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Flesh: Alpha Males and Taboo Tales

Page 7

by Raminar Dixon

  What came upon me next was a blur. I was picked up by a different set of guards and carried out of the arena, the crowd sounding almost disappointed that I’d lived, trading jokes with each other. Another girl was being dragged out and was chained to the same spot, and my eyes met her terrified gaze for a moment before I was dragged back into darkness. I was taken before a different set of men, and they scrubbed my left arm clean with rags and soaped water. I tried not to think on the other slave, if her fate would be so kind as mine. Strangely, I wondered if I would see the wolf again, if his promise to protect me was empty, meant only to ease my submission to him.

  I did not think it was. He was strangely gentle with me, kind in a way, the kindest anyone had been since my village was raided.

  Before I knew what was happening they came at me with a hot brand and pushed it into my arm. I shrieked and struggled but they held it until the mark was made and pulled it back, and I was shoved into a cart with a half dozen other girls. I realized we were headed in the same direction as the carts of gladiators when we left the arena. I saw a much larger cart, the sides of heavy wood banded with iron. Through the bars, the wolf saw me and nodded, and I rubbed at my wounded arm, wincing at the sting.

  As I sat in the cart with the others, I turned from their haunted eyes, my head swirling. The pain in my arm was my anchor, keeping me from passing out. I felt sore between my legs and strangely sick from the motion and fatigue, and I barely noticed as the cart rolled through the city and out through the walls. I knew little of cities but I knew it was custom for the lowly and undesirables to reside outside the protection of the city.

  The place they were taking us had its own walls. I pressed to the bars and looked around. A villa sat nearby, connected to a small fort. The walls looked built to keep someone in rather than out, like a prison. It dawned on me that the gladiators were slaves too, and this must be where they kept them. I wondered what fate would befall me inside.

  I was given my answer soon enough. Guards opened up the cart and urged us out with spears, me and the other women, and forced us to walk, clutching our newly branded arms, through the fort. The gladiators stood around, taking in the sight of our naked bodies, but their eyes found me in particular, or so it felt. I hugged myself against the growing evening chill as we were led out of the carts and into the low, squat barracks house.

  One of the guards grabbed my arm. “Not you.”

  I froze, my mouth working silently as he pulled me away. I smelled water and soap as I was dragged through the fortress, until I was pushed through a porthole and a heavy iron gate clanged shut behind me. I tried to cover myself as I looked around, taking a moment for my eyes to adjust to the dark in the low place lit only by torches. There was a low pool of water in front of me, and in it, resting against the side, lay the wolf that had claimed me in the arena. His eye opened, glowing gold in the dark, and fixed on me.

  “Get over here.”

  I stumbled towards him and sank into the water. It splashed around my legs.

  “Take the soap and the bucket.”

  There was a lump of soap and a wooden bucket beside the pool. I picked it up.

  “Clean me. My fur.”

  I moved towards him, sinking to my waist in the pool. He seemed much larger now, far larger than I, when we were alone. I gingerly touched the soap to him and he sighed.

  “Do you think I mean to devour you, mountain girl? Help me clean my fur.”

  Gore from the fight was matted in the thick white fur on his chest. I used my hands to wet it, wincing when they came away red, and began working soap into it. He closed his eyes and leaned back, letting out a low, appreciative sound as he did.

  “Why am I here?”

  “I won you, didn’t I? I’m valuable. I kill men and other beasts in the arena and the crowd loves me, so I have some measure of influence with my masters. They give me gifts.”

  “Gifts,” I snapped, “is that what I am?”

  “You seemed quick enough to offer me your virgin cunt,” the wolf rumbled, his voice creaking with laughter.

  I splashed water on him. He sank into it.

  “Keep going.”

  I continued to scrub, working the soap and grime out of his fur. In the process, I cleaned myself. “What is to become of me?”

  “You will be mine, until I die in the arena or I am sold, and then they will do something else with you. Your life is no longer your own.”

  “My village,” I said, my voice tight. “They-”

  “I know. Do you think I came here by choice? They hunt my people even more eagerly than yours. We make good pets,” he spat.

  “I don’t want to be a slave,” I moaned, even as I scrubbed my fingers against the thick muscles of his chest.

  He draped his powerful arm around me. In spite of myself I pushed against it, feeling like I was drinking warmth from his fur. “Who does? You’ll fare better than most. The others are not so gentle, and the ones the master bought today are not so pretty as to go to the house. Except you, perhaps.”

  Strangely, my heart lifted that this beast had called me pretty, even in a roundabout way. I realized I was blushing and slopped more water on him. He smiled, or so I thought, the edges of his long mouth curling up, and his ears twitched. His fur was silky and thick, and I could feel his body underneath it as he breathed, quivering with power. I remembered him taking me in the arena and my cheeks heated.

  “Do they… do they often chain women so? In their arena.”

  He nodded. “Most suffer a less kind fate. If my opponent had won, he would have fucked and eaten you. Not necessarily in that order.”

  I said nothing, but continued to wash. His head lifted up. “Did I hurt you?”


  “It was not my intent.”

  “It was not unwelcome.” I blushed, stunned by how forward I was, but what did it matter? “It was… why did you take yourself out of me? We were not…” I swallowed, “Finished.”

  “It would have been unwise to continue,” he said.


  He sighed, a deep, exasperated sound. “When my kind mate, the coupling is… unique. What I gave you in the arena was only the beginning. When it grows deeper, more desperate, my cock would… swell. We would become locked together.”

  “You mean, it gets bigger?”

  His eye opened, and he nodded, a satisfied smile on his smug wolf face. “Oh, yes. It gets bigger.”

  “Will you… will you be doing that to me, then?”

  He looked at me, sinking into the water. “Not while I’m so dirty.”

  I splashed him again. “Will you?”

  “If you wish it.”

  I turned away. “I can’t stop you.”

  “No, but I would not force it. Few fighters have a body slave, after all. I wouldn’t want to damage you.”

  “Damage me?”

  “Mating can be intense, and there is the other possibility.”

  “Which is?” I said.

  “Pups,” he smirked.

  “That’s ridiculous. Women don’t give birth to puppies.”

  He sighed as I scrubbed his neck clean.

  “What did your mother tell you about our kind?”

  “That you raid our villages in the night and spirit off young girls. It was a tale meant to…” I trailed off.

  “Why do you think that is so?”

  I gasped. “You mean…”

  He sat up. “There are no females of my race. All of us are born of human women. Those who can take it.”

  “I can take it,” I blurted.

  “Can you now,” he said, rising.

  I looked at him. He was no human being, no man, but he was eerily beautiful in his own way, his spectacular fur soft and lustrous as he twisted his body to shake the water from it. I rose up in the water, almost forgetting my nakedness, before he roughly took me, pulling me to his chest and shocking a yelp out of me. His wet fur slid against my bare breasts and belly, and sore as I
felt from his taking me earlier, I realized I was growing heated, and my throat had gone dry. Gingerly, I put my arms around him, feeling the expansion of his massive ribs as he breathed. He was so strong.

  He picked me up like I was nothing, water streaming from him as he stepped out of the bath. He seemed more natural without his light armor and cloth, his claws clicking on the polished stone floor. I swallowed hard as he bore me out of the chamber, resting in his arms. The guards stepped out of his way almost respectfully, and he carried me not towards the iron-barred cells but towards a chamber of his own.

  They still locked him inside. I looked over his huge shoulder and tugged at his fur.

  “Make no mistake,” he said, softly, as he lowered me onto his pallet. “I am still a slave. We are still prisoners.”

  I tried to speak, but only choked sounds came out.

  “You miss your home. This would not have been your wish, I know, but your bondage need not be so sharp. I spoke the truth when I said I would protect you.”

  He sniffed my my neck and lay back, pulling me on top of him. His cock was growing hard, and I touched it, gently. He gasped, surprising me. He had been all rage and power in th arena, but he quivered like a virgin boy when I took his manhood in my hand, my fingers sliding over the taut, hot skin. Lying on him was like lying atop a living rug, rolling under me as he breathed, and his arm draped over my back, warming me as I stroked him.

  “I once heard the older girls whispering,” I said, “When I was young. They said a man likes it when a woman takes him in her mouth.”

  “They spoke true,” he rumbled.

  I shifted sliding down beside him. His erection had grown full under my touch, and my heart hammered in my chest. It was big. I could never fit the whole thing in my mouth, so I made due by taking the tip between my lips. He let out a soft sound and his back arched, and I felt a heavy buzz in my belly, a thrill that ran through me and made me grow bold and take more of it in, opening my mouth wide. His hand slid down my back, stroking my soft skin, the barest touch of his sharp claws making me shiver. The taste of him, musky and salty, flooded my mouth. I could feel him breathing and feel his heartbeat pulsing against my lips.

  Slopping my spit over his shaft, I stroked him, holding the tip in my mouth, sucking lightly, then harder as his leg lifted and twitched. I closed my eyes and focused on the alien taste and the feel of his soft, stunningly smooth skin under my fingers until he nudged me away with his huge hand, his chest rising and falling in great gasps.

  “Enough,” he rasped.

  I yelped a cry as he sat up, seized my arms, and pulled me on top of of him. My bare body settled against his furry chest and he drew his arms up around me. I felt surrounded and enclosed, and fever hot from his fur covering me. I put my hands on his chest, sinking my fingers into his hairy body, and sat. He settled his hands around my waist and I realized again how big he was, how much power dwelt within his lithe frame. He shifted and sat up slightly.

  “Come here,” he said, seizing my hips.

  He pulled me towards him until I put my hands on the wall behind him and knelt over his head. I felt his soft muzzle nudge my thigh, followed by his hot tongue, fluttering higher and higher, drawing sharp gasps as it flicked against my lower lips. My stomach clenched and I felt my legs grow weak as his long tongue slid over my sex and over my clit, then again, and again. I heard a sharp rumble of need in his chest and realized the slickness on my thighs was not all from him.

  “Does my taste please you,” I sighed, my shaking arms barely able to hold me up.

  A soft sound came in reply, and he tugged me back down until I landed on top of him, and he rubbed his muzzle against my throat, breathing hard. He started to roll over, then thought better of it, running his huge hands down my back.

  “Does my master want to fuck me?” I whispered, stroking his soft ears in my fingers.

  “Yes,” he rumbled.

  I rose up on all fours and slowly back down rubbing my body against him as I went. I rested my head on his chest and slid against him, reaching under myself, between my legs, to grasp his cock and pull it towards me. He put his hands on my shoulders and pushed as I settled the tip against me, and it slid inside easily, welcomed by my wet cunt, at least at first. As I ground against him and took it deeper I had to sit up and use my weight to push it inside. It hurt at first, but not so much as earlier, and the sense of being full overwhelmed me as more and more of it slid into me, drawing sharp gasps from my throat as I leaned back, putting my hands on his knees.

  He sat up, and I moaned at the feel of his hardness shifting inside me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and slid my arms around him and grasped at his fur to hold on, pressing my head into his swelling chest. He pushed the side of his snout against my cheek and his tongue flicked against my jaw, and his hot breath washed over my neck.

  “Does it hurt?”

  “A little.”

  I rocked into him, rolling my hips. His huge shaft slid in my tight channel as I moved, the pain fading into a memory as my body welcomed him inside me. I felt like I was made for him and melted into him, squeezing with my arms and legs. He pitched forward and lowered me onto the pallet, resting on top of me, and shifted, spreading out his legs as I squeezed his waist with mine. His weight rested on me, forcing me to take short, gasping breaths as he pumped with his haunches, thrusting his cock into my depths. His body was firm and strong and warm like a living blanket.

  He pushed my legs away. “Roll over.”

  Lifting up, he let me turn under him, his cock sliding out as I twisted away. I gasped at the feeling of it leaving me, followed by the feeling of it pushing back into my cunt as soon as I rolled onto my belly and he was atop me again, his stomach clenching as he thrust into me from behind. I gasped and squealed as he picked up his pace, punishing me with short, quick, deep thrusts. He panted, his mouth falling open, and I felt hot bursts of his breath on the back of his neck. His hands settled next to my head and I watched his claws dig through the straw as he became more frantic, more urgent.

  I felt waves of heat rolling through me, rising from deep in my belly, sliding up my back and down my limbs. Even the top of my head tingled. The feeling made me grasp handfuls of straw and rough cloth, and cry out, my legs shaking. He settled his weight on me fully, pinning me down, and his urgent pushes into my body slowed, yet grew more intense, as if he were reaching as deep into me as I could.

  My head lifted up, brushing his muzzle as I felt the first twitch at the base of his cock. It grew with every heartbeat, getting bigger and bigger, a hard round lump forming in my body, just inside. As it grew it pulled itself into me, forcing his cock deeper, pressing my rump against his belly as he pushed to get it as far inside me as he could. It got so large the mere feeling of it made me gasp. I felt it shifting as his cock throbbed, rubbing against impossible places as it grew yet larger.

  As he did in the arena, he closed his jaws around my neck. His teeth tug into my tender flesh, my throat pulsing under his grasp as he held me still, breathing shallowly, his body twitching. I was in a wonderful agony, the feeling of the fist-sized round of flesh tight in my cunt pushing me to an edge that never faded, making my eyes glaze over. I felt a twitch, and warmth flooded into me in a sharp spurt, and then more, and more.

  As he held me still with his jaws, he filled me. I felt hot from it, and there was so much cum even the knot could not hold it back. It poured out of me, over my legs, thick and sticky. He panted sharply as his body clenched with each heavy spurt, and growled. When he released my neck, it was like I exploded, the clenching in my stomach growing so intense it could hold back no longer. My feet scrabbled at the floor and my hands formed fists, and I screamed, arching against him.

  I expected him to pull away, withdraw, yet he did not. He rolled onto his side, pulling me with him. The motion of the thick knot inside me made me jerk and groan until I settled against him, resting on his arm and leg, my head pillowed on his shoulder. He did not speak, but
licked at me with his tongue, running it over my throat and arm and chest, sniffing at me as I lay dazed, my eyes unfocused. The hot knot drove me to another peak and I jerked, pressing my eyes shut, squeezing his arm to my chest with my arms, clenching handfuls of fur in my fingers.

  Finally, after what felt like forever, he began to soften. After a time, he could draw out of me, slowly at first, working the now fading knot out of my body slowly until he slipped out, it felt, all at once. I lay on his thin pallet, soaked in sweat and breathing hard. I drew my legs up, pressing them tightly together, and hugged my stomach. I imagined his seed taking root inside me and shivered. Thinking me cold, he pulled a rough blanket over me. He offered me water in a clay jar and I drank it greedily, spilling it over my chest as I sat up, clutching the blanket.

  “That was…” I trailed off.

  “The first time of many,” he said, nipping at my neck. “My kind mate for life.”

  I rubbed my stomach, thinking about the seed inside me taking hold, quickening into a child. A creature like him.

  “You never told me your name.”

  “The men named my Lucius,” he said.

  “I am called Sarelle, Lucius.”

  I twisted until I lay on my stomach, my body slick with sweat and glowing by torchlight, his love still sticky on my thighs, and went to sleep.


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