Silver Reaper (Reaper Series Book 3)

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Silver Reaper (Reaper Series Book 3) Page 8

by Shelley Russell Nolan

  Still, with what was happening at the compound now, and Killian’s secrecy, the niggle of unease in the pit of my stomach was getting bigger. I couldn’t wait to get to the compound and find out once and for all what was going on.

  But first we had to get through the front gate.

  When we reached the compound and stopped the car, Sam wound his window down and spoke into the intercom. ‘This is Detective Sam Lockwood. I need to speak with Michael Killian.’

  A buzz was soon followed with, ‘I’m sorry, Detective Lockwood, but the professor is not receiving visitors today.’

  ‘This isn’t a social visit. I need to speak with him now.’

  ‘I’m afraid that won’t be possible. If you call his office, his secretary can arrange a time for you to interview him.’ The buzz sounded again and the light on the intercom box went out.

  Sam turned to look at me. ‘Looks like we’re not welcome anymore.’

  ‘Let me try,’ said Chris, getting out of the car and heading over to the gate. He peered through the bars for a moment, scanning the grounds. No one came near him, though I could see a number of people patrolling. He pushed the buzzer on the intercom, but no one responded to his hail.

  Chris returned to the car and leaned down to look through my open window. ‘Guess I’m not welcome either.’

  ‘That’s it.’ I unbuckled, motioning for Chris to step back so I could exit the car. I marched over to the gate, narrowing my eyes as I looked into the astral plane. Four winged Tr’lirians stood in a line across the driveway on the other side of the gate. I depressed the button on the intercom and called on aether as I stared down the Tr’lirians who stood silently watching me.

  ‘You have five seconds to get this gate open or I will do it, and you’ll be picking up pieces of it for the next month.’

  The words had barely left my mouth when the gate swung open. Still holding as much aether as I could, I strode back to Sam’s car and got in. ‘Let’s go get our answers,’ I said as I buckled up.

  Sam didn’t hesitate, driving smoothly into the compound, with the gates clanging shut behind us seconds later. As he drove down the winding driveway, dozens of Tr’lirians popped out of the astral plane to watch us. The boom gates at each of the guard posts were raised as we approached, giving us uninterrupted access.

  ‘Guess Killian doesn’t want you blasting his compound to smithereens,’ said Chris as Sam pulled up in front of the house.

  ‘I still might, if I don’t like the answers I get.’ I climbed out of the car and waited for Sam and Chris to join me before marching to the open front door.

  There was no sign of anyone as we made our way down the long hallway, and I kept my guard up as we approached the closed double doors leading into Killian’s main room. Seeing as he knew we were coming, and had made it clear we weren’t welcome, I didn’t bother knocking. Instead, I used a thread of aether to push the doors open. The slam as they hit the walls on either side reverberated throughout the hall.

  ‘Way to announce your presence,’ said Chris.

  I grinned at him as I stepped through the doorway. The grin faded when I found an empty room.

  ‘That’s it. I’ve had it with being stuffed around.’ I faced the hall and let loose with the aether I still had hold of, sending it flying through the house, flinging open doors and knocking over furniture. I felt a grim satisfaction at the many cries of alarm that sounded in the immediate aftermath.

  It didn’t take long for Killian to come storming into the room, fury in his eyes as he strode towards me. ‘What is the meaning of this?’

  ‘You tell me. You’re the one hiding in your room while we’re out there risking our lives to find your daughter.’

  ‘You didn’t find her. She found her own way home, five minutes ago.’

  ‘She’s here? Is she okay?’

  ‘That is what I was trying to ascertain before you barged your way in and scared the hell out of her.’

  ‘Where is she? I want to see her.’

  His nostrils flared, but I refused to back down. Eventually Killian stepped over to his desk and pressed a button on his phone. ‘Could you ask my daughter to join me in the main room?’ He took a seat behind his desk, still glaring at me, while we waited for Rebecca.

  She walked into the room five minutes later and froze, a frown marring her pretty features. ‘What’s he doing here?’ She pointed at Chris. ‘I already told you there is no way in hell I’m marrying him.’

  ‘Relax, sweetheart, I’m no longer in the market for a fiancée,’ said Chris, a smirk curving his lips.

  Killian shifted his glare to Chris. ‘We had a deal.’

  ‘Well, maybe you should have checked with your daughter before you decided to run her life.’

  ‘Rebecca will do as she’s told. The wedding will go ahead as planned.’

  The stormy look on Rebecca’s face warned me World War Three was about to erupt. I decided it was time to interrupt. ‘Rebecca, I’m so glad you’re okay. You obviously worked out how to drive a manual,’ I said with a smile.

  She stopped glaring at Killian to turn wide eyes on me. ‘Tyler? You’re Tyler?’

  I gave a nod. ‘In the flesh.’

  She squealed and ran across the room, throwing her arms around me. ‘Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t come along and rescued me.’

  ‘Rescued you?’ Killian sprang to his feet and marched over to us. ‘What are you talking about? I thought you’d just decided to come home.’

  Rebecca tossed him a glare. ‘This is not my home. My home is in Sydney, where I will be going back to as soon as I finish packing the rest of my things. I would never have come back here at all if I hadn’t left half my stuff behind.’

  ‘You are not leaving. You are going to stay here and marry Chris Bradbury.’

  ‘Like hell I am.’

  ‘I’m not going to marry a woman who is clearly against it.’ The glare Chris shot at Killian was just as fiery as the one Rebecca wore.

  ‘You will both do what you’re told.’

  ‘Can we forget about who is marrying who for a minute? I need to talk to Rebecca about Talaom,’ I said.

  Killian’s face went pale. ‘Talaom had her?’

  ‘Yes, and he’s also the one who has been torturing and killing your men. So be quiet while I talk to your daughter.’

  He fell silent, thankfully, and I faced Rebecca. ‘Did he come after you?’

  She nodded, eyes shadowed. ‘I couldn’t figure out how to get the van out of reverse so I kept going backwards, until I hit a tree. I jumped out and started running down the road, trying to put as much distance between us as possible. Next thing I know he was behind me in his car. I would have taken off into the bush, but it was so dark I would have gotten lost for sure. I turned around, intending to fight hm. Take the car. Get away. I don’t really know what I was thinking or planning to do. I wasn’t exactly thinking straight at that point.’

  She shrugged. ‘Turns out he was no longer interested in me. All he wanted to do was talk about you. Now that I can actually see you, I understand why. You’re gorgeous.’

  I flushed, shaking my head. ‘He didn’t try to tie you up again?’

  ‘He did the complete opposite. Apologised for kidnapping me, and offered me a lift back into town. When I asked him why I should get in the car with him, he said he needed me to deliver a message to you.’

  ‘What message?’ Killian’s voice was gruff, insistent.

  Her gaze slid to him and then back to me. ‘He said to make sure you were alone when I delivered it.’ She smiled. ‘Give me a lift to my hotel and I’ll fill you in when we get there.’

  Killian strode forward. ‘Don’t be ridiculous. You are not going to a hotel, and you can tell us the message right now.’

  She spun around, hands on her hips, and glared at him. ‘When are you going to get it through your thick head that you do not get to tell me what I can and cannot do? Just b
ecause you supplied the sperm does not make you my father. I’ve had it with your overbearing, autocratic ways. I am leaving with Tyler and there is nothing you can do to stop me. Try it, and I’ll get her to blow this place up. I’ve seen what she can do, and I’m guessing you have too, so don’t piss either of us off. Right, Tyler?’

  I couldn’t stop a grin forming as I stared at Killian. ‘Absolutely.’

  ‘In that case, I’ll go get my bags and be right back.’ She marched out of the room, sleek ponytail swinging, without saying another word.

  I faced Killian. ‘While we’re waiting for Rebecca, you can tell me what’s really going on around here. I’m not leaving until I get answers, even if I do have to start blowing holes in the walls. You will tell me what I need to know. Got it?’

  Killian visibly controlled his temper, taking deep breaths before answering me. ‘I’ve seen firsthand what your kind is capable of. Can you blame me for wanting to protect my people?’

  ‘My kind?’ I asked. Did he mean Davilians?

  ‘Humans. You distrust anyone who is different. How do you think the people of Easton would react knowing we were living nearby? You know they’d hate us, fear us. There might be a few more enlightened ones who would welcome us because of our differences, but mob mentality would fire up the rest. That’s why I’m fortifying this place, to make sure any of my people who are stranded on the physical plane have a safe haven in case our existence is ever discovered.’

  It sounded plausible, in theory. ‘What about the men who died? Why wouldn’t you tell Sam what your business dealings were with them?’

  ‘Because it was none of his business. If you must know, I had them scouting out possible locations in other states in which to build similar compounds in case any of my people chose not to settle in Easton. I don’t want them to feel they are imprisoned here. When they are ready to leave the compound and enter the human world, I want them to know they are never far from safety.’

  He moved over to his desk and sat down. ‘Now then, if you don’t mind I have a lot of work to do. You can wait for my daughter out front.’

  His answer seemed reasonable, though I still had that niggling sense of doubt. But it was clear I had pushed enough for one day. I followed Sam and Chris into the hall and found Rebecca waiting for us.

  ‘Ready to leave?’

  ‘Past ready to leave. I am not going to be sorry to see the back of this place. These guys give me the creeps, the way they disappear and reappear somewhere else. I always feel like one of them is watching me.’

  Knowing Killian, I guessed Rebecca was right but didn’t want to go into it here. What I wanted was to hear Talaom’s message and to understand why he would let her go after kidnapping her and forcing her bodyguard to attempt to kill Chris. Why go to all that trouble when he could have approached me with the message himself?


  The drive back to Easton started with an awkward silence, with Chris and Rebecca doing their best to ignore each other in the back seat. When I turned around to look at them they were facing away from each other. Rebecca had even placed her overnight bag on the seat between them to act as a barrier. It felt like I was back in high school, and I wanted to laugh about how silly they were both being. Refusing to talk to or even look at each other would not make the situation any easier.

  ‘Where are you staying?’ I asked Rebecca, to break the ice.

  She darted a look at Chris, lifting her chin as she said, ‘Riverside Plaza. I have a room booked under my mother’s name.’

  ‘Great. We can drop Chris off at the same time,’ I said with a huge smile. ‘The two of you will be neighbours, give you a chance to get to know each other better.’

  They both glared at me and I stifled a sigh, deciding it was time to get to the real issue.

  ‘What is Talaom’s message for me?’

  Rebecca frowned. ‘Ah, he said I had to wait until you were alone to tell you.’

  ‘I would tell Sam and Chris the message immediately after I heard it, so you might as well tell me now.’

  ‘He was most insistent, about you being alone.’

  ‘I trust them with my life. I don’t trust Talaom at all. Tell me what he said.’

  Rebecca cast a sideways glance at Chris and said, ‘Fine. He wants you to meet with him at midnight. He said to go to the place where he killed you, which doesn’t make sense seeing as you are obviously still alive. But that’s what he said. Oh, and he wants you to go alone.’

  ‘You are not meeting him alone,’ said Sam.

  ‘You got that right. I’m coming too,’ said Chris.

  I stayed silent, rubbing my chest where the bullet had penetrated my flesh, killing me instantly. The physical wounds inflicted by Talaom, and then Grimm, had been repaired when I was resurrected. But the mental scars remained. The thought of returning to the hall at the hockey grounds terrified me almost as much as the thought of going to the Underworld had. But I’d survived that visit. I would survive this one too.

  ‘Talaom might not appear if I’ve got company,’ I said, dropping my hand as I looked over at Sam.

  His jaw tensed. ‘Do not ask me to stay behind. I lost you once. I am not going through that again.’

  I gave a nod, not ashamed to show my relief. ‘If Talaom doesn’t like the fact I have an escort then that is his problem. We go together, or we don’t go at all.’

  ‘You better be including me in that, because there is no way in hell I’m going to let you walk into that hall without me to back you up,’ said Chris.

  ‘Then it’s settled. The three of us go,’ I said.

  ‘Four,’ said Rebecca. ‘I’m part of this too. After all, I’m the one he kidnapped and then released to deliver his message.’

  ‘I don’t think that’s wise,’ said Chris. ‘You’re much better off getting as far away from Easton as possible.’

  ‘If I won’t let my father tell me what to do, what makes you think I’d listen to you?’

  ‘You can do whatever you want. I’m just suggesting you take a step back before you get so deep in this mess that you’ll look on getting kidnapped with fond memories.’

  ‘Do you think I wanted to be kidnapped? To be tied up and tossed in the back of a van? Forced to listen to the screams of the man who was supposed to protect me with no idea what was happening to him or if I was going to be next? Only to then find out it was all part of a sick plan to get back at my father and his boss.’ She gave a snort. ‘But then, seeing as you’re one of my father’s lackeys, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised you’re spouting off about doing what’s best for me.’

  Rebecca leaned across her overnight bag and poked Chris’s arm repeatedly. ‘I’m telling you right now, buddy, you are not what is best for me. I don’t care if my father thinks you and me make a perfect match. It is never going to happen. So you can get that idea out of your head. I wouldn’t even date you let alone marry you.’

  Chris grabbed her hand, stopping her from poking him again, a cool smile on his lips. ‘Relax, sweetheart, I wouldn’t date you either. You’re not my type.’ He flung her hand away.

  ‘Hey, do you two mind sorting your love life out later,’ I said to forestall another tirade from Rebecca. ‘We have more important things to worry about. I don’t believe a word Killian said back there, and I don’t trust Talaom either, but we do need to figure out what is going on.’

  I took a deep breath to calm my irritation at their squabbling. ‘Rebecca, apart from giving you the message, did Talaom say anything else that might explain what he’s up to? Your father, too, for that matter. I know you weren’t at the compound long, but maybe you overheard something that can help us figure out this mess before anyone else dies.’

  ‘Dies? Somebody died?’ Rebecca’s eyes went wide.

  Chris threw his hands up in the air. ‘My God, woman, haven’t you been paying attention to anything?’

  ‘Chris,’ I said. ‘That is not helpful. Rebecca only found out she was part Tr’lirian a co
uple of days ago. She’s been thrust into this world of ours with no warning and no one to help her understand it. How about you explain it instead of criticising her for something she could not be expected to know.’

  Chris grimaced. ‘I’m sure you’d do a much better job of explaining it than me.’

  I gave him a sweet smile. ‘But Chris, you did such a wonderful job when you were filling me in on the nightmare my life was about to come. I’m sure you’ll do just as good a job for Rebecca. Besides, I need to check in with Rhonda and Connor, to see what they found out.’ I held up my phone and twisted around to face the front again, catching the hint of a grin on Sam’s lips when I sneaked a look his way.

  Not giving Chris or Rebecca any more time to object, I dialled Connor’s number and held the phone up to my ear. As I listened to it ring, I could hear a low murmur coming from the backseat.

  Connor answered the phone and I focused on his words. ‘Hey, Ty, there’s nothing at the shed except for one smashed up van. We checked out the service station too, and found nothing to indicate where this Talaom guy might be now.’

  ‘Thanks for checking it out. He’s been in touch to set up a meet tonight. We’re on the way to Riverside Plaza now. Chris has a suite booked.’ I gave him the room number. ‘Meet us there as soon as you can and we’ll fill you in.’


  I hung up the phone, and closed my eyes. I did my best not to listen as Chris explained to Rebecca about Grimm and Almorthanos and the part I’d played in defeating them both. I’d lived through it. Mostly. I didn’t need to relive it all over again.

  When we got out of the car in the carpark allocated to Chris’s suite, Rebecca dumped her bag on the ground and hugged me. ‘You poor thing. I can’t imagine what is has been like for you, being murdered so many times, and then to get sucked into someone else’s body. No wonder you don’t trust Talaom or my father. I’m surprised you can trust anyone.’ She cast a sideways glance at Chris.

  ‘Ah, thanks, but I’m doing okay.’ I extricated myself from her hug. ‘You’ll be okay too, once you get your head around the whole picture. Although, it’s not too late to back out. You could walk away now and forget everything you know about Tr’lirians, reapers, and Killian’s crazy plan to marry you off to Chris. You could catch the first flight back to Sydney and get on with your life, as far away from this mess as possible.’


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