G-RING: A Bad Boy College Romance

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G-RING: A Bad Boy College Romance Page 14

by Diana Gardin

  His tongue circles my clit, once, twice, and my hips buck off the soft surface of the mattress. My fingers find their way into the soft strands of his hair, and my eyes close as ecstasy washes over me.

  No man has ever touched me like this, teased me like this, made me feel this good.

  And I want—no, I need—more.

  When my climax builds to the point of pleasurable pain, I cry out and hold onto his shoulders like my life depends on it. One last flick of his tongue causes me to crash over the edge, falling into my orgasm with a perfectly executed swan dive.

  I recover, panting heavily, while I watch Ace undress. He swipes his shirt over his head, and my eyes rove over piles of rock hard muscle covering his chest and abs. Then he pops the button on his jeans, sliding them down over his hips and allowing them to fall to the floor.

  His black boxers follow, and the sight of his erection, huge and waiting, pushes me right back into overdrive.

  “God, Ace…you’re so beautiful.”

  His eyes darken as they glide over my body, and then he’s climbing on top of me. “Baby,” he whispers. “Reach into that nightstand and grab a condom.”

  I do, and he rips open the packet and slides it over himself. When he’s positioned at my entrance, he hesitates, staring down at me. Everything about Ace right now is intentional, full of heat and tenderness.

  “This is your first time, Naima?”

  I nod, my bottom lip slipping between my teeth.

  “Then hold onto me baby. This will hurt, but I promise it’ll only be for a second.”

  I nod, wrapping my arms around his neck. With one quick thrust, he breaks my barrier and seats himself inside me fully. There, he pauses, waiting for my body to adjust and recover.

  The burst of pain blooms and then resides, over nearly as fast as it began, and then longing pulses deep in my core. I want this. I want more.

  Wiggling my hips, I stare up at him with my hands framing his face. “Ready, Ace.”

  He blinks, allowing his eyes to remain closed for a moment before he focuses on me again. Then he starts to move, the deep motions of his hips driving his hard cock into me again and again.

  “Oh, my God.” My breath hisses out of me, my nipples tender and swollen against his chest.

  Every single part of my body is sensitized to every movement of his, and I’m practically vibrating with each of his thrusts.

  “You.” His voice grinds out the word. “Are. So. Fucking. Perfect.”

  His hips punctuate each word, and I hear the truth ringing from them. Pride and confidence surge through me, and I raise my hips to meet his thrusts.

  This, I can do. I can make him feel just as good as he makes me feel.

  He groans, his eyes rolling back in his head, and he moves faster. Faster, Deeper.

  Our bodies slick with heat and sweat, we’re joined together like one creation, and everything in both our minds is gone except for each other. By the time Ace speaks again, I feel like I’ve risen to another level, like I’m somewhere else completely.

  With him.

  “Come for me, angel. Come on.” His hoars whisper is nonetheless commanding, and my body clenches and releases in response.

  The waves of pleasure I’ve been fighting off, holding back, releases and my second orgasm of the early morning hours almost wipes me out. I scream, letting loose a stream of sound I can’t control.

  Ace’s answering grunt of pleasure is the only warning I have before his body jerks above me, releasing his seed inside me.

  He drops onto me, his body heaving and hot, his warm breath coasting across my face.

  “Ace,” I whisper into the darkness. “Was that real?”

  He silent for a moment before he answers me. His lips brush against my cheek, my brow bones, my chin.

  “You’re not real,” he murmurs. “You’re too good for me. But as long as you’ll have me, Naima, I’ll be here.”

  Pulling him closer, I meld my lips to his.

  For as long as I want him? He doesn’t know what he’s just offered me.

  I might want forever.



  “Why won’t you tell me anything about what’s going on tonight?” I chew on my bottom lip as I stare at Ace.

  We’re standing in the bright morning sunshine. It’s the first brisk morning we’ve had in Charlotte, the crispness in the air a warning that fall is well underway. The wind whips up little tufts of leaves that have fallen from the live oaks surrounding front steps of the campus Student Center, and his hair stirs in the breeze. Our hands are clasped together in front of us. This morning, he took me by the sorority house and waited downstairs while I showered and changed. The strange and curious looks he received from my sisters were classic, and I’m going to have so much explaining to do later when I get home.

  I did introduce him to Rose, who I could tell held more questions back than she actually let fly.

  Everything changed last night. The tether, the connection that we felt before is now a thick, binding network of emotions. We’ve woven a patchwork of unity that’s going to be impossible to forget or erase. I can feel it in every glance, every touch, every searing kiss.

  He stares at me, and his expression scares the shit out of me. “Because ever since this whole thing started, I’ve been trying to keep you out of it. I’m not going to stop now. Especially now.”

  “I want to help.”

  “Baby, you’ll be helping me by staying away. I need to know you’re with Carson. That way I can keep my head in the game.”

  “What game?”

  He shakes his head, his sandy hair moving with him and his eyes going mossy. “I’ll call you.”

  I’m not a clingy girl. I’m not needy, and I don’t wait for a guy to call.

  But Ace isn’t just any guy. He’s mine now. And some strong, instinctual feeling deep down inside tells me I don’t want him to do whatever it is he’s planning.

  I level my gaze at him. “I will hunt you down if you don’t.”

  His full lips curve into one of his true grins, the one I’ve never seen him use with anyone else. “Yeah. I got that.”

  Leaning down, he kisses me. It’s heat, pure fire. I melt into the connection, losing myself in a way I think I always will when I’m around Ace. He’s just wrapped one arm around my waist, pulling me closer, when there’s a whistle from a few feet away, and we pull apart to see Bryn standing on the sidewalk, her mouth wide open, staring at us from beside Jaxon’s car. Jaxon and Noah aren’t far behind her and judging from the dark cloud brewing in Noah’s expression, they saw our entire interaction.

  “Get a room!”

  I glare at Bryn, before grabbing Ace’s face for one more blazing kiss. Backing away from him, I use my eyes to tell him how I feel.

  He answers with his.

  Walking into the Student Center for coffee with my friends, Bryn’s voice is full of curious excitement. Her thrill-seeking nature is almost a relief after the past twenty-four hours, and I grab her and pull her to me.

  “So, last night went well.” She laughs as I link my arm through hers.

  “I don’t kiss and tell, B.”

  Noah’s eyebrows furrow as he scowls. “What the fuck, Ny?”

  I glance over at him. “What?”

  Noah gives a disgusted shake of his head before striding in the opposite direction. Jaxon kisses Bryn on the cheek before giving me a wave and following his friend.

  “He’s not taking it well.” Bryn leans over and speaks conspiratorially. “Pretty sure he wants to kick Ace’s ass.”

  Reaching the coffeehouse line, I order my standard hazelnut latte. “That’s so stupid. Noah and I were never really a thing. And he can just move on to the next chick. It’ll be no problem for him.”

  She leans against the counter, raising her brows. “Sure, he could. But he doesn’t want to. Noah’s intense. And he wants you.”

  Why do I seem to attract the intense ones? I’m thinki
ng of Ace, who’s once of the most intense people I’ve ever met, with the exception of my father.

  “Well, he can’t have me,” I snap. “And he should get used to it. Ace and I…”

  Her eyes go wide, realizing where my thoughts are headed. “Really?”

  Accepting my coffee from the barista, I snag my bottom lip between my teeth and glance at her. “Yeah. Really.”

  She leans in closer, now a little wrinkle between her eyes. Their blue depths are filled with concern. “The way he rode in last night like some kind of knight…that kind of manliness could mess with a girl’s head. It’s no wonder you’re falling too fast. But, Ny…is he good for you? What kind of trouble is he in that you’re now a part of?”

  Sighing, I lean back against my counter while she orders her caramel macchiato. After what Bryn saw last night, I owe her an explanation. I don’t want to break Ace’s confidence, but I need to give her a brief version of events.

  “Ace has some guys angry with him. Bad guys. It has to do with the G-Ring.” Keeping my voice low, I glance around to make sure we’re not being overheard. “I think last night was just someone using me to send him a message.”

  Bryn’s eyes grow wide. “Ny! Then you have to stay away. I don’t want you hurt.”

  Nodding, my eyes flit toward the floor. “That’s what Ace says, too. He won’t see me again until he figures out who it is and handles the situation.”

  Bryn nods. “Well that earns him some points. But still…I don’t like it. Whoever that person was knew you’d be at the fraternity house. How the hell would they know that? Are you going to be safe until then?”

  I let out a breath. “I hope he and I are both safe until then.”

  Bryn’s face grows even more serious as she grabs her coffee. We walk out of the Student Center and down the steps. “On another note…tell me how he was in bed. I need to know…the boy is smokin’ hot.”

  I drop my voice to a whisper and wait for her to lean in further before I answer.


  She squeals and I glance around me as curious eyes glance in our direction. “I knew it!”

  Turning, I head toward the Chemistry buildings, while Bryn, a journalism major, walks toward the English cluster. “Let’s grab tacos around noon.”

  It’s impossible to concentrate that morning. All I can think about is Ace, what he’s planning, how he’s going to deal with our situation. He let me in on the fact that he was going to try to get information about who keeps sending dangerous men after us from the dead man’s brother. But he wouldn’t give me any more details than that. I fully plan to pump his uncle Carson for information after class.

  By lunch, I’ve fought against texting Ace so many times that I’ve strung myself into a nervous pretzel. Bryn sees it immediately, narrowing her eyes as I meet her at the Mexican restaurant across the street from our campus. Noah and Jaxon are there, talking to a few of their friends from the fraternity at the next table.

  “What’s wrong?” she demands as I sink into a chair.

  Glancing around to make sure no one is paying attention to us, I snatch a chip from the bowl in the center of the table. “Nothing.”

  “Bullshit.” She leans closer. “You worried about Ace?”

  Shaking my head, I munch. I pray she’ll just drop it, but I know her well enough to realize she won’t.


  Sighing, I pick up a menu. “I haven’t heard from him and I want to. The stuff he has going on scares the shit out of me. Leave it at that, okay?”

  Her eyebrows knit together. “Okay.”

  Wow. That was easy. I must really be on edge for her to leave me alone that fast.

  Glancing over from his conversation with the guys, Noah’s eyes fasten on me. “What kind of stuff?” His gaze tracks my movement as I put dip another chip into my mouth and chew. I’m using the moment to mull over my options for an answer. I trust Bryn, Jaxon, and Noah, but Ace doesn’t’ know them. The last thing I want to do is break his trust by telling them too much.

  At that moment, our server comes to the table and collects our orders. After we’ve all given them, Noah focuses on me once more.

  “Come on, Ny. You’re obviously upset about it. I just want to help you.” Noah’s coaxing thaws me just a little, and I fold my hands in front of me on the table.

  “It’s not my story to tell, Noah. But thanks for being concerned. He’ll work it out.” I plaster a smile on my face, hoping that’ll help soothe his worry.

  He cocks his head to the side, evaluating me. “I heard he was running the Ring tonight. Whatever he has going on can’t be that bad.”

  I blink. Noah might as well have just punched me in the gut, and it must be registering on my face, because his brows shoot up. “You didn’t know?”

  I glance from Noah, to Bryn and back again. She’s watching me, and I know there’s no point in trying to fool them. “No, I didn’t know.”

  Noah studies me. “Yeah. I was planning on checking it out. You want to come with me?”

  When I look at Bryn again, she shrugs. “You should go. You look worried about him. I would totally come with you guys, but Jaxon and I are going to dinner with my parents. It’s my mom’s birthday.”

  Should I? Ace made it clear that he didn’t want me to leave Carson’s side tonight. But he didn’t’ tell me it was going to be business as usual at the Ring.

  Why didn’t he tell me?

  Shame colors my face because Noah knew something I didn’t about the man I’m…what, dating? Whatever we are, it’s not enough for him to fill me in on what’s going on in his life.

  That thought settles my decision. “Yeah. Pick me up at The Corner later and I’ll come with you.”

  A smile crosses Noah’s face, and a shard of doubt slices through my mind.

  Am I doing the right thing?

  I guess I’ll find out tonight.



  I dismount my bike in the suburban neighborhood, placing my helmet on the seat. Staring up at the white house covered in vinyl siding, blue shutters and matching front door, I’m struck by how unassuming it all is. It’s about as far from what I’d expect someone caught up in gambling bullshit to come from as you can get.

  The door cracks open about ten seconds after my knock. Marcus’ brother squints out at me. His hair is a mess of greasy spikes shooting out in all directions. He’s still in his clothes from the night before, only now they’re all wrinkled and crooked. His face is creased with lines, like he fell asleep somewhere other than his bed. He looks rough, but then he saw his brother’s dead body less than twelve hours ago. I don’t blame him.

  “How’d you get my address?” He sounds more exhausted than irritated, and I don’t blame him for that, either.

  The thirty-minute drive into the Mint Hill suburb surrounding the city gave me plenty of time to think about how I’m going to approach this. This guy has no reason to give me the information I need about Marcus, especially after his brother’s body was found in my uncle’s bar.

  But I’m here to make him talk.

  “I have a friend who’s good with computers. Look, if you want to help me find out what really happened to Marcus, you’ll let me in so we can talk.”

  He evaluates me, scanning my face to see if I’m telling him the truth. Finally, like it’s the last thing he wants to do but can’t stand not knowing what I have to say, he steps back and gestures inside the two-story home.

  I cross into a wide-open foyer that opens into a family room overlooked by a big, bright kitchen.

  “Nice place,” I remark.

  He sinks onto one of the barstools, gesturing to the one beside him. I pull it out and sit down, resting my elbows on the granite-topped island.

  “Talk,” he says.

  When Carson spoke with the police last night, he learned that Marcus’ brother is Daniel Wahl. He’s a salesman who travels a lot, and he’s single. He and Marcus were both from the Charlo
tte area, but somewhere along the way Marcus ran headfirst into a gambling problem. Daniel tried to help his brother get help, but it never stuck.

  “I don’t know what Marcus was into or who he was dealing with, but I need to find out. I’m setting up a sting operation at my gambling ring tonight—” Daniel’s head snaps up— “and I want you to be a part of it. We fully expect Marcus’ killer to show up there.”

  His eyes are wide, his mouth opening and closing like he can’t figure out what to say. “You run a gambling ring?”

  “I’m retiring young. Tonight’s the last night it’ll be open.”

  “How old are you?” The skepticism in his voice is plain.

  “Old enough.”

  Daniel shakes his head. “Fine. What do you need from me?”

  “You don’t know the name of the guy Marcus was in deep with?” Pulling my elbows off the counter, I stand up from the stool, opting to pace the room instead.

  Daniel shakes his head. “No. He never told me a name. But I was with him once when he met the guy. The guy was young…couldn’t have been much older than you. Definitely not older than Marcus. I assumed he was a go-between.”

  I stop, mid-pace. “You’d recognize him if you saw him again?”

  Daniel gives a slow nod. “Yeah.”

  Hope flares up in my chest, blooming until I can barely take a breath around it. “Good. Then I’ll see you tonight. I’ll text you the address of the G-Ring.”

  I head for the front door, Daniel following behind me. “But you don’t have my number.”

  I pat his shoulder before walking out his front door. “Yeah, I do. Be ready at nine.”

  “Thanks for meeting me.” I slide into the booth across from Detective Monahan, the man who interviewed Carson last night.

  I pulled out Detective Monahan’s card while still standing in front of Daniel Wahl’s house. He agreed to meet me not too far from the G-Ring, at a deli in uptown Charlotte. When I arrived at the restaurant, I spotted him sitting in the back in a corner booth, and I loped down the aisle until I arrived at the table.


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