The Pirate's Jewel

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The Pirate's Jewel Page 7

by Sable Grey

"I am not. He told me himself.” Rafferty sighed heavily. “You have no choice lest you wish to hang at my side."

  Merrick's blood drummed with fury. Thornton had used him and Hogg had betrayed him, as if he were some kind of puppet. His fingers clenched, and he turned just as one of his men arrived at his door.

  "Hogg and some of the others are going ashore, Captain. He said something about putting an end to your insanity,” the man reported. So, Thornton hadn't as much loyalty as he thought.

  "Set sail, head south. Now!” Merrick commanded and the man nodded, rushing to do as he was commanded.

  "Don't do this. He won't..."

  "I am no dog to someone's bidding. Not his and not yours,” Merrick interrupted. “But I must know something now, Rafferty. Have you any feelings more than lust for me?"

  Rafferty rose to her feet. “Respect. Admiration.” She smiled a little recklessly. “Maybe more, when you aren't tying me up to something."

  "I wouldn't have had to if you had not fought me so hard.” Merrick's eyes narrowed. “But is what you feel enough? Or do you tell me where to take you, where you will be safe, and then I keep sailing with Thornton at my back?” She stared at him, and then reached for his hand.

  "There is a place. Back in Virginia. It's a place where Edward and I hid many times. We could go there and hide,” she smiled softly, “together."

  "Together,” Merrick repeated, then nodded.

  "Until I get bored with you,” she added, her smile twisting.

  "Or I strangle the life from your pretty neck,” Merrick growled, motioning towards the door and waiting to follow her out. “And who is Edward?” She grinned over her shoulder at him, eyes dancing before stepping from the cabin.

  "A man."

  "You were intimate?” Merrick asked when they were above deck.

  "What do you think?” She met his gaze and his lips slanted. “It didn't matter. He was married."

  "You allowed a wife to stop you?"

  "There were fourteen of them and I wasn't going to become number fifteen.” Rafferty matched his stride as he laughed loudly.

  Chapter 10

  Merrick withdrew his sword from the man's chest and turned. Around him, his men were falling. Thornton's army was too many to defeat. He would have to try to escape with Rafferty.

  His eyes darted around. Where was she? His gaze swept across the deck and found her near the bow. His eyes focused past her, at the ship approaching, and his blood chilled when he saw the black flag that flew atop the approaching vessel. Pirates!

  He turned when someone yelled and charged him; Merrick sliced his cutlass smoothly through the man, cutting him in half. He turned back and found Thornton had his hand wrapped in Rafferty's hair.

  She swung her foot, kicked the man in the shin, and followed it with a full punch to the face. Thornton's head snapped back, but he did not release her. Two more grabbed her by the shoulders as Thornton drew back his hand and brought it down hard against her cheek.

  Merrick was nearly upon them, cutlass raised, when he felt a blade slice across his shoulder. Hot pain turned him to face the officer who'd attacked him. Merrick's cutlass drove through his middle. He lifted a boot and pushed him off his weapon then turned in time to see Thornton deliver another blow.

  He raised his cutlass, but the ship rocked moments after the thunder, and he lost his balance, tumbling backwards. Another boom, and Merrick realized they were under the pirates’ attack.

  "Run!” Merrick yelled when he saw Rafferty free from those that held her. She scrambled to her feet, glaring at Thornton. Growling a curse, Merrick rose and raced forward as Thornton struggled to regain his balance.

  Fury pounded through him. But it seemed every step he took towards the man, another opponent stepped in his way. When Thornton finally stood before him, his eyes locked hard on Merrick, the pirate ship was sailing along side the English Bride, and men were swinging from ropes onto the deck.

  Behind Thornton, Rafferty was pulling herself to her feet, one hand clutching her arm. Thornton's blade still glowed red from the strike.

  "You have lost. If I do not kill you, they will!” Thornton shouted.

  "If you do not kill me, then I will have killed you. Nothing else matters to me right now.” Merrick held his cutlass in one hand and drew his dagger with the other.

  "It's Blackbeard!” someone screamed. Around them, men were scrambling, some jumping into the water in an attempt to escape. Thornton stared past Merrick, the blood in his face suddenly drained.

  "I fear we've both lost this day,” he murmured. Merrick glanced back over his shoulder as a broad-shouldered man landed on the deck and started towards them. Intense eyes glared out from a bearded face.

  "Retreat!” Thornton yelled to a ship empty of his men. They'd already fled back to his schooner.

  "Not today,” Merrick said and swiped his cutlass out at the man. A thin red line appeared at Thornton's throat. He dropped his weapon and made a gargling noise as he lifted his hand to the wound.

  "You lost today, Thornton. Rafferty Jones won,” Merrick said in a low voice, watching the man fall to his knees. He turned and his eyes narrowed on Rafferty. She had ripped off her sleeve and tied it around her injured arm. Now, she stepped to Blackbeard's side, and he slipped an arm around her waist.

  "I've never been so thankful to see your ugly face.” Rafferty smiled up at him.

  "I heard you ran into some trouble, Rae.” Blackbeard grinned down at her. “I got here as fast as the wind would blow me.” He winked down at her before lifting his gaze to Merrick and the few men that were left alive. Merrick started forward when Blackbeard gave him the once over.

  "Why would the British fight against his own men?” Blackbeard dropped his gaze to Thornton and rested a hand on one of the pistols that hung on the leather strap across his chest.

  "Captain Cole was helping me escape. Thornton caught up to us, though,” Rafferty explained, glancing at Merrick. Blackbeard suddenly laughed loudly.

  "You seduced the captain! Captain Merrick Cole, no less.” He gave her a squeeze, eyes dancing when they rested on Merrick again. He lowered his mouth to Rafferty's ear and whispered so low that Merrick could not make out the words. His grip on his cutlass tightened, and he strode forward.

  "Unhand her."

  "Edward, don't,” Rafferty murmured and then gasped when Merrick reached forward and jerked her roughly away from Blackbeard.

  "You didn't just seduce him, Rae. He's practically besotted.” Blackbeard threw back his head and laughed loudly.

  "It wasn't that long ago you were so besotted you proposed,” Rafferty defended before Merrick could speak. Blackbeard tilted his head and studied her for a long silent moment.

  "He'll only slow us down,” he said in a low voice drawing his pistol. Rafferty instantly stepped in front of Merrick, but Blackbeard was watching Merrick's expression. The captain's eyes were lowered to the top of Rafferty's head.

  "Are you mad? Move out of the way,” Merrick commanded, but she didn't budge, even when he lifted a hand to nudge her to the side. Grumbling, he sheathed his cutlass and placed his hands on her shoulders, swiveling her from in front of him.

  "No!” Rafferty fought against him.

  "I said move!” Still, she did not listen and Blackbeard's mouth curled when the captain swore loudly and called out for the few men that remained. “Take her to my cabin and keep her there until I am dead!” They started forward but hesitated when she whirled towards them.

  "Touch me and I will have Blackbeard kill you all,” she warned. For a moment, they seemed unsure of what to do. Rather than advancing, they stood there looking between their captain and Blackbeard.

  "I did not lose my men this day so you can let a pirate blow a hole in you!” Merrick growled, glaring at his men so that they looked away. “Move or be moved."

  "Enough. I've heard enough!” Blackbeard bellowed before either could say anything more. “It's only a matter of time before your man returns with more
officers. I will not be arrested today. Come aboard and let us leave this place."

  "Aboard?” Merrick frowned.

  "Another ship meets with us in two days. You and your little jewel can then go with it while I sail on to Virginia. They'll follow me."

  Merrick's frown did not lessen. “You place yourself in danger of being caught."

  "Won't be the first time.” Blackbeard winked, and then bellowed to his men, “Load ‘er up!"

  "Thank you, Edward,” Rafferty whispered. He grinned before turning to grasp the rope and swing back to his own ship.

  "That's your Edward?"

  "He was never mine.” Rafferty faced Merrick. “You are the only one I've ever wanted to keep."

  "You will keep me?” Merrick's lips slanted.

  "Once something is mine, Captain, it remains mine until I kill it.” She grinned and started to reach from one of the ropes, but Merrick caught her arm and pulled her back to him.

  "Then kill me slowly, Rafferty Jones,” he murmured before kissing her soundly.

  The End

  About the Author:

  With favorite authors like Stephen King, Piers Anthony, and Iris Johansen, it's no wonder Sable Grey writes erotic romances with darker tones to them. From historical to contemporary suspense, Sable weaves stories of sex, love, and adventure.

  A storyteller at a young age, Sable began writing small stories as a child for her mother. However, it wasn't until she was well into her twenties that she realized that her calling was sharing her stories with a larger audience than just family members and friends.

  Sable is dedicated to her craft and to bringing her readers quality fiction filled with gratifying and passionate relationships. For her, erotica and romance are one and the same, stories written to touch the mind, body, heart, and soul. Sable is proud that Liquid Silver Books has given her the chance to do just that.

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