A Ghostly Ménage

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A Ghostly Ménage Page 4

by Eve Langlais

  She decided to go on as if she hadn’t had the freakiest dream and night ever. But the ghosts she didn’t believe in wouldn’t stop bugging her. The third time she felt a cold swipe at her groin, she threw up her hands. “Fine. I’ll Google it. You happy now?”

  No one replied, but a tingly air-kiss on her neck made her skin goose pimple and her nipples poke holes through her t-shirt.

  She booted up her laptop on the dining room table and typed in ‘witch spell’.

  “Holy fuck. 3,010,000 results.” That was about three million nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine more than she wanted. She needed to fine-tune her search, so she added the word limbo and only got ninety thousand four hundred entries. She twiddled with the search terms and became engrossed in her research, amazed at the amount of websites devoted to witchcraft.

  On a whim, she typed in “witch Twin Dales”. To her surprise, a listing came up for a shop in the town itself. She clicked onto the website and found an online store for all types of witchy items from charms to potions and more. She looked at the contact info and stared at the picture of the blonde ice queen she’d bumped into. Clarissa Mayweather.

  Crap. It figured the bitch she’d run into was the one person in town she really needed to talk to. Her curiosity was completely roused though, so like her or not, she was the closest witch around. Jenna shut down the laptop and grabbed a jacket. She opened the door, but a cold wind pulled it out of her hands and slammed it shut.

  “What the fuck!” She glared around looking for ghostly culprits that she didn’t believe in. Not believing didn’t stop her from getting mad. “You asked me to find a solution to your problem so why the hell aren’t you letting me follow through?” No one answered of course. She grabbed the door handle and pulled. At first she met some resistance, but flesh and blood were no match for an overactive imagination, and she managed to wrench it open and stalk outside where the late afternoon warmth dispelled the chill of inside.

  “Men.” She snorted. “Even dead, they just can’t make up their minds.”

  Derrick and Mark watched from the window with matching appalled faces as she drove into town to meet the witch who’d banished them.

  “Fuck, this is bad,” said Derrick. In a fit of rage and impotence, he punched the wall, ineffectively since his hand went right through the plaster.

  “We forgot to warn her,” said Mark, disgust in his tone. “I let myself get distracted and now she’s walking straight into danger.”

  “We’re both guilty of that. If she makes it back, we need to visit her dream again tonight and tell her of the danger she’s in.”

  The waiting might have killed them if they’d had real bodies. Their little mate was about to unknowingly beard the dragon in its den, and they both feared for her safety.

  * * * * *

  Jenna parked in front of the witchcraft store. Like the other establishments on the main street, it had a certain nostalgic charm with its large, plate glass window decorated with Halloween witches on brooms. She opened the ornate wooden door replete with a bell that tinkled as she entered.

  Inside, a medley of smells from heavy incense to pungent herbs overwhelmed her. Stones of all sizes and colors glittered in bins and hung on chains, while labeled vials of different colored liquid lined the shelves. A curtain at the back parted and the proprietress stepped forth.

  Clarissa appeared shocked to see Jenna, a reaction she quickly hid behind a smile of greeting that never made it to her eyes. “Well, if isn’t our newest town resident. How can I help you today?”

  “Hi. Sorry about the run-in the other day. My name is Jenna, by the way.”

  “You may call me Clarissa.”

  You may call me Clarissa? She’d twisted what should have been a friendly greeting into pure condescension. But Jenna wasn’t here to make a friend; she needed information-and possibly an exorcism. Bolstered by the evidence of the arcane around her, Jenna blurted, “I think I’m being haunted.”

  Perfect brows arched high. “Really? And what makes you think that?”

  Jenna blushed. She hadn’t meant to say that. After all, she didn’t believe in ghosts. But she’d run out of excuses for what kept happening to her. At one point when the impossible was the only thing left…

  “I know it sounds crazy, but ever since I moved into that house, weird things have been happening.”

  “Tell me more.” Clarissa’s eyes glittered and Jenna hesitated. “It’s all right, Jenna. I’ve had a feeling about that house for years. I mean, the boys were never found, so it only stands to reason their spirits would haunt the place.”

  “I never said it was them.” And she definitely wouldn’t be mentioning the naughty things they did to her in her dreams.

  “It makes the most sense,” said Clarissa shrugging. “No one else in their family ever died a violent death or went missing. Why don’t you tell me what those ghosts have been up to?”

  Maybe it was because she was glad to tell the story to someone who didn’t think she was crazy, or the fact that Clarissa didn’t call the loony bin, but Jenna unburdened all the inexplicable things that had occurred from the cold drafts to the opening doors to the moving objects. However, she couldn’t bring herself to tell her about the dream and erotic touches. That was a little too bonkers even for her, and interested and friendly as Clarissa seemed now, Jenna didn’t quite trust her. Something about her just seemed off.

  “So do you think it could be ghosts?” asked Jenna.

  “I’d say there’s definitely some spiritual presence.”

  “What can I do about it? Should I call a priest? Or…” Jenna hesitated then said it in a rush. “Is there a spell that can help them, maybe?”

  Clarissa’s gaze narrowed on her. “Don’t worry about your little haunting problem anymore. Tomorrow is All Hallows Eve and a full moon so the magic will be especially potent. I’ll come over and get rid of those pesky ghosts for you.”

  “This won’t hurt them, will it? I just want to help them.”

  Clarissa chuckled, a sound that wasn’t altogether pleasant. “Oh, don’t worry, it won’t hurt one bit.”

  Jenna shivered. Why do I get the impression I just agreed to the wrong thing?

  Chapter Six

  The brothers both heaved a sigh of relief when Jenna came through the door alone. They flew at her, badgering her with questions she couldn’t hear. She swatted at their spiritual bodies as if they were nothing but annoying flies.

  “Would you stop that?” she finally snapped. “I’ve got help coming for you tomorrow. Just give it one more day and you’ll go wherever it is spirits are supposed to go.”

  Mark grimaced and tugged his brother away from Jenna. “Damn. We don’t have much time. There’s got to be something we can do.”

  “I know what I’m doing tonight.”

  “What? Do you have an idea?” Mark looked at him hopefully.

  “If we’re going to die for real tomorrow, I plan to make love to our mate, dream or not. I refuse to die without having had a taste.”

  Mark wanted to chastise him for thinking of sex at a time like this, but Derrick had planted a seed in his mind. Suddenly all Mark could think and see was the two of them making passionate love to the woman they would never have. This could be his last chance to taste ecstasy before the end, for he had no doubt that this time Clarissa would end it.

  And Mark had run out of ideas.

  * * * * *

  Jenna found herself standing in the field again-naked. However, this time she didn’t run, even when the green eyes approached her in the darkness. The wolves of the previous night did not make an appearance, just two extremely hot ghosts whose dream flesh tempted her and made her wet with desire.

  She licked her lips as they approached, their lithe bodies moving with a grace and fluidity that made their muscles ripple. The looked at her intently. She shivered and her nipples tightened.

  Derrick grinned at her suddenly. “I think she’s ready for us, brother.�

  Mark just gave her a smoldering look and Jenna dropped her gaze to stare, mesmerized, at the pair of cocks that grew and bobbed temptingly in front of her.

  “Like what you see?” Derrick asked in a husky tone.

  Jenna blushed and swallowed. “I-um, talked to a witch today. She says she can help you guys out of here.”

  Mark growled. “Don’t trust her. She’s the one who put us here. You must not approach her again.”

  Startled, Jenna blanched. “But…she said…” Oh, fuck. Jenna felt like an idiot.

  Strong arms enfolded her. “It’s okay. Just promise to leave before she shows up.”

  Jenna wanted to protest and apologize, but Mark’s lips caught hers in a fiery kiss, and all coherent thought left her mind. Derrick’s scorching hot skin pressed up against her back. Sandwiched between the guys, she abandoned herself to pleasure. Thoughts of right and wrong, shame over her wanton desire for two men, everything vanished and the only thing left was pure passion.

  Mark devoured her lips as if they were the tastiest meal, his lips sliding and caressing, while his tongue insinuated itself between her lips to duel with hers. Derrick nipped and suckled at the sensitive skin on the back of her neck, and when her knees gave way, his big hands spanned her waist and held her up. He ground his cock against the crack of her ass, a motion mimicked by Mark at her front. Their throbbing lengths seemed so impossibly big.

  They lay her down and the silky tickle of the grass against her skin made her squirm. The boys positioned themselves on either side of her. It was Derrick’s turn to kiss her now, his fierce mouth claiming hers, while Mark branded her with a trail of caresses down to her erect nipple.

  Jenna accidentally nipped Derrick’s lip when Mark’s hot mouth took her taut nub in his mouth, but her small bite only seemed to enflame Derrick who left her lips to torture her other breast. Their slicks mouths pulled and tugged at her aureoles and Jenna grabbed at their hair, while her lower body bucked.

  A final hot suck, and Mark left her breast quivering and wet. He slid down her body, his lips tracing over the roundness of her belly to her short curls that marked the apex of her thighs.

  Jenna watched Mark, her eyelids heavy with desire, while Derrick toyed with her nipples, twisting and tweaking them. Mark regarded her with smoldering green eyes and, with a small smile, he bent between her thighs and licked.

  Jenna screamed. The blissful feel of his tongue flicking against her clit made her sex clench, and when he stabbed his tongue into her, she had a mini orgasm, her hot juices gushing.

  Oh my god.

  Mark nearly came at the taste of her, dream or not. He signaled for Derrick to take over so that he could calm down. Derrick eagerly complied, his dark head moving between her thighs and continuing the oral pleasure.

  Jenna thrashed, her eyes shut, her face flushed. Mark’s cock jerked. He was so close to the edge, a state Derrick shared apparently, for he left off his feast long enough to gasp, “I can’t wait any longer. Mouth or cunt?”

  Mark closed his eyes. What do I want? Jenna opened her eyes, her lids languorous with passion and when she licked her lips, she made the decision for him. Mark lay on his back, his cock jutting proudly.

  Derrick scooped Jenna up and flipped her. With a startled cry, she braced her hands on either side of Mark’s hips. A bead formed on the tip of his shaft as she stared down at him.

  He knew when his brother penetrated her as soon as her eyes widened. Mark cupped her face and guided her over his cock. He rubbed the swollen head over her lips. Taking the hint, she opened her mouth wide and took him in.

  Oh, fuck. The molten wet feel of her mouth was paradise. Mark tried to hold on. He dug his fingers into the ground, but it had been so long. He opened his eyes to watch, but it was too much. The vision of her head bobbing eagerly, her wet mouth sliding…Mark shot his cream with a loud yell.

  Derrick heard his brother cry out and fought to hold on a few more seconds. Her cunt gripped him tightly as he pumped in and out. He held onto her hips, driving himself into her welcoming softness.

  Close to the brink, dream or not, he needed to claim her as his mate. He leaned forward and pulled her torso back. The sweet scent of her skin filled his senses and as his cock spurted inside her channel, he bit into her soft flesh.

  The moment the metallic taste of her blood filled his mouth, he felt himself slipping away, his dream body fading till he awoke alone on the hard floor.

  “Fuck!” Derrick stood up and looked at Jenna still asleep on the bed. He tasted her blood on his tongue and though it had been a dream, he sensed the mate-bond between them. One-half of the whole simmered with energy lacking only the matching mark from his brother.

  Derrick sat on the bed and waited for Mark to emerge from her dream. The mattress sagged under his weight and with a shout of surprise, Derrick jumped up.

  I felt that!

  The noise, movement, or both woke Jenna. She opened heavy-lidded eyes and smiled lazily. Then she screamed and sat up.

  “I can see you!”

  “And about time too!” said Derrick, a brilliant smile bursting forth. “Hello, Jenna.”

  “But how can I finally see you?”

  Derrick waggled his brows at her and laughed when she blushed.

  “But what about your brother?” she finally stammered.

  “You need to go back. Tell him to claim you like I did.”

  Jenna’s brow creased. “What do you mean ‘claim’?”

  “You are our mate, Jenna. When I bit you at the height of my orgasm, I marked you as mine, Now Mark must do the same.”

  “But I never agreed to that!” she said indignantly.

  “We are fated to be together, you, me and Mark. Trust me, you’ll never lack for anything.” He traced a finger down her cheek and gave her a wicked smile full of promise.

  “But what will people think?” she sputtered. “Don’t I get a say?”

  “The town is used to our family’s ways. As for your say, are you going to try and tell me you don’t want us? I could prove you wrong if you’d like.” Derrick held her gaze while he stripped out of the clothes he’d worn for the last six years. At least in limbo they’d never gotten dirty.

  Her eyes widened with every piece of clothing he removed and when he stood naked and erect, she swallowed.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to prove it can be even better in person than in a dream.” Or at least he meant to until a cold breeze drifted across his body. His brother had apparently woken too and noticed Derrick’s escape from the curse. “You need to go back to sleep and rescue Mark.”

  She crossed her arms stubbornly. “And if I don’t want to?”

  Derrick smiled at her dangerously. “Then I will make love to you till you pass out with exhaustion.”

  She gaped at him, and once again her cheeks flushed with color. Derrick’s nose twitched as the sweet scent of her arousal drifted to him. With a growl, he lay down on the bed beside her. When she tried to scoot away, he turned to his side and latched a thick arm around her waist. With a swift tug, he pulled her into his body and spooned her, glad she wore pajamas. He feared the feel of her soft skin would have proven too tempting to resist, and his brother deserved his freedom. Now.

  Once they were together again in the flesh, they would take their new mate till her only protest was, “Fuck me, ‘cause I can’t take it anymore.”

  Chapter Seven

  Jenna closed her eyes and just knew she wouldn’t be able to fall asleep. Who could with a hunky naked stranger spooning her? Okay maybe not a complete stranger. After all, Derrick had haunted her since she’d moved in. Still, a ghost and dream lover was a far cry from the real thing. And now he wanted her to fall asleep and rescue his brother by letting him bite her. While making love to me. She squirmed when she thought of having to bend over for Mark and letting him pound his cock into her.

  Derrick growled. “Sweetheart, if you keep doing that, I’m going
to have to delay my brother’s rescue to make love to you.”

  Jenna stilled even as her libido screamed, “Take me!” She’d never fall asleep at this rate, so it was with surprise that she suddenly found herself in the field again with Mark waiting for her.

  “Thank you for coming back,” he said softly.

  “Yes, well your brother didn’t really give me much of a choice.”

  “I know this is quite a shock, and I assure you I didn’t know that to be free we’d have to claim you.”

  “Are you telling me you wouldn’t have claimed me otherwise?”

  Mark chuckled. “Oh, never fear. I would have claimed you. It just never occurred to me to do so in this form.”

  “What does this whole ‘claiming’ thing mean anyway? I don’t get it.”

  “My brother and I are special. You’ve read about our ancestors so you know for each twin set there is only one woman. Once we claim you, we will all three be together forever.”

  Jenna wanted to protest. They barely knew her. How could they make that kind of promise?

  He sensed her doubt. “We’re not like other men, Jenna. When we mate, we do so for life. There will never be another woman for us. We will be a family.”

  Jenna gnawed her lip. It sounded so perfect. She wanted to believe him because she was drawn to the brothers. And by more than lust. But it was impossible to fall in love with ghosts.

  He won’t be a ghost for long if I let him bite me.

  “Fuck it. This is probably the craziest thing I’m ever going to do, but claim me, bite me. Do whatever you need to do.”

  Jenna closed her eyes and waited to feel his teeth chomping. Instead, she found herself enveloped in a hug. Mark chuckled softly against her ear.

  “Oh, sweetheart, thank you, but if you don’t mind, let’s have a little fun first. It will make our mating all the more pleasurable.”


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