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Lauren Page 6

by Laura Marie Henion

  "Possibly. Considering there are hundreds or thousands of box trucks in the surrounding area, never mind the city, it's a bit of a long shot."

  "It's still important to keep this in mind. At least when we interview possible witnesses, we can ask if they noticed any box trucks around."

  "True. Okay we'll keep you updated, Detective Phelps."

  "Thanks, Kafrey.” Lauren hung up her cell phone. “So what's that all about?” Tom asked.

  "The other case I'm working on. So what's the latest on our John Doe?” Lauren said, as she re-clipped her cell phone to the belt on her waist.

  "Well, while some of us were out looking good for the cameras and working a high profile case, the rest of us were out there attaching a name to our victim's body."

  "Just cool it already, Tom. It's enough that Jack's on my case and now the captain wants me to be the spokesperson for the reporters. This is making me crazy."

  Tom reached over and touched Lauren's shoulder. “You're tough enough, kid, and you got the look. This could be the big time, so stand tall. You've earned it."

  "I just want to stop this guy before anyone else gets hurt."

  "You will. Now I guess large trucks are the newest vehicles to be killing in. We believe that was the type of vehicle used, according to the tire tracks we found at the crime scene. Good eye, by the way."

  "What about the witness?"

  "I told you, Lauren, the guy didn't see anything. All he cares about is drinking. He could have seen Elvis down there for all we know."

  "So what do you want to do from here?"

  "Well, there's not much to go on, but the medical examiner believes that the weapon used to cut Louie's throat was a razor or box cutter."

  "His name was Louie?"

  "Yeah. At least that's what he went by down by the tracks. Listen, I've got to get moving on another homicide. I'll touch base with you if I hear anything new. There's one more guy I haven't questioned yet, and he's playing hide and seek. I'll catch you later."

  "Good luck,” Lauren stated, then sat back down at her desk.

  She now had copies of the files from both cases. As she looked at Lieutenant Eddie Tennellie's notes from the crime scene, she realized he was as thorough as she was.

  Patrol Officer Lizzy Lopez approached Lauren. “Detective Phelps, I ran through the computer records and finally found this one case I think you should look at.” Lizzy sounded a bit nervous.

  Lauren noted the young rookie cop had a good head on her shoulders and was tough, but for some reason, Lauren made her nervous.

  "Okay, let me see what you got. Come take a seat.” Lauren offered Lizzy a chair.

  "Yes, ma'am."

  "Officer Lopez, please don't call me ‘ma'am.’ I'm way too young for that. You look like you think you're onto something, so show me, and be confident. I promise not to bite your head off if you're wrong."

  Lizzy smiled, then handed Lauren the file.

  "I was searching the computer, and came across this unsolved case from over a year ago. There's the same description of the victim's appearance and injuries on the body. Now, I'm not sure what kind of weapon was used in the Wilson and Lucas case, but..."

  "Lizzy, you've done great. This is very interesting and this could be the same guy. Now this woman lived in Stone County just ten minutes outside of Ridgeburgh."

  "Ridgeburgh is where the other co-ed was found recently, right?"

  "Yeah, it was, which is leading me to believe that this guy might live somewhere pretty close to there. Good work, Lizzy."

  "Thanks, Detective Phelps, I'm glad to help."

  Lizzy walked away looking proud as could be and Lauren made a note to recommend a commendation for Lizzy if this information led to something. Or at least a letter of acknowledgement for her if this were nothing more than a hunch.

  Now Lauren had to talk to the detectives.

  It just so happened that Matt Davis who took her kickboxing class had been one of the detectives working that case. Lauren gave him a quick call and he pulled out the file as well as all the information they had. Confirming that he was in the building, she grabbed her files and went to meet him.

  * * * *

  "So, there were never any suspects or people of interest?” Lauren asked, as she leaned on the corner of Matt's desk. She thumbed through the file he had and the process he went through during his investigation.

  "No, there weren't any. We questioned everyone we could and came up with nothing. He also used a condom and probably gloves, as well. If you look at the autopsy report, there were signs indicating that her wrists were restrained and there were rug-burn-like markings on her arms and thighs."

  Lauren nodded as she continued to read the report. Then it hit her as she came across a toxicology report.

  "When we questioned a few of her friends, they said Barbara had been out drinking with friends and she was last seen around one o'clock in the morning. There's a toxicology report in there stating she had a low blood alcohol count, but there were drugs in her system,” Matt told her.

  "Yeah, I see that, and it's not broken down to show what types of drugs were found. That is uncommon. Nowadays, if a woman suspects she's been raped and given a date rape drug, the hospital can run those specific tests."

  "She was found murdered. The thought during the case was that she was intoxicated, had rough sex with someone she didn't know, and in the midst of the sex, she was killed. There were no suspects at all and nothing else happened. There were no similar cases, and unfortunately, no forensic evidence found, except..."

  "What? What was found?” Lauren asked, as she tried to filter through the lab reports and all the information.

  "I think there was some kind of fuzz or clothing fiber found in her hair.” It was information that could help prove a possible connection. “What are you thinking?"

  "I think that there may be good reason to reopen this case. Let me run everything by the commander and see what he thinks. Thanks, Matt."

  "No problem.” She headed back to the office.

  An hour later, she had more information, and was developing a profile of the victims. Matt's case could very well turn out to be the killer's first victim. It was a possibility she was willing to investigate further. Lauren looked over the case of the bum, Louie. She had this feeling that wouldn't budge, and she needed to question the drunken bum. Her gut told her he knew something. Even though Tom disagreed, she needed to find out for herself. She looked for Jack, but he wasn't back yet from court. He was testifying in a case from a year ago.

  Lauren gathered her stuff and took a quick drive to the Metro North railroad that bordered Merritt College on Riverdale Ave.

  After questioning some other homeless people, she was finally able to locate Willy O. At least that's what they called him on the streets.

  Lauren walked through the filthy area of garbage and cardboard homes to where Willy O apparently hung out.

  Knowing she had ‘cop’ written all over her, she wanted to make certain they knew her purpose for invading their area. She also wanted to make sure they knew she meant business but wasn't looking to lock anyone up.

  She questioned every individual she came across and each of them seemed more determined than the next to give her a hard time and send her on a wild goose chase. Ultimately, it proved to be a tactic to convince them that she meant Willy O no harm.

  She was just about to give up when Willy O appeared out of nowhere. “The pretty cop lady. I knew you'd come back. I could see it in your eyes. You believe me.” He moved a little closer.

  Lauren was prepared to take the guy out if necessary, but she truly felt he would do her no harm.

  "You want to know who killed Louie?"

  "I want to know what you saw. I want to know everything.” She stood with confidence, despite the little sensation of fear in her gut.

  Willy looked at her suspiciously. “What's in the bag?” he asked, without breaking eye contact.

  "The drink you asked fo
r.” She paid close attention to the fact it appeared Willy O was a bit intoxicated already. He ended up knowing a lot more than she'd expected.

  Sitting on an old, beat up wooden crate, Lauren took out her notepad and wrote down the description of a possible suspect in Louie's murder.

  "Louie told me that he was sitting behind the garbage dumpster.” Willie took a slug of the drink, closed his eyes, then smiled as the scotch slid down his throat. “Louie said he heard the truck pull up, a horn honked, along with some banging against the truck."

  "Okay, then what?"

  "A woman ran from the vehicle, and a guy was chasing her."

  "What did Louie do?"

  "He wasn't gonna do nuttin. Liven on da streets is tough. No good payin tention—no good.” Willie shook his head, then took another slug of scotch.

  Lauren waited patiently, not wanting to push him, but also wanting answers.

  "Louie, the damn fool, yelled out. Tri scarin the guy, but it didn't help. Da man took the girl anyways,” he slurred.

  She got the rest of the information from Willie, and when she was certain she had everything, she thanked him, then headed back to the precinct.

  * * * *

  "You did what?” Tom didn't hide his anger at her, outside in the parking lot of the 53rd Precinct. A few fellow detectives and officers passing by turned their heads to look.

  Lauren could just imagine what went through their minds. “Listen, Lieu, I had a gut feeling. I told you this. So let me tell you what I found out."

  "That was a real stupid, fucking gung-ho rookie move you pulled. What if that guy tried something, then what?"

  "Tom, I'm fine and he didn't try anything. Besides, you know I'm prepared and fully trained."

  "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just tell me about your incredible info."

  "Willy O said that this guy, tall, black hair, dressed in jeans, and a black t-shirt, had been fighting with this woman in his truck. She got out somehow, and he was following this young woman, trying to grab her and force her back into the truck. Louie yelled out just trying to scare the guy, but instead the guy looked at Louie, and grabbed the girl anyway. Louie winds up telling Willie O what happened, and two nights later, Louie's dead and we're at the crime scene.” Lauren looked around her to be sure no one was in earshot.

  "But the best is this: Willy O claims that he saw a guy close to the same description around the area earlier, driving a white box truck. The kind for deliveries."

  "So you're thinking this case could be connected to the other one you're working on?"

  "Definitely. Remember, leave nothing to coincidence. I need to find out who the woman was that this guy took. If it matches Renee's description, then there's the connection. I have the description of the guy and possible make of the vehicle, which matches the one from Ridgewood."

  "So this guy asks for a drink. You give it to him, and you get all this?” Tom asked, looking flabbergasted.

  "I hate to say it, but..."

  "Don't even go there, Phelps. Good job. Now lets run it by the Boss and see what he wants us to do."

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 7

  He loved her laugh. It was youthful and bright. She was adorable with long golden locks. Her arms were toned and muscular, and she seemed a little tough. That was exactly what he craved tonight. He smiled and could tell she was lost in his gaze. She blushed and turned away, but only slightly. His stomach twitched with the feelings of anticipation. He absorbed every ounce of her.

  A special beaded dragonfly hairclip held her hair behind her ear. He acknowledged its beauty. She was so perfect for tonight. Her lobes held a single pearl stud earring, which matched the single pearl pendant around her creamy white neck.

  He tried to control his thoughts, but the images of his plans and fantasies flashed through his mind like a slideshow.

  Imagining his tongue on those lobes and wrapping his hands tightly around that neck, he began his fantasy.

  She would dance with him, cheek to cheek. He could almost feel her against his body and changed positions in his seat. All body parts were at attention. His stomach muscles tightened, his groin ached, and he nearly lost his breath.

  Smiling at her, he gently took her hand, and kissed it.

  She shyly pulled away, and placed her hands on her lap. He leaned back, noting her reaction, and planned his games.

  He would tie her down spread eagle. She would more than satisfy him. He sensed it.

  The bar was crowded, drunks everywhere. The music was doing a number on his ears, but he focused on his mission.

  The blonde excused herself a moment to use the ladies’ room before they left. He had her. His cool, suave moves had instantly made her putty in his hands.

  He reached into his pocket to pull out the precise amount of Ecstasy. He would not want to overdo it. Craving a challenge tonight, he questioned for a moment whether he should use the drug.

  He carefully placed it into the glass of white wine.

  She returned, lips glossy and pink, and she was blushing ever so slightly.

  "Finish your wine, beautiful, and we'll be on our way."

  "I don't know. I mean I really don't know you, and my friends..."

  "Your friends are having a great time. We'll talk a little more, then we'll go."

  He played the game so well.

  As he scooted the stool closer to hers, he drew her in deeper, then gently placed his hand on her thigh. The heat was intense and she felt it, too, he was sure of it. She licked her glossy pink lips, and he cupped her chin in his hand.

  "You have the most kissable lips,” he whispered, then moved his face closer to hers.

  He was gentle as he placed his lips over hers, a small sample of what he desired. He was careful not to overdo it and released her lips, then kissed each cheek, slow, softly while staring into her eyes. He finally ended the gentle trail of kisses near her earlobe.

  "You're delicious,” he growled in a low, sexy voice that seemed to heighten his prey's arousal. She turned from him to take a long sip, finishing her glass of white wine.

  With each lie, each claim of valor, he beat down their innocence, their ability to follow their gut. It gave him great pleasure to have that power, and as the drug kicked in, he knew his time was limited.

  Carefully, he tipped the bartender, then closely held his prize as they made it to the front entrance. He got her into the truck and slowly exited the parking lot and made it to the highway.

  On the way home, there was a registration check. The cop barely seemed to notice the female passenger. She probably looked tired to him, perhaps a bit drunk. The patrol officer allowed them to pass and the killer continued to drive to his private, little playhouse.

  "I feel so dizzy. I want to go back. Something isn't right.” She held her head and tried to focus on the direction they were going in.

  "Shhhh. Don't you worry, my beautiful girl. We're going to have some fun, just you and me."

  He kissed her forehead, and she laid her head against his shoulder.

  She wanted him. Oh, yes, she wanted him.

  "You're mine ... and we belong together...” he began to sing.

  * * * *

  A week later, Lauren and the other detectives were no closer to finding a vehicle, or locating any possible suspects. To top it off, another young woman went missing in the Stone County area. The media was having a field day.

  Eddie and Ken watched Lauren on television, as she stood at the podium answering questions and avoiding them.

  "She's good,” Ken added.

  "She's real good,” Eddie said, and thought she looked gorgeous on TV.

  He took in her appearance. Lauren wore a pair of black, pin-striped, slim-fitting dress pants and a beige blouse. Her hair was all done up in a fancy sophisticated style atop her head, and she wore diamond stud earrings and a diamond pendant.

  The word ‘classy’ entered Eddie's mind and he wished that damn podium wasn't in the way, so he could see
her body again.

  His wish came true as he heard the voice right behind him.

  "Hello? Didn't you guys hear me?” Lauren asked, and both Ken and Eddie turned toward her.

  Eddie knew the report was a repeat from this morning, but he had no idea Lauren was on her way here.

  "Oh, hi, Detective Phelps, sorry about that. You sounded great and you look great on TV, as well,” Ken said, and smiled.

  "What are you doing here?” Eddie said, and then just stared at her, and tried to act as if he didn't care.

  "Nice to see you too, Lieutenant,” Lauren barked back, just as the chief of police entered the room.

  "Eddie, Ken, it looks like Detective Phelps will be staying in town a while. She'll be working this case side by side with you boys, so please provide her with any assistance she needs and the cooperation of our department."

  Just then, Eddie's cell phone rang.

  He answered, spoke a few words, then hung up.

  "No problem, Chief, it will be our pleasure,” Ken added, then his phone rang at his desk, so he went to answer it.

  "Well, Lieutenant, this is what I got so far..."

  "You'll have to bring it with you. I'm pulling together a timeline of the latest missing victim. We have some people to question, so you'll have to read on the way,” Eddie told Lauren, then looked toward Ken.

  "I'll hold down the fort here and let you know what we get,” Ken whispered as he held the receiving end of the phone.

  * * * *

  Lauren and Eddie headed south, out of town, toward a restaurant and bar called Twist and Shout. On the way, she explained about the connections in the cases.

  "This guy is pretty ruthless. He wanted to keep his identity unknown, so he knocks off a bum he thought could identify him?” Eddie said.

  "Exactly. Which makes me think that our killer frequents Yonkers, Manhattan, and the Bronx, but may live in the suburbs. Perhaps in Stone County."

  "Are you kidding me? What makes you so sure?” Eddie challenged her and Lauren was ready for it as she described the location of the crime scenes, the similarities of the victims, and the places the girls were last seen.


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