Ruled By Pain

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Ruled By Pain Page 10

by Sarah Bale

  “That’s really none of your business.”

  She smirked. “I’m guessing they wore you out. It takes years to learn how to control your thoughts.”

  It hit me then – she was right. I was controlling my thoughts. I knew this because if she could sense my thoughts at this very moment she would likely kill me. A surge of excitement coursed through my veins.

  I stood and went to the buffet table where Vedah couldn’t see my face. Closing my eyes, I pictured a wall in my mind slowly going down. And then I thought about my husbands and all the dirty sex we’d had all over our room.

  Vedah coughed as she took a drink and I grinned. Then I imagined the wall going back up and thought about how much I disliked Vedah. She didn’t respond. Holy crap. I’d done it. I grabbed a roll from a bread basket and went back to my seat.

  “I’m starved.”

  Vedah replied, “I’m sure the Lords kept you very busy last night.”

  “Oh, not just last night. This morning, too. In fact, I’m going to our chambers as soon as I eat.”

  She choked on her food again.

  “Why Vedah, does talking about sex bother you that much?”

  Her eyes flashed as she met my gaze. “No, it doesn’t.”

  A whisper of a thought crossed my mind. Had I- had I just heard her thoughts?

  Casually, I said, “It’s understandable. I mean, aren’t Oracles supposed to be pure?”

  She stood. “I’ve had enough of this talk.”

  She was gone a moment later. I sat back in relief. Oracles were supposed to be pure, but if that had been a glimpse of Vedah’s thoughts then I knew one thing – she wasn’t. Which meant she’d broken a huge rule. But why?


  I jumped as Hades came into the room. He was totally nude, and my mouth watered at the sight. Gods, he was stunning.

  “I wondered where you snuck off to. I thought you went to your chambers.”

  He took his seat next to me. I reached out and held his large hand in mine.

  “I know this is new for you, but I’m only going to say this once.”

  His expression went completely neutral, like he was preparing himself.

  “My chambers are your chambers. I don’t need the other room. Just the one with you, Ares, Hermes, and our sinfully big bed. Got it?”

  He exhaled. “Forgive me. It’s hard to believe that you want to sleep in my dark and dreary rooms.”

  “It’s not dark in there, Hades. I like it much better than my old chambers. I feel safe in there.” I grinned. “And once Hermes has a say, there will be splashes of color everywhere.”

  Hades laughed and groaned at the same time. “I can only imagine.” He squeezed my hand. “I am happy that you consider my chamber our chamber, but your old room will be left as it is in case you change your mind.”

  “That’s fine. Just know I’m not going to use it.” I stood. “Come. Let’s go take a bath.”

  His eyes flashed fire with lust and understanding. He stood.

  I added, “And then we can play a game.”


  “Yes. I want to see how many rooms in this palace we can have sex in.”

  He laughed low and deep and it made my toes curl.

  “Wife, I like the way you think.”

  “Then let us go. The others are awake and I’m sure they’ll want to play, too.”

  Hand in hand we left the dining room. The spirits bowed as we passed, and all had smiles on their faces. They were glad to see their Lord happy. I knew this because they told me.

  I know, spirits, I know. I plan on doing everything in my power to keep him this happy.



  I tensed as I awoke. My chest was tight, and I became alert at once. Someone was in my realm with ill intent. I slid from the bed, grabbing my clothes. Aubrey stirred in her sleep and moved closer to Hermes for warmth. Ares sat up and I motioned him to follow.

  When we were in the hall, he asked, “What is it?”

  I replied, “There is a trespasser.”

  Ares’ eyes flashed. “Then they shall die.”

  He already had his sword out and I readied mine as well. We stepped into the hallway and moved stealthily through the palace.

  “Are they inside or out?”

  I closed my eyes. “In. Near Aubrey’s old chambers.”

  Over the last week, Aubrey had been true to her word and moved her items into our chamber. And it truly was our room now. My brothers had done the same until I no longer recognized the space. And I loved every moment of it. My heart missed a beat. But whoever was here didn’t know this piece of information which meant one thing – they were here to harm my Queen.

  We reached the door and I gave Ares a nod. He rushed in first and I was right behind him. Someone ran to the bathroom and we followed.

  Ares said, “Stop!”

  Whoever was in there was trapped. There was no other way out. Ares lunged after them and there was cursing.

  “For fuck’s sake, get in here, Hades!”

  I rushed into the bathroom and found Ares wrestling a hooded figure. I grabbed hold of the person and jumped back as something shocked me. There was only one thing that could do that in my own realm!


  The figure stilled, and Ares pulled back the hood. There before me was my fucking Oracle. Rage spread through my body like wildfire.

  “What is the meaning of this?”

  Vedah squared her shoulders. “I have nothing to say until Aubrey is here. Get her.”

  Ares tightened his hold on her. “We don’t take orders from witches.”

  She replied, “Then you’ll get nothing from me.”

  I nodded. “Fine. Ares, take Vedah to the great room. I will get Hermes and Aubrey.”

  Ares glare told me everything I needed to know – he thought I was making a mistake. But I needed to know why Vedah was going through Aubrey’s room. Ares pushed past me, shoving Vedah. When they were gone I went to my chambers. Hermes was already awake.

  “Is it true?”

  I nodded.

  “But why? She is supposed to be your most trusted-”

  “I’m aware of that. She said she won’t talk until Aubrey is there.”

  His eyebrows drew together. “Aubrey’s spirit warned her of this. Are you sure this is wise?”

  “No. I’m not.”

  I walked to the other side of the bed where Aubrey slept and shook her gently. Her eyes fluttered opened and she smiled.

  “Good morning husband.”

  “Good morning.”

  Her eyes searched mine and she sat up. “What is it? I can tell by the look in your eyes that something is wrong.” She glanced around the room. “Where is Ares? Is he okay?”

  “You were right about Vedah. Ares and I just caught her going through your old chambers. Ares has her in the great room, but she said she won’t talk until you’re there.”

  She ran her fingers through her hair and stood. “Let’s see what this bitch knows.”

  She dressed and waited for Hermes to do the same. When he finished he touched her arm.

  “Aubrey, I don’t know if this is wise. I feel it’s a trap and I’m pretty good at spotting them. She’s an Oracle. She could just vanish, but she let my brother capture her.”

  This piece of information made me very uneasy because I’d thought the same thing. Why hadn’t Vedah just left? And why hadn’t she put up a bigger fight? Deep down I knew it was because Vedah wanted to be captured.

  Aubrey said, “I know this is what she wants, but we need to hear what she says.”

  He nodded, and we headed to the great room. Vedah was chained to a chair, unable to move. Leave it to a War God to have chains readily available.

  Ares shrugged. “Never know when you’re going to need them.”

  Aubrey snorted and Vedah’s eyes lit up.

  “She came.”

  I blocked Aubrey from Vedah’s view. “She is here
. Now tell us what you need to say.”

  “I said I would only talk to Aubrey. Not you.”

  I was going to tell her to fuck off, but Aubrey touched my arm.

  “I’ll be fine. Just stay at my side.” She moved forward and said to Vedah, “Tell me what you have to say.”

  “Don’t you want to know why I betrayed you?”

  Aubrey shook her head. “I don’t really care. You didn’t win, so it doesn’t matter.”

  “But it does. Do you remember the mural I showed you?”

  I had no idea what she was talking about, but Aubrey did. Fear pulsed from her and touched my skin like ice.


  “The last piece. That is coming into play as we speak. The War has already started, and you have been too blind to see it.”

  “War?” Ares asked. “I would know if there was a war.”

  “No, you wouldn’t. The only thing the three of you have had on your mind is fucking Aubrey.” She snorted. “Leave it to a male, whether he is a God or mortal, to only think with his dick.”

  Aubrey moved closer to Vedah and snapped her fingers. “You are supposed to be talking to me. Not them.”

  Vedah replied, “The funny thing is Hades could have saved Persephone and Ares or Hermes could have saved Aphrodite.”

  The room went silent.

  Hermes said, “You lie-”

  “I don’t. They could have been saved. All it would have taken was killing Aubrey. A life for a life.”

  My body quaked with rage. “You play games! If this is so you would have said something earlier.”

  “Unless this is how I wanted things to play out.” She smiled. “The Fates aren’t the only ones who can sway things in their favor.”

  A whirlwind of emotions made my throat tight. What if she told the truth?

  Aubrey said, “Cut the bullshit, Vedah. Both Persephone and Aphrodite faded the night I came to the Underworld. There is no way killing me would have saved them.”

  “You saw them in the river Serafina, did you not? They could’ve been saved, but these three Gods had sex on their brains. And now the plan has been set into motion. Just as I wanted.”

  My jaw clenched. Vedah had stressed with urgency the need for me to sleep with Aubrey. Had it truly been to further her own agenda?

  “Who are you working with,” Aubrey asked. “I know you’re not in this alone.”

  “I will not reveal my partner. No matter what you do to me.”

  Vedah stared at me and I wanted to rip her head off and throw it across the room.

  Vedah smirked at me. “That will do no good. You know you can’t hurt me.”

  Because the Fates demanded there be balance and that meant I couldn’t harm her. Fuck!

  “Shut your fucking mouth,” I said, my anger rising.

  It might not do any good, but I would feel better if I struck her. Or cut a limb off.

  She said, “You are more like the War God than you care to admit.”

  Ares replied. “No, he’s not. If he were he would run his blade through you and this would be over.”

  We all knew I couldn’t kill my own Oracle because I would perish too, but the idea was tempting.

  “Poor War God. Must be hard not knowing how to strategize your way out of this. Of course, Athena was always better at that, but we can’t ask her, now can we?

  Did this mean Athena was gone? Gods, that was truly a loss. I hadn’t even realized she was fading.

  Ares growled, and Aubrey touched his arm. “Don’t listen to her. She’s trying to get under your skin.”

  Vedah smirked. “You pretend to be calm, Aubrey Davies, but I can smell the fear coming off you.”

  “I might be scared, but that doesn’t mean shit.”

  Vedah’s eyes flickered and it hit me. She was trying to get under our skin so that we wouldn’t see whatever was coming.

  I said to Ares, “Make sure the gates are secure. Hermes, tell the spirits to ready themselves.”

  Vedah asked, “What are you doing?”

  “What I should have a long time ago. I’m listening to my Queen.”

  A surprised look flashed across Aubrey’s face.

  “That’s really cute, Hades, but you know you can’t harm me.”

  I replied, “Who said anything about me harming you, Vedah?”

  I closed my eyes and summoned the Furies. They screeched from far away, but I heard them. They were coming and ready for blood. It had been far too long since I’d let them have some fun.

  Vedah’s eyes widened. “What are you doing?”

  I smiled as the front doors of the palace blew open. The Furies screeched again as they sought our location. Their wings flapping through the air sounded like nails scraping down metal, but I welcomed it. My brothers flinched, but Aubrey stood taller at my side. And it made me so fucking proud.

  They flew into the great room and Vedah cried out as they swooped in, claws ripping and shredding her flesh. I watched in delight as blood gushed from her wounds.

  “You have no idea what you are doing! You think this is going to end what’s coming? You’re wrong.”

  Alecto, the constant anger, looked at me for direction.

  “Take her away, Alecto. Let Tisiphone have her way with the witch.”

  Tisiphone squelched in excitement. My avenger of murder lived for punishment. Megaera, the jealous, flapped her wings so hard a cold wind blew through my robes.

  I reached up and caressed her hideous face. “You shall have your turn, too, Megaera. My only command is that you do not kill her.”

  Alecto nodded her head once and commanded her sisters to follow her. They each fought to hold Vedah, injuring her further as they flew away. When they were gone, Hermes turned to me. His skin was ashy grey.

  “I don’t know how you do that. The sight of them makes me want to crumble in fear.”

  Ares added, “I’ve seen a lot of shit in my time, but those three-” He shuddered.

  Aubrey shook her head. “I feel so bad for them. They were once innocent and beautiful maidens.”

  I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

  Aubrey said, “The smaller one let me see her true form for a moment. She was stunning.”

  “That was Tisiphone. She became a fury to avenge her own death.”

  Aubrey’s mouth parted. “She was murdered. Oh, that poor girl.”

  In all my time no one had ever cared about the Furies’ former lives. All they could see was the beings they were now.

  She touched my arm. “I’m their Queen. It’s my job to know their story.”

  I grinned down at her. “When this is over I will invite them for dinner.”

  “I’d like that.”

  Hermes gagged. “Please make sure I’m not here when that goes down.”

  Ares nodded in agreement and I laughed.


  Ares flipped me off and threw his arm around Aubrey’s shoulders. “My sparrow, are you ready to return to bed?”

  Her eyes darkened and we all felt her lust.

  “Oh yes. But is it wise?”

  I asked, “What do you mean?”

  “Vedah just admitted to working with someone. Is it smart of us to just jump into bed? We tend to get distracted in the bedroom.”

  Her cheeks flushed, and it made me hard.

  “That right there is what I’m talking about,” she said with a shake of her head. “I get horny. You all get horny. We fuck for hours. What if someone knows this and uses it against us?”

  Ares’ mouth lifted in a half smile. “Fucking for hours? I like the sound of that.”

  She replied, “I do, too, but not if it leaves us vulnerable.” She crossed her arms. “From here on out, no sex.”


  “Aubrey, be reasonable.”

  I held up my hand and my brothers stopped talking.

  “Our Queen is right. Sex makes us weak. Let us use our energies and figure out who is out to get us.”

sp; Hermes sighed. “I should check the surface. See if the other Gods know anything.”

  Aubrey said, “I’ve been thinking about that. I think I should go with Hermes. To the surface.”

  My gut tightened. I tried not to be reminded of the past, but I couldn’t help it. Even though Persephone and I had been cursed by pain when we were apart, she still spent half the year above the surface. What if Aubrey wanted the same?

  She touched my arm. “It’s not like that. Something deep inside is telling me that I need to go with Hermes. But I plan on coming back.”

  I couldn’t argue with that, especially when she had been right before, and I hadn’t listened.

  I nodded my head once. “Of course.”

  She smiled. “I’ll go wash up, Hermes, and then we can leave.”

  I prayed she would come back to me. But the sunlight had a way of swaying people.



  I hated the sad look in Hades’ eyes. He’d walked us outside to the portal but was now silent.

  “Come with us,” I said, pressing a kiss against his lips. “Then you won’t have to worry.”

  He replied, “I cannot leave the spirits. They are unsettled. If they were to rile we would be in even more trouble than we are now.”

  He was right. I’d sensed the unease amongst the spirits. We certainly didn’t need that on our hands.

  I said, “We won’t be gone long. Hopefully a day at the most. Hermes said he knows where Zeus is.”

  Hades frowned but didn’t say anything.

  “I know you’re worried I won’t want to come back. I will. I have nothing up there that I want to return to.”

  I could almost hear his thoughts doubting my word.

  He kissed me and said, “Best be going. It’s always better to cross over midmorning.”

  I wanted to talk some sense in him, but he turned and went inside the palace. Hermes and Ares waited for me at the portal.

  “Is he still sulking?”

  I nodded to Ares, who rolled his eyes.

  Hermes said, “He doesn’t have the best experience with his wife going to the surface. Cut him some slack.”


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