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Taboo Page 3

by Leslie Dicken

  “You-you have broken our laws.”

  “I know.” Then he slammed his fist on the wood. “But they are your laws.”

  Ariana bit her trembling lip. She should not have stopped to help him, she should have never spent the night. “The laws clearly state you may not cut down trees for any purpose other than shelter or fire.”

  Andreus carefully climbed inside the wooden vessel. “It is a boat, Ariana. It can provide shelter, if needed.”

  She shook her head. “It is forbidden.”

  His eyes darkened with fury. “Do you know why it is forbidden? Because they are afraid we will try to leave. They don’t want us to go across the ocean. Even after all these years. Tell me why.”

  Her stomach clenched, tears blurred her vision. She could not tell him why. But he was right. They did not want anyone to cross the ocean. On the other side was the landing pad with the space ship that had brought their ancestors here.

  She crossed her arms and turned away. And it was her people, the astro-archeologists, who caused the disaster. The space shuttle was destroyed, un-repairable. For centuries, following generations were trapped in an ancient dwelling—just to hide their shameful secret.

  Oh hell, he was losing her. Just as he predicted, she was cut of the same conservative cloth as the rest of her people.

  Although the feuding that erupted a century ago over finding a way off the planet had disappeared, the painful fall-out remained. Even without communication to Aerotaun, all children grew to learn the rules. And the most important one was not destroying the trees for any purpose other than shelter, food or fire. No one had dared to cross that edict.

  Ariana could not question the restrictions or push for a new future. She, like the rest of her culture and many of his, had accepted this place as their permanent home.

  He did not. Andreus promised he would take his brother across the ocean. And he would.

  Without another word, he climbed out of the boat. Pain shot up his leg as his foot touched the ground. A low ache throbbed in his skull, deep in his joints.

  Ariana still did not look at him as he passed by her. He could smell her, sweet like the nectar fruit. Only a short time ago, her mouth had swallowed him whole. His cock twitched at the memory. She brought him higher than any treetop. He felt weightless in her embrace.

  Now she would leave him.

  “Come have a drink.” He knelt before the lagoon and scooped up the clear water.

  Wordlessly, she joined him. Her wings fluttered in the gentle breeze as she knelt. Her reflection shimmered on the water’s surface. Beauty did not begin to describe her. Large, bright eyes, straight nose and pretty, upturned lips. A curtain of silvery hair swept down from her shoulder.

  She was an angel, a butterfly. And soon she would take flight.

  Andreus reached out for her hand. She stared down at him, then bit her lip.

  “I-I should go.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  Ariana swallowed more water then rose to her feet. Her long legs gleamed with the sun’s kiss. “This…you and I…” She turned away. “Can I get anything for you before I go?”

  Her tenderness, her faith, her trust.

  Andreus splashed his warming face, but the fire on his cheeks did not dim. He found the walking staff and pushed himself to stand, but could not put any weight on his injured leg. “I cannot force you to stay, nor can I lie and say that I do not care if you go.”

  He hobbled to the path, but did not hear her follow. “You know where I am, should you decide to return.”

  “You look as if you’ve fallen ill.”

  The concern in her voice lifted his heart. She did care for him, but something prevented her from staying. Was it her lover or the restrictive teachings of her people? Either way, he did not want her here, no matter how much she tempted him, unless she truly wanted to stay.

  Andreus wiped the sweat collecting on his brow. “I will be fine.”

  “Do you have enough food?”

  He turned back to level her with a stare. But despite the aching in his limbs, he wanted nothing more than to crush her against him. She’d stirred his blood like no one before. But he’d not abandon his dream to leave this place. Not even for her.

  “Go, Ariana.”

  She blinked then set her chin. Without a sound, she lifted into the air, her wings taking her high up over the trees. Then she was out of his sight for good. But not out of his heart.

  Chapter Four

  Ariana stopped for something to eat, then flew nearly ten miles before she realized she’d been a fool.

  Still flying near to the coastline, she came to rest on a large branch jutting over the beach. Black birds squawked at her arrival and scattered into the air.

  Typically she experienced peace, unwavering tranquility, at the long silent flight. But now she felt only emptiness.

  She’d left Andreus all alone. And he was growing more ill.

  Even without brothers or sisters, Ariana saw many others grow sick with fever. Glassy eyes, flushed face, sweating brow.

  What kind of person was she to leave him in that condition?

  By the stars, he unsettled her.

  Every part of who she was. Her body had ignited in passion at his touch. Her mouth hungered to taste him. And now he made her question the very culture she was born into.

  Who were her ancestors? What had they done to leave five hundred people stranded on an alien planet?

  The Marimar did not know who caused the space ship’s destruction. Lies and half-truths concealed the true story of The Landing.

  And yet Ariana never once contemplated leaving. Accepting her lot in life, her future as a wife and mother, she went willingly in Hanken’s arms. Now the thought of him left her unsatisfied.

  But what of the rest? Was it possible for her to return to the top floors of the Dwelling to live the rest of her life as was expected of her?

  Rolling, gray clouds crested over the horizon. If she were to get back to Andreus before the storm, she must leave immediately.

  She did not make it in time. The rain drenched her skin, the winds blew her off course, but she landed at his beach before darkness fell.

  Ariana found him in the hut, lying on the leaf pallet, his injured leg resting on a large overturned bowl. His ankle had swollen past the size of a sweet nectar fruit, his face shined with sweat.

  Her stomach clenched, throat tightened. He was more ill than she assumed.

  She knelt by his head and wiped the dampness from his brow. Rain blew in, threatening to extinguish the fire. She looked around for a blanket, but found none.


  He turned his face toward her, his eyes slowly opening. “My angel has returned…”

  She swallowed relieved tears. “You have a fever. I need to get you medicine.”

  His lips curled as his hand found hers. “I prayed you’d come back to me.”

  “I shouldn’t have left you.” Not when he was so sick. Her fear had superseded her compassion. “I’ll return shortly with something to revive you.”

  Andreus squeezed her hand. “The seaweed is thick, grows near the rocks.”

  Seaweed? She wasn’t going in the ocean. A concoction of berries and tree sap would lower his temperature.

  “The-the leaves are long, you can wrap it around my ankle.” He winced, ground his teeth.


  “There are small pods on it, crush and mix those in fresh water for a drink.”

  Ariana glanced out the waves, crashing on the shore. The storm whipped the gray, foaming water. Terror seized her heart. She couldn’t go in there.

  No, there wasn’t a need. The trees would provide for her.

  She brushed a kiss on his cheek, her lips burning from the heat on his skin. “I’ll return soon.”

  Ariana brushed the wet hair from her face and stepped out into the cold rain. The trees she needed were close by. She’d be back with the ingredients and he would be well aga

  But gathering tree sap during a storm proved much more difficult then she’d imagined. The small bowl she’d found had more rain in it than the sweet, sticky substance. Frustration brought a hot sting of tears to her eyes. But she could not wait any longer. This would have to be enough.

  The fire had nearly gone out when Ariana returned to the dripping hut. She slipped off her wings and stoked it back to life, then mixed the sap and berries together over the heat.

  This would work for him. It must.

  Once the brew was warm, she knelt beside him again. “Andreus?”

  He moaned, tossed his head to the side.

  “Please.” The ache in her voice surprised her. “Come back to me.”

  Ariana lowered her lips to his. She slipped her tongue along his lower lip, warmth curling in her belly. She would bring him pleasure a thousand times over once he got well.

  His hand pressed against the back of her head, eliciting a grin from her. So he had not grown entirely weak.

  “Make me well,” he whispered against her mouth. “So I may ravage you again.”

  She shifted so that his head was cradled in her lap then lifted the bowl to his lips. He took a long swallow then lifted his gaze up to hers.

  “This is not from the sea.”

  “No, it is the medicine I use.”

  Andreus licked his lips. “It is sweet, but I am not sure it will work.” He lifted his hurt leg and pain wrinkled his face. “I-I need the poultice still.”

  Ariana encouraged him to take another sip. “It may work yet. You must drink it all.”

  Obedient, he gulped the remainder of the concoction. She went to move the bowl away but his hand grabbed her arm. “Stay with me.”

  Ariana tossed the bowl to the sand and slid down next to him. “Of course.” She curled onto his shoulder, stretching her leg over his and her arm across his chest. His damaged ankle still rested upon its bowl.

  Andreus soon fell asleep again, his chest rising in even breaths, his hand resting on her hip.

  She stared at the approaching darkness to the horizon, where the clouds kissed the angry sea. She could not fathom going across that water, not even in flight. Even if a grand adventure lay just beyond the curve of the planet, fear trembled deep within her bones.

  This planet, the Dwelling, was safe. Known. There was no reason to leave. The concept had never once taken root in her mind. It was not until she met Andreus that she even realized so much else existed.

  Ariana closed her eyes, exhausted from the flight, the storm, and the concern over Andreus. Once tomorrow came, and he was better, she could begin her journey home.

  The fog lifted, if only slightly.

  Andreus turned his head and his lips brushed against silky strands of hair. Ah, his little bird had returned.

  Dull pain still assaulted his ankle, his head still ached, but he felt better than yesterday. Especially since Ariana had come back.

  He kissed her forehead, waking more than just her. His cock rose with a flourish at the touch of her skin.

  Blackness surrounded them. The rain had ceased, but clouds lingered, blocking the light from any stars. But what did he need of light? He could feel instead.

  Andreus smoothed his palm up the softness of her arm. She whimpered and burrowed deeper into his chest. But he was not deterred. He felt alive, as if she brought him back from the brink of death.

  He leaned over and kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her nose. His mouth watered to taste her tongue, to sample the essence of her cream. In an instant, he was rock hard, ready for her mouth. Or, better yet, her tight sheath. “Ariana.”

  She didn’t answer but moved her fingers over his chest. His breath lodged in his throat as she circled over his nipples then flicked them with her nail.

  Torture. Sweet, blessed torture.

  Andreus covered her hand with his own and slid it down to his cock, groaning when she gripped it firmly in her palm.

  There was no wind tonight, no breeze to stir the tree branches or leaves of the hut. There was no sound other than the constant crashing of waves on the shore. Soon he would have their moans echoing in the forest.

  He shifted her on top of him, then pulled her tunic over her head. Her bare breasts pressed against his skin. The curve of her hip cradled his erection.

  Capturing her face in his hands, Andreus pulled her lips down to his. She’d come back to him. She’d saved him. Gratitude and contentment surged to his mouth, where he thanked her with a greedy kiss. He nipped at her lip, suckled her tongue, made her one with him.

  His ankle throbbed, but the fire blazing through his bloodstream overpowered it. He had to have her.

  Andreus skimmed his hands down her back and cupped her bottom. Oh, so round, so firm. His cock pulsed, pleading for her heat. Grinding her hips over his erection, he arched his back, pushing himself against her.

  Harder and tighter he moved her. Her breasts bounced on his chest, the pert nipples grazing his damp skin. He slipped the clothing from her waist and she kicked it the rest of the way off.

  Bare flesh greeted his hands now. Andreus groaned, squeezed her, felt himself spiraling out of control.

  She was so soft, so wonderfully smooth. He lifted his head but saw nothing save for flickering of lightening far off in the distance. He so wanted to see her naked body. Tomorrow. Tomorrow he would take them back to the lagoon and take her amongst the flowering shade trees.

  Ariana cried out and reached for his cock. Her strokes stretched him taut. Another minute of this and he would empty himself in her hand.

  He pushed her hand away and clenched his jaw, searching for the escaping measure of self control. His erection shuddered and a few drops of semen trickled out.

  Once the raging urge had passed, Andreus scooped her bottom in his hands again. But this time he slid a finger between her legs and probed for that waiting warmth.

  Ariana clenched his biceps and whimpered as he slid one finger in and out of her wetness. “More,” she sobbed, the plea echoing her pleasure.

  Andreus plunged another finger in, thrusting them deep inside, between the cheeks of her ass. He flicked her sweet pearl, raising her to the highest mountain. She squirmed, rocked her hips, rubbed his arousal to the edge of insanity.

  Hell, he was insane. His hard cock should be inside of her, pumping its way to an exploding release.

  He pulled his fingers out, shoved the cloth out of his way, and freed his erection for her willing body. Ariana rose up on her knees, feeling for him, positioning herself.

  Andreus lifted his hips to meet her halfway.

  Then his leg came crashing down onto the pallet. He roared as blinding pain pierced his ankle then ricocheted up his leg.

  Ariana immediately scrambled off of him. “Oh, Andreus, what happened?”

  He couldn’t speak, couldn’t unclench his jaw. Shooting stars burst in his head. Fool! He should have wrapped it in the seaweed the first moment he injured it.

  Now he gasped for air, struggled to find a calming breath.

  Her fingertips brushed his leg and he growled. The burn returned to his face, flaming his ears. Sweat beaded along his forehead, dripped down the sides of his face.

  Waves upon waves of agony scoured through his body.

  Andreus dropped his head to the side, blinked in the darkness, and prayed for oblivion.

  Ariana bit her lip, but the tears still fell. It was her fault. Had she listened and braved the ocean, he wouldn’t have been in such agony. But she was convinced her remedy would work, certain her people knew better.

  Now, in the inky blackness of night, she could not seek the seaweed he needed.

  She wiped the sweat from his face, cringing each time he moaned. Andreus had finally passed out or fallen asleep, but the pain still wracked his body.

  Worried she was causing him more distress, Ariana scooted away and wrapped her arms about her knees. A tight band gripped her heart. She could not leave him now, not until he was completely well.
Yet her journey was to last only four days. Her family and Hanken would be expecting her.

  Ariana put her chin on her knees and waited for the dawn.

  Chapter Five

  With the first orange fingers of daylight, Ariana rose to her feet. She’d not done much more than nod off a time or two during the night.

  A glance at Andreus confirmed her fears. He had not improved. His entire body glistened with sweat. His ankle, a mottled color of purple and blue, had inflamed like large gnarled bumps on a tree.

  Her throat constricted with the salty taste of tears. Then she faced the ocean. A knot wound tightly in her gut but she stepped from the hut and into the misty air.

  The damp sand greeted her bare feet. Though the storm had moved on, clouds remained, chilling the air, coloring everything in a dingy gray cast.

  Ariana straightened her back and stepped forward to the surf. She tried to remember what Andreus had done the day before, how he’d moved directly into the waves. He’d not even bothered to look beneath his feet, to check for danger. He never even seemed to notice any change in temperature.

  She could do this. She had to do this. Andreus suffered due to her snobbery and anxiety. And that shamed her completely.

  Ariana stood at the water’s edge, debating whether to remove her clothing. She had nothing else to change into once she was wet, yet being naked in the water made her feel more vulnerable.

  A cry rang through the air.

  Ariana hurried back to the hut, where Andreus was up on his elbows. Eyes glassy, cheeks blazing red, he lifted his chin. “Water…”

  She blinked back tears and fetched the small jug. Only a mouthful remained. He swallowed it in a single gulp and collapsed again to the pallet.

  Fighting the suffocating weight of her guilt, Ariana slipped her wings on, grabbed the jug and lifted into the air. First, she’d get more drinking water and then she would go into that seawater. She would find what he needed before he suffered any longer.

  She landed beside the lagoon, cool mist swirling over the surface, enveloping her legs. This place was the most beautiful sight she’d ever seen on this planet. Even with the early morning light, the flowers sparkled, the waterfall sang, the fish danced at her feet.


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