Nakedella: Book Three

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Nakedella: Book Three Page 1

by Viola Grace

  Published by Mojocastle Press, LLC

  Price, Utah

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.

  Nakedella: Book Three

  Copyright ã 2007 Viola Grace

  Cover Art Copyright @ 2007 Lar DeSouza

  All rights reserved.

  Excluding legitimate review sites and review publications, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Copying, scanning, uploading, selling and distribution of this book via the Internet or any other means without permission from the publisher is illegal, punishable by law and will be prosecuted.

  Available online at:

  Also By Viola Grace:

  Nakedella: Book One

  Nakedella: Book Two

  Nakedella: Book Three

  Chapter One

  Nakedella supposed that they were quite the striking pair; a nude woman with a cloak loosely draped over her shoulders and a deep blue unicorn with silver accents. His mane rippled as he walked at a leisurely pace, and her blonde hair glinted in the sun.

  She hadn’t spoken all day. Her voice was hoarse from her breathless cries that morning as Drygan had taken her from behind. He explained it as enabling him to watch their surroundings while he mated with her.

  His current position between her thighs also meant that he couldn’t reply to her conversation, so she simply stopped speaking while riding him on her way back to her village.

  The troll bridge loomed in the distance. Nakedella smiled slightly as they approached at a rapid pace, the eager troll visible from half a mile away.

  The cloak he was wearing made his form an amorphous blob from the distance they were at, but his position at the side of the bridge gave away his identity more clearly than his face.

  Drygan galloped up to him and stood still to let her dismount, then wandered off to graze. Apparently, he had no problem with her trysting with the troll.

  “Hello again, Ella! I am so glad that you decided to stop in on your way home.” His hand gracefully left the folds of his cloak, and she let hers daintily rest upon it as he led the way under the bridge.

  “Apparently you were anticipating my arrival.” The cave under the bridge was alive with light. Candles of every size and description burned away the dark in a flickering barrage.

  “I was indeed. I lit them as soon as I saw the glint of the unicorn’s horn.” His hand led her to a bed that she didn’t remember from the last time, and he laid her down upon it with a flourish, then drank in her beauty. “Ella, you are truly a work of art.”

  She looked into his eyes and knew what he needed. He wanted to learn her, her reactions and her body. Most of all, he wanted to take his time.

  It was that promise of slow and thorough exploration that caused her body to flare to life. She did so love to be touched.

  “Start slow, but do what you will.” His face lit up and he reached for her with trembling hands.

  As she wasn’t wearing anything, it was easy for his clawed fingers to gently trail across her breasts. She shivered gently at the contact, but remained supine and at his mercy.

  Her nipples peaked at his touch, gooseflesh pebbling them up for attention. She let out a light sigh as his fingers closed around her breast to massage gently.

  With a happy rumble, he closed his mouth over one breast and suckled hard at her flesh, carefully keeping his fangs out of the way.

  How he managed suction with his snout was not her main point of concern as tendrils of heat snaked from her breasts to settle low in her belly and begin the generation of moisture.

  As he shifted his attentions from one nipple to the other, she moaned lightly and began to move her legs, rubbing them restlessly together. Her neck was arched and her fingers tangled in the mat of his hair as his long and rasping tongue caressed her most obvious attributes. She tried to keep his head focused on her torso, but after her breathless cries had risen in pitch, he moved on.

  His tongue snaked out to lap at her belly and she shivered again, trying to tug his head back to her breasts. The wet and warm appendage delved into her navel, and the flood of wetness in response to the caress was noticed even by her less sensitive nose.

  Her own musk now flooded the room and it seemed to drive the troll to satisfy her in a frenzy. Moments after her surge of heat, her thighs were spread wide and his head was firmly lodged between them. His tongue lapped at her, dragging upward from anus to clit, a slow and steady beat that brought her to the edge of satisfaction in minutes.

  As she squealed her pleasure, he groaned in relief and swiftly moved to cover her. The hard thrust of his oversized cock caused her to grunt, but set off more palpitations of her most sensitive flesh.

  Her cunt ached as he began to pound within her in a heady beat, his size almost a barrier to their coupling. His hands gripped her thighs as he dragged her to the edge of the bed, still firmly within her. He stood flat-footed on the floor and raised her hips to meet his pounding.

  Her weight was now held within his clawed hands on her hips and her shoulders. Black sparks were flying behind her lids, and her cries of pleasure took oxygen from her with every hard thrust. He finally moved one claw to move across her clit. A few moments of stroking her as he pumped were enough to set her off once again, shrieking her pleasure to the room at large, and the troll in particular.

  The black sparks closed in on her, and she fainted.

  * * * * * *

  She woke to the troll gently bathing her in a warm natural spring. She was on his lap, and his body was seated beneath her thighs.

  She looked around and was unsurprised to see Drygan in his human form at the other side of the pool.

  She didn’t speak, but he did. “The troll was a little upset when you fainted, Ella. I told him that it just meant that he had done it correctly.” He smiled and nodded to the troll, whom she now realized was looking at her with an expression akin to panic.

  “I’m fine. I blacked out when I came. It happens sometimes if my partner has been careful to arouse me into a frenzy first.”

  “Really?” His skin flushed a darker gray.

  “Really.” She leaned forward and kissed him sweetly on the snout. She snuggled more deeply into his lap and lapsed back into her nap.

  When she woke this time, she was unsurprised to find herself in Drygan’s lap. The troll apparently had been called to the duty of guarding the bridge. He would return to give her her payment as soon as he had dealt with the travellers.

  Drygan kissed her sweetly and she moved gently in the water until she was kneeling across his lap. He aimed his cock for her and she slid onto it with only minor fumbling.

  Slowly and dreamily she rode him, the faint splashing of water against her body just another sensual stimulation. It seemed that hours had passed, but she whimpered and contracted around him. He followed suit a few moments later with a soft groan of his own.

  The troll was standing nearby, watching avidly. If she didn’t know better, she would swear that he was taking notes.

  “Ella, I have your present for you. I hope that you will enjoy it.” He held a box forward and as he moved to them she smothered a gasp at the blood that drenched his hands, arms and chest.

  She rose from the water after disengaging herself from Drygan’s member. Her feet left wet prints on the stone as she crossed the floor to the bloody guardian.

  She took the box from him and gave him a blinding smile. The bloody smile that he gave her in return let her kno
w that the intruders at the bridge were no longer a problem. They must have refused to pay for passage.

  When the box was opened, it contained row after row of vials. Some were colored in blue, some with a rainbow glass, and some in a bright gold.

  “These are beautiful! What are they?” Her smile gave her erstwhile lover his own grin, and he explained, “There is a magician who likes to use this bridge to shave time off his travels. He specializes in potions. So, the potions that he provides as payment for his crossing are the three that you have there.

  “The rainbow vials will let you change into any shape that you wish, male, female or whatever. The blue vials let you choose your clothing and give you the gift of languages for wherever you are. The gold vials simply generate income for you. You simply reach into any bag or fold of clothing and there are coins.”

  “Each vial lasts twelve hours. After they wear off, the clothing won’t disappear, but the languages will. Your body will simply regain its usual alluring shape.” The bloody grin was out again. “Thank you again, Ella. It was an experience that I will never forget.”

  “Nor I, Troll. You are quite a considerate and determined lover. You should do well.”

  “My name is Antonio, Ella.” He blushed a purplish-grey and looked at the floor.

  “My apologies, I should have asked you earlier.” It was her turn to blush. Not an easy accomplishment for one of her experience.

  “It is all right. No one ever thinks to ask. And you allowed me what no others have.”

  “What was that?”

  “To touch and give pleasure, instead of just receiving a blowjob. I think I know a goblin who will appreciate my practice.” His smile should have terrified her, but instead a warmth spread through her. It was so rarely that anyone expressed their appreciation for her particular occupation.

  “The gift you have extended to me is also exceedingly generous. Are you sure that you wish to part with so many magical potions? They must be hard to come by, Antonio.”

  “Not nearly as rare as your visits, Ella. The magician is due to return across the bridge in a few days. I will not need the potions before then.”

  “Then I thank you most cordially.” She turned to Drygan. “Are you ready to continue our journey?”

  “I am indeed. But during your nap, Antonio mentioned a message that he had to give you?” He raised one eyebrow at the troll, and the greyish-purple blush was back.

  “Oh, yes, of course. A local prince has requested your help. He can be found near the pond on this map.” While he looked for the map, she tucked the case of potions into her bag. It still didn’t weigh any more than it did empty, and she was once again relieved by the magic of it. A few moments fumbling in a nearby cupboard, and he presented her with a ribbon-sealed scroll.

  “What precisely did he need?” After Alak, she was a little leery of helping princes.

  “He said he just wants to talk.”

  The laughter that she had to stifle almost killed her. Both males were now smirking at her in understanding.

  “Well, my trusty steed, are we ready to travel?” Her impish smile was directed at both men, and Drygan led her out to the tune of the masculine laughter.

  It was a good day.

  Chapter Two

  His transformation into his hoofed form took only moments and soon they were back on the trail, crossing the bridge and making their way to the home of the prince. She always had a perverse sense of pride whilst riding the unicorn. Ella figured that it was the contrast of a whore on a figure of virtue.

  The pond was easy to spot, the prince slightly more awkward to locate.

  “The troll said you wanted to see me?” Asking the question of a small green frog felt vaguely ridiculous, but she continued on. “My name is Nakedella.”

  “I am aware of your name. I am Prince Mertwin Val Newlik.” His speech was robbed of its dignity by his tongue snapping out to grab a fly.

  “Pleased to meet you, Prince.” She sat down near the pond, where he was holding court on a gilded lily pad. The tiny golden crown on his head suited his green skin perfectly.

  “I have summoned you here because I need your assistance.”

  “I assumed as much.” She met his reptilian eyes with a frank stare. “I only stopped in because it was on my way home.”

  “Then I will get straight to the point. One week ago, I rescued the princess’s golden ball. Tomorrow I am going up to the castle to claim my reward.”

  “Sounds wonderful. So what is the problem?”

  If she hadn’t known better, she would have sworn that the frog was blushing.

  A whisper so tiny that she almost didn’t hear it carried itself on the rippling pond. “I’m a virgin.”

  She whispered back, “So what is the problem?”

  “I don’t want to disappoint her. I have been a frog for a very long time.”

  “What is the problem?” She cocked her head forward to hear his quiet voice.

  “If she keeps her word and accepts me, I will transform back into a human.”

  “I reiterate, what is the problem?”

  “I am not exactly sure what to do.” One of his webbed hands was being closely examined by one of his independently moving eyes.

  “What? You mean sex?”

  “Yes. I need to know…”

  “How to proceed?”


  “What do you need to learn? Foreplay, penetration, afterplay, snuggling, fellatio, cunnilingus, positions? You need to narrow it down, or we could be here for a really long time.”

  She watched quietly as he grappled with the options that she presented.

  “Well, the princess is supposed to be a virgin as well, so I want to make her first time special.” He paused, regrouping his thoughts. “And I want to make sure that I can last through the experience.”

  “Give me a moment to think about this.” She walked over to where Drygan was grazing while keeping her in his field of vision, and explained her conundrum to the unicorn. Her hand restlessly stroked his mane and back as she spoke in hushed tones. “So, the frog needs instructions on how to make love to a virgin, and I have no idea what to tell him. I haven’t been a virgin for a really long time.”

  Drygan gracefully shifted into his human form. “Just tell him step by step what he needs to pay attention to.”

  “How do I know that? When I sleep with women, they usually do most of the work.”

  A gleam came to his silvered eyes. “I think I have an idea.”

  Based on the rising attention of his cock, she could guess the direction of his thoughts.

  “I’d show him how to seduce a woman. One step at a time.”

  “How? I am hardly a virgin. And I definitely don’t dress like a princess.”

  “Not normally, but you do still have that gown in the bag, don’t you?”

  She caught on to his plan and immediately began to rummage in the bag for her gown, unsurprised when it came to her hand easily.

  She dressed with Drygan’s help and together, they returned to the pond.

  “We have an idea, Prince Mertwin.” Nakedella spoke, ignoring the way the reptilian eyes were trying to see through the silken gown. “Drygan will take your role as seducer and treat me as if I were a virgin. You need only to watch and pay attention.”

  “You are hardly a virgin, Nakedella.” The lust in the frog’s eyes was unmistakable. Men. He had seen her naked, but put clothing on her, and he couldn’t wait to see it come off.

  “And you are not a human man. But you are trying to return to that state, and if properly seducing the princess will help, you might want to pretend that I will react appropriately.”

  He had the grace to look embarrassed. “You are correct. I apologize, and will accept any instruction that you will bestow upon me.”

  “Then you had better take that instruction from me, and not the woman you are to seduce.” Drygan stepped forward, and his features were surprisingly stern. He was taking thi
s seriously. Ella kept a straight face and stepped back to let him take charge.

  He was, of course, correct. It was up to the prince to seduce the princess, and she would not be making the first moves. He had to learn by example, and Drygan was one helluva tutor.

  * * * * * *

  “I believe that your transformation will be driven by the kiss, so we will start there.” Drygan turned to her and drew her into his arms.

  “Ella, I have never seen a woman like you. Your grace and gentle nature shine in every gesture you make.” He brought one of her hands to his lips and laid a kiss in her palm.

  Her body shook in reaction and she blushed furiously. Her eyes searched his, then seemed to remember their audience and relaxed. With warm fingers, he raised her chin and met her trembling lips with his own.

  A tiny sigh from the frog nearby testified to the sweet nature of this particular kiss. It also brought Drygan back to the task at hand.

  He drew back for a moment and assessed the lazy flush in Ella’s face. Her heat was slowly rising, and she still had her dress on.

  “At this moment, Prince, it is acceptable to begin to increase the ardency of the kiss.”

  Both of his hands cupped her face and held her for a more passionate version of the earlier kiss. At her soft moan, his tongue flicked out to lave her lips into parting for him.

  Her mouth opened in invitation, and he didn’t hesitate to take advantage. His tongue swept inside to tangle with hers, her arms weaving around his neck and her body swaying into his proof of her receptive mood.

  Keeping their mouths feeding from each other and fueling the lust that was ripping through him, he began to slowly run his hands down her body, the silk between them a barrier that he used to his advantage.

  His hands kneaded her breasts, fingers tweaked at the nipples, then slowly stroked across her ribcage to settle on her hips. His grip shifted and he pulled her warm, silk-encased flesh into the firm erection that was awaiting her.


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