The Bracelet

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The Bracelet Page 20

by Fredrica Alleyn

  ‘Then you don’t care for Tarquin in the way I care for Laurence,’ said Jackie fiercely. ‘If you did, you wouldn’t care about Lucretia, or being “Agent of the Year”, which if you want my opinion made you sound like some kind of female James Bond.’

  ‘No,’ agreed Kristina, ignoring the jibe. ‘I don’t think we are alike.’

  ‘I suppose you think I’m pathetic and you’re still “in control”?’ demanded Jackie aggressively, refilling her wine glass.

  ‘I don’t think anything of the kind. But I do think it’s a pity you’re not working.’

  ‘I am,’ said Jackie, her eyes bright again. ‘I’m working at becoming the perfect partner for Laurence. That’s why I go and see other men, to get new ideas, and that’s why I watch videos and wear these kinds of clothes. I want to be permanently aroused, permanently ready for him.’

  ‘I don’t see how watching videos is going to make you more interesting for Laurence,’ said Kristina. ‘Since he joined the society because he wanted dynamic business women who were willing to be dominated on the odd occasion, I think you’re in danger of becoming a total turn-off for him.’

  ‘Do you really?’ said Jackie softly, and suddenly Kristina felt nervous. Her friend looked different, almost feverish and strangely triumphant.

  ‘Well, you must admit you’re not the same as you were when the pair of you first met,’ she said gently. ‘Maybe that suits him, how would I know?’

  ‘I’ll tell you what suits him,’ said Jackie. ‘It’s having you here, tonight.’

  ‘Having me here?’ asked Kristina in bewilderment.

  ‘Yes, because tonight is one of our nights. Tonight I’m wearing the bracelet for Laurence and he asked me to get you here so that you could watch us.’ As she spoke she pulled the familiar gold bracelet out of her handbag and slipped it over her right wrist. At the same time Laurence appeared in the doorway.

  Kristina stood up. ‘I’m leaving. I’m not wearing a bracelet, and I don’t want to stay. Please get out of the way, Laurence, and don’t ever try this again.’

  As she drew level with him he put out a hand and caught hold of her wrist. ‘Please stay,’ he whispered. ‘You’ll enjoy yourself, and later we’re having another guest, someone you’ll definitely want to see.’

  Kristina’s mouth went dry. ‘Who?’ she asked breathlessly.

  Laurence gave a thin smile. ‘Why, the good doctor Tarquin Rashid of course.’

  Kristina looked from Jackie to Laurence, and then back to Jackie again. ‘Did you know about this?’ she asked.

  Jackie smiled, fingering her slim bracelet tenderly. ‘Of course I did. I was the one who arranged it all. I had to, Laurence made me when I last wore the bracelet.’

  Kristina nodded thoughtfully. ‘And you never considered taking off the bracelet and refusing?’

  ‘Why should she?’ demanded Laurence. ‘There’s nothing wrong with what I asked her to do. Tarquin belongs to the society, and he was delighted to be asked to join us later.’

  ‘Does he know I’ll be here?’ asked Kristina.

  Laurence’s pale blue eyes were cold. ‘Naturally; I’m sure that was the main attraction, although he admitted that the idea of two women wearing bracelets in the company of two men was very exciting in itself.’

  ‘But I’m not wearing the bracelet,’ she protested.

  ‘Not at this moment. Doubtless Tarquin will request you to, later on. For the moment all that you’re required to do is act as a spectator at our show. Are you willing? Or are you going to leave before your lover gets here?’

  Kristina didn’t know what to do. She desperately wanted to be there when Tarquin arrived, but she wasn’t sure that she wanted to wear the bracelet in the company of the other two. Neither was she certain that she wished to watch them until he arrived, although deep down there was a part of her that had always wanted to know what went on between Laurence and Jacqueline during their times together.

  ‘I should go if you’re not sure,’ said Jackie with a half-smile. ‘This isn’t for the faint-hearted.’

  It was the smile that decided it for Kristina. Jackie wanted her to leave; wanted her to quit and leave her alone in the company of both men. This would show Kristina up as being inhibited and, worse still, unwilling to share. Tarquin might very well lose interest in her if he thought that she was involved with him on a personal level rather than with the thrill of the society itself.

  ‘I don’t mind staying,’ she said casually. ‘But I’m not putting on the bracelet until Tarquin arrives, if then.’

  Laurence smiled his cold smile. ‘That’s fine by us. We don’t want you to join in, we just appreciate an audience. Jackie, get changed in the other room, then bring the DVD in with you when you’re ready.’ As Jackie disappeared to carry out his orders he turned back to Kristina. ‘We’ve filmed ourselves during our last few sessions,’ he explained. ‘It turns Jackie on to watch them when she’s on her own, and I find it pretty exciting as well. This evening, we’re going to play a video to you and re-enact it at the same time. You’ll be seeing both the film and the performance simultaneously, quite a novelty I imagine.’

  ‘Is there a storyline?’ asked Kristina with amusement. ‘Or is it simply the usual French maid being seduced by her wicked employer?’

  Laurence shook his head. ‘Give me credit for a little more ingenuity than that, Kristina. No, this is merely a record of the way we both like to spend our time. It may surprise you, but it won’t bore you.’

  ‘Nothing about you would surprise me, Laurence,’ she said softly. ‘I’m beginning to realise that you’re totally ruthless when in pursuit of something you want. It doesn’t matter whether it’s an agent, a publisher or a particular kind of sex, nothing’s going to stop you, is it?’

  ‘No,’ he admitted. ‘But so far I’ve failed to get you.’

  ‘I seem to remember us enjoying each other,’ she murmured.

  His eyes brightened. ‘Yes, we did, but I want more. I want to see you the way you’ll see Jackie tonight. I want you wearing the bracelet for me, bending to my will rather than being on equal terms with me. When I see you at work, or listen to you being briskly efficient in your business life, I can hardly stop myself from dragging you off and forcing the bracelet on to your wrist. Don’t you see, you’re exactly the type of woman we men join this society to meet and control?’

  ‘I know that, but the bracelet’s meant to be for mutual pleasure, not just yours.’

  ‘Believe me, it would be,’ he promised her but as he reached out a hand to touch her she drew back.

  ‘I’m not part of the entertainment,’ she reminded him forcefully, trying to calm herself as his words conjured up disturbing images that were surprisingly erotic.

  ‘Sorry, I forgot. Jackie! How good you look. Give me the DVD, I’ll put it on while you show yourself to Kristina.’

  Slowly, Jackie walked into the room. Her head was bent submissively and her blonde fringe obscured her eyes, so Kristina couldn’t see her expression, but she thought it must be one of embarrassment or shame because never in her entire life had Kristina imagined either of them wearing such an outfit.

  Jackie was dressed as a slave girl. The lower half of her torso was encased in tight black leather, the narrow crotch of the garment pulling up so tightly between her thighs that her sex lips spilled over on each side. A long zip ran from between her buttocks round the front and then up to her breasts. There the leather suit ended and each breast was encircled by thick shiny leather straps that separated the breasts before joining at the back of her neck in a halter collar. There was a matching black leather collar round her neck and once Laurence had put the DVD into the machine he came and stood in front of her, one hand fingering the thin chain hanging from the collar.

  ‘What do you think?’ he asked Kristina, but she didn’t know how to answer and remained silent. Nonchalantly, Laurence flicked a finger at Jackie’s left nipple, which quickly grew red and stiff. ‘Your friend does
n’t seem to know how to talk,’ he murmured. ‘That’s a pity. Each time she fails to respond, you will be punished. That’s fair, don’t you think?’

  ‘Yes, master,’ whispered Jackie, and Kristina’s stomach muscles tightened with a mixture of shock and dark excitement.

  ‘She looks very strange,’ she said quickly, ‘like a different person.’

  ‘Quite,’ said Laurence. ‘Hold out your hands, Jackie. It’s time to put the cuffs on, and then we can start.’

  Slowly Jackie held her hands out in front of her, and Laurence placed soft padded leather cuffs around her wrists, adjusting the chain until her hands were close together. As she stood motionless in front of Kristina, Laurence switched on the television.

  Kristina looked at the screen, and suddenly images of Jackie and Laurence appeared, Jackie wearing the same slave girl outfit that she was wearing now. As the girl on the screen knelt at Laurence’s feet, so Jackie slid to the floor, lowering her upper body until her forehead was resting on Laurence’s shoes.

  He sighed with pleasure and then, reaching down, raised her up once more. At the same time the figure on the screen was raised to its feet. Kristina’s eyes moved from the unfolding video to the two people in the room and she found that she was in a high state of sexual tension, waiting to see how the scene would unfold.

  Hooking a finger through the chain round Jackie’s neck, Laurence drew her across the room. On the opposite wall was a small metal ring, clearly set up in preparation for such sessions, and there was a sharp click as the collar was fastened to the ring. Now Jackie was standing with her back to the wall, facing Kristina. Her breasts were thrust upwards by the boned curves of the black leather body that ended beneath them, and their tight roundness was emphasised by the leather circles that were suspended from the halter-neck top.

  The video that was playing on the screen was now ahead of the performers in the room, and Kristina realised that if she wished she could anticipate what was going to happen by watching that, but she preferred to stay in suspense, only occasionally glancing at the screen, when gasps from the soundtrack caught her attention.

  ‘Move to the other chair,’ suggested Laurence. ‘You’ll have a better view of what we’re both doing from there. Otherwise my body will obscure your view of Jackie’s responses.’

  Without a moment’s hesitation, Kristina obeyed. She wanted to see it all, to watch her friend’s excitement and the way Laurence used her when she was totally helpless. Laurence smiled at her. ‘I told you you’d enjoy yourself, tonight. Perhaps I know you better than you thought.’

  Kristina didn’t answer him and with one final penetrating look at her flushed cheeks Laurence turned back to Jacqueline. For a few seconds he stroked her breasts gently, lifting and massaging them until they were hard with desire. Then he picked up a drink that he’d brought into the room with him and dipped his finger into the iced glass. Jackie couldn’t move more than an inch away from the wall, but she pushed her breasts forward beseechingly as he lightly drew his finger, now coated in iced vodka, across the middle of each breast, carefully rubbing the chilled alcohol into each rosy nipple, then he bent his head and licked it off while Jackie groaned with pleasure.

  Kristina’s throat felt dry, and she wished that she had a drink. The room suddenly seemed very warm, and she could feel the heat from her own body burning through her clothes.

  As Jackie squirmed and pushed her breasts into Laurence’s mouth there was a startled cry from the television, and Kristina quickly looked at the screen. There Jackie was pressing herself hard against the wall her eyes wide and frightened as Laurence busied himself between her thighs.

  In the living room of Jackie’s house Laurence looked at Kristina. ‘That’s still to come,’ he murmured, stepping away from Jackie. Kristina shivered, but not with fear. She wanted to know what he’d been doing to produce such a sound from her friend and, worst of all, she wanted it to be done to her as well.

  Next Laurence drew the centre zip of Jackie’s bodysuit down, gradually exposing her stomach, but he left it fastened from just above her crotch. As Jackie whimpered with desire he began to cover her naked belly with kisses and tiny nips while his hands pressed against her sex lips where they spilled over the sides of the strip of leather between them.

  Kristina watched his hands working busily between her friend’s thighs and to her astonishment felt tingles of excitement rising from behind her clitoris as she imagined the delicious sensations Jackie must be experiencing. She imagined the tightness of the leather strip, the stimulation of her outer sex lips being squeezed and rotated so that the clitoris beneath was moved and aroused, and finally Laurence’s mouth working at the tender skin of her belly.

  Kristina pressed her thighs tightly together, trying to increase her own pleasure as Jackie’s breathing became louder and she started to pant with excitement.

  ‘Are you near?’ asked Laurence softly. ‘Tell us both, are you going to come soon?’

  ‘Yes!’ gasped Jackie, and Laurence’s hands moved, so that one of them was now pressing against the area just above her pubic bone, pressing firmly to increase the pressure on the engorged area. Jackie drew in her breath sharply and her eyes widened, while her leg muscles grew taut and she started to rise up on her toes.

  ‘I think you should wait a little longer,’ said Laurence, his voice gently apologetic. ‘You are my slave, and I don’t want you to think you can have everything you desire.’

  ‘Don’t stop now,’ cried Jackie. ‘You know I’m close, let me have just one.’

  He shook his head in mock regret. ‘No, not even one. Soon, but not yet.’ Carefully he zipped her up again, but immediately he unfastened a second zip that ran between her legs and up behind her so that at last the pressure on her sex lips and clitoris was eased.

  Jackie’s blonde fringe was turning dark with perspiration and her whole body glistened with arousal. On the screen things were moving at a different pace, and suddenly the silence in the room was shattered by the sounds of Jackie having an orgasm on screen. She moaned and gasped, sobbing with pleasure, and all the time she writhed in ecstasy Kristina watched Jackie herself, unable to move or do anything at all to bring about the same bliss at this moment when it was all she desired.

  Laurence walked away from Jackie and swiftly stripped off his clothes and then, totally naked and with a huge erection, he walked back to stand in front of her. Carefully he parted her sex lips and then picked up a tube of gel that he massaged into the tissue between the lips.

  Jackie cried out in a mixture of delight and fear. Delight at the sensations, and fear that she’d climax from the wonderful feelings. Ignoring her, Laurence proceeded to position his penis against her swollen and throbbing clitoris and then he rested his hands against the wall on each side of her tethered body and slowly rotated his hips so that the yearning mass of highly sensitive nerve endings was stimulated in the most wonderful way.

  ‘Don’t come,’ he warned Jackie sharply. ‘If you do, I shall punish you, even in front of Kristina.’

  ‘Then stop, please stop,’ Jackie begged him. ‘It isn’t fair, I’m so close.’ Then she stopped talking and instead began to moan softly, frantically trying to subdue her own flesh, which Laurence was arousing to even greater heights than usual.

  For Kristina it was unbearable. She couldn’t imagine how Jackie had ever learned such sexual discipline. Simply watching the scene was driving her to the edge of orgasm, and as Jackie continued to whimper and protest Kristina clenched her internal muscles tightly together and this stimulation, along with what she was witnessing, was enough to topple her into an orgasm. Without realising it she gave a tiny moan of pleasure, and Jackie’s head turned towards her in horror. ‘No, Kristina, don’t. Keep quiet, please!’

  ‘Enjoy yourself, Kristina,’ said Laurence. ‘That’s why we’re all here. Just think, Jackie. Kristina’s already had release. Her body’s relaxed and quiet now, but yours isn’t. Yours is tight and tense, you ache be
tween your thighs and your nipples are painful. Isn’t that right?’

  ‘I won’t listen,’ shouted Jackie, but with her hands cuffed she couldn’t shut out his words, and when he moved away from her for a moment she knew that in a few seconds she would lose the battle. He wasn’t going to give her permission to come, but he was going to make sure that she did, so that he could punish her in front of Kristina.

  She was right. Deftly he inserted a pair of pulsating Chinese love balls into her vagina, and as soon as she felt them throbbing she gave a cry of despair as her tormented nerve endings refused to be subdued and her orgasm started to mount. Then, Laurence inserted two fingers inside her vagina and softly massaged her G spot, rubbing it firmly with the circular movements that she loved the most. His penis was once more pressing against the area around her clitoris and as her lower body filled with the unbearable pressure of sexual frustration he bent his head and grazed her left nipple with his teeth.

  ‘Now I’m going to bite your other nipple,’ he whispered, so softly that Kristina couldn’t hear. ‘I know you love it, but you still mustn’t come. Not until I’ve finished and removed my mouth, then you may. Do you understand?’

  Jackie nodded. She understood, just as she understood that it would be impossible, but despite that knowledge she thrust her right breast greedily into his mouth and then he was nibbling hard at the swollen nipple and searing lines of crazed excitement coursed down through her body, just as the tight muscular spasms of her belly and vulva erupted into a cataclysmic explosion that tore up through her. As it joined with the blissful shocks searing from her breast, her entire body convulsed and she writhed against Laurence’s lean, hard body, shuddering and sobbing in a mixture of mind-shattering ecstasy and fear of what would happen next.

  Perched on the edge of her chair, Kristina watched as Jackie gave herself over to the wracking spasms of her orgasm and deep inside her she felt not only rising desire again, but also a terrible satisfaction – that now her friend would be punished, and she would be able to watch that punishment.


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