. She grins.

  I slide my hands down to slip underneath her short as fuck skirt and palm her ass.

  “Can we take your Chevelle?” she breathes as I slip my finger beneath her thong panties and slide it through her folds.

  “Why? I want that warm pussy pressed against my back,” I waggle my eyebrows and she giggles, pressing her lips into my neck.

  “I want to take the cake I made.”

  “Okay, princess,” I mutter as I push my finger inside of her warm pussy.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I wanted to eat it. Looks fuckin’ awesome,” I shrug as I slowly finger her.

  “I’ll make you your very own tomorrow,” she says, pressing her lips to mine. I slip a second finger inside and instruct her to ride my hand.

  “We need to leave,” she breathes.

  “Not before you come on my fingers,” I growl, slipping my fingers from her center. She looks at me with question.

  “I’m hungry, princess, lay down on the sofa,” I order.

  Hattie doesn’t argue with me. She hurries to the couch and lays down on her back. I don’t give her a second to adjust or make herself comfortable before I’ve torn her panties down her legs and settle my face between her sweet thighs.

  “Johnny,” she moans as her fingers tangle in my hair, pulling my mouth closer to her pussy. I fucking love it. Love that she’s becoming wilder, more comfortable and more confident.

  I don’t just eat her to bring her to an orgasm, I devour her. I take my time, nibbling and sucking and tongue fucking her sweet cunt. She tastes so good, I forget the fucking cake. All I want to do is eat Hattie day in and day out.

  “I’m going to come,” she moans above me. I don’t stop until she’s whimpering and her body is shaking with her climax.

  “Jesus,” I curse as I disentangle myself from her legs and hands.

  “I want more,” she whispers as she quickly crawls into my lap. I wrap my hands around her ass, watching her unbuckle my jeans.

  “Hattie,” I warn.

  “Just let me make you feel good. Please?” she whispers. Her eyes are locked in on mine as I feel her wet heat envelop my cock.

  “So good, so good,” I mutter as my fingers grip her ass. I move her body at the pace I want. “Just hold on, princess.”

  I look into her green eyes and use her body to fuck my cock. I shudder when her hands scrape against my scalp, and she holds onto the back of my head. Her little gasps and whimpers are almost my undoing.

  Every single time she moans, it makes me sweat that much more. I’m trying my damndest to hold the fuck on. I want her to come again, come all over me.

  “Come on my cock,” I say through clenched teeth as I spread her ass cheeks apart and grind her against me.

  “I’m close,” she mewls.

  I lift my hips and fuck her hard, pulling her down as I lift up. When her pussy clamps down and her eyes widen in surprise, I know she’s come. I finally succumb to my own climax before I let my head fall against the back of the sofa.

  “I love you,” she sighs as her lips find my neck.

  “Me too,” I murmur, squeezing her ass a little tighter. “Get cleaned up and let’s get outta here.”

  I moan when she lifts up off of my cock, wanting to be nowhere else but still buried inside of her. Her sweet ass jiggles as she scurries to the bathroom to clean up. I don’t bother wiping my dick off at all. I want her scent all over me; later, she’ll be sucking it off of me, too.

  After a few minutes, we’re in my Chevelle and headed toward the clubhouse. The windows are rolled down, and a I’ve got a cigarette in my mouth. Life couldn’t get any fuckin’ sweeter.

  I should have worn jeans and a sweater.

  It’s freezing ass cold in this car as we drive toward the clubhouse. I know that Johnny has the window down because he’s smoking, and while I appreciate it, I’m really cold in my barely-there outfit. I really should have put more thought into what I was wearing. I can only hope that it’ll be warm inside of the clubhouse, otherwise I’ll turn into a popsicle.

  The parking lot is completely full and anxiety begins to flow through my veins. This is the first time I’ve been to a party as Johnny’s Old Lady, and I hope I don’t screw it all up completely and embarrass myself—or him. My legs start to shake with nervousness as Johnny parks, and then he turns to me and has the most handsome, confused look on his face.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Why do they call you Dirty Johnny?” I blurt out.

  His eyes widen and then he bursts out laughing.

  “You don’t wanna know, babe,” he says between his deep laughter.

  “I need to know. It’s permanently inked into my skin, and this is a family party, and I just need to know,” I ramble.

  “Okay,” he clears his throat. “Before you, I usually had sex with two girls at once, right?” he asks. I nod. “I liked anal mostly, not too often would I do anything else. Well, when I was a prospect and a fuckin’ punk ass kid, I was fucking this whore’s ass, and then I shoved my dick down another girl’s throat. I alternated from ass to mouth. I was so high and so drunk. Anyway, Vault walked in on it and said I was so fuckin’ dirty. He told everybody about it and that’s how I got my name.”

  I stare at him in complete shock. Then I look down at my arm and back up to him as I wrinkle my nose is disgust.

  “I told you that you didn’t want to know,” he shrugs.

  “Can I get this shit covered up?” I ask looking down at my arm.

  “Fucking never, Hattie. I was a punk ass fuckin’ kid and the road names they give you don’t change. That’s mine for eternity. I can’t be ashamed or embarrassed of it, and neither should you be,” he almost shouts.

  “Did you get tested after you fucked her ass bare?” I shout back. I watch as his face turns red and he grips the steering wheel so hard, his knuckles turn white.

  “Yes, I got fucking tested. I told you that I haven’t fucked a woman without a condom since the last time I was tested, and I’ve gone back and been tested more than once since then. You think that I would hurt you like that, ever? The woman I love? The woman I want to carry my kids? Fucking hell, Hattie.”

  “What you just told me, that’s a lot to take in,” I whisper, trying to keep my eyes from watering with tears.

  “I’m not Dirty Johnny to you, Hattie. I’m just Johnny Williams, your man. The road name’s just a name, princess,” he murmurs as his hand cups mine.

  “I’m sorry. I’m just freaked out,” I say as I look into his chocolate eyes.

  “Remember what I said? I’m yours and you’re mine, and there’s nobody else in this with us,” he growls.

  “Okay, Johnny,” I murmur.

  “That includes the past. I don’t want to know who else has been inside of you. I know you weren’t a virgin, and that’s fine. Those other pricks don’t exist. They just don’t,” he announces.

  “I love you, Johnny,” I whisper.

  He grunts without replying.

  “I love you and I shouldn’t have freaked out,” I murmur.

  “I fuckin’ love you, Hattie,” he sighs as he turns his head to look at me. “Let’s get you inside and you can apologize later.”

  “By sucking your dick?” I ask, arching a brow.

  “Fuck yeah, princess.”

  I giggle as I step out of the car, careful not to send my cake flying to the ground. We don’t say another word as we walk into the clubhouse bar. I’m thankful that the party is indeed indoors. I look around and see Kentlee, Rosie, and Brentlee at a table arranging food. I whisper to Johnny that I’m going to put my cake down, and he informs me that he’ll be at the bar.

  “Hey,” Kentlee greets as I set my cake down.

  “Hi,” I smile. “You missed the fireworks,” she says with wide eyes.

  “What happened?” I frown, pinching my brows together.

p; “Well, everything was going great until MadDog, Fury’s dad, walked in with Mary-Anne on his arm,” Brentlee mutters. I look between the two sisters in confusion, not understanding who Mary-Anne is.

  “Mary-Anne is Sniper’s sister—his little sister,” Kentlee explains.

  “How little?” I ask in surprise.

  “Well, MadDog has to be pushing sixty, and Mary-Anne is a year younger than me, so twenty-seven,” Brentlee says.

  “I-I don’t even know…” I trail off when I watch Sniper storm out from a hallway and walk straight toward Brentlee.

  “Holy shit, he looks pissed,” Kentlee mutters.

  “No shit,” Brentlee whispers.

  “We’re fuckin’ leavin’,” Sniper announces. The entire room goes eerily quiet. I look over to the bar and spot Johnny, who is now standing and slowly making his way toward us.

  “Bates, we can’t just leave,” Brentlee pleads.

  “We are fuckin’ leavin’. Get your shit together, tigritsa—now,” he growls, leaning down and getting really close to her face.

  “You drive me insane. Okay, fine,” she mutters as she looks over at Kentlee and me and rolls her eyes. I don’t know how she can be so nonchalant with his anger radiating off of him like that. He’s scary as hell.

  “He’s actually really sweet, when he’s not being an ass,” Kent says as soon as they walk away.

  “Sure he is,” I murmur.

  “There’s MadDog now. Wow, he looks pissed, too,” Kentlee says. I look up.

  I expect to see an older, grey haired, overweight, stereotypical biker; like Buck, maybe. That’s not at all what I see.

  MadDog is hot—not just a little hot, but full on silver fox sexy.

  He’s tall, wide, and built. He doesn’t look like he has an ounce of fat underneath his tight t-shirt. His thighs are thick, and he knows exactly how to pick out the right fit jeans for his long body.

  His hair is styled, slicked back, and his beard is full. His beard is darker than his light brown hair, and that’s the only place where he has grey hair, on his beard, aside from his temples. He has crinkles around his eyes and across his forehead, but he is sexy as hell.

  “He’s hot,” I exhale.

  “He’s my father-in-law, so I can’t really say much on the matter; but he doesn’t look like he’s my husband’s father, that’s for damn sure,” Kentlee says in a low voice.

  “You done ogling?” Johnny asks. I jump and look up at him. Somehow, he ended up directly at my side.

  “I wasn’t…” I trail off.

  “You were, princess,” he chuckles.

  “You were, Hattie. You got caught, girl, just roll with it,” Kentlee laughs from behind me.


  “You’ll make it up to me later,” Johnny murmurs.

  I throw my arms around his shoulders and press my chest to his.

  “You know you’re the only man for me, don’t you?” I ask, pressing my lips against his.

  “Since my cock still has your cum on it, then yeah, I’m not fuckin’ worried, princess,” he whispers before his tongue delves into my mouth and fills me.

  “Okay, the kids are still here, and we’re going to try and have fun without sex and fights… if we can,” Kentlee announces. I start to giggle in Johnny’s mouth.

  “When’re they leavin’?” he asks with his hands still wrapped around me.

  “You fucking sex crazed pervs. Later, they’re leaving later,” she says in a huff.

  “Calm down, baby girl,” Fury rumbles as he walks over to her.

  “I’m stressed out, okay,” she says as her bottom lip quivers.

  I look over at her in confusion as Johnny releases me. Fury’s eyes widen before his mouth gapes and he asks in a low voice, too low for anybody else to hear. I’m standing close enough that I hear it.

  “Are you pregnant again, baby girl?”

  I watch as tears start to fall from her eyes and her shoulders shake as her head nods.

  “Holy fucking shit,” he whispers before a big grin appears on his face. “I need to fuck you right now.”

  “No, that’s how this happened. You always need to fuck me,” she grumbles as the tears continue to flow.

  “Yeah, and I’ll keep doin’ it too, because I fuckin’ love you, baby girl,” he murmurs. I turn away from them, their moment being way too intimate, and I look up into Johnny’s eyes.

  “I want that,” Johnny whispers.


  “I want to have what they have—with you. I want a family,” he says.

  “We will,” I murmur, unable to break away from his penetrating gaze.

  “Fuck yeah, we will, princess.”

  Johnny kisses me and it takes everything inside of me not to wrap my legs around him and beg him to make love to me, right here and right now. I simply kiss him back, and then we party.

  Later that night, I take him down my throat the way he likes, and he rewards me by making love to me and showing me just how much he cherishes me.

  This rough and rugged man is all mine, and I’m his.

  I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  I love him.

  Two Months Later

  I cough as I am led blindfolded somewhere. I don’t know where I am, but the man holding my hand? I trust him with my entire heart, so I don’t care where he leads me.

  “You ready, princess?” he whispers in my ear. A shiver runs down my spine as I feel his hot breath touch my skin.

  “I think so,” I whisper.

  A second later, the blindfold disappears and I open my eyes. Then, promptly two seconds later, they fill with tears. Turning around, I face the man I love. The wonderful, sexy, sweet, kindhearted man I love. I throw my arms around him, bury my face in his neck, and sob.

  He’s given me everything I’ve ever wanted, and then some.

  “Merry Christmas, Hattie,” he whispers into my hair.

  The room is small, just a tiny hole in the wall, and as I break away from Johnny, I take in the little details. There are about five bistro tables with two chairs set up, and another three tables that fit four chairs with them. The walls are painted black, and there are two tall refrigerator display cases on one wall, with one display case near the back, and a full bar—it’s completely set up with alcohol and glasses.

  “You did all of this for me?” I ask in awe.

  “Princess, whatever you want, remember? I promised you’d have your dessert bar. After everything you been through, you fuckin’ deserve it,” he murmurs.

  “This is more than I could have ever dreamed of,” I whisper.

  “You’re more than I could have ever dreamed of, and I don’t deserve you,” he states before he leans down and captures my lips with his.

  I moan into his mouth when his hands grab onto my jean-clad ass. I press my chest against his, needing to be closer, needing his warmth against me, and needing to taste all that is my Johnny.

  “Let me show you the back,” he mutters against my lips.

  “I was enjoying what we were doing right here,” I exhale.

  “I don’t mind fucking you where the world can see you, but since this is going to be your business, you might not want that,” he grins.

  I watch as his eyes sparkle—something that’s been happening over the last several months. It’s the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. It’s as if, since he was taken and his father is out of the picture, he’s lighter; a weight has been lifted from him. Johnny still won’t tell me all of the details of his childhood, but I don’t need them. All I need to know is that now he’s finally happy.

  “Then you’re going to need to show me the back quickly,” I grin up at him.

  I feel my body become feather-light when he picks me up and strides toward the back. He walks us through the swinging door and then my back is pressed against the wall. It’s dark and I can’t see a thing, but I don’t give a shit. My jeans are unzipped and his finger is pressing against my clit.

; “Please, more,” I groan as my head hits the back of the wall.

  “Turn around,” he murmurs as his lips travel down my throat and he releases my legs.

  I do as he asks, knowing that what he’ll give me will leave me completely satisfied. He always does. Johnny unbuttons and unzips my jeans, pulling them and my panties down to my mid-thigh. I moan when his strong fingers grip my hips and he yanks me back. His cock slides between the crack of my ass before it reaches my center. I feel the head of his dick graze my clit, and I can’t stop my legs from shaking with anticipation.

  “Hands on the wall, and just feel me,” he instructs.

  I am more than happy to oblige him, and when he fills me, I whimper. It’s so fantastic that I never want the feeling to end—him filling me completely full.

  “Johnny,” I moan.

  “Yeah, princess, I got you.”

  One of Johnny’s hands slides up the center of my chest before he wraps it around my neck. The other dips down to my clit, and he presses two fingers against it. I gently move my hips back against him, needing movement, needing him to give me what he always does—rugged pleasure.

  “You wanna fuck my cock, Hattie?” he growls in my ear.

  “Please,” I whimper.

  “Fuck it, princess. Fuck this dick until you come—work for it,” he grunts.

  I do. I rear back my hips before I lie my head against his shoulder, completely bowed back against him—surrounded by his whole body. I continue to push against his cock, his heavy breaths in my ear, against my skin, sending me into sensitivity overdrive.

  I release one of my hands from against the wall and press it against his fingers, his unmoving fingers. I need him to touch me the way I like, the way only he can.

  “Do you need more?” he chuckles. I don’t even care that he finds it funny. I’m on the hunt, the hunt for my climax, and I would do anything for it at this point.

  “Please, Johnny, please,” I beg.

  “Love it when you beg for me,” he growls.

  His fingers swirl my clit right before he gently slaps it. I gasp before I mewl at the sensation, and then he begins to pinch, circle, and slap over and over again, ramping my body into overdrive.


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