The Real Prize

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The Real Prize Page 4

by Malone, Misty

  Heath saw tears spring to her eyes as she agreed with him. "That's why I'm doing this. It's the quickest and surest way I know to turn things around. A spanking is relatively quick, and once it's over, it's over. You will have paid the consequences for your carelessness; I will forgive you, and you will then be able to forgive yourself. Harmony will be back in our lives and we'll have a clean slate, nothing hanging over our heads that could play havoc with our relationship. Can you honestly tell me that part doesn't sound nice to you?"

  "Yeah, that part does sound good," she admitted. "It sounds really good. But, you said it was going to hurt, and I'm scared."

  He hugged her tight and said, "I understand. I wasn't lying; it is going to hurt, but if it didn't hurt, it wouldn't be very effective in deterring your actions the next time. Now, enough talk; it's time we get this over with." With that, he pulled her up to stand again at his right side. He unfastened her blue jeans and pulled them down. This time she didn't try to stop it, which made him proud of her. He quickly tugged on her wrist, and helped her settle over his knees. He then pulled her underwear down to join her jeans at her knees.

  He had to take a moment to catch his breath when he saw the beautiful sight before him. She had the most perfect rear end, and seeing it resting on his knees was simply wonderful. He shook his head, making himself concentrate on the task before him, however much he didn't want to do it. He thought back to what almost happened less than an hour ago, and that gave him the resolve he needed. He rested his hand on her bare bottom and said, "Now, Sarah, we have a few things to discuss today. First there's the issue of letting your car run out of gas. We also need to talk about keeping your phone with you at all times, and also about walking alone. Do you understand?"

  Sarah nodded her head, and he began talking about running out of gas, going over the dangers it created, and ways to avoid it. When he paused a moment he heard her whisper, "I'm so sorry, Heath."

  "I know you are, baby, but we still need to do this." With that, he brought his hand down on her left buttock, and immediately matched it with one on the right. They weren't extremely hard, but he knew this was her first ever spanking, and he knew she was definitely feeling them. He kept the same pace and strength for eight or ten swats, then gradually increased the strength. As his strength increased, so did her wriggling and squirming, and he had to tighten his grip around her waist.

  After fifteen or sixteen swats, she was squirming and kicking her legs, doing anything she could to try to get off his lap. He had never seen so much squirming in his life, and he had to smile at how much wriggling could come from a five-foot one-inch, 110-pound little ball of energy. She was adorable, and he just wanted to take her in his arms and hold her there. Again he had to remind himself of her close call today, and he steeled himself and added a little more strength behind his swats.

  He watched her reaction, and could tell it was hurting. He was sure when the spanking started she was determined not to yell or cry, but he watched as those good intentions were abandoned. She was now not only yelling, but wriggling, doing whatever she could to avoid his swats. When her yells turned to screams, he paused. She was panting, catching her breath, when he started talking again.

  "Sarah, do you think you've learned your lesson?"

  She quickly assured him, "Yes. Oh, yes."

  He smiled a little at her eagerness, gave her two more swats, and asked, "Will I be getting another phone call saying you've run out of gas again?"

  "No. No more. I promise," she cried.

  "Okay, good. Now we need to talk about your cell phone."

  "What?" Sarah's head snapped back, turning to look at him. He kept the stern look on his face so she knew he was serious. She immediately tried getting up, frantically twisting and grabbing for anything she could reach. He tightened his hold on her, though, so she couldn't make her escape. He rearranged her so she was over his left knee only, with her upper half still supported on the couch.

  He began talking to her again, now about the importance of keeping her cell phone with her at all times. She was still trying her best to get off his knee, but he put his right leg over her legs. When she tried to kick her legs, he had her trapped, and he could tell she was starting to panic. She struggled even harder, but he immediately gave her two quick, solid swats.

  He kept his stern voice steady as he talked to her. "Sarah, settle down or we'll be here even longer." He was glad to see her stop immediately. He'd noticed that she seemed to like it when he took control of things, which he often did when she messed up again. He was pretty sure that take charge attitude always made her feel safe, and it seemed to work again now. She calmed immediately.

  "That's better, sweetie. Thank you. Now, you said you trust me, and I need you to rely on that trust. Remember, I'd never harm you, but we're not done here yet. We've talked about you not having your phone with you on several other occasions, haven't we?" He waited until she answered, although it was so soft he could barely hear her. "I want you to focus your thoughts on that for the next minute or so." With that, he started spanking her again, glad he had her legs trapped this time. The little minx was still trying her best to get off his lap. He talked through this spanking as well, asking questions here and there to be sure she was focused.

  After another dozen good swats, he again paused, resting his hand on her bottom again, feeling the heat it generated. He knew she was really sore by now, but he had one more topic he had to discuss with her yet. After giving her a few moments to catch her breath, he started talking to her again. "I love you, Sarah, and I'm sorry, but we have one more thing we need to discuss."

  "No, Heath, please. I can't take any more. Really, I can't. I'm sorry, so sorry."

  "Shhh, honey, I know. And I'm sorry we have to talk about three things during your first spanking, but you remember this in the future. When you get a spanking we will discuss anything we need to discuss. Unfortunately, today we have one more item, then we'll be through. Have I told you before what you should do if you get stranded along the road?" He could tell the moment she remembered their conversation a couple weeks back about this very thing.

  "You said wait in my car for a policeman or someone I know before I get out. Otherwise, if someone comes to offer help, ask if they'll call someone for me, but don't get out of the car if I'm alone." Then before he could say anything she added, "But I knew the clinic was just up the road not too far, and I didn't want you to worry if you came to get me for dinner and I wasn't home."

  "Sarah, I can't think of many things that could have scared me more than the phone call I got saying you had been attacked by a man out for no good. And the clinic wasn't very far ahead, but could you see it from your car?" When she shook her head, he said, "So he obviously couldn't see you, either. Thankfully you had gotten close enough he could see you when you were attacked."

  Heath could tell he didn't need to say anything further, so he simply said, "That's what I want you to focus on now." He started the last portion of her spanking, and made sure she'd feel it every time she sat down tonight. She was really struggling, but as soon as he started talking again, asking questions again to be sure she stayed focused, he felt her surrender. She stopped struggling, and he stopped spanking. He let her lay there several moments, rubbing her sore bottom, while she caught her breath.

  He pulled her up onto his lap, holding her tight in his arms. "Shhh, sweetie, it's all over. I love you, and you're forgiven." She looked into his eyes, still sobbing. He reached down and kissed her forehead, pulling her face against his chest and holding her tight. He kept whispering his love for her in her ear.

  * * *

  Sarah was so sore and so confused, she didn't know what to think about first. He had spanked her, and it had hurt—horribly! So why, sitting here on his lap with his arms around her, did she feel so content? Her butt felt like it was on fire, but all she seemed to want to do was cuddle into him a little further. She laid her head on his broad, muscular chest and let herself melt into t
hose strong arms wrapped around her.

  Heath felt Sarah snuggle into his chest a little tighter, and he was relieved. He had been worried about her reaction to this spanking. He tightened his arms around her a little more, ran one hand through her hair, and whispered in her ear, "Sweetheart, we can talk about any of this you want to in a little bit. Right now let's just enjoy the peace, and the love I feel between us." She nodded her agreement, feeling that same sense of peace and love.

  He held her, relishing how good it felt to have her cuddle into his chest. He continued to run his fingers through her hair and rub her arms, and was glad when he felt her relax. He was surprised when not much later she fell asleep. He smiled, knowing she had to feel safe and relaxed in order to fall asleep.

  He held her for several minutes, watching the little angel in his arms. She had fought that spanking so hard, she had totally exhausted herself. She needed a nap, and then he knew they had to do some serious talking. He hoped she wasn't angry when she woke up. The fact that she leaned into him, laying on his chest was a good thing, as long as she wasn't doing it only because she was too tired to fight it.

  His phone rang, and a quick glance told him it was Ed. He assumed he was calling to be sure she was okay. He carefully stood up with her still in his arms, and took her into his bedroom. He laid her gently on his bed, making sure she was laying on her tummy, and covered her with a light blanket. He leaned down and gave her a quick kiss on her cheek before going out to the kitchen to return Ed's call. He needed to assure Ed and Sally she was okay.

  He was honest, explaining about her wounds on her elbows that Bill had cleaned for her. He had checked on them, as well, before dealing with her. He assured them she was physically okay, but was sure she would welcome talking to Sally later on, but was sleeping at the moment. Ed thanked him for calling, telling him how worried Sally had been.

  Heath went to the kitchen to fix them some dinner, but checked on Sarah every few minutes, wanting to be there when she woke. He was nervous, not knowing what mood she'd be in. Finally, he sat in the chair in his bedroom and watched the beautiful little lady who had stolen his heart, as she slept.

  * * *

  Sarah slowly woke up and looked around her. She was laying on Heath's bed, but how did she get here? She rolled over onto her back, shrieked at the pain, and instantly remembered the spanking he'd given her. She quickly rolled back onto her tummy, just as Heath appeared at the side of the bed, gently rubbing her back. "Still sore?" he asked as he carefully pulled her onto his lap, being sure her bottom straddled his thighs, and wrapped her in his arms. He kissed her forehead, and was surprised to see the blush on her face.

  She put her arms around Heath's neck and buried her face in his chest and neck. He didn't know why she was blushing, and he had no idea what was going through her pretty little head. "Sarah, you're blushing. Why?" When she didn't say anything, he gently pulled her chin up so she was looking at him. He watched her face flush again. As adorable as he thought she looked, he had to get her talking. "Sarah, talk to me. What's wrong?"

  She tried to look away from him as she said, "I'm embarrassed."

  "What are you embarrassed about?"

  She tried looking down at the floor, but when he gently pulled her chin back up she softly said, "You spanked me."

  "And that embarrasses you why?" He laid her head gently against his chest again. His hope was if she could lean against his chest instead of having to look at him, and if he kept his arms around her, she'd feel safe enough to open up to him.

  He watched her squirm uncomfortably, but patiently gave her time to come to grips with her thoughts, keeping his arms around her protectively. Finally, she began to share her thoughts. "Well, it really hurt. At first I was mad. I mean, I'm not some naughty little kid, I'm a grown woman. Then when you started talking while you spanked, I had to admit you were right. I have been careless and it was dangerous. I understood why you were worried abut me, and I also realized how lucky I am that you love me enough to worry about me. I'm so sorry for worrying you like that, Heath. Now I have to admit to myself that I acted like a naughty little kid and deserved what I got, and that's embarrassing."

  "Oh, sweetheart, I am so proud of you. You aren't acting like a naughty little kid, you're acting like a young lady with some careless habits, who's being adult enough to realize it now and allow the man who loves her to help her. You're absolutely adorable and I love you." He leaned down and kissed her, very glad when the kiss was returned.

  "I can't believe I fell asleep," she said after enjoying their passionate kiss. "I'm really sorry."

  "I can believe it," he chuckled. "You totally wore yourself out fighting me, you little wiggle worm." He grinned as her face turned a pretty shade of red again. "It made me feel good that you felt safe enough to fall asleep. I held you in my arms, not wanting to let you go, and watched you sleep for about twenty minutes. Then I brought you in here and laid you down so I could fix us some dinner. I know I told you we'd go out, but I thought you may prefer staying home tonight, and I'll take you out tomorrow night."

  Heath watched her face light up with a big smile as she nodded. "Thank you so much for that. It was very thoughtful and I appreciate it."

  He smiled and kissed her nose. "Hey, I plan on taking care of the woman I love. Now, let me check your injuries, and then we can eat. How do your elbows feel?"

  "Sore, but they'll be okay."

  He carefully loosened the bandages Bill had on her elbows so he could see the scrapes, checking the left one first. "Ooh, I'll bet that is sore," he said, looking at the scrapes. Let me put some Neosporin on it. It's an antibiotic cream that helps with the pain, too. You wait right here."

  He went to his bathroom and returned with a tube of cream and a roll of gauze and some tape. He applied the cream to her elbow. "Feel any better?"

  "Actually, yes, it does. That stuff works fast. It's already helping some with the pain. Thank you."

  "Good, I'm glad." He carefully replaced the bandage on that elbow. "Now let's take a look at this one. Bill was a little concerned about it, and so was I when I checked them earlier." He took the bandage off and studied the area carefully. "It is definitely worse than the other one. Does it hurt a lot more?"

  "It hurts, yes, but a scrape always hurts for a day or two."

  "It does have a cut that would be hard to stitch, Bill's right. It doesn't look like it's been bleeding any lately, though. This blood all looks old. Let me put some Neosporin on it and wrap it with clean gauze. We'll watch it then and make sure it doesn't start bleeding again." He very carefully applied the cream, not wanting the bleeding to start again. He watched her expression and could tell that elbow was pretty sore.

  He finished putting cream on it and wrapped it carefully. "Okay, all done for now. How does it feel; pretty sore?"

  "Moving it made it sore, but the cream's helping some. Thank you for taking care of them."

  "Of course I'm going to take care of you. I love you. Now, how about some dinner?" He led her out to his dining room, where she noticed he had a lovely table setting, complete with a pillow on her chair. He saw her smiling at the pillow. "That's part of taking care of my little lady." He turned stern again, though, and added, "but only today, and only because this was your first spanking. Don't get used to it, because I generally feel that sitting after a spanking is part of the punishment." He gave her a kiss on her cheek as he seated her for dinner.

  They talked during dinner about the spanking he'd given her, and her thoughts and feelings about it. She reluctantly admitted that although it had really hurt, and still was sore, it probably would help her be more conscientious in the future. She also realized that she found his take charge demeanor and stern, authoritative voice very exciting, although she didn't admit that to Heath. Truth be told, she didn't quite understand that, but they somehow made her feel safe. It was something she'd have to give more thought to later.

  Sarah felt a need to be close to Heath all evening, which w
as fine with him. They spent a couple hours watching a movie, with her sitting on his lap. He took her into his office and showed her some web sites on domestic discipline. They read them together, again with her sitting on his lap. When it got late, he walked her across the street to her house. He kissed her good-night, promising to be over early the next morning, but they stood clinging to each other, neither one willing to let go of the other. Finally, mustering all his willpower, he told her, "It's late, honey. Go to bed and get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning." He gave her one last kiss on the cheek, and went home.

  Sarah dutifully did as he said and went to bed, but she had so many thoughts running through her mind she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep until she sorted through some of them. She got up and went to the kitchen to fix a cup of tea, hoping that would help. Looking at her kitchen chair, she hesitated. Then, taking Heath's idea, she went and got a pillow for it. She was sitting on the pillow at her table with her tea, deep in thought, when a knock at her back door startled her back to the present. Wondering who that could be at two o'clock in the morning, she went to the door and turned the porch light on. When she saw Sally, her best friend and neighbor, she flung the door open, fearing something terrible must have happened.

  Chapter Four

  "Sally, come in," she cried, pulling her friend inside. "What is it; what's wrong?"

  Sally looked at her, confusion written all over her face. "Nothing's wrong with me, but I saw you sitting over here, obviously thinking about something at 2:00 in the morning, so I came over to see if I can help you in any way. What's got you so upset that you can't sleep?"

  Sarah could feel her face blushing again. She seemed to be doing that a lot over the last six or so hours. "Oh, nothing really. I was just having a hard time getting to sleep. I'm fine, but thanks for your concern. Why were you up at 2:00 in the morning? Something on your mind?"


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