The Darkest Torment

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The Darkest Torment Page 27

by Gena Showalter

  Baden wouldn’t kill him. Katarina wanted the male locked away forever, and so he would be locked away forever. In return for sparing Aleksander’s life, Baden would insist the male disavow her, in effect divorcing her. In their world, it would be enough, a man’s word his bond.

  He flashed to the dungeon beneath the fortress in Budapest and—

  Both the man and chains were missing.

  Damn it! The bastard hadn’t been freed with the All-key. Torin would never betray him. Baden knew that with every fiber of his being, which shamed him as he remembered the times he hadn’t trusted Torin and the others. Times he would remember when he looked at Fox, he was sure, and considered the ramifications of hosting Distrust. The darkest days of his life. So dark he’d preferred death.

  Now he had the bands, and the shadows, making him even more dangerous than before. And yet, he had no desire to end his life. He would fight for what he wanted.

  He would fight for Katarina. Right now, she was his one bright light. He’d spoken true: he couldn’t lose her.

  But she was still married, a tie he wouldn’t be breaking as soon as he’d expected. Fury... Someone must have found the key to the chains in the rubble of the fortress. Someone with the ability to flash...or even just the ability to flash to Aleksander specifically.

  Pandora! Her name was a scourge inside his mind; Destruction roared.

  She would pay. Baden, too, possessed the ability to flash to Aleksander, which meant he’d just missed the male’s escape; otherwise he would have ended up somewhere else. He palmed a dagger in each hand and flashed—

  To the center of a busy highway. A horn blasted, a truck seconds from hitting him. Bitch was trying to get him killed without breaking the rules. He flashed as the vehicle clipped his arm, ending up spinning to a stop inside a woman’s locker room.

  Half-dressed females who were already worked up about Pandora and Aleksander gasped and screamed and threw towels and shoes at him. He flashed again, this time appearing in a graffiti-ridden alley.

  A series of pops rang out...until a click, click signaled an empty clip. He ducked, one of the bullets managing to graze his collarbone. Another memory he hadn’t lived knocked on the door of his mind, but this time, he had no problem ignoring it, his will growing stronger.

  As he straightened, his gaze locked on Pandora. The eye he’d daggered was still in the process of healing. The more vulnerable parts of the body required more time. But at least she was regenerating, despite being a spirit.

  Growing new limbs might be possible. But only with the bands?

  She wore a black tank, revealing the marks of Corruption on her arm.

  In terms of humans they’d killed, they were even. Baden had six other points, not counting the points they shared for killing Lucifer’s minion. How many others did she have? And why did he feel no desire to slay her, despite her actions this day?

  “Hello, Baden.” She flashed her teeth in a parody of a grin, reloaded and took aim. Aleksander was anchored to her waist, a rope tied to the end of the chain and wrapped around her wrist. A handicap. Perfect. “Your little trap failed, as you can see. I found the key in the rubble.”

  “You have something that belongs to me,” Baden said as Destruction snarled.

  “He’s mine!”

  Baden launched a dagger, aiming for the rope.

  Pandora must have thought he meant to kill the bastard rather than allow her to leave with him because she leaped, taking the hit in her thigh. She cringed, lifting her semiautomatic and firing off two more shots.

  The bullets slammed into his torso, shredding his stomach. He leaked black goo and hemorrhaged strength.

  “If he’s dead, he can’t tell us where to find the coin.” She kept her gun trained on Baden, her arm trembling as she leaked her own river of black.

  Could she not bring herself to injure him further? She must feel the connection, too.

  “He’ll never tell us,” Baden said. “And the coin isn’t why I want him.” He addressed the male. “Voice your divorce from Katarina.”

  “Never,” Aleksander vowed.

  Thinks to deny me?


  “The girl again.” Pandora shook her head with disgust. “Only the coin matters. It will force Hades to grant my greatest wish.”

  Her certainty... “I know that, but how do you?”

  “You’re not the only one with friends, Baddy Boy.”

  His head canted to the side as he studied her. “You plan to use the coin to buy the kingdom for yourself, do you not?”

  “Yes! Don’t you?”

  “No.” But at least she was honest. “You’ve never been possessed. You don’t know the horrors of living with a demon.”

  “I’m host to shadows and a being with memories I’ve never lived. I can handle demons.”

  Wrong. You didn’t handle demons. You starved them.

  “Besides, an army is an army,” she added. “I’ll never be helpless again!”

  A sentiment he shared. To a point. “There are other ways. Pandy.”

  She gave a violent shake of her head. “Leave now, and live. Stay, and we’ll fight to your next death.”

  Destruction ran his hooves through his mind, ready to charge her. A threat was a threat, no matter the connection.

  Katarina would disagree. As long as there’s breath, there’s hope.

  “Do you truly want to forfeit freedom from the bands?” Hades could forgive a few bumps and bruises, but not a murder.

  Eyes wild, she said, “The coin will buy my kingdom and my freedom. Perhaps I’ll spare you today and take you as my slave tomorrow.”

  That was her grand plan? “You think Hades doesn’t already have kings under his control? I’ve seen them. You’ve seen them.” The warriors who’d tossed him across the throne room as if he were as light as a feather. “You might have a kingdom, but you sure as shit won’t have your freedom.”

  “I will.” How desperate she sounded. “I can’t go on like this.”

  Compassion nicked him, an emotion he’d rarely felt for this woman. He blamed Katarina. Her softer side must have rubbed off on him.

  Aleksander smirked at him over Pandora’s shoulder, and the beast bang, banged against Baden’s skull in an effort to reach the male.

  His temples throbbed. Focus. “I won’t let you—”

  “Give me one night with him, and I’ll vow never to harm your human.”

  Pandora’s words shut down his threat and even quieted Destruction. She’d just offered the one thing he couldn’t refuse. “I’ll give you one night.” A calculated risk. If she found the coin, she would gain another point. And even if she failed, the male would be away from Baden’s strict control.

  “Tomorrow,” he added, “I will come for him.”

  “Deal. But if you come for him early, ambushing me, I’ll turn my sights to the girl.”

  “And I’ll ensure you remain an armless, legless husk.”

  She snorted. “I like the thought of you in a cage of my own making. Perhaps I’ll spend the entire night creating traps for you.”

  He smiled at her, pure challenge. “I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.”

  “Until tomorrow then.” She vanished with Aleksander, who was still smirking. Fool. He thought because Pandora was a woman she would be easier to escape and less of a danger. Baden knew her well. She hurt her victims in ways that would haunt them for the rest of their days. The nymph had known it, and soon Aleksander would, too.

  Return to Katarina. Stake a claim.

  His smile turned to pure seduction as he flashed home.


  “The bow chicka wow wow is a powerful thing. Use it or lose it.”

  —Danika, the All-seeing Eye

WALKED THROUGH her bedroom while running through her mental checklist. Overhead light and all lamps disabled. Check. Candles scented with vanilla and lavender placed throughout and lit. Check. The massage table set up and draped with a heated blanket. Check. Her body cleaned with vanilla soap and covered only by a cashmere robe. Check and mate.

  The dogs slept peacefully in the bathroom. The masseuse was on standby, awaiting her call. All she lacked was Baden. Where was he?

  She sat in the chair by the crackling hearth, lounging to appear sexy. But an hour later, she was on her feet, pacing, being sure to sway her hips. Just in case. If Baden stayed out all night, she’d...she’d...argh! She’d go to bed frustrated. And as payback, she would ensure he went to bed frustrated for a week. Whimper. Negative reinforcement would hurt them both.

  Sighing, she strode to the window and stared out. One minute ticked into another, dark thoughts drifting through her mind, ruining her sensual mood. Here she was, determined to seduce Baden, while her brother...what? He was out there somewhere, probably high as a kite. Or maybe he’d overdosed and would never have a chance to get clean.

  Why do I even care?

  She sighed, the answer already clear. Dominik was the only family she had left and family—for good or for ill—was bonded. Always and forever.


  Baden’s growly voice jolted her, a cascade of shivers warming her. Trembling, she turned to face the object of her fascination—the only person capable of distracting her from her troubles simply by saying her name.

  As usual, the beautiful man stole her breath. He’d showered. His hair was damp, the strands a darker red, almost brown. He wore a black shirt and camo pants that were tucked into combat boots. His gloves were firmly in place.

  “You were sad. Why?”

  “I worried about my brother.”

  “You will stop...please. He caused you pain. He shouldn’t have the privilege of being part of your life.”

  Well. Baden was learning to request rather than demand. In his own way, yes, but progress was progress. And oh, the way he complimented her...she would never tire of it.

  As he looked her over, taking in her scantily clad body, his chiseled features drew taut with tension. A tension so fierce it thickened the air around him, sizzling with electric energy.

  “I like the robe,” he said. “Now take it off.”

  Oh. Wow. Okay. If she’d been wearing panties, they would have become soaked in an instant. Apparently there were times she liked his commands. Still she replied, “Ask nicely.” Consistency was a key to successful training.

  “Will you please take it off?”

  She smiled at him, proud of him. “I will, yes. For my massage.”

  Baden wanted her, clearly intended to have her, but he planned for it to happen without skin-to-skin contact. Absolutely unacceptable. Reach for the stars first, and if you must, settle for the flowers second.

  “Massage?” he asked, intrigued.

  “A desperately needed massage. I’m sore from recent...vigorous pursuits.” Her trembling only increased as she picked up the phone. The intercom system allowed her to connect to any room in the house but nowhere outside. Struck her as odd, but she wasn’t going to sweat it. She stamped the proper code for the servants’ quarters and when greeted, asked to speak with Fox’s masseuse.

  When he came onto the line, she said, “I’m ready.”

  Baden crossed his arms over his chest. Arms she hoped to have wrapped around her very soon. “A massage. From a woman.”

  She laughed as if enchanted. “Don’t be ridiculous.” With a tilt of her chin, she motioned to the chair she’d pushed to the side of the portable table, a location that would grant him an unobstructed view of the proceedings. “Sit.”

  His arms lowered, one of his hands resting on the hilt of a dagger. “A male?”

  “Yes. I like deep tissue, and as you so enjoy pointing out, men are oh, so much stronger.” She fluttered her eyelashes for good measure.

  “Not always,” he grated. “Women can be—”

  “But don’t worry, naivka,” she interjected. “I’m going to let you watch.” And you have no idea what you’re in for.

  “I’ll do it. I’ll massage you.” His hard tone dared her to challenge him. “I’m stronger than any human.”

  She pouted at him while trying not to giggle like a schoolgirl. “Touch pains you, and tonight I only want to pleasure you.”

  His nostrils flared as he inhaled sharply. “I’m wearing gloves. I won’t be pained.”

  Oh, how very eager he sounded now. “Okay, let me rephrase. I want flesh on my flesh. It’s warmer...deliciouser.”

  A muscle jumped underneath his eye. “Deliciouser is not a word.”

  “Please excuse my poor English. Excitement has muddled my poor little girl brain.” She sashayed to him and led him to the chair. “Now, if you’d be so kind as to sit...”

  He didn’t. She pushed, and he fell into place, glaring at her. “I don’t like this.”

  That’s crystal clear, darling. “Is the beast demanding a fresh kill?”

  “Yes! And he’s very determined.”

  “Well. Whatever you do,” she said, leaning down to press her lips against his ear. “Do no harm to the human. I repeat, do no harm to the human.”

  He gripped the arms of the chair. “I can’t make any promises.”

  She straightened, saying with a firm tone, “You’ll make this particular promise, or I won’t let you watch.”

  Oh, oh. He reeeally didn’t like that. Red glinted in his eyes and when next he spoke, he spoke with two voices, both layered with fury and...possession? “You think you can force me to leave, sweet Rina?”

  “No.” Proceed carefully. They were entering dangerous territory. “But I can certainly move to another room.”

  “And I can follow. No door will keep me from you. No wall, either. To reach the one I want, I’ll remove any barrier, tolerate no obstacles.”

  Scary hot words, scary hot man. “Well, I can deny you access to my playland.” To be sure he understood her meaning, she ran her hands down the curves of her body. “And there’s nothing you’ll be able to do about that.”

  A moment passed in tense silence.

  Finally, he offered a stiff nod and said, “I won’t kill the human.”

  Almost too easy. She swallowed a laugh. “You won’t hurt him, either.”

  He ran his tongue over his teeth. “I won’t hurt him.”

  “And you’ll talk to Fox, help her out. I kinda like her.” When the woman wasn’t dipping a toe in the pool of paranoia, that is.

  “Yes,” he said with bite. “I’ll help her.”

  Such a good boy, and good boys deserved a reward. Katarina took his gloved hand and cupped it over her breast; her nipple throbbed for his attention. He moaned, palming his massive erection with his other hand.

  “See what you do to me, Rina.”

  “If only you could feel what you do to me, warrior...”

  Another moan as he kneaded her.

  A soft knock sounded at the door. Baden stiffened, and she twittered with glee. She released him—every feminine part of her screamed for every masculine part of him—to skip to the door. Let the games begin.

  Seeing the masseuse for the first time stunned her. He was fully human, like her, and young, probably in his mid-twenties, with straight brown hair pulled back in a man-bun and dark eyes framed by long lashes. He displayed no telltale vulnerabilities, his physique matching the voice she’d heard over the phone: strong. Obviously he worked out. Not that a lifetime in a gym would make him an even match for, say, a male like Baden.

  Pride coursed through her. That’s my man.

  “Come in. Please.” She stepped aside.

you. I’m Thomas, by the way.” He entered with a basket of oils, stumbling over his own foot when he spotted big, intense Baden in the chair.

  “Don’t worry,” she said. “The warrior has promised not to harm or kill you.”

  Thomas paled. “That’s...comforting?”

  Baden merely glared at him.

  “Very comforting. Now. Be a dear,” she said, her eyes locked on Baden, “and turn away. Also close your eyes while I undress and get situated on the table.”

  “Of course.” He obeyed swiftly, and not just because he feared Baden’s reaction. Fox had told her about saving him from a horde of vampires years before—vampires!—and how he’d been completely devoted to her ever since, serving her and her guests to the best of his ability.

  Katarina untied the belt at her waist, Baden going still with sublime attentiveness, as if she were the only other person on the planet; he didn’t even seem to be breathing. She shrugged out of the robe, the material pooling at her feet, every inch of her suddenly revealed.

  Flipping her hair over her shoulder, she allowed him to look his fill. She wasn’t shy. Why pretend?

  He gripped the arms of the chair. “You are...”

  Cool air teased her distended nipples while the heat of his gaze dampened her core. She traced a fingertip from sternum to navel then turned, presenting her ass. “I am?”

  “Katarina.” A husky plea. “You are exquisite. My every fantasy made flesh.”

  Oh, the things he says, the things he makes me feel! “And this is only the beginning...” she said, forgetting for a moment that they had an audience. She climbed onto the table and covered her lower half with the blanket. “I’m ready.”

  Thomas rifled through the oils, selecting the one he wanted before discarding the others.

  “Let me know if I press too firmly or lightly,” he said, rubbing the oil over his hands. The scent of lavender wafted from him as he reached for her.

  When a growl parted Baden’s lips, Thomas hesitated.

  “Baden,” she said. “Behave or this stops.”

  He quieted straightaway.

  Well, well. He didn’t like another man handling her, but he sure did enjoy the show.


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