Club Comrade

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Club Comrade Page 7

by Michael James

  “Who is it?” Kyle asks. “Reed? I see he isn't here.”

  “It is you, Kyle,” I say messing around.

  “Like fucking hell it is. I owe this club too much.”

  “Yeah, I'm just messing with you. Do me a favor.” I pull the keys from my pocket. “I have something out in the shed I need you to bring to me.”

  “You got it, Prez.”

  Billy laughed when I accused Kyle. I sit at the head of the table. I use my knife to clean the fake dirt from under my nails. I want them to think I am as calm as a cucumber when really, I am boiling inside.

  Kyle returns with Reed. I watch Billy's reaction. His eyes get big and he is furious I lied to him. “Reed, how was your stay?”

  “I didn't do whatever I'm being accused of.”

  I get up and I pull out a chair. “Sit,” I tell him. He does, and I see he is a little shaky.

  As I pass back by Billy, I stand behind him for a moment. I then go to the door and kick the bucket full of guns into the closet and lock it.

  “What is going on with you, Comrade?”

  “Kyle, keys.” I pocket them before I move and stand behind Billy. I lean into his ear, and say, “Getting my snitch.” He lets out a snort, ready to get to his feet. I pull the gun from my waistband. “Sit the fuck down before I put a bullet in you right now.”

  “Blake, come on. Stop fucking with us.”

  “Shane, shut the fuck up. I have more than one loaded and a happy trigger finger.” He puts his hands up. “How about you hand me your phone, Billy.” He grabs for it. I yank it from his grubby hand. I see the picture he took of my mail, I also see he sent it to an unsaved number. “I got a warning in my mail. Threatening my wife's life.” I toss the letter on the table. “What I want to know is; who did you send this picture of my mail to, Billy?” I show the boys his phone.

  “Who do you think?”

  “Say it.”

  “Harper, who else?”

  “Gentleman, you see Billy here is feeding club business to Chad Harper and his club. If you are a part of it, I will find out.”

  “Why would you do that?” Reed asks.

  “Because Comrade here wants to be a boy scout. We are all living a decent life. Money in our pockets, nice homes and all we have to do is sell a few guns and drugs. I'm not going back to struggling to feed my family. I was out raising money for kids while I couldn't feed mine.”

  “You started this club with my father. He wanted you by his side. You wanted it too. It made you feel like a hero when you and him raised enough money for my treatments. This club was built on it. You were heroes in the community and now we are looked at like the biggest enemy in town. You could have walked at any time.”

  “I should be in your seat calling the shots. Instead it’s you. A privileged kid who never appreciated what the community did for you.”

  “Yes, it's such a privilege to have leukemia as a kid. It was another privilege to have it again when I was fifteen. My bad, I didn't know puking my guts out after treatments were a blessing. I didn't realize almost dying twice was something to make me feel lucky. You are a prick, Billy. My father must be rolling over in his grave as we speak. I'm telling you, I am having a hard time not pulling this trigger.”

  “Do it, Comrade, if you have the guts.” I take the safety off and pull the hammer back.

  “Blake, come on. You don't want to do this.”

  “No, Shane, give me a good reason why I don't.”

  He gets to his feet, “I saw you carrying your boy into the clubhouse. Do you really want murder on your hands and go to prison for killing him?”

  “Who is going to tell? Club secrets remain club secrets. Unless you are with this lazy piece of shit! Get up, Billy.” I say kicking the leg of the chair. “Reed, come here.” He comes over to me. I hand him the keys. “Get yours and Kyle's gun from the closet. I want you to put Billy in the shed. If he tries anything, shoot him. Make sure it's a better shot than his booboo he inflicted on himself.” I look at Shane. I narrow my eyes. “When you are done, come back for Billy's accomplice. They like to share so much, they can be cozy with each other in a small space.”

  “You are a spoiled brat, Comrade, and I can't wait till Harper lets Blackwell know you have Cole.” I pull the trigger without a second thought.

  Chapter 18 ~ Carmen

  Scarlett left my room to go get things ready for us to leave. I can't believe she is willing to help me. I know she isn't a fan of me. I've seen the dirty looks she has shot my way. If she pulls this off and can actually get me back to Blake and Cole, I will owe her for this. I will not forget her help.

  I pace my bedroom waiting. I have nothing to pack, my clothes are already in a bag. I might not be able to take it with me anyway, especially, with the goons outside my door. I don't one hundred percent believe they are out there just to protect me. I think Porter might be keeping tabs on me for his own good. Whether that be for Blake or insurance for when my father realizes Cole is no longer here. My father needs me to be Chad’s bride. He needs me, so he can keep his end of the deal they made. If my father comes after Porter he'll hand me over to save his own ass. He wouldn't bat an eyelash doing so either. I don't know how loyal he is to Blake, but when push comes to shove he will save his orphanage. I'm sure of it.

  I stop pacing and put my ear to the door. I close my eyes. There is a commotion out in the hallway. It's hard to hear what is being said, but I know my father's voice. He is yelling at the top of his lungs. I start to pace the bedroom again. Fuck, he's here already! I thought Porter meant in a few days, not today. I'm never going to get outta here.

  I slam my hand down on the dresser in the room. I feel defeated again. I'm not going to have my son in my life. I'm never going to be with the person I truly love. I am going to be stuck being Chad’s wife. I hate him. I don't love him. I never have and never will. I hate them both, my father and Chad. I go back over to the solid door and put my ear back up to it. It's quiet out there. I can't hear anything. I want to open it, just a crack, and peek out. I can't take the risk, though. I take one step away and it opens. I quickly hide behind the door. I don't know who it is.

  “Carmen, hurry. We don't have much time.”

  Thank God it's only Scarlett. She takes my hand and drags me out of the room. “Where did my guard go?”

  “I persuaded them to check the floor for someone suspicious roaming the hallways. Idiots. We have to be quiet. Your father is here causing a shit storm.”

  Scarlett peeks around the corner and takes off running. She still holds my hand. I keep up with her even with my shaky legs. I am terrified we will get caught. Scarlett leads us into the kitchen. She stops at the stainless-steel work table where a few ladies are preparing the next meal.

  “Smells good, ladies.” Scarlett picks up a spoon. “Can I have a bite?” One nods her head. “Oh my, you have got to try this.”

  She gets another forkful and puts the pasta to my mouth. What is she doing? Shouldn't we be getting the hell out of here? The back-screen door opens. I jump back.

  “I look forward to dinner tonight ladies. I wish I didn't have to wait so long.” One lady smiles as she fills a bowl then hands it to Scarlett. “Thank you. The backdoor goes out to the lawn, right?”

  “No, it's the parking lot. But if you follow it around the corner there is a nice shade tree to enjoy your pasta under.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  She takes my hand and we walk through the kitchen toward the back door. Bo is there waiting for us. We hop in a car and he drives us out of the compound through the service entrance. My heart is pounding a mile a minute. I don't know how the two of them got me out of there.

  Scarlett eats the pasta and feeds a few bites to Bo. She is as calm as can be. How can she be so relaxed? She turns in her seat, and says, “You should have gotten a bowl for yourself. I'm not sure when we will be stopping.”

  “I'm fine. Thank you for getting me out of there.”

  She shrugs a sh
oulder, “I learned as a kid; it's always smart to be friendly with the kitchen staff. The kitchen always has an exit.” She winks at me and faces forward again.

  I sit back on the seat. I watch out the front windshield, the side window and look out the back one too. I can't believe we are safe from my father's minions following us. I should feel we are one step in front of him, but I won't believe that until I'm back with Blake.

  I relax a bit. We have been on the road for the last two hours. I haven't noticed a single car following us. I close my eyes, picturing Blake and Cole on his front porch waiting for me to get home. It gives me a fuzzy feeling inside. I try not to get too caught up in day dreaming. My mind knows what the heart doesn't. He won't be waiting for me. I know he is pissed at me, but I have to get him to listen to me.

  Chapter 19

  Everyone in the room stares at me as if they didn't think I would pull the trigger. I put the gun back in my waistband on my way out of the office. Once I'm out of the office, I go through the kitchen and out the back entrance. I empty my stomach of its contents. I was so close to blowing my father's best friend’s head to pieces. Instead, I turned the gun on Shane when he mouthed off to me. I pulled the trigger and didn't care. Shane is nobody to me or this club. He was brought in about six months ago by Billy. I didn't bat an eye at him joining since Billy vouched for him. I should have been more careful. I should have checked into his background like I would have for any new member.

  Lighting a cigarette, I stand here and smoke it till it's gone and get my head clear. I then go back inside and go straight to the office. The old ladies are whispering amongst themselves as I pass through the club. I know they are wondering about the gun fire they heard. I stop along the way to check on my son. He's at a table coloring like a good boy. I rub a hand on top his head and mess up his blonde curls. I bend to kiss his head. “I won't be much longer, Cole.”

  When I get back in the office, the guys are as quiet as church mice. I hold my head high as if I didn't just puke my guts out. I get to Shane’s body and I take out my pocket knife, cutting the patch off his leathers. He moans in agony. I laugh in his face.

  “Someone get this piece of shit out of here. Reed and Kyle take Billy to the shed like I asked.”

  “Yes, Prez,” they mutter at the same time.

  I sit at the table thinking about what I'm going to do with Billy. I don't want to kill him or hurt him in any way. I just don't have it in me to do those things to him when he's been such an important part of my life. I cannot wrap my head around him turning to Chad, though. It isn't making any sense to me.

  “Blake, ummm. Where do you want us to take Shane?”

  “The landfill seems fitting.”


  “I wish I was. Have one of the girls look at him and if the dick will survive put him with Billy. They seem to be best buds.”

  I leap from my chair when Cole sticks his head into the room. I take large steps to reach him. I pick him up and carry him from the office before he can see Shane whining like a bitch on the floor.

  “Are you all done coloring?” He nods his tiny head, yes. “I think I need to get you some toys, huh?”

  “Cars and big trucks.” He takes hold of my face and says, “Bikes like you.”

  “Yeah? How about I have my friend take you to the toy store while I do some work?”

  I take Cole to Reed’s girlfriend; Kara and she is happy to take him shopping. I give her four hundred bucks for toys and clothes. I make it clear not to let him out of her sight and if anything seems fishy to call me right away.

  Fuck, I could use a drink and it's only ten in the morning. The past few weeks have been hell and today has been the cherry on top. Finding out Billy is the snitch has gotten under my skin, but hearing Shane say that he can't wait for Blackwell to find out I have Cole, has my blood boiling. Who the fuck is Shane, really? I need to spend the time looking into his past. I need to know how he met Billy.

  “Reed, Kyle, come with me,” I say exiting the clubhouse.

  I don't look back to see if they follow me. I reach for the key in my pocket, remembering Reed had them last. I wait for him to catch up with me. He unlocks the shed and then hands me the ring of keys. I step inside and Billy sits on the floor in the corner. I turn to Reed and Kyle and say, “Watch the door.”

  Shutting the door, I light a cigarette and blow the smoke into the air. I lean on the wall watching him, studying his facial expressions.

  “After everything I've done for you this is where you put me? I'd rather have the bullet you wasted on Shane.”

  “Why, Billy? You were my father's best friend. Don't feed me the bullshit about me cleaning up the club.”

  “When your dad took off for vacation with your mom, he asked me to watch out for you. I said, ‘sure don't worry about a thing here. I will always watch over Blake and Scarlett’. When they died in that accident, I found out something I've never shared with you or the club. I knew it would cause a great deal of trouble for you and Scarlett. You lost it when you lost your parent's. You took off to Porter's and I didn't see you for almost two weeks. When you returned, you seemed different. You learned the club was handed down to you without a vote.” I put my smoke out on the floor with my boot. “Can I get one of those?

  I toss my pack to him and the Zippo from my pocket. “Continue,” I say.

  “Blake, I had to make a deal with the devil to save this club.”

  “What deal? What don't I know about my parent’s death?”

  “Your father and mother stopped off at a private club to play some poker. He lost fifty thousand dollars on one hand. Your father left your mother there to go to the bank. He never made it there.”

  I push off the wall. I have never felt this much anger inside me before. He hands me my pack of cigarettes and I light another one.

  “To make a long story short, your father's accident wasn't from hitting a deer. Someone ran him off the road.”

  “And my mother?”

  “They killed her, placing her body at the accident scene.”

  “That is ridiculous. Why would you make up such lies?”

  “I am not lying.”

  “Who; Who killed my parents?”


  “And this deal?”

  “I sell guns and drugs to him for half the price or he would kill you, too.”

  “I don't believe you.”

  “Do you have your head so far stuck up your own ass that you don't wonder why I pushed for Shane to be a member? He's here to make sure I keep in line and live up to my end of the deal. That I am being honest about the amounts of guns we have to sell. Before Shane there was Trevor, Bert and Timmy.”

  “How does this link to Harper Chapter?”

  “They are business partners. I sell the guns and drugs to Chad he then turns them around for a bigger profit. Chad and Blackwell have something between the two of them. I don't know the details of that.”

  “So, you did this shit for me?”

  “And Scarlett.”

  “What the fuck, Billy, I was ready to blow your head off.”

  “I've been doing this for years, Comrade, I was ready for you to end it all for me. Every day I live with betraying this club and your father's memory.”

  “You should have told me. We could have figured this out together.”

  “I couldn't let you know your parents were murdered. I was trying to save your life.”

  My phone rings, I check it. “Scarlett?”

  “Blake, we were almost home but we can't get into town. Blackwell has the roads blocked.”

  “Who is we?”

  “Bo, me and Carmen.”

  “Why didn't you stay put at Porter's?”

  “Because Carmen's father showed up there tearing the place apart. So, we snuck out.”

  “Stay out of town. Find a place to stay the night. I mean it, stay the fuck put. I'll find a way to get to you.” I hang up. Damn it why didn’t she listen to
me. “Billy, I have to go. Believe me when I say you are staying in here for your own good.” I exit the shed and call Reeds girlfriend, Kara. I need to get my son back with me before Blackwell learns he isn't at the compound.

  Chapter 20 ~ Carmen

  We pull off the side of the road and Scarlett calls her brother. I have my eyes glued on the roadblock about a mile up ahead. I know my father; it's his men standing guard at the town line. He is determined to make sure he gets Cole back. I'm positive he wants me, too. His deal with Chad means that much to him.

  I tap Bo on the shoulder when I see a vehicle driving this way. Scarlett motions for him to turn around with her hand. Bo puts the car in drive and speeds away. He makes a right hand turn then a quick left. I keep watch out the back window. So far nobody is catching us. But I know my father's men too well, just when you think they aren't there, they suddenly catch you.

  Scarlett gets off the phone and tells us, that Blake told her not to try and come home. He wants us to find a place to hide for the night. Bo gets his phone from the cell phone holder then he hands it to Scarlett. He gives her a name to search in his contacts. When she brings it up he takes his phone calling whoever Smith is. I continue to listen to him talk while still watching for someone following us. Bo hangs up and makes a quick U-turn, I slide on the backseat at the sharp turn. We go back to the end of the road we just turned off of and he makes a left, barely stopping at the stop sign.

  “Hurry, Bo, and get us out of here. I saw the vehicle pass at the end of the road we just turned onto. It was one of my father’s SUV’s. I know they’ve seen us.”

  I fall into the side of the car as Bo turns left again. We pull into a community. Three houses up he turns into a driveway, the garage is open, and he parks the car inside. The door shuts as soon as we are in. The engine cuts off, and I fear the worst. Did they see us turn into this community? How long will we be safe here?


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