Silver Reaper (Reaper Series Book 3)

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Silver Reaper (Reaper Series Book 3) Page 22

by Shelley Russell Nolan

  ‘Gods?’ I said, letting my voice carry across the arena, trying not to show hesitation when every Tr’lirian present spun around to stare at me.

  I put on my best smile and stepped forward, motioning for Sam and the others to remain where they were. ‘Don’t you mean God, Cade? As in, you? From what I’ve seen you’re not the type to share the limelight with anyone.’

  ‘You.’ Cade’s mouth curled into a sneer.


  ‘I thought the Grim Reaper would have ripped your soul to shreds by now.’

  ‘Yeah, well, he’s nowhere near as crazy as you are.’

  ‘I am not crazy. I am a God.’

  ‘Ha.’ I let my derision show as I moved even closer to the stage. ‘You’re not God. You’re a pathetic wannabe who can’t stand it when he’s not the centre of attention.’

  ‘How dare you.’ His handsome features twisted into a grotesque mask of rage.

  ‘Oh, I dare plenty.’ I lifted my chin and glared at him. ‘Easton is my town, and I’m not going to let you ruin it like you did Angellin. You poison everything you touch. You are not fit to lead Clan Godden.’

  ‘Kill her,’ Cade roared, his order swiftly followed by the sound of hundreds of footsteps as his soldiers ran towards me.


  I waved Sam and the others back when it looked like they were going to interfere. I had to do this on my own. With a steadying breath, I turned to face the Tr’lirians and set my wings free.

  Those in the front stumbled, shock on their faces, sword arms falling to their sides. Many stopped running and dropped to their knees, in danger of being trodden on by those behind them.

  ‘Ha’niel.’ The one word, uttered by dozens of voices, filled the air.

  Frozen mid-attack, the Tr’lirians looked from me to Cade, seeking direction.

  ‘I ordered you to kill her.’ Spittle flew from his lips as he roared at his people. He pointed at a woman who was closest to me, sword forgotten in her left hand. ‘Do it. Now. Or I will cut you down myself.’

  She took a step forward, confusion on her face as she stared at my wings.

  ‘Is that what you want? A leader who kills those who won’t obey him?’ I shook my head. ‘That’s no way to lead, and you know it.’

  ‘Do not listen to her. It is all lies. She is no Ha’niel. It’s a trick.’

  I twisted around to face him, shaking my head. ‘I never said I was Ha’niel. I don’t even understand what they are, and I would never claim to be something I’m not.’

  As he glared at me, hatred coming off him in waves, I realised what I had to do.

  I lifted my chin, and met his enraged glare with calm certainty as I said, ‘I may not be a Ha’niel, but I am a reaper. I was there, last night, when you murdered one of your own men. To do that, to run him through for what you perceived as a slight against you; you’re a madman. It’s time your people see you for the monster you really are.’

  In my peripheral vision, I could see Sam and Chris taking up position on either side of me. I could sense Connor, Rhonda, Rebecca and Talaom behind them, but couldn’t afford to let the thought that everyone I cared about was here to distract me from my purpose.

  I focused on Cade, on the emanations coming from his soul, and my knees threatened to buckle at the vile flood of emotions he was broadcasting. I forced myself to endure as I reached out to all the souls crowded behind me, seeking to link with every member of Clan Godden. When I was sure I had them, I allowed them a glimpse of what I saw when I looked into their leader’s soul.

  The feel of his hate was a tangible presence in the air, along with a deep-seated contempt for every other being, winged or otherwise. Viscous and rank, it poisoned his soul as surely as it had the home he claimed to love. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I delved deeper inside the psyche of a man who would not hesitate to kill anyone who got in the way of his pursuit of divinity.

  Unable to take it any longer, I severed the connection and turned my back on him. I faced the assembled Tr’lirians, hardly needing to read their souls to know they were afraid, confused, hearts battered by what they had just experienced.

  Time to offer them hope.

  ‘You came here because your city was dying, poisoned by the same hatred and anger that warped Cade’s soul. But Angellin was not destroyed. The Davilians saved the city by letting go of all that corrupted it in the first place.’

  I let my words sink in before continuing. ‘I know you’re scared, unsure of what your future holds, but this is not the way. You have a choice. You can follow Cade, and allow him to lead you further on this dark path, or you can return home and help rebuild Angellin with the Davilians.’

  ‘That’s not possible. Uncontrolled nether cannot be contained. Not even a Ha’niel could do that.’

  I looked back to see Killian had come to the edge of the stage, hope warring with disbelief on his face.

  ‘You’re right. Uncontrolled nether can’t be contained, but it can be pushed back. The Davilians opened their hearts and their souls, cleansing them, allowing the remnants of pure aether still clinging to the tower to regenerate. That is what saved the city. They will never be able to banish the darkness completely, but as long as they continue to embrace the light the city will endure.’

  I met his troubled gaze. ‘You can help them to do that.’ I waved a hand behind me to indicate the rest of the Tr’lirians. ‘Take your people home, where they belong, and make Angellin whole again.’


  I jumped when Cade bellowed, and was sure I wasn’t the only one. I watched him warily as he drew his sword and jumped off the stage. He strode towards me, features twisted.

  ‘You will not escape death this time.’

  ‘Cade, no.’ Killian jumped down from the stage. ‘Didn’t you hear her? She said we can go home.’ He ran after his leader and reached out to grab hold of him.

  Cade swung around with his sword poised.

  I flung out a hand, reaching out to grab his soul.

  Too late.

  The sword pierced Killian’s chest.

  ‘No!’ Rebecca’s scream sounded behind me, but I had no time to worry about her.

  Cade pulled the sword free, no mercy in his eyes as he gazed at the man who had stood at his side for hundreds of years. I latched onto his soul and tugged as hard as I could.

  His body shuddered as I stripped away his immortality. Feathers fell from his wings, but I didn’t let up.

  He would never stop, never see reason. Cade had to die or this would never be over.

  Even now, despite the immense pain he had to be experiencing, he fought to raise his sword arm once more.

  He gripped Killian’s shoulder, holding the wounded man in place as he got ready to plunge the sword in again.

  Killian flung up an arm to block him.

  I caught a glimmer of something silver as Cade’s body stiffened. He staggered backwards, dropping his sword to clutch at his chest where a knife was buried hilt deep.

  I felt it the second his soul let go. It sprang free from his body, which dropped to the ground and was still. An unearthly silence filled the centre ring as his soul hovered in the air, blackened, its light tarnished.

  Trembling, I stepped forward and tapped Cade’s poisoned soul, wiping away tears as I sent him on his way to rebirth.

  My action appeared to shatter the paralysis that afflicted those around me.

  Killian fell to his knees with a groan, head bowed over Cade’s body. Rebecca ran to his side, face streaked with tears of her own, Chris only a step behind her.

  A loud rustle of movement had me spinning around, mouth falling open as I saw all the Tr’lirians had assumed the same position as Killian, heads bowed as they farewelled their leader.

  ‘We need an ambulance.’

  Rebecca’s cry snapped me back to the present.

  ‘We take care of our own,’ said a new voice.

  It was the Tr’lirian Cade had threatened to cut down if she
didn’t kill me. She motioned behind her and two men ran forward. Unlike all the others, they carried backpacks instead of swords. They shucked them off as they neared Killian.

  One of them firmly but gently ushered Rebecca aside as the other inspected the wound.

  Sam came up to stand beside me, while Chris moved to put his arm around Rebecca as we watched the Tr’lirian medics work on her father. After long drawn out minutes they stood and indicated for several men to step forward with a stretcher.

  ‘He’ll live,’ said the one who appeared to be in charge. ‘But we need to get him back to the compound to treat him properly.’

  I gave a nod and within minutes Killian was borne away on the stretcher. Another stretcher was produced for Cade’s body, and the rest of the Tr’lirians formed a funeral procession and followed him out. Soon my family and friends and I were the only people left at the Showgrounds.

  ‘Chris,’ I said, to get his attention.

  He turned to look at me but did not move away from Rebecca, who was crying quietly into the front of his shirt.

  ‘I’ll take her out to the compound. She’ll want to be with him,’ he said.

  I gave him a smile and a nod as he ushered her back to the gate. Once they had left the centre ring I turned to face Sam and the others.

  ‘Now what?’ Connor asked, scratching his head. ‘Is that it? Cade’s dead so the invasion of Easton is over?’

  ‘I guess so,’ I said, giving him a weary smile.

  I took Sam’s hand and walked out of the centre ring, taking my first easy breath in days. Only time would tell what the future would hold, and not just for me. For the Tr’lirians as well.

  Not that everything was tied up in a nice little package. There would be fall-out from Cade’s failed attempt to take over Easton and pronounce himself God. But we would deal with it, together. Of that I had no doubt.

  Whatever happened, I had Sam on my side and my family at my back. With their support, I could handle anything.


  Writing can be such a solitary past time, but getting a book published takes a team effort. Silver Reaper would never have been published if not for the very generous support of my family and friends.

  My husband and children have been cheering me on every step of the way, even when I lock myself in my writing room and get lost in the writing. My mother continues to be my number one fan and Donna and Jael, as always, are ready to listen to me talk on and on about my characters as if they were real people.

  Special thanks have to go to Sandy Curtis, Kris Sheather, Sue-Ellen Pashley, Helen Goltz and Sally Odgers, for providing wonderful advice and helping to make Silver Reaper shine.

  Lastly, thank you to the readers who have continued to wait patiently for the next instalment in the Reaper Series, with a special shout out to DD Line for her continuing enthusiasm for my stories, and for the gentle encouragement (not nagging) for me to hurry up and get this particular book published so she can read it.


  Shelley Russell Nolan is an avid reader who began writing her own stories at sixteen. Her first completed manuscript featured brain eating aliens and a butt kicking teenage heroine. Since then she has spent her time creating fantasy worlds where death is only the beginning and even freaks can fall in love.

  The first two books in her debut adult urban fantasy series, Lost Reaper and Winged Reaper, are published by Atlas Productions

  Born in New Zealand, moving to Australia with her family when she was seven, Shelley currently lives in Central Queensland, Australia, with her husband and two young children. They share their home with two wrecking ball kitties, a deformed budgerigar and two dogs that are fairly normal as dogs go.

  Shelley loves to hear from her readers so feel free to contact her on Facebook or leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads or on her website -


  Lost Reaper

  (Book One of the Reaper Series)

  The first dead body I ever saw was my own.

  For twenty-five year old Tyler Morgan, being murdered was easy. Easy in comparison with working for the Grim Reaper.

  Jonathon Grimm may have brought her back from the dead in exchange for working as a reaper for her hometown, Easton, but she has to find his lost reaper before she can enjoy her second chance at life. Only … the lost reaper isn’t actually lost. He has a new body and a new life and no intention of turning himself in, even if it means giving Tyler her life back.

  Tyler begins the grisly task of reaping the souls of Easton’s dead while searching for the reaper. He could be anyone – the intriguing detective, Sam Lockwood; the handsome, wealthy Chris Bradbury; or the serial killer stalking the women of Easton. Women who bear an uncanny resemblance to Tyler.

  But what is the ancient secret, hidden from mankind, that has motivated Grimm to choose Tyler for the morbid task?

  As the killer closes in and Grimm’s deadline draws closer, Tyler discovers she is fighting a much bigger threat than the Grim Reaper and time is running out for everyone.

  Winged Reaper

  (Book Two of the Reaper Series)

  Secrets, lies and the Grim Reaper: a recipe for disaster!

  Twenty-five-year-old Tyler Morgan is only alive--technically reborn--because the Grim Reaper offered her a job. Now she has to find a way to stop her 'boss' from starting a war that threatens the survival of mankind.

  Weak and in need of fresh souls, the Grim Reaper has sent his Wraiths to Tyler's hometown, Easton, and by the time he gets his fill, it could turn into a graveyard.

  Tyler's resolve is tested when old secrets surface and a new betrayal has her questioning where her loyalties lie.

  Supported by the intriguing detective, Sam Lockwood; the handsome, wealthy Chris Bradbury; and sources she never expected to come to her aid, Tyler must fight her way to the truth if she is ever to find the strength to harness the powers she has inherited, and vanquish the Grim Reaper forever.

  Angel Fire

  (Book One of the Arcane Awakenings Series)

  A family secret.

  A lifetime of deception.

  Haunted by nightmares of fire, considered flawed by her adoptive parents, Andie Sherman just wants to be normal. She moves out of home, ready to start her life afresh, only to discover the dream that has plagued her for fifteen years is actually a memory of the night she lost her identical twin, Angel.

  Then Angel’s spirit calls to her, begging Andie to save her.

  With the help of Nick Foster, her brother’s best friend, Andie searches for answers about what really happened the night her sister died, determined to save Angel from whatever is stopping her from resting in peace.

  Her quest leads Andie to the sinister Wood’s Estate and an unscrupulous doctor who will stop at nothing to get what she wants.

  And what she wants is Andie.




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