Judged By You (Judge Me Series)

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Judged By You (Judge Me Series) Page 27

by Patricia Voois

  I wanted to kiss him, but I wouldn’t dare in front of his parents. It would be too awkward. But before I get to pull away, Damon plants a soft kiss on my lips.

  “Awww, Aren’t you two just gorgeous together? I'm so glad Damon has met you Savannah.” Beth says clutching her chest.

  I feel my cheeks heat as I pull away from Damon to hand the picture over to his mother. The waiter appears with our meals, and can I say…. They look spectacular! I am actually starving; I didn't have a change to eat today, so my last meal was last night. Hence the wine going straight to my head. I haven’t started giggling uncontrollably yet, so that’s a bonus. But if I didn’t eat soon, it would’ve been a given.

  All the talk over dinner is about food. Both Beth and Jack commented that they are looking at taking an overdue holiday to experience the tastes of the world first hand. They say they can cook them but haven’t actually eaten them in other cultures. They seem so happy together. Small smiles, holding hands, and the quiet “I love you's”. It reminds me so much of my parents, they were the same. They loved each other unconditionally. I wanted that, that love……..

  “So Savannah, where do your parents live?” Amelia asked between mouthfuls.

  Damon gave her a stern look mouthing something. I placed my hand on his arm; he turned to me with worry in his eyes.

  “It’s okay,” I assured him before answering Amelia. “They passed away six years ago. It's just me and my brother.”

  Beth dropped her cutlery with a chatter and clutched her chest. “I'm so sorry dear.” She said in a sad tone.

  “Thank you.” I replied. See short and sweet, I could do that……

  “I'm sorry Savannah, it was so insensitive of me.”

  “No, it’s ok Amelia. You weren’t to know.” I reassured her.

  The conversation shifts to William and his work. He explains how busy he has been of late and that things are slowing down a little now. He also plans to travel a little soon, he wants to visit Africa and put money into ‘building the future funds’ that they do over there. I think it's such a good idea, and I mentally think that I should do the same.

  Our dinner plates are taken away by staff, and dessert is put in its place. Boston Cream Pie yummy! I haven’t had this in so long, and it melts in my mouth. I let out a small moan when I swallow the first mouthful.

  “I want to hear that sound later when I make you come.” He whispers only loud enough for me to hear….. Well I hoped that I was the only one that heard.

  I blush. When I look up, everyone else Is busy eating or and talking among themselves. I let out a breath of relief. He kisses my cheek before letting out a laugh.

  “What’s so funny son.” Jack states looking between the two of us.

  “Nothing for you to worry about.” Damon stated, winking at me.

  William states a few crude comments and earns himself a slap from his sister and an elbow from Damon. When I have finished dessert, I am full. I couldn’t eat anything else; thought of more food makes me feel sick. The waiter clears the table after offering more wine. I refuse. I couldn’t drink anymore wine either.

  “We will have coffee please.” Jack announces. The waiter nods than walks back inside.


  It's been three hours since coffee were placed in front of us, and we have done nothing but talk and laugh hysterically. The stories I hear from Damon’s parents about him and his siblings is torture to him. Of course like me, he blames everyone else for his mistakes that people find funny. I felt like I’ve known Damon for ages with the way everyone treats me, I don’t feel like we have just. It's hugely comforting, and I love it. It makes me miss my parents but also fills a gap that I have had for six long years.

  Once the stories are over Jack asks me about our renovations at home. I tell him about my house and the plans I have so far. He offers a little advice on something that I might want to think about which, when he suggests them makes sense. Like the bathroom renovations and the opening up the main areas. I like his ideas and I thank him for his good advice.

  “That’s fine. My best buddy works in construction and renovation, so I've learnt a thing or two over the years.” He states with a smile.

  “I’m having some trouble picking colours though. I like the greys and the chocolates, but everyone keeps telling me that they make the rooms look smaller, and I don’t want to do that.” I say.

  “Don’t stray away from what you want. Go for it, yes they make it look smaller if you do all the walls. But maybe try for feature walls throughout the place. They are extremely popular these days and make fabulous for old style houses.” He leans forward on his elbows to speak.

  “Thank you. I will look at that, and run it by my brother. Between him and our best friend Derek I have to get approval before I make decisions.” I laugh.

  “You and me both.” Jack replies pointing to his wife who laughs.

  “It's getting late, and I would like to leave early tomorrow morning.” Amelia says to William who nods.

  “Yeah I should get some rest. I'm wrecked.” William and Amelia excuse themselves from the table and stand.

  “We should leave early too Beth.” Jack says to his wife with a smile.

  She nods and stands also.

  “I should actually get going myself.” I say to Damon who is staring at me.

  “You’re not staying?” He frowns.

  “Oh no, Your family is here, you need to spend time with them.” I rub his cheek with my fingers.

  He gets to his feet, and we all say goodnight to his family. They are staying at his apartment, which didn’t shock me because it's more than large enough.

  “It's been a pleasure to meet you Savannah, and I hope that we get to see you again real soon.” Jack states hugging me this time instead of a hand shake.

  “Yes. Don’t be a stranger.” Beth hugs me tight.

  Amelia hugs me also, and says she will send me an invite through Damon to her baby shower. I agree, it would be lovely to get some time alone with her.

  William takes my hand this time….. He kisses my hand with a playful smile that reminds me so much of Damon, I blush. And he laughs. Damon tells him to “piss off,” and go to bed. I call out one last good night as they all disperse separate ways.

  “I would love it if you stay tonight. You don’t have to go just because my parents are here. They love you savannah.” Damon takes my hand and pulls me into the house.

  As soon as we are inside several staff run outside and start packing up the rest of the table. The kitchen is spotless as we walk through, you wouldn’t believe that we had two beautiful meals from that kitchen tonight. Without a word, I’m being led to Damon’s room. I walk through as Damon shuts the door behind me and makes his way to the bedside table to turn the lamp on. I find my stash of clothes and head to the bathroom to get changed. Of course in my semi dazed state I drop my shirt on the floor, I bend to pick it up as see Damon walk into the room. I feel his hands on me as I stand. His kisses sweep from one shoulder to another while he pins me with his body against the sink.

  “This dress is stunning on you. Did I get it right?” He asks between kisses.

  “Yes.” I say a little breathless.

  “Let’s get you out of it than shall we?” Damon stops kissing me and starts to untie to Bodice back.

  I watch the concentration on his face in the mirror. He looks so adorable completing the task at hand. Once he gets it undone, Damon instructs me to step out of it slowly as he gathers the dress at my feet. I take the dress off him and walk to the closet to find a hanger. I don’t want it getting ruined, so I hang it immediately.

  I hear a phone ringing and turn to see it in Damon’s hands. He shakes his head before he answers it. He looks at me and raises his hand to indicate “five minutes,” before he walks out of the room. I decided to get into my silk gown and get ready for bed. I have the fullest belly still, and I am feeling tired. I brush my teeth and wipe as much make up off my face a
s I can, I decided to leave my curls as they look impressive and I would have to straighten them out anyway. The hairspray that holds them in place mind bug me but oh well.

  I slip into bed and wait for Damon. A few minutes after I climb in and make myself comfortable, he re-enters the room. He's deep in thought, but I don’t ask. I know work has been busy lately, and he often gets called out late at night or early hours of the morning, but since he is taking his suit off I don’t think he is going anywhere. I watch the way he moves as he removes each item of clothing, leaving only his briefs. When he turns to look at me, i lick my lips, he is addictive. But I'm not going there not tonight, his parents are in the house. I watch as he drops his briefs and slips on a pair of boxers before crawling into bed next to me.

  We turn so we are facing each other. Damon props himself up on his elbow while I lay half on my stomach half on my side, one of my hands is under the pillow, and the other finds it's way to stroke his chest. I leaned in a little to kiss the spot my fingers had just touched.

  “Thank you, for the gifts today Damon.” I said with a smile. Those words that were written on the card are still stuck in my mind.

  “You’re welcome, Beautiful.” He kissed my hair in response.

  Silence stretched out between us. Damon grabbed my free hand with his and threaded our fingers together kissing them softly.

  “You excited about being an uncle?” I asked, thinking about Amelia.

  “Yeah, I am actually, I know she has been wanting a baby for a while.”

  “Do you want kids one day?” I asked.

  “One day I would love a few kids running around my house.” He smiled.

  “Ah I will have that soon enough with Nicole and her babies,” I remembered how I felt her babies move today. “Felt the move today, it was amazingly beautiful.”

  Damon looked at our joined hands, his fingers continuously threading in and out of mine. “Do you want kids Savannah?”

  I shrugged awkwardly because of the position I was in. “One day maybe.”

  I changed my position, so I was lying in the little nook that he made, my body was now hard up against his. This was the best feeling in the world to me, being secure and safe. Feeling nothing else but him. I loved him.

  “Have you ever been in love Damon?” I whispered.

  I don’t know why I asked, but I did. Maybe it had something to do with the comment his mother made at dinner. We didn’t speak about the past often, and until Cameron came along I would have preferred it that way. But I knew that I would have to have that little conversation with Damon soon. He was silent for a minute before he spoke.

  “I thought I was once,” His Adams apple moved as he swallowed. “But looking at it now, it was anything but. We were dysfunctional, she wanted things I didn’t. She was one manipulative woman who stole, and used me to get what she wanted, and she broke people in the process.”

  I didn’t know how to respond. What do you say to something like that?

  “That’s horrible. I'm glad you got out of that. You deserve better than that Damon.” I looked up so I could see his face.

  “Have you ever been in love?” I knew he would ask, and I had no idea what I would say.

  “Same as I guess. We were defiantly dysfunctional, and it was a love to hate each other, and hate to love each other relationship. He broke me,” I looked in his eyes. “Until you came along, you put me back together. And I believe that…… love is a different feeling now. What I feel for you…….. is…….”

  Damon moved so his body half covered mine lying on top of me, his weight still on his elbow. He let go of my hand, and stroked my cheek. While I placed my now free hand, on top of his.

  “What do you feel Savannah?” He kisses me lightly.

  “I feel love,” I say breathless. “I love you.”

  His mouth crashes down on mine. His kiss is passionate and loving; I lick his lip to grant access to his tongue. He opens for me. I coax his tongue with mine; we both moan softly as our hands feel each other at the same time. Damon moves onto my body until he covers me totally. The way he touches me is soft and gentle. We touch and remove each others clothes in the process, before too long we are both naked, and breathing heavily. Our eyes lock as he fills me with his hard length.

  My mouth falls open with pleasure. His cock strokes my sensitive spot over and over until I'm left gasping, my nails bite into his skin when my release begins. I moan loudly before Damon covers my mouth with his to drown out the sounds. I feel Damon tense as he spills over the edge just after I do. We are panting when he stops thrusting into me. He pulls his lips from mine, but I don’t open my eyes.

  “Open your eyes beautiful.” Damon whispers before kissing the corner of my mouth.

  I clamp my eyes shut tighter. My mind is reeling, I confessed how I felt, and everything felt so right, but something spooked me. He never said anything back. Maybe this was one way feeling after all. I didn’t doubt that he felt something for me, I just didn’t think it was the same feeling I had for him.

  “Look at me.” He pleaded with concern in his voice.

  I reluctantly opened my eyes. His beautiful face stared back at me

  “Do you regret it?” He asked, swallowing hard.

  “No, I could never regret loving you.” And I meant it.

  “Good. Because I haven’t told you how I feel.” He said, with a shadow of a smile.

  I searched his face. But he gave nothing away, maybe I wasn’t the only one who knew how to play poker……..

  “You weren’t the only one that was broken before we met, I was broken too,” He kissed me softly before pulling away. “You made me realise that no matter how hard life gets, someone will always be there waiting on the other side. And for me, you were on the other side. I love you Savannah James……………”

  Chapter 18

  The next week is pure bliss. Damon and I are in this great place, and I never want to leave it. The morning after our love confession we saw his family off with a promise to visit them soon. I was genuinely looking forward to it, his family gave me the same feeling as my parents did. After they left we went to the beach and spend the day swimming and relaxing in the sand. “I love you’s” were said on a regular basis that day and it felt so right. I was in Damon’s heaven.

  I decided I wanted talk to Damon about the internship deal, and he was supportive when I told I couldn’t accept something like that considering we were what we were now. He agreed, but I could tell he wasn’t exceedingly happy with my choice, yet he supported it. I hadn’t told him about the other job offer I got, and since I wasn’t going to accept it, I didn’t see why I should bring it up.

  Carter contacted me to make a meeting time so we could finalize Stephens’s debt and finish off the paperwork. I wasn’t looking forward to that, but Damon said he would come with me, so I was at ease about that situation. Stephen let slip to me in private that carter has been asking about me and Damon, my brother did assure me that he never said anything. He told carter to ask me or Damon himself.

  Derek and Cameron were regular’s at my house, which was just like old times, and as much as I hated having Cameron in the same space as me, Stephen was in his element. Something was defiantly going on, and I had no clue as to what but I trusted them. Because If I didn’t, I would go crazy with worry. Damon told me that I had to trust that they were all doing to do the right thing by me, and he is unquestionably right.

  Stephen has also started working at the mechanical shop for a few days a week. Derek and Cameron have been doing ‘odd jobs’ for a few people they know from what I hear in certain conversations not that I try to listen……okay maybe I do just a little, but I have to keep my feelers out there.

  Nicole's mother got sick a few days ago, so today I am taking her to the airport to fly home to them. Nicole was hesitant about going to start with, and I offered to go with her, but she wanted to go alone. Said she needed to face them and not be scared of her choices anymore. I have so much
stuff to get organised before the renovations start, and not enough time.

  “You almost ready Nic?” I stand in her door way watching her pack.

  “Almost. Hey do you know were my red dress is?” Nicole looks around.

  “I think I saw it on the clothes line. Let me go check.” I smile as I walk out.

  I walk out the back to the clothes line. It's quite hot in the sun today, as soon as I stepped out into the light my skin was feeling the heat. I found Nicole’s favourite red dress and turned back towards the house. As I starting to ascend the stairs Stephen, Derek and Cameron came sauntering out. They all smiled as I moved to the side of the stairs to allow them down. Well that’s until I saw Cameron……shirtless. My mouth flooded as my eyes followed his perfect, hard, sweaty and well chiselled chest.

  “Pick your lip up Sweet Cheeks.” Cameron teased snapping me out of my thoughts.

  My eyes met his, and I shook my head with disgust in myself. Did I seriously just do that? Cameron rubbed a thumb along my bottom lip with a smirk.

  “Just wiping the drool off.” He winked, then walked away laughing.

  Oh my god.

  My eyes followed his physique as he walked away to catch up to the other two men. He was seriously getting under my skin, and I didn’t like it what so ever. I turned and ran up the stairs and back into Nicole room as soon as I could.

  Nicole took her dress off me and looked at me suspiciously. She was trying to read me, and I knew she would see straight through me.

  “What did Cameron do this time?”

  And there it was…….

  “Nothing.” I said a little too quickly.

  “Don’t bullshit me. He has you all worked up.”

  “I'm not worked up.” I bit out.

  “You are. Stop letting him affect you like this. Your happy now and if you let him do this to you, he will take advantage of it and ruin you.” Nicole said with a mothering tone.

  She hit the nail on the head with that one. I didn’t doubt my feeling for Damon, not one bit. I loved that man more and more every day. But what I doubted was my feeling for Cameron. And that wasn’t good, even I knew that. He dented everything when I saw him, and since that I fight certain struggles. I try, and I'm trying to forgive him, so I mean it, but it’s not coming as easy as I would have liked.


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