Flesh: Alpha Males and Taboo Tales

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Flesh: Alpha Males and Taboo Tales Page 17

by Raminar Dixon

"Um. Yes."

  Kit shrugged. "But, no harm done."

  Various tired old homilies about god, and souls, and heaven, and decency, sprang to her lips, but as she looked Kit in the eye, she realised that he had as little truck with Sundays as she did. "No harm done," she repeated, and tried the ale.

  Ale was like transgressing. It got easier the more you drank, and by her second tankard she was very nearly enjoying the taste. The fire was making her relaxed, and she was no longer sitting nice and upright like the daughter of a Lord should. Kit had kept her laughing with his tales of derring-do as a sailor, travelling the world. And she, in her turn, amused him with the exploits of the London scene. He even seemed to know some of the people she spoke about, and was genuinely interested.

  "How many footmen did she have?"

  A light sparked in Eliza's mind. "Ahh, I've got you! I know why you're so keen to find out details about servants and carriages and who lives where. You're planning robberies."

  Kit didn't deny it. He drained his tankard and shrugged his irritating, appealing, nonchalant shoulders. "Would you expect anything less? I am a professional."

  She had to agree.

  The barmaid bustled over as soon as she saw that Kit's tankard was empty. "More?"

  Kit looked at Eliza, and shook his head. "It's time we were off. Thank you for your hospitality; as delightful as ever." He flipped her another coin and rose to his feet, offering his arm to Eliza.

  "We don't have to go," she said. She could hear the petulant tone in her voice but it seemed far away, filtered through a fog of strong ale.

  "We do," he insisted.

  Eliza lurched to her feet and grabbed his arm as he used his free hand to pass her cloak over her shoulders. She fumbled at her neck and hitched it closed. "I suppose so," she grumbled.

  Once out into the cold night air, her head cleared somewhat. "Oh. Oh dear, yes, I really had ought to be home," she admitted, clinging to Kit's arm as they walked around to the stables. The boy had long gone, and the hunter stood alone in the middle stall. Eliza struggled as they stepped over the stone sill of the doorway, stumbling against Kit. He caught her in his arms and flung her around to face him, pressing her against his chest.

  Time slowed, coalescing to one single moment of balance. Eliza tipped her head back to gaze up at Kit, illuminated by a yellow lantern on the wall at the far end of the stables. His face showed sharp angles in the shadowy light, with cheekbones of menace. His usual smile faded as he looked down at her, and her heart flipped. What was wrong?


  He spread his fingers wide in the small of her back. Every part of her body was hot and throbbing. "Kit," she asked again, "are you all right? You look…strange."

  "Eliza du Marron, you are going to make someone a wonderful wife," he said in a low voice. He sounded choked.

  At the mention of marriage, she snorted. "You were right, it'll be the bed of a rich old whig that I'm bound for. Where I do my wifely duty at least once a year till he sinks into a fumbling dotage of port and backgammon."

  "You're an innocent little thing. What do you imagine your wifely duty to be?" Kit's joking expression returned.

  "My older sister has been married some time. I've been around animals a lot. And I listen to the servants when they gossip. I am not an innocent."

  "And what has your sister told you?"

  "That a man… well, he is heavy. And… it may hurt at first. But it won't last. That it is not as bad as you might imagine. The servants even say it's fun. They seem to want to do that thing. And it must be fun or people wouldn't have liaisons, would they? Even the women. And then a baby is got."

  "It should always be fun," Kit whispered, moving a hand slowly up her back. "For the man and the woman. And a baby is not always got. There are ways…"

  Eliza had heard hints before. "It's true?"

  "The baby needs the seed of the man. He might let it issue elsewhere."


  Kit's hand crept higher. Now she felt it warmly encircling the back of her neck, weaving his fingers in through her hair. "Eliza, you're in danger here. Not from me. From yourself. You're looking for adventure and I'm perfectly willing to provide it but I don't think you understand…"

  "That's exactly it. I want to understand. I had not thought, until now, that men had anything I wanted… but men, and marriage, are two different things. I do understand that my husband might be dull and unattractive. So why not show me the things that I won't learn in a marriage bed?"

  "It will ruin you, utterly."

  Eliza shook her head, pouting. "Not if you let your… ah, seed, issue elsewhere." Her face flamed just saying that.

  And suddenly he kissed her. Before she realised what was happening, his lips were on hers and she gasped, opening her mouth in astonishment as his soft skin pressed against hers. He nibbled along her lower lip and she followed his pattern, moving in instinctive response to his probing. He moved his head, brushing his lips across hers, and the light touch made her shiver. Then he pressed down harder, flicking his tongue into her mouth and she stiffened in shock, even as her own tongue retaliated. Her belly was liquid fire, and as his tongue began to push deeper she simply relaxed into it, letting her body fall against his supporting arms as she closed her eyes and let herself swim into her very first kiss.

  Then he was walking forwards, manoeuvring her backwards into an empty stall at the far end of the stables where it was warm and draught free. The floor was deep in fresh straw. Eliza found her back against the wall, crushed by the comforting bulk of Kit. He broke away from her for a moment to fight out of his long coat, and she took the chance to let her own cloak fall to the floor. Then he was back upon her, kissing her with a passion that made her head swim.

  He moved away from her lips, kissing along the soft skin of her neck and onto the slope of her shoulder. He hooked his fingers into the fabric of her shift and pulled down, exposing more of her upper chest, following with his mouth, kissing and ticking. Eliza raised her hands and used her fingers to gently explore his body. She felt her way over his arms, thrilling at the feel of his biceps moving as he flexed. She didn't know what to do but her body seemed to have an idea. She took a deep breath to steady herself and found she was thrusting her breasts upwards, towards Kit's willing mouth.

  "Oh Eliza," he moaned. "I have to see your tits."

  The coarse word made her raise her eyebrows but it also aroused her. Here she was in a stable, alone with a highwayman! She had no claims to being a lady here. Her bodice was laced at the back, and she twisted one hand around to loosen the lower knot, allowing the boned garment to be pulled down.

  "May I?" Kit asked with sudden decorum.


  It was all he needed. With firm hands, he tugged her bodice down further and scooped out her breasts, pulling aside her linen shift to let the heavy tits fall free, hanging over her clothes.

  Eliza looked down at the unseemly swell. She was unfashionably large and said, "I'm sorry about …"

  "Sorry? For what?" Kit stroked her flesh with the lightest of fingers.

  "My…they are… I'm not like a pert young maid should be."

  Then she squeaked in astonishment as Kit bent his head and, lifting her left breast with his hand, suckled her pink nipple right into his mouth!

  She grabbed the back of his head in surprise, to steady herself, as a flash of pleasure rocketed through her body and she pushed her breasts up to encourage him further. "Oh!"

  He drew back a little and used his tongue to tease her nipple which was now long and erect. Then he kissed her right breast and she heard a moan sigh from her lips. "Kit… oh!"

  "You are truly a woman," he said, kissing his way back up to her lips. She clutched at him eagerly, crushing her breasts against his body, as a feeling of need built up inside. She didn't know what she needed but she was sure it would be provided.

  Her secret place was throbbing in time with her heart beat and it felt like a scratch she needed to itc
h. She pressed against Kit's thigh in an attempt to ease the curious sensation.

  "Oh god," he said, "do you know what you're doing?"

  "Not at all," she replied. "I was hoping you'd show me."

  "Here," he said. He took her hand and guided it down to between his legs, where something was bulging and swelling. She closed her fingers around it.

  "Give me a word," she said. "I refuse to keep thinking of your member."

  "Cock," he said. "I'm sure you've heard the servants use that. Cock, or prick, or dick."

  "Cock," she repeated, trying the word in her mouth. "And what about me?"

  "What about you?"

  In response she copied his moves, taking his hand in hers, and pressing it through her skirts to her secret place. "What is this?"

  "That's your pussy," he answered in a thick voice. "Perhaps, your cunt. That's a very low word, but…useful."

  "Shakespeare says it," she informed him. "It can't be so low."

  "What?" he stopped his movement for a moment, and smiled. "How so?"

  "Come and sit on my lap," she quoted, "And we shall talk of country matters…"

  "Oh Eliza." Kit nuzzled into her neck, and kept his hand clamped between her upper thighs. She pressed down on his fingers, rubbing, trying to relieve the ache.

  "I want to feel your hands on me," she pleaded.

  He grabbed her around the waist and spun her away from the wall, tipping her backwards so that she was plunged onto the heap of straw banked up at the far end of the stall. As she settled against the soft heap, he followed, kneeling at her feet. He took her skirts and petticoat in his hands and lifted them up, pushing the flouncy fabrics up over her knees to bunch in a billow around her waist. And then he rocked back on his heels and surveyed the scene.

  Again Eliza felt that new and unfamiliar frisson of power. She realised she had something, something to do with her femaleness, that was desirable. She lay in the straw, breasts exposed, and her legs parted and open to the air. And her secret place – her pussy, she reminded herself – laid bare to this man.

  The look on Kit's face confirmed her suspicions. He wanted her. He wanted what she had. He looked hungry. She reached out her arms to beckon him in.

  He twisted out of his jerkin and shirt, and pushed his toned, muscular body onto hers. She gasped as she felt the skin of his chest against her breasts, and she ran her hands along his back, feeling the bones and tendons jump as he moved above her. His narrow hips pressed her legs wider apart and she felt the lips of her pussy open, and the cool air kissed the dampness there.

  They kissed again, wetly, tongues and lips clashing in an eager battle. He wriggled and his cock pressed down on her pussy, at a sweet sensitive spot at the top of her opening, making her mew.

  "Eliza, you're a virgin. It could hurt. Have you ridden horses often?"

  It seemed a ridiculous question. "Always, but never like today. Why?"

  "A maid has a defence down there, which must be broken by the man. Usually of course, the husband on his wedding night."

  "But if you break it… my future husband will know!" She stopped in fright. Her heart was pounding. Could she bear to discontinue?

  "No, you tell him you have ridden many hunts, hard and fast. A worldly man will know. You'll take a knife and nick your arm, for blood to show on the sheet the next day. It's commonly done. But remember this, you understand?"

  "I'll remember," she said, pulling his body back to hers. "I'll tell him."

  He kissed her neck and ears, and worked down to her breasts again, working her nipples between his lips as she moaned and clutched at his back. The roaring in her ears and the pulsing between her legs was threatening to overwhelm her.

  Then he kissed her lips once more, and sat up, and unbuckled his belt. She watched, transfixed, as he let his breeches slither down to his knees, and she saw the essence of manhood unfurl for the first time.

  His cock seemed long, and wide too. She had no idea how it compared to anyone else, but to her eyes it was huge. The skin was paler than the rest of him, and the base nestled in a thick thatch of dark curly hair. Below hung a sack. Balls she remembered from the servants' chatter. Balls, and they were sensitive.

  He smiled as she studied him, then moved forwards so that his cock was within her grasp. She stroked the skin. "You're so soft!" she exclaimed.

  "And yet hard," he breathed. He lowered himself down onto her, so that the head of his cock rested on the sweet spot at the top of her pussy, and the shaft pressed her pussy lips open. She bucked her hips upwards in instinctive reply.

  He bent his head and they kissed again. As his lips touched hers, he also dropped his hand, sliding his fingers slowly towards her pussy.

  She tensed briefly as he touched her wet folds, then relaxed as a warm feeling swept through her. Gently he probed between her legs, exploring her pussy, spreading the warm juices that flowed out of her all around. The slickness was glorious and when he eased a finger into her cunt, she gasped with shock and pleasure mingled.

  "You're broken already," he whispered in her ear. "I think that ride here must have done it. This will be easy for you, Eliza, you have nothing to fear."

  She squeezed her eyes shut but they flew open again as he pushed another finger inside, and her legs wrapped around his body, half to fight him off and half to draw him deeper. "Oh god!"

  And then things happened so quickly. He withdrew his fingers and she writhed, wanting that feeling to return. Her hole had a purpose, and she wanted it to feel filled. She had a deep understanding that it was necessary to her, and she wriggled, seeking something.

  He moved his hand back up, balancing the weight of his upper body on his arms, and let his cockhead nudge the wet opening to her pussy. She grabbed his arms, then his shoulders, urging him down, and he acquiesced, pushing his hips forward so that his cock began to slide into her.

  At first she tensed again, but he surged on, relentlessly, and a wave of acceptance and relief crashed over Eliza and she let her body relax, and suddenly he was buried deep within her and she felt whole and complete.

  His cock stretched her open and filled her in a way she didn't know she needed. She echoed his rocking motion, letting her hips follow his thrusting rhythm as he eased in and out. A snake was uncoiling in her belly and she squeezed her eyes shut as the feeling of pressure built and built.

  He crushed her lips with eager kisses and she wrapped her legs around his thighs, urging him on, feeling herself build to some unknown peak. The anticipation was sheer painful delight – she did not know what was happening, what would happen, and how close she was. But she was sure something was happening. She moaned in frustration, rocking harder and faster, needing something.

  "That's it," Kit grunted, "you're doing just fine."

  "But…something… I need…"

  She didn't know what she needed. But Kit did. He shifted his weight and reached down, and used his thumb to rub across her sweet spot.

  And all hell broke loose as she felt her pussy clamp around Kit's cock, and her back arched, and every muscle in her body went into spasm, and she panted as she writhed and the snake in her belly exploded with a thousand releases, and she screamed.

  Kit gathered her into his arms and held her close as her shocked sobs receded. He brushed the hair from her eyes and smiled down. "How was that, then?"

  "I am so sorry... why am I crying? What happened? What was that?"

  "That was your release, your climax." He grinned. "It is not just men that issue seed, you see."

  "I... oh. And you...?"

  "I have not had my moment."

  "Is it like that for you?" Eliza's mind was ablaze. She felt burned new from within.

  "Yes, somewhat."

  "Then you must..." she moved her hips slightly, to urge him on.

  "Of course. But... up onto your knees, turn around."

  Blindly she obeyed him, letting him help her onto all fours. He pushed her skirts firmly up around her waist. She looked down
to see her breasts were hanging down, swinging freely, and a wash of shame came over her – until Kit's broad brown hand curved around her body and took hold of her tits and squeezed, tweaking her nipples and making her shiver in fresh excitement.

  "Open your legs a little wider," he instructed.

  "But this is as the beasts do," she said, even as she shifted her knees apart.

  He ran his hand from her breast to her rump, high in the air, and caressed the swell of her bottom. "Sometimes a man is a beast," he said in a low, thoughtful voice. "Sometimes, all we want to do is rut-" and with that last word, he thrust his cock deep into her bruised and sodden pussy, and she gasped with fresh pain and pleasure. His strong hands held her hips firm and he was soon slamming into her.

  The violence and the force of his brutal pounding made new tears spring to her eyes even as she felt the strange building of pleasure once more in her belly. She wanted him to stop – and to carry on, harder and faster and more, and she moaned, pushing her buttocks back in time to meet his grinding pelvis.

  "Oh fuck," Kit started to groan. "Fucking hell, Eliza, fucking hell...."

  The obscenities he was grating out aroused her even more and she felt the climax close within her. With a shout, Kit slammed as hard and as deep as he could and then, without warning, dragged his cock out of her and she felt a warm stickiness flood the flesh of her buttock and thighs.

  "Ahhh..." Kit was breathing heavily. She twisted round to look over her shoulder, and saw he had his cock in his hand and it was glistening with thick ropes of whiteness, which spread over her own skin. His seed.


  He met her eyes and smiled. "You see? Safe from getting babies, just as I said."

  Eliza felt a weariness heavy in her limbs and her legs were shaking. She let herself fall to one side, propping herself up with one arm as she rested back in the straw. "Dear lord. I am no longer a maid."

  Kit set about cleaning up with a business like purpose, using a handful of straw to remove the worst of his issue from himself and from Eliza's exposed legs. "No, you are now a woman. And how does this adventure feel?"

  "Like I'm new, and I never want to go home to my old life! Kit, take me with you!"


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