An Alpha's Thunder (Water Bear Shifters 3)

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An Alpha's Thunder (Water Bear Shifters 3) Page 9

by Sloane Meyers

  But even as her bank account filled, her heart would remain empty. She had been searching for Lance all this time, and she hadn’t even known it. She hadn’t understood why the color seemed to be missing from so much of her life, but now she did. Lance was meant for her, but how would they ever make it work? She lived here, in southern California, and he was about to move as far north in the United States as you possibly could. Despite the fact that he had wanted to date her before, and that he had kissed her earlier today, he didn’t seem interested in inviting her along to Alaska.

  He had probably given up on her. And why wouldn’t he have? She had pushed him away at every turn. He was probably glad to move away.

  Caroline’s thoughts churned in this confused mess of reasoning as she told herself to just keep it together long enough to get back to her car. She didn’t want Lance to see her cry. He would probably think she was overwhelmed by seeing him shift into a bear. The last thing she wanted was for him to start worrying that she couldn’t handle the information. She could. She wouldn’t go to the police. She would bury his secret deep in her heart and keep it there, along with her other few memories of her short time knowing Lance.

  She turned the doorknob and began to open the front door, taking a deep breath and bravely holding her back straight. She could do this. Just don’t look back. One step forward at a time until she reached her car.

  But as the door creaked open, Lance’s deep, husky voice brought her escape plan to a screeching halt.

  “Stop,” he said. “Wait.”

  Caroline froze with her hand on the doorknob and the door opened just a crack. She stared straight ahead and took deep, calming breaths, willing the tears to go away.

  “What?” she asked, still not turning around. Her heart was thumping wildly in her chest, screaming at her to just get over herself and run straight into his arms, telling him that she wanted to try to make things work, even if that meant moving to Alaska. Maybe especially if that meant moving to Alaska. Sure, it would be cold, but she’d deal with that. And she had been dreaming of going to a new place, anyway. A place where no one knew her name and she could go out anywhere without worrying about getting stuck in an hour long conversation about her art.

  But she didn’t say anything. She didn’t turn around and run to him. She just stood there, frozen, silently praying that he would somehow understand that she needed him without her telling him. She silently prayed that he would take another chance on asking her to be his girl, ignoring all the times she had already shot him down.

  She needed him to be the brave one right now. She needed him to be the strong one, the risk taker.

  And somehow, despite all the chaos and confusion of the day, he seemed to sense that. He seemed to know exactly what she needed.

  “Turn around, Caroline,” he said. His voice was tender, but firm.

  She did as he said, willing her lip to stop trembling as she turned and forced herself to meet his gaze. She managed to keep her tears from spilling over, but she knew it was obvious that she was on the edge of crying.

  “Why did you call me today?” he asked.

  Caroline shrugged. “I know you, even if I don’t know you well. I knew the guys were talking about you, and I didn’t want you to get hurt.”

  Lance stroked his chin thoughtfully. “Shut the door and come here,” he said. Again, Caroline did as she was told, not sure exactly where he was going with this. She came back to the living room and sat gingerly on the couch beside Lance. She put her hands under her legs to keep herself from fluttering them around nervously.

  “We shifters believe that there is one person for everyone. That person is known as our lifemate—the person we are fated to be with forever. It’s like the concept of a soulmate, except deeper than that. Lifemates are bonded from the moment they are born, and they are drawn to each other constantly throughout their lives. When they finally meet, and mate, the bond is sealed. Their deep connection to each other means they can sense when the other person is in danger. They are driven to protect each other.”

  Caroline held her breath as Lance spoke. Her heart began pounding faster as she realized where he was going with this, and realized that she might have another chance with him, after all.

  “Caroline,” Lance said softly. “I feel drawn to you. The pull is strong, leaving me powerless to resist. I believe we are lifemates, and I believe that’s why you were in that bar today. It wasn’t an accident. You were drawn there because somewhere deep inside of you, you knew that I was in danger. You knew I needed help. And you did help me. You saved my life. I knew the moment I heard your voice on the phone today that you were calling me because you were my lifemate, and you needed to protect me.”

  Caroline let out the breath she had been holding, and finally spoke. “I don’t disagree with you, Lance,” she said. “I felt something I’ve never felt before in that bar today. It was a strange mixture of concern, admiration, and a desire to protect. I don’t know how to explain it, but it must have been the lifemate bond you were talking about. And even now, sitting here and listening to you explain shifting, something feels different to me. I feel connected to you. But...but what does it matter? You’re moving far away. I’ll rarely see you, if ever, once you’re settled in Alaska. And I’m not a long distance relationship kind of girl. Lifemate bond or not, thousands of miles between a couple wears down the lines of communication over time. Surviving on occasional visits and phone conversations is no way to live.”

  “I agree,” Lance said. “It’s no way to live.”

  He was still stroking his chin, seemingly lost in thought, and Caroline felt bitterness and frustration rising up in her stomach. Why had he confessed his feelings for her, and explained the lifemate bond, if he was still planning to just leave and leave her behind? Caroline sighed and started to stand. The traitorous tears were welling up in her eyes again, and she wanted to get out of here before Lance saw her cry.

  “I should go,” she said, taking quick steps toward the doorway. Moments later, Lance was on his feet, too. He caught her hand and spun her around to face him. When he did, his chest was so close that it brushed against her own chest, sending tingles of desire shooting through her body as her breasts responded to his body’s making contact with them. His face was inches from her face, and she was overcome by the warmth of his breath against her skin. No matter how much she told herself to remain calm, she couldn’t stop the heat of passion that was beginning to burn between her legs.

  “Not so fast,” Lance said. “You’re right that a long distance relationship is no way to live, and that’s why I want you to come with me to Alaska.”

  Caroline felt her heart leap. He was asking her to move with him! He was really asking! Her eyes widened, and a powerful flood of happiness overtook her.

  Lance mistook her wide eyes for hesitation, and quickly continued speaking. “I know you have a life here. And I know you’ve already rejected me. But I’m asking you to reconsider everything and come to Alaska. I’m sure it must sound like a crazy request, but you can’t deny that there’s chemistry between us. There’s a bond. We’re meant for each other. You can continue painting up there, and you can come down here for art shows. I know it won’t be easy, but I promise you it will be worth it. I’ll do whatever I can to make it work. I just can’t bear the thought of life without you. I don’t have a choice but to follow my rescue crew up there. Believe me, if I could, I would stay here with you. But it’s a matter of life and death for us. We have to stop the scientists. Please, don’t make me go to the cold wilderness of Alaska alone. Come with me. Say you’ll be my girl. Please.”

  Lance paused, seeming unable to say anything else. He had said his piece, and he waited with anxious eyes for Caroline’s response. She smiled, her grin stretching from ear to ear as she threw her arms around him and held him close.

  “Yes,” she said. “Yes, yes, yes! If you aren’t here, there’s nothing here for me, anyway. And I’ve been thinking about needing a
new place to move to. Things have started to feel stale here to me. I need a fresh place where no one knows who I am, and I can create art just for the sake of creating art. I want to be with you, and to go to Alaska with you. I need you in my life, and I feel bonded to you. I’ve never heard of the concept of lifemates before today, but it makes perfect sense to me, because I feel that kind of connection to you. You and I are destined for each other.”

  Lance’s eyes began burning with an intense heat, and Caroline felt the warmth of his gaze shooting through her entire body. Her breathing became even more rapid, and moisture began building between her legs as her body ached for his touch. Emboldened by the passion of the moment, she tilted her head forward and brought her lips to Lance’s. She might not be the best with words, but she could show him how she felt.

  Lance let out a low growl as their mouths met. Electric energy shot through both of their bodies, and Caroline could feel the energy of their kiss radiating through every inch of her body. It seemed impossible to believe that only hours earlier she had insisted to herself that she was better off without this man. The way he was making her feel right now was nothing short of incredible, and she found herself craving more of him. She could feel his rock hard erection through the fabric of their clothes, and she pressed her hips against his to get a better feel of what he had to offer.

  Damn. He was huge. She already knew that from seeing him naked in the bar earlier, but she was still surprised by how big his erection was. Even through her jeans she could feel the solidness and largeness of his dick. Any thoughts she might have had about taking it slow flew out the window. She wanted him, and she wanted him now. She reached for his t-shirt and pulled it up and over his head, tossing it aside as she admired his sculpted chest and abs. Now that she knew he was a bear shifter, she could clearly see what a bear of a man he was. He was so huge, and so strong. She’d never met anyone like him before.

  Her heart beat wildly as he reached for her t-shirt and pulled it off as well, leaving her wearing a simple, beige bra. She cursed herself for not putting on fancier underwear, although, to be fair, she’d had absolutely no thoughts about this meeting actually ending up with her naked in front of Lance. If he noticed the plainness of her bra, though, he did a good job of hiding it. He seemed much more interested in what was underneath her clothes than what the clothes themselves looked like. She shivered as he used his fingers to trace a line from her chin, down her neck, between her breasts, and across her belly-button. He paused right above the button on her jeans, and looked at her with searching, concerned eyes.

  “Are you sure you want this?” he asked. “If I’m right, and we’re lifemates, then sleeping together will cement the bond. You’ll be unable to completely tear yourself away from me, no matter how far away we are. Are you sure you’re okay with that?”

  Caroline breathed in deeply, then exhaled slowly. She was trying unsuccessfully to steady her voice, but the passion burning within her being was too strong. She was trembling with anticipation, and she didn’t want to talk about what they were doing anymore. She just wanted to do it.

  “I’m sure,” she said, meeting Lance’s gaze without flinching. “I want you. I need you. I can’t think of anything that would make me happier than knowing we are bound to each other forever.”

  Lance closed his eyes briefly, overcome by the urgency in Caroline’s voice. Then his eyes flew open, looking hungry and primal, and he reached for the button on her jeans. He deftly unbuttoned and unzipped the pants, then slid them off. Caroline kicked off her shoes and socks as he did, ensuring that the garment would come off smoothly.

  Once again, she momentarily regretted her underwear choice: plain, cotton panties whose dark purple color didn’t really coordinate with her beige bra. But Lance didn’t mind. He obviously didn’t want her wearing clothes, anyway. Caroline moaned with anticipation as his strong hands slid her underwear down her legs, leaving her dripping wet entrance fully exposed in front of him as he bent to slide the panties off and toss them aside.

  He straightened up and reached behind her back, unclasping her bra and sliding it off as well. Caroline’s full breasts heaved with each ragged breath, as she fought unsuccessfully to keep her emotions under control. Her nipples were hard and erect, begging for his touch as she stood naked before him. He took her in with appreciative eyes, then stepped closer to her and bent his head so that his mouth was even with her nipples.

  He nibbled softly on each firm peak, chewing and licking slowly. Each new motion of his mouth sent currents of hot electricity shooting from Caroline’s nipple out into the rest of her body. Her breathing continued to be rapid and uncontrollable, and she had grown so wet for him that little trickles of moisture were running down her legs.

  “More,” she panted. It was the only word she could get out, but he understood the meaning. She wanted more of him. The pressure in both of their bodies was building to the point of explosion. He slipped out of his jeans, and Caroline reached to tug at the hem of his tight, black briefs. He helped her pull them down and off quickly, and she let herself look down to confirm what she had already felt—his erection was indeed huge. Despite trying to remain calm, Caroline couldn’t help but moan. The shaft was thick and long, and it stood erect and pointed toward her, waiting impatiently for its turn to join in on their frolic.

  It wouldn’t have to wait for long. Lance pushed her up against the wall, placing his hands on her hips and bending his knees slightly so that his erection was at the perfect height to slide into her. But before he made a move to enter her, he paused.

  “Look at me,” he said, his voice deep and strong. Caroline did as she was told. “I love you. I always will. My biggest responsibility from this moment forward is to make you happy, okay?”

  Caroline nodded, her eyes locked with his. “I love you, too,” she said. Her mind screamed at her that this was crazy. She shouldn’t be sleeping with him, and telling him she loved him, when they had just agreed moments before to start a relationship. But deep within her, she knew this was the right thing. She did love him, and he loved her. Why should they hold back from the depth of their feelings for each other?

  Lance smiled at her words, and then closed his eyes. He let out a long, low growl, and then, in one swift movement, he was inside of her.

  Caroline gasped with pure pleasure as he filled her. He pushed against her insides, lighting every nerve ending up with delicious pleasure. She closed her eyes and moaned again, taking in the heat and tingling that his dick was sending throughout her body. His hands gripped her hips firmly as he began to thrust in and out. Her back rubbed against his cold living room wall with each movement, but she barely noticed. How could she, when the space between her legs was filled with burning hot pressure?

  Lance leaned in to kiss her again, slipping his tongue into her mouth and moving it in the same motion as his dick. Caroline was completely connected to him. She was completely overtaken by his spell. She couldn’t hold back any longer, and she gave in to the waves of passion that finally broke over her body in quick succession. Her orgasm came hard and strong, rocking her body with the sweetest, purest pleasure she had ever felt. She screamed out Lance’s name as she arched her back and savored the feeling of her inner muscles clenching around his dick.

  In response, he threw his head back and let out a roar. He stiffened and shot a hot jet stream into her, filling her completely with himself. Then he wrapped his arms around her and clung to her as they both panted, coming down from the best high either of them had ever been on. Caroline kept her eyes closed as her breathing returned to normal, finally opening them when Lance gently slid out of her.

  “I feel so warm,” she said. “Like there’s a burning in my chest.”

  Lance smiled and kissed her gently on the lips. “We’re bonded, Love. I knew it. You’re my lifemate.”

  Caroline smiled. “I have to say, I’m pretty lucky that the universe chose such a sexy, gorgeous man for my lifemate.”

ance shook his head. “I’m the lucky one,” he said. Then he picked Caroline up in his arms and carried her to the couch. “Cuddle with me,” he said, pulling a blanket up and around them. Caroline happily obliged. They snuggled silently in each other’s arms for several minutes, basking in the afterglow.

  Finally, Lance spoke into the silence. “What did you mean earlier, when you said I’d be surprised at how much you understood what it’s like to live every day pretending to be someone you’re not? It sounded like there was a back story there.”

  Caroline drew in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. She didn’t like talking about her past, but she felt she could trust Lance with the details. “I grew up with parents who had big plans for me. They wanted me to attend an Ivy League university, and be a doctor or a lawyer or some other career that they thought looked good to society. They put a lot of pressure on me. As a child, I was always being carted around to activities and lessons that were supposed to enhance my skills and eventually look good on a college application. I was taught all the social graces and was the perfect student and daughter. But all of my accomplishments were just a show. My heart was never in it. Art was the only thing I ever loved. Things came to a head when I told my parents I would only go to college if I could major in art. They flipped out, and we got into a huge argument. I moved away, even though that meant they cut ties with me and stopped financially supporting me. I was tired of not being true to who I really was and what I really wanted. Eventually, my art took off, but it took a while. The early days were tough, but I don’t regret them. They made me stronger, and taught me that I could do things on my own. I can be myself, and do the things I really want to do. I don’t have to fit someone else’s mold. If the world isn’t happy with that, they can move right along. It doesn’t matter to me. I love the freedom of being true to myself.”


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