Honor of the Wolf [The Gray Pack 6] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Honor of the Wolf [The Gray Pack 6] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 12

by Lori King

  Sonny suddenly seemed to realize that her mother was less than fully clothed and she nodded her agreement. “Come on, Mom, I want to change outfits before we go out to a restaurant. I’m going to wear my pink jeans and that shirt you just bought me. Jackie was so jealous when she saw my new nail polish, and it matches the shirt perfectly.”

  In a whirlwind of chatter Sonny led the way to the front door, with Tavi close behind and Luke hot on their tail. The moment he was through the door Tavi spun on him, and glared.

  “Don’t think this means I’ve forgiven you. I’ll let you take us out to pizza because Sonny is so excited, but that’s it. After lunch you leave, and don’t come back.”

  “I can’t promise that, baby. We need to talk, and if charming your beautiful daughter is the way into your heart, then prepare for siege. I’ll be fighting twice as hard for a second chance.” Luke kept his voice firm, but he let his eyes show all of the emotions he was battling, and Tavi shivered under his heated gaze.

  “Not going to happen. You’re too crazy for me,” she said with a sniff of her nose.

  Luke grinned. “I might be a bit crazy, but you can handle it. You certainly handled me just fine last night.”

  Her formerly pale cheeks were now bright pink with embarrassment and desire, and she huffed as she spun away and followed Sonny into the kitchen leaving Luke to follow, laughing.

  Tavi was out of her element once again. She’d never introduced Sonny to anyone she’d dated before, and Luke had managed to charm her daughter in a matter of moments. Of course, if she was honest with herself, he’d done the same thing to her when they’d met.

  She was truly struggling with a wide range of emotions today. Anger, and frustration were warring with relief and pleasure that Luke wanted her enough to fight for her. She couldn’t remember anyone being willing to fight for her before.

  Entering the kitchen she was surprised to find Este and Oren cozying up at the breakfast table as though they were old friends. Sonny was seated at Oren’s side and she was sharing all of the details from her sleepover as though the two older adults had never been to a sleepover before.

  “…and then Jackie said that all we had to do was say ‘Bloody Mary’ into the mirror like four times or whatever, and the murderer would show up, but I told her that was hogwash. I mean, what murderer would show up just because someone said their name? The police would have them locked up in a heartbeat. Sometimes Jackie says the strangest things.”

  Este glanced up and her eyes landed on Luke. Looking to Tavi, her eyebrow rose in question.

  “Sonny, you’d better get changed. It’s almost lunchtime now,” Tavi said, clearing her throat and avoiding Este’s knowing look.

  “I’m on it.” Sonny spun and pointed at Luke. “Don’t leave without me!”

  Luke’s hands lifted defensively and he smiled. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

  In a swirl of air and childish giggles, her daughter disappeared down the hallway to her bedroom leaving the four adults behind in the kitchen.

  “Wow, she’s a spitfire,” Luke said softly.

  Este and Oren joined in his laughter, but Tavi jumped to her defense. “She’s only ten. All ten-year-olds are like that.”

  “Easy, baby. I didn’t say it was a bad thing. She’s perfect the way she is. In fact, she reminds me a lot of her mother,” Luke said.

  He held her gaze for several moments longer than was appropriate and the tension in the room rose. Este was the first to break it by rising from her seat and reaching for Oren’s coffee cup. “Would you like another cup, Oren?”

  “Ah, no, thank you. I need to get back home and get my chicken coop fixed up. I had a coyote get into it and kill off all my chickens early in the week, but I haven’t had a chance to fix it and replace them since.”

  “Chickens? You must live on a farm of some sort,” Este said conversationally. There was something in her tone that had Tavi wondering about the woman’s polite interest.

  “Not exactly. I’ve got twenty acres of woods and about three acres cleared where the house and the barn sit. I have a cow for milking, and a few chickens, but farming isn’t very steady work.”

  Este nodded her understanding. “I’d bet it’s nice not living in town. I miss looking up at the night sky and seeing the stars.”

  “You should come out tonight and visit. I’ve got a patio out back of the house that’s perfect for star gazing,” Oren said, rising from his seat.

  Tavi felt Luke move closer to her, but she couldn’t tear her attention away from the budding romance in front of her. It was clear that there was attraction between Este and Oren.

  “That would be lovely,” Este said softly, her blue eyes sparkling.

  Oren looked like someone had just handed him the moon, and he smiled back. “Great! I’ve got a pork loin in the crockpot, and I hate to eat alone. Would you like to just come for dinner? Say seven?”

  “I’ll bring an apple pie for dessert,” Este said, nodding. She quickly jotted down his address, and phone number.

  “I can’t wait.” Oren glanced back at Tavi before holding his hand out to Luke. “Take care of those girls today, Luke. They might not be mine, but they’re awful special to me.”

  Luke nodded and accepted the handshake and the warning. “If you want to wait a moment we can give you a lift home—”

  “Nah, you take those pretty girls out on the town and don’t worry about me. Like I said my son’s place is only a hop skip and a jump away, so it’s no problem. I’ll see you all soon.” With that Oren pulled his ball cap back over his head and headed out the way he came in. Este seemed to want to say more, but to Tavi’s surprise she just placed her coffee cup in the sink, and then headed off toward her bedroom with a smile on her face. At least someone found love today, Tavi thought.

  Luke remained quiet until they were alone and then he reached for her elbow. “Tavi, can’t you even look at me?”

  She shook her head vehemently and kept her eyes directed away.

  “Why not, baby?”

  Swallowing the lump in her throat she cursed the tears stinging her eyes. “Because, when I look at you I remember how great last night was, and how hopeful and naïve I was.”

  Luke seemed to deflate with her statement, and out of the corner of her eye she saw him hang his head. “I deserve that. I just want to start over. We’ll go slow, and I’ll answer any questions you have, but you have to promise me one thing.”

  Her eyes darted to his, and the sincerity in their depths nearly took her breath away. “What?”

  “If you start feeling strange, or hearing things that are unusual, please talk to me. I know you don’t believe me, but what I’ve told you is true. You’ll realize that soon enough.”

  “Mom, have you seen my pink cowboy boots? I thought they were in the bathroom…”

  Sonny’s voice broke the tension between them, and Tavi pulled away from Luke’s grip.

  “They’re in your closet. I put them away last night.” She called out to her daughter. “I need to go get dressed. You’re welcome to a cup of coffee while you wait.”

  With that she hurried off down the hall, desperate to put space between her and her heart’s deepest desires.

  Chapter 13

  Lunch was over way too quickly for Luke. He’d truly enjoyed Sonny and her bright-eyed outlook on the world. He’d taken them to The Pie Hole and they both seemed just as enamored with the food as the rest of his family was. Sonny gushed over the handmade pizza, and claimed that it was the best she’d ever eaten in her whole life, making Luke feel like he’d won some sort of lottery. She really was a sweet child, and her mother clearly doted on her.

  Throughout lunch Tavi let Luke and Sonny dominate the conversation, only adding in a tidbit here, and there. She seemed content to let them get to know each other, and yet, she shied away from him when he reached out to touch her. It was like trying to break in a skittish colt. One moment she was smiling and laughing with them, and the next she loo
ked at him with that heartbreaking look of disappointment that she’d given him last night. He was too close to getting his second chance to lose his grip now.

  When he walked the girls to their front door, he was hoping that Tavi would invite him in and they could finish their conversation, but when she hadn’t he decided that it was probably for the best. The longer he was around her, the harder it was to keep his hands off her.

  He couldn’t help but wonder at the change in his own personality in such a short time. He didn’t want to mate with a human, and yet he was mated to one now. Granted the bond was as of yet incomplete because she hadn’t marked him yet, but his need for her was permanent. Delaky was right about it being impossible to deny. Somehow he had to keep her in his life or it would drive him insane.

  He could already imagine the jokes that would be told at his expense. His pack mates would think it was hilarious after all of the nasty things he’d said about human-werewolf matings. He supposed he deserved the ridicule. He had been particularly hateful, and possibly even vindictive.

  A few months ago when KJ had mated with Thomas and Bryson, he felt like it was the worst possible thing in the world. He hated Thomas Jameson for his human origins even though the man had been nothing but kind to him. And yet, he couldn’t help but be concerned about the changes in their lineage. If werewolves continued to mate with humans, wouldn’t their blood eventually become so weak that they would no longer even qualify as werewolves?

  The whole true mate thing was tricky in itself. It was a biological need for the other person as much as a disease of the heart. He’d never really believed it when people said that they felt a debilitating hunger for their mate, until now. The further he drove away from Tavi, the bigger the gnawing feeling in his gut was.

  Once the mating lust wore off, couples were usually able to function again, but at the moment he was in full-blown heat, and he had to figure out a way to survive until Tavi forgave him for his stupidity.

  He realized that he’d parked in front of his father’s house as he shut the truck off, but still he fought with whether or not to get out. He hadn’t seen Dawson Hess in nearly a year, and the last time they’d spoken he’d been particularly angry. How would his father react to seeing him now?

  The front door opened, and Dawson stepped out with his thick arms across his chest and watched him. With a sigh of irritation at his own childish behavior, Luke shoved the truck door open and climbed out.

  “Hey Dad,” he called out nervously.

  “Son. It’s been awhile.” Dawson’s dark brown eyes were narrowed in question.

  Luke shoved his fingers through his hair and blew out a breath. “Yeah, sorry about that. I’ve had a rough year.”

  They were both quiet for a moment as they surveyed each other, and then Dawson’s lips curled up into a small smile. “Well don’t just stand there, son. Give your Dad a hug.”

  Laughing, Luke wrapped his arms around his father’s wide barrel chest, and hugged him for all he was worth. It was comforting and reassuring to be accepted even after the terrible way he’d treated Dawson for the last decade.

  “It’s good to see you, Luke. Come on in and we’ll catch up.”

  Following him into the tiny cabin, Luke took a seat on the couch while his dad settled into a recliner. “You look pretty good. Are you taking care of yourself?”

  Dawson shrugged. “Sure, I guess. I’m still working the night shift at the plant. I miss everyone, but I think I’m where I should be.”

  A year ago Dawson had decided to move off Gray Pack land in order to put distance between himself and his former lover, Luke’s mom. Faith and Nathan had been mated for years, but seeing their happiness had hurt for Dawson. Watching their father leave his pack behind had been extremely painful for Luke and Noah.

  “You could come back. We have an extra bedroom, and I know Noah would be ecstatic,” Luke offered.

  “Thanks for that. I never thought I’d hear that from you,” Dawson said, squinting his eyes at his son. “You seem different. Less…angry.”

  Luke felt butterflies flutter in his stomach and his wolf began pacing inside of him ripe with anxiety. “I met my mate.”

  Dawson’s eyes popped wide and he grinned. “Really? That’s fantastic, son! Where’s she at? How long have you been mated? Is she Gray or from another pack?”

  “She’s human,” Luke said softly.

  Dawson hissed out a breath, and froze. “Um, okay. I know you have strong feelings about human matings…”

  “I did. I mean, I do, but I can’t seem to help myself where she’s concerned. It’s like, I hear one thing in my head, but my heart and my wolf do something completely different. I feel all fucked up right now. And I screwed up and mated her before I could even tell her about being a werewolf.”

  “Oh shit. How did she take it?” Dawson asked, sitting forward with his elbows on his knees.

  “Bad. Worse than I expected. She thinks I’m crazy.”

  Snorting, Dawson winked. “Well she got that right, but not about this. You have to find a way to make her understand or her wolf is going to scare the wits out of her when she begins the transition.”

  “I know. I’m just… Fuck, this is too much. I can’t deal with a mate right now, and she’s got a daughter, too. I’m not ready to be a husband, much less a dad. I haven’t even passed the CPAT and gotten on at the department yet. That’s what I should be focused on right now, but all I can think about is getting my hands on her,” Luke said gruffly.

  Dawson nodded. “The mating lust isn’t something you can ignore, son.”

  “How do you know? You’ve never experienced it!” Luke snapped. Instantly his father’s eyes grew cold, and he regretted his words.

  “No, you’re right, I haven’t. But I have been in love with a woman who was hit by the mating lust for another man. When Faith met Nathan, I was pissed, and hurt, and scared, but there wasn’t anything she could have done to stop it any more than I could have. It’s our nature as wolves to find the other half of our soul and mate them. Whether that’s a human or a werewolf, or a goddamn Kodiak bear, we have to follow that need.”

  “Do you regret starting a family with her?” Luke asked.

  Dawson rose and began pacing. “No. I have a lot of regrets from my life, Luke, but loving your mother, and having you boys isn’t one of them. We had a great life together, and we have two great sons. Do I wish things had been different? That your mother and I had been true mates? Yes, absolutely, but it is what it is. I can’t change it, and I wouldn’t at this point. Nathan makes her happy, and treats her well. They love each other.”

  “But you still love her, and she ran you out of your home and replaced you.” Luke argued, feeling the anger he’d been holding onto for so many years boiling up. “You just packed your bags and left without a fight. Left me and Noah there with them because she fell in love with someone else.”

  Dawson sighed. “I know you don’t understand this, but imagine if your girl was already with someone when you found her. Those strong urges you have to be with her would still be there, and she would have them for you. At night she would lay in bed next to her man dreaming about you, not him. How do you think he would feel knowing that her heart was destined to belong to someone else? I couldn’t make your mom stay in a relationship that wasn’t her destiny.”

  “Destiny. How in the hell am I supposed to know my destiny when I find it?” Luke asked with an exasperated sigh.

  Dawson chuckled. “Well if you figure that out let me know, because many a person has asked that same question. All I can tell you is that you’ll know it when you find it.”

  Instantly an image of Tavi and Sonny popped into Luke’s mind and his stomach twisted in a knot. Was it possible they were his destiny? He knew what his wolf wanted, but what did the man want?

  “Son?” He looked up to find his father frowning at him. “If she’s your mate you can’t deny her.”

  “I’m not denying her, not really. I�
��m just… I just want to be sure. I don’t want to screw this up, but I think I already have.” Luke felt like throwing up. How was he supposed to make Tavi believe him, and let him into her world long enough for him to know if she was his destiny?

  “Yeah, probably,” Dawson said, and then shrugged at Luke’s pointed glare. “What? I’m just being honest. You probably did screw it up. Most of us do. It’s part of the learning curve. Listen, Luke, I know you and I don’t exactly have a standard father-son relationship anymore, but I feel the need to tell you something.” He paused and when Luke nodded he continued. “I loved your mom. I still do, but she wasn’t my mate. I think I’m in love with Janet now, but she’s not my true mate either. Like many wolves before me, I’ll probably never find my true mate. If there’s even the slightest chance that you’ve found yours, don’t let her go. Find a way to make it right, and start your life. Consider what’s truly important to you. If you never make the Fire Department, will you find a way to carry on and keep living?”

  Luke nodded.

  “Okay, now, if you never saw your girl again…”

  A sharp snarl tore from Luke’s throat without warning and he launched himself to his feet. Shock froze him in place and he stared at his father with wide eyes.

  “That’s your answer.” Dawson sat back in his chair with a smug grin on his face, and nodded. “I knew you were smarter than you looked, kid.”

  “I have to go talk to her.”

  “Didn’t you just talk to her?”

  “Yeah, but she was still mad—”

  Dawson waved his hand. “Women get mad, Luke. It’s part of their nature. The more of a temper they have the hotter they are in bed.” Luke groaned trying not to think about his father getting it on with Janet. “Give her a minute to think, and let her work through her own feelings. She’ll appreciate you more for it. Absence makes the heart grow happier….gladder…I don’t know. Some shit like that. I’m not very good at this advice thing.”


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