Dragon Blood 4: Knight

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Dragon Blood 4: Knight Page 6

by Avril Sabine

  They arrived back in time for dinner and afterwards, Amber asked Roy to show her to her room. When they reached her door, she asked, “Where’s your room?”

  He pointed down the corridor. “Last door on the right.”

  “Okay.” She stepped into her room, closing the door to lean against the wall. She’d begun to think the day would never end and she still had another one to get through. Not to mention another five weeks after this one. She was never going to survive it.

  Crossing the room, she looked out the barred window, checking the space between the bars with her hands. It didn’t even look like she’d be able to fit through them by turning into a goshawk. She was stuck in this building until Monday morning. It felt like an eternity.

  Dropping onto her still unmade bed, she called Ronan.

  “Can you talk?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Is there anyone with you?”

  “No, but that doesn’t mean no one’s listening.”

  “Is it important? Do I need to know about it urgently?”

  Amber thought for a minute. “No, I don’t think so.” At least she hoped not.

  “I’ll talk to you Monday morning.”

  “Kade is collecting me.”

  “Not anymore.”

  Amber glared at the phone when Ronan disconnected. She was tempted to ring him back, but knew it would be a waste of time. Ronan wasn’t about to listen. He’d already made up his mind. Rising, she grabbed her bag and headed for the bathroom to shower before bed.

  When she finally made it to bed, she lay awake, staring at the ceiling in the darkened room. She sent a text message to Kade letting him know that Ronan had changed their plans and that she was going to bed. Once he’d replied, telling her goodnight, she dropped her phone on the floor and rolled to her side, tucking her arm under her head. The bed was too small and the room too quiet. She missed Kade, even though he took up most of the space in bed. Closing her eyes, she tried to sleep. It took ages before she fell asleep, frequently waking through the night to unfamiliar sounds.

  The next morning, Amber reluctantly dragged herself from bed, not wanting to face the day. Once she’d sent a text to both Kade and Ronan she used the bathroom before heading to Roy’s room. She was glad she didn’t have to hassle Dominic to show her where the dinning room was. Roy answered on the first knock.


  He nodded in greeting, stepping out of his room and closing the door behind him.

  “Why are all the doors shut?” He took so long to answer Amber began to think he wasn’t going to.



  Roy nodded.

  Amber shook her head. “That makes no sense.”

  Roy shrugged.

  “Tidiness.” She sent a look to Roy who continued to walk beside her, his eyes straight ahead. This time he didn’t reply, not even with a shrug or a nod of his head. She was still trying to figure it out when they reached the dinning room a minute later. She didn’t believe him, certain there was another reason.

  Roy increased his pace, headed for Stanley who was serving the kids lined up in front of him. Amber didn’t bother to pick up her pace. Roy could have his space, for now.

  Once again, Roy sent her frequent glances, heading for the door the moment he saw she was finished. Amber rose from the table, striding across the room, ignoring the looks from the kids she walked past. It didn’t look like any of them were happy to have her here, not even the younger ones. Stepping into the corridor, she saw Roy had waited for her. He walked off the moment she saw him. Even though she hurried to catch up, Roy continued to stay slightly ahead of her. She didn’t know whether to laugh or shake her head, but at least he didn’t try and lose her. They reached the classroom before anyone else and Roy drew his sword that hung at his side, practicing manoeuvres.

  Amber watched him, trying to memorise his movements. It was impossible. He was too fast. She didn’t know if she should be watching his feet or his hands. She was nowhere near ready for this class. And Stanley had known that. Even her grandfather had to have known. He’d seen her fight. They wanted her to fail. She straightened her shoulders. “Show me.”

  Roy looked in her direction, his gaze dropping to her side where no sword hung.

  “You can show me the actions. I don’t need a sword.” She was probably better off without one for now. At least until she knew what to do with it. An image of her sword bursting into flames came to mind and she pushed that thought away. That wasn’t the way a sword was meant to be used.

  Roy slowed down his movements, waiting for a while after each action. Amber stood beside him, watching and matching her own movements to his. They had been at it for several minutes when the door swung open and the rest of the students entered, Stanley following them.

  “Think you’re ready for a sword now, do you?” Stanley stood in the doorway, hands on his hips.

  Amber stopped when Roy sped up his movements. “What do you think?” Her words dripped with sarcasm.

  “Roy, fetch one of the practice swords since you think she’s up to it.”

  Amber nearly swore, instead she kept her expression neutral, not daring to look in Roy’s direction. She continued to hold Stanley’s gaze as he stepped out of the doorway so Roy could exit the room. “That’s surprising.”

  “What is?” Stanley demanded.

  “Your faith in my abilities.” She smiled when Stanley glared at her.

  Stanley strode further into the room. “All of you. Pair off. Swords out.”

  Roy came back into the room, carrying a second sword. He held it out to Stanley.

  “Give it to the mage. You pair with her since you’re so keen to help her.” Stanley gestured towards Amber before he pointed a finger at Oliver. “Over here. You can practice with me.”

  Amber took the sword Roy handed her, his eyes narrowed as he glared at her. Raising her sword, she gestured for him to begin.

  He glared at her a moment longer before he started to attack. Within minutes he had her unarmed and his sword pressed against her neck. He held it there a bit longer before he stepped back and nodded towards her sword on the floor.

  Keeping a wary eye on him, Amber picked up her sword, mimicking Roy’s stance. He attacked and she blocked. Again it was only minutes before he had his sword at her throat. Anger rushed through her. What was her grandfather thinking letting her be put in this class?

  “Enough.” Stanley strode towards them. “Roy, you pair up with Oliver. Jennifer you train with the mage.”

  Amber struggled to keep her expression neutral, especially when Stanley grinned. There was no way Jennifer would go easy on her. Her grin matched Stanley’s in its level of satisfaction and Amber quickly raised her sword.

  Jennifer came at her with rapid attacks and Amber was forced to retreat. Slipping to one side, she barely escaped being cut by the sword. Anger rushed through her as she jumped back from another wild attack. The panther stirred, wanting to escape. Then her anger exploded and the sword burst into flames. Jennifer stumbled and Amber cut her arm, the skin instantly searing. The smell of burnt flesh filled the room as she tried to regain her balance.

  “Stop,” Stanley bellowed.

  Amber wanted to demand why he stopped the fight for Jennifer, but not for her. Instead she didn’t speak, lowering her sword and forcing the flames away.

  “Fix her.” Stanley’s gaze was on Amber, his finger pointing to Jennifer. “Go on.”

  Roy took the sword from Amber as she took half a step forward. She looked towards him, trying to read his expression, but he turned away from her. She closed the distance between her and Jennifer, reaching out her hands to place them over the burnt flesh.

  “What if I don’t want her to heal me?” Jennifer demanded.

  “We need to know if she can,” Stanley said. “Now stay still.”

  Amber closed her eyes as she tried to focus on finding the dragon bone in Jennifer’s body to use
it to heal her. It didn’t work. She tried several different techniques and nothing helped. Letting go of Jennifer, she took a step back. “I can’t heal her.”

  “Try harder,” Stanley said.

  “I did try. Dragon bone isn’t enough to heal with.”

  “Give it another go.”

  Amber met Stanley’s glare with one of her own. “I’ve. Tried. Everything. There’s nothing I can do to heal her.”

  “Then what’s the good of you?”

  There was probably only one thing they could relate to. “I can kill dragons.”

  Roy started to step back from Amber only to halt his action.

  “Jennifer, go to the first aid room. Everyone else, back to practice. Josephine, you pair up with the mage.

  Chapter Eight

  By the time they stopped for lunch, Amber was so angry she didn’t think she could even speak to Ronan. Instead she sent him a text telling him she was alive. Her phone rang and she stared at it, seated at the table that had emptied the moment she’d sat at it. She really couldn’t talk to Ronan, not without abusing him and telling him he should have made a better deal for her. As soon as her phone stopped ringing, she sent another text. Busy. Her phone remained silent and she finished eating her meal, rising from the table to follow Roy when he left the room.

  The afternoon wasn’t much better than the morning. By the time Roy walked her down the corridor to her room, after dinner, she was ready to tell Ronan he might as well kill all the Knights. They were worse than dragons. She’d actually prefer to spend a week with Flinn than to spend an afternoon with Stanley and Jennifer. Or even a month with him. Stopping in front of her door, she removed the post it note stuck to it.

  “Where’s the training room?” She held the note out to Roy.

  He swung her door open and looked into her room.

  “What are you doing?” Amber tugged the door shut again, blocking out the sight of her unmade bed.

  “You should have kept your room tidy.” He turned away and started walking down the corridor.

  Amber hurried after him, pushing the note into her pocket. “It is tidy.” Didn’t she always put her bag back in the wardrobe?

  “Your bed isn’t made.”

  “So? Who’s going to see it?”

  Roy ignored her, turning into another corridor. After leading her along several corridors he eventually opened a door and gestured inside. “I’ll be back in an hour.”

  “Wait.” She reached out for him, but he dodged her hand. “What if I’m not that long?”

  Roy smiled. “You will be.” His smile faded and he strode away.

  Amber watched his retreating back, wishing he hadn’t left her here alone. What did it matter? She didn’t need him. Whatever it was that was about to happen she’d manage. Entering the room, she looked around, surprised to see Martin and Josephine standing in the middle of an extremely large room. Around the outside a four-lane track was painted on the floor, while various types of gym equipment were set up in the middle. She walked across the room, stopping in front of them. Her hands remained by her side, ready to call up fireballs if necessary.

  “Jog around the track for an hour. In future keep your room tidy.” Martin started to leave.


  “Don’t act dumb. You heard me.” Martin kept walking.

  She hadn’t been acting dumb. She just couldn’t believe such a stupid punishment. “My room wasn’t messy.”

  Martin left the room, not even glancing in her direction.

  Josephine pointed to the track. “I don’t have all night. You better get started or you can do two hours and I’ll get someone else to watch you.”

  “There’s no way I’m spending an hour jogging around in circles for no good reason.” She crossed her arms over her chest, her eyes narrowing. “And you can’t make me.”

  Josephine smiled. “What makes you think you’re so special that you don’t have to abide by our rules? I don’t care whose granddaughter you are. If one of the teachers said your room was messy, then it was messy. Now get started.”

  Her jaw tightened as she kept back the words she wanted to shout. The only teacher likely to make a complaint was Stanley. Spinning on her heel she strode to the edge of the room. It wasn’t fair. What was the big deal about making the bed? You only unmade it again at night. She started to jog slowly, barely little more than a walk.

  By the time the hour was over, Amber was fuming. Finding Roy in the corridor didn’t cheer her up, especially since he looked to be in the best mood she’d seen him in since she’d learned his secret. Just great. Everyone was having a marvellous time and all she wanted to do was go home. Tomorrow. She couldn’t wait. The moment it was eight, she was out of here.

  After Roy left her at her room, she grabbed her bag, used the bathroom and sent a text to Kade and Ronan. She still wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone. The only thing she was likely to do was get in a fight with them. And that probably wasn’t a good idea when it came to Ronan. Exhausted, she fell almost instantly asleep. But still she woke on and off throughout the night. She doubted she’d ever get used to this place.

  After breakfast the next day, Roy took Amber to the training room where all the kids were using the gym equipment. She stood in the doorway, wishing she didn’t have to be here. At least she’d only be stuck doing this once a week and not five times a week like the rest of them. They could keep their stupid Knight school. There were far too many rules for her.

  Stanley, who’d been standing talking to three other men, strode towards her. “What are you waiting for? An invitation? If you don’t know how to use the equipment you can jog around the track.” He smiled. “I hear you know how to do that. Of a fashion.”

  She pressed her lips together, refusing to answer. Heading for the closest piece of equipment that wasn’t in use, Amber hopped on an exercise bike, slowly pedalling. Eight a.m. better hurry up and arrive. This was ridiculous. The dragons hadn’t expected all this from her. Why should the Knights? It wasn’t like she planned to make a career fighting dragons. And if she did have to fight them, it wouldn’t be like this. She’d use fireballs. Pulling out her phone, she set her alarm for ten to eight. She wasn’t sticking around any longer than she had to.

  When her alarm sounded, Amber hurried to Roy’s side where he was lifting weights. “I need you to show me to my room and then the front door.”

  Without speaking, he led her to her room and waited in the corridor. Amber dressed for school, grabbed her bag and, after checking that her bed still looked tidy, stepped into the corridor.

  “Can you meet me in the reception room tomorrow afternoon to show me where the class is? I’ll be there at four.”

  “You should learn your way around yourself. It’s not that hard.” He walked off.

  Amber hurried after him, wondering if she should ask him again. How was she meant to find anything around here? She needed a map. A proper one, not the stupid drawing Dominic had given her.

  Roy opened the door to the reception room. When she would have thanked him, he spun on his heel and left. She stared at the closed door for a moment before she walked to the front door. Opening it she stared outside, wondering if Ronan was there yet. Hoping he was, she left the building, letting the door close behind her.

  She scanned the area. Everything was still. Moving away from the building, she continued to look for Ronan. When she was several metres away from the headquarters he appeared out of the Void in the shadow of the fig tree she’d arrived under Friday afternoon.

  He remained standing there, holding out a hand. “Hurry up. Unless you like it here so much you don’t want to leave.”

  Amber quickly crossed the space between them, taking his hand. “Not likely.”

  Ronan took them through the Void, bringing them out at his water garden. “What happened?”

  She eyed Ronan. If he had the information, what would he do with it? Probably nothing good. “This is my information. I own it. I’m only sha
ring it with you because you’re my ally.” And also because she didn’t know what to do with it, but she wasn’t about to tell him that.

  “Then hurry up and tell me or I’ll start to think you’re angling for some sort of exchange.”

  “You will keep this information to yourself unless there’s danger to me from the Knights. And even then you aren’t to use it unless it’ll benefit us.”

  “Knowledge is power. I’m not about to throw power away for no good reason.”

  “One of the Knights is part dragon.” She watched Ronan carefully, seeing his expression go blank. She smiled. “Interesting, huh?”

  “Has the Knight been put there as a spy?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. I haven’t been able to get any information out of him yet.”

  “There has to be a way to use this.”

  “Not without my permission or unless you’re using it to save my life.”

  “I already agreed, didn’t I?”

  “Not really.”

  “And yet you still gave me the information.”

  She pointed a finger at him. “Don’t cross me, Ronan.”

  He stepped close, his lips twisting into a predatory smile. “How can I? We’re allies. Permanent allies.”

  “Don’t you forget it.” She dropped her arm, not wanting to get into an argument with Ronan after the weekend she’d had. “Take me home. I’ve got school today.”

  Ronan nodded and grabbed her by the arm. Taking her through the Void, he left her on Kade’s verandah, vanishing back into the Void.

  Cooper, who’d been sitting on the edge of a railing rushed forward. “You’re safe? They didn’t hurt you?”

  Amber sidestepped, holding up a hand to halt him, dropping her bag on the floor. “I’m fine. I hated it there, but I’ll survive.”


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