The Way Barred (Not Quite Eden Book 4)

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The Way Barred (Not Quite Eden Book 4) Page 24

by Dominique Kyle

  “Maybe you could just make your initial number one a lot larger than the other numbers?” Jo pushed.

  Pete looked uneasy, like he didn’t want to tempt fate.

  Up at the house later on, Jo was talking to us all about my chase up the points table. “Tyler’s not making a huge effort,” she said disapprovingly. “Seems to be sitting back on his laurels.”

  “It’s not that,” I defended. “It’s just that he can only drive one day a weekend now as he has to see his kids on the other one and Jeanette has banned him from taking them to the races with him.”

  Sue looked sympathetic and Paul nodded.

  Pete was unimpressed. “He can’t want it that much if he’s not willing to stand up to pressure from an ex-wife!”

  “You’ll think differently when you get kids yourself Pete,” Paul intervened. “Tyler’s old and wise enough to realise that driving cost him his marriage, and now he doesn’t want it to cost him his kids as well…”

  “Oh well,” Jo said. “I can’t pretend that it isn’t convenient to us! I’ll sit down tonight and try and work out if there’s any chance of Eve taking the Silver if she throws herself at any race that has points left in it while he’s restricted to one day a week only. Because I think there’s a chance that they could at least be neck and neck by the end of the season.”

  “You do that,” Paul encouraged her with a smile. “Can you imagine how satisfying it would be to have a Gold and a Silver roof sitting in that barn out there next year?”

  “Let’s go and visit Mariah,” Tyler suggested when he came over mid-week after the World Championship.

  She was still at my parents and I wondered if it was really just an excuse to meet my Dad. Hmm. Wanting to meet my Dad was he? Hmmm.

  Dad stood up and shook his hand. I tried to see Dad through Paul Satterthwaite’s eyes. What had he meant when he told Tyler that he’d understand me better if he met my father? Dad was a big man, several tattoos from his shipyard days, big hands, grey curls, grey eyes like my own. But perfectly kind and gentle and nice as far as I was concerned.

  Mariah scrambled down from the sofa where she’d been sitting with my Dad. She held her arms up to us. “Tyer, Tyer! Gitty, Gitty!”

  “You’re popular I see!” Dad commented with a smile as Tyler scooped her up and threw her up in the air to screams of delight.

  “How’s she doing?” Tyler asked in a proprietorial way.

  “Grand,” Dad reported. “Eating proper food, putting on weight, potty trained during the day, endlessly good natured. Pauline’s really enjoying having her around.”

  Pauline was coming out of the kitchen with her hands full of brews. “Yes Ethan’s still at the age when he doesn’t do much, so going down the park with Mariah has been a bit of a revelation. She makes friends straight away and then I get to meet all the Mums!”

  Tyler glanced at Ethan who was propped pudding like up against some cushions, and looked away again. Ethan had that effect on me too. I wasn’t sure what it was, but he didn’t seem to respond to interactions, so I found myself not bothering.

  We accepted the mugs and sat down.

  “So have any of them been in to see her yet?” I asked.

  “Con sidled in a few days ago,” Dad reported. “I think he felt that if he didn’t he’d maybe never get her back. But he didn’t seem to actually want to see her that much. Luckily she was asleep in her cot, so he just peered briefly over at her and it didn’t cause any upset.”

  “What did you talk to him about?”

  Dad rubbed at his arm awkwardly. “I wasn’t really sure what to do. Normally we’d sit down with a can, but I didn’t want to encourage him down that route. So I just told him that Thérèse was sorting out a nursery for the little lass and she could have a nearly full-time day care package and Pauline would look after her out of those hours whenever he wanted to work – so I talked like I was expecting him to take her back soon – so we’ll see…” He looked a bit piercingly at Tyler. “So you’re a fellow driver are you? That champion fellow?” Dad had seen Tyler on Thrills and Spills.

  Tyler glanced at me. “Ex-Champion,” he said modestly.

  “Ex-World Champion, current British and European Champion,” I corrected.

  “Oh aye?” Dad said.

  “We’re seeing each other at the moment,” I explained. Thought I’d better make things clear as he was obviously holding back on Tyler while he worked out what the position was.

  “Oh aye?” Dad said again. He remained unenthusiastic, but not overtly disapproving at least.

  “Talking of boyfriends,” Pauline chirped up. “I’ve seen that Pete of yours going in next door more than once recently!”

  Tyler looked quickly at me to gauge my reaction, but I was pleased. “Oh good! I asked him to cheer Siân up but I didn’t know if he ever went back after the first time.”

  “Oh he seems to be cheering her up alright,” Dad said somewhat sarcastically and Pauline joined in with a husky giggle.

  “Too much information!” I interrupted hastily. “As long as it’s working out, that’s all I need to know!”

  Pauline laughed at me. “Ok Petal, we’ll spare you the details!”

  When we were driving away in the van, Tyler checked, “You don’t mind about Pete?”

  I shook my head. “No, I sort of encouraged it really. I thought he’d be good for her.”

  “And vice versa?” Tyler queried.

  “Not sure…” I admitted, “but I think he’s stubborn enough to put his foot down if he needs to.”

  “And am I strong enough to put my foot down with you?” He teased.

  “No, you’re just a big softy,” I said and leaned over and kissed him.

  “What was your Dad making of me do you think?”

  “He was reserving judgement,” I sighed.

  “No one wants his little girl to be going out with someone so much older whose been round the block a couple of times does he?” Turner admitted. “If my Nad turned up with someone like me at your age my hackles would definitely go up…”

  I reached out a hand to him and stroked his face. “Well I think you’re wonderful, and that’s all that counts isn’t it?”

  “Do you darling?” He sounded touched.

  “Course I do,” I said.

  He pulled up outside my flat and reached over to pull me to him and kiss me. “I’ll be staying at yours tonight by the way,” he suddenly said.

  “Why?” I said, a bit defensively. He’d never stayed over before.

  “Because Quinn and Daisy are bullying you in your own home and I’m not having that,” he said forcefully. “So we’re going in there to stamp out some territory!”

  Quinn did look shocked when we walked in unannounced.

  “Hi there Quinn! How’s things?” Tyler said, putting out an unequivocal hand for Quinn to shake.

  Quinn had, perforce, to shake it.

  “I hear your new band’s doing really well and you’re really good in it?” Tyler said cheerfully going over to the kettle and putting it on.

  Quinn muttered something.

  “And I hear Kes has been guesting some nights? Has it been good to see your best friend again?”

  “Jamie says he’s fitted in really well, and has added some superb counter melodies,” I put in.

  “Tea or Coffee Eve? Can I make you something Quinn?”

  “Tea,” I said. “Thanks!”

  Quinn shook his head.

  Daisy came out of her room and also looked shocked at seeing Tyler. She blushed deeply when he said ‘hi’ to her and edged around him like he might bite. Tyler’s right I thought. They’ve been driving me into trying not to exist. Hiding in my room and letting them take the flat over. And apart from Lisa coming to dress me that night, no-one connected to myself had been in for weeks and weeks. In the old days with Pete, Pete would have been in and out and sometimes stayed over. Tyler had only ever been in twice…

  Tyler brought two mugs over to me and
flung himself down on the settee. “What’s on the telly Eve?” He picked up the remote and flicked the TV on and went through the channels. There wasn’t much except complete crap. But we determinedly sat through a documentary about King Penguins just to take up some space in the room. And Tyler made a point of pulling me against him and kissing me occasionally just to show that he had a right to both myself and the settee whilst I was sitting on it with him. As the credits rolled I started to talk to him about my plans to design and build a new model of F2 car and he sat asking perceptive questions about my ideas, while I sketched some angles out on the back of an old council tax bill.

  “I’m going to bed,” Daisy announced to Quinn, even though it was still only nine thirty. Quinn too retreated to his room and some music blared out, though not overly loudly.

  Tyler grinned at me. “See?”

  “Masterly,” I complimented him and kissed him.

  We then took it in turns to use the bathroom and shower and retired into my room where Tyler said firmly, “And don’t tell me to be quiet! I’m going to make extremely noisy and robust love to you my girl, and they’re going to definitely hear it!”

  I didn’t know whether to giggle like a naughty school girl or feel as appalled as if it were my parents in the next room. Then I thought, no, he’s right, it’s my turn to cause them to have to turn the music up. So I giggled and let him have his way with me as forcefully and thrillingly as he liked.

  Next morning we got up and made breakfast together and because of his early shift Quinn was forced to come out before we’d left and refused to do anything more than mutter something in reply to Tyler’s cheery ‘good morning’, but I felt triumphant. It felt really good to have some back up for once. My own Alpha male had trumped Quinn’s dominance. Somehow, with the advent of Daisy, I’d allowed Quinn to become King of the Castle in this flat. Tonight when I came in on my own I wasn’t going to put up with it. I lived there too and they’d have to lump it or move out. After all it was Quinn who asked me to move there with him, it wasn’t like I’d foisted myself upon them!

  Jo found me a Saturday engagement in Northampton, and then we were off over to Bristol for Sunday afternoon and the F2 Challenge. Both Tyler and Pete had decided not to bother so that left the field clear for me. I took it by the skin of my teeth. Tyler texted me ‘well done’ but I’d never taken much notice of the Challenge so it didn’t mean much to me apart from some prize money and points, which of course are never to be sneered at.

  I found out from Jamie that the last gig that Kes was to guest at was this coming Friday. I was determined to make it there so warned Jo not to organise to leave for anywhere that night.

  I slipped in at the back again, after they’d started. I found Siân lurking about there, probably for the same reason as me. I didn’t want Quinn to see me, she wouldn’t want Kes seeing her. Ridiculously, we ended up standing together as fellow outcasts.

  “How’s it going with Pete?” I asked casually in a short hiatus between songs.

  She looked cautiously sideways at me. “Actually, I really like him. Do you mind?”

  I shook my head. “No, I’ve got Tyler now. You go for it if you want to.”

  She digested that for a bit. Then she said, “I went in to see Mariah yesterday.”

  I glanced swiftly at her. She was looking miserable. “She turned her back on me and buried her head in the sofa. Pauline had to say to her, ‘don’t you want to see your sister, Petal?’” She captured Pauline’s intonation exactly. “But she burst into tears and refused to look at me.”

  “Oh God, that’s a bit heartbreaking!” I observed. There was a short silence between us. “You can take her back as soon as you like you know. Thérèse has sorted out some nursery care and Pauline will look after her before and after nursery every day if you need it. She’s full time at home with Ethan, so it doesn’t matter to her…”

  Siân nodded. “It has to be Dad though really doesn’t it? Because I can’t look after her on my own…”

  “No, you’re right,” I agreed. “But maybe he’s not getting her back to save you from having to worry, so if you tell him you think it’s time, it might give him permission to make the move…”

  Some colour suddenly returned to her face. “Yep, you’re right. I can have a go at talking to him.”

  “They’re really good aren’t they?” I said as they broke into a long instrumental. Kes was adding soaring, winging melodies over the top and Quinn was standing back to one side, sort of smiling at him.

  Siân nodded. Her eyes were on Kes, sort of sad and longing.

  At the end of the set, I pushed my way forward to greet Kes. He hadn’t come to the flat all summer so I suppose he just couldn’t face it. When he saw me his face lit up and we hugged.

  “How are you? How’s Uni?” I opened with.

  “Great,” he said.

  “Have you got a girlfriend?” I asked nosily.

  He shook his head. “Couldn’t face it. How about you?”

  “Someone decided they wanted me, so I gave in to it to get over Pete, and then I found it suited me,” I reported. “So yes, I’ve moved on now. Nearly killed me at the time though.”

  “Me too,” Kes said grimly. And in his case it was literally true. He looked past my shoulder and his face suddenly shuttered up. I looked round and saw exactly what I was expecting to. Siân was approaching.

  I took hold of Kes’ hand and held it tightly and kept him from walking away. Best he did this. First time he’d seen her since she did those awful things to him.

  “Piss off!” He attacked with reflex violence. He recoiled from her.

  “I just wanted to say I’m truly sorry,” Siân said urgently. Her eyes caught mine for a moment, as though she was including me in the apology. Kes tried to tear away from me but I hung on. “Stay Kes, let her say her piece…”

  Siân tried to beam her feelings to him with intensity of gaze. “I’m truly, truly, really sorry! I can’t even understand now what made me be such an evil cow! I just couldn’t cope with Mum dying and I went mental and out of control…”

  “Oh no, don’t play the bereavement card on me!” Kes spat out at her. “Don’t think you can reel me back in with some crocodile tears!”

  She swallowed and I saw a sparkle of tears glistening in the back of her eyes that she tried to hold back. “Ok Kes,” she said. “I get it. I just wanted to tell you that I regret what I did and I know I can never make it up to you, but I just wanted to apologise, that’s all.” And she turned sharply and pushed her way back through into the crush.

  Kes was shaking. Poor Kes. I hugged him tightly and he began to calm down. “Do you need a drink?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I do,” he agreed.

  “I’ll go and get you one from the bar,” I promised. I caught sight of Quinn’s head turning this way and that, his eyes searching for Kes, and I retreated tactically. I got the pint and the shot of whisky and wormed my way back to the stage where I left the glasses by Kes’ guitar stand and then I pushed my way out to the door. Time to leave.

  Outside I found Siân lighting up a cigarette.

  “Do you want a lift home?” I offered.

  “Why are you going?” She asked.

  “Avoiding your big brother,” I admitted. “I only came to see Kes.”

  “Why are you avoiding Adam? You live with him!” She gave me a ‘you two are so weird’ look.

  I sighed. “He’s somehow managed to not speak to me for weeks. Ever since Mariah went to my Dad’s.”

  She emitted an angry snort. “He’s got no right to say anything about that!” She exploded. “He’s only been back to see us four times since Mum died. Four times! And he never offered to look after her for even an afternoon! I’m so angry with him!”

  “Ok, let’s go,” I suggested as she violently threw down her half smoked cigarette.

  She stopped short when she saw the bike. “Why have you got Adam’s bike?”

  “Quinn wanted Daisy to
have mine,” I explained and kicked out the stand.

  She got on behind me and held onto the cissy bar behind. “Thanks for this,” she shouted over the roar of the engine starting up.

  “No worries,” I shouted back, and I found I meant it.

  A weekend mounting up points, and Siân texted me on the Sunday to say they were going to get Mariah back the following Friday after she’d had her first week at nursery and they were sure she’d settled. Tyler cheered when I reported this to him on our next phone call. He seemed to think it all sounded very positive.

  “Do you need me to come along and stomp around the flat again?” He asked me with a smile in his voice.

  “Well he’s still managed the superhuman feat of not saying a word to me, but I no longer feel I have to hide away in my room with a paper-bag over my head,” I reported.

  “Hmm,” he mused. “Sounds like another macho visitation might be needed…”

  I giggled. Alpha male? Yes. Macho? No.

  We were all in the Beast travelling together for once. And I was in the front seat between Pete and Paul for the first time since me and Pete split up.

  I nudged Pete. “How does it feel to be the Mutt’s Nuts at last?” I teased.

  He shoved me back and it descended into a bit of a lark around and play wrestle restricted by our seat belts. Jo clipped us both round the ear from behind. “It’s like being in the van with a pair of two year olds!” She condemned.

  “Which reminds me…” I said. “You driving tomorrow Pete?”


  “If you aren’t you need to go round and help Siân bring the cot back from Dad’s.”

  “Do I have to?” He said glumly.

  “Yes you do!” I exclaimed. “It’s a big day for them all. It marks them returning to a semblance of normality!”

  “I s’pose that means the brat will be with us a lot more now,” he surmised in negative tones.

  “She’s a little sweetie though,” I encouraged him. “You’ll soon take to her. Though she’ll probably call you ‘Pee’ so be prepared for that!”


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