Walking Away (The Walking Together Series Book 2)

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Walking Away (The Walking Together Series Book 2) Page 11

by T. E. Killian

  With that, Linda was gone, leaving Kent wondering if she really wanted him to go out with her daughter or not. First, she told him to ask Grace out, then she was threatening him. He would have laughed if it hadn’t been so serious, at least in his mind.

  Then he realized that Linda was the second Livingston to warn him to treat Grace right. Man, he’d better be very careful here.

  Well, he’d told her he would think about it and think about it, he did. All morning, he had difficulty keeping his mind on his classes. Grace was foremost in all of his thoughts.

  Would she go out with him or not? Just because her mom thought she would didn’t necessarily mean that she actually would. So, how could he be sure?

  By the time lunch came around he’d decided that he would go directly to Grace’s classroom and ask her. After all, wasn’t that what he’d been wanting to do ever since she moved back to Strawberry?

  He started for the door but was stopped midway by his brother storming into the room talking rapidly about his escapades of the night before.

  By the time Kent got rid of Larry, it was too late to try to catch Grace before the next class started. As usual, he tried not to take out his frustrations on his brother though.

  * * *

  Thursday morning began great for Grace. She had a delightful time with Brianna at breakfast and on the way to school. It was simply wonderful how Brianna had taken to living in Strawberry and going to the school there. Of course, Grace was sure that having her cousins close by and especially having Roger in her class didn’t hurt. Then, of course, Michelle suddenly appearing was making a tremendous difference on Brianna’s adjustment to a new town and school.

  It sometimes amazed Grace at how well her day would go when she started it out in such a good mood. Her day seemed to go by so fast that she was genuinely surprised when the bell rang at the end of her last class.

  She was gathering her things into three piles, one to work on right now, one to take home, and one to leave for tomorrow when she heard someone come in her door.

  She looked up and almost groaned aloud. Larry! When was the guy ever going get it through his head that she didn’t want anything to do with him?

  When she noticed that he closed the door behind him, she jumped up and placed her desk between them.

  “Larry, if you don’t leave right now, I’ll file a harassment complaint with Dr. Payne.”

  Larry began to step toward her very slowly as he talked. “No problem. I don’t think I have to worry about old chrome dome, especially since his old buddy, my dad, is in town right now.”

  She knew he was probably right. It did seem that Dr. Payne favored Larry for some strange reason. Maybe it was because of his dad. So she had to think of something else quickly since he was now standing on the other side of the desk and leaning toward her.

  She came up with something. “I don’t think that Hal Wallace would give you any breaks though.”

  To emphasize her point, she reached into her purse and pulled out her cell phone. As she was about to dial Hal’s number, Larry held up his hands and shook his head.

  “Hey, you don’t have to get so drastic with me. I was just wanting to have a little talk with you and see if you’d like to go out with me. You know, so you can see what you’ve been missing all these years.”

  Before Grace could answer, she saw Judy’s face in the small window in her door. She breathed a sigh of relief when Judy jerked the door open and stormed up to Larry almost yelling at him on the way.

  “You listen to me Larry Jackson. If you don’t get out of here right now and stop pestering Grace right this minute, I’ll call Hal and he’ll throw you in jail. Get this through your thick head. Grace does not want anything to do with you and never has. Now get out.”

  Grace was still somewhat surprised when Larry turned and almost ran out of the room.

  Both women continued to look out the door Larry had just rushed through. Then when they turned to look at each other, they burst out laughing.

  Judy was the first one to stop laughing long enough to speak. “I know Hal will fuss at me for using his name that way, but it sure felt good to see the look on Larry’s face and to watch him race out of here the way he just did.”

  Grace was still standing on the other side of the desk but Judy walked around it and pulled her into a hug.

  “Are you all right Dear?”

  Grace nodded her head while trying to fight back tears. “Yes, I am. But I’m starting to worry about Larry. I think he was going to do something before you came storming in the way you did.”

  Judy chuckled. “Well, sometimes drastic measures are needed, especially when you’re dealing with a jerk like Larry.”

  Then the rest of what Grace had said seemed to sink in and Judy said, “Well, I think I’ll just mention something to Hal and see if he’ll have a little talk with Larry anyway.”

  Grace shook her head. “No, Judy, I don’t think you need to do that just yet. Why don’t I talk to Kent about Larry. Maybe he has some influence over his brother.”

  Judy was frowning when she said, “Maybe. But I’m pretty sure that no one really has any influence over Larry Jackson, especially Kent.”

  Before Grace could think of anything else to say, there was a soft knock on her door. They both turned to look and saw Kent standing there with a shy smile on his face. Now what?

  Kent looked pointedly at Judy and seemed about to turn around and leave when Judy said, “I need to get back to my room and get my stuff organized for tomorrow. Bye now.”

  As Judy was going past Kent, Grace heard her say, “It’s sure a good thing you’re not like that no good twin brother of yours.”

  Grace fought another laugh, then they were alone, and her smile disappeared. Kent still didn’t seem to be able to speak so Grace smiled at him and spoke first.

  “Hi Kent. Did you want something?”

  He took a step toward her but was still ten feet away. “Yes, I did or I do.” He looked down at his feet then back up at her. “Grace, will you go out to dinner and a movie with me tomorrow night?”

  He said all that in a rush that made it all run together causing Grace to pause for a moment before she could register everything he’d just said.

  When she realized what he’d asked her, she didn’t take time to think about it. She just blurted out, “Yes, Kent, I would love to go out with you.”

  Soon, Grace was alone in her room again. Kent left quickly after they had made plans for tomorrow night. Now, she was beginning to wonder if that was really a wise thing for her to be doing. So, she gathered her things up and headed for the office to talk to her mother.

  After her little talk with her mom, Grace was more comfortable with her decision to go out with Kent. But one thing puzzled her. Her mom hadn’t seemed surprised at all that Kent had asked her out.

  * * *

  When Kent left Grace’s classroom, he rushed down to his room, gathered his things, and headed for the office to get Michelle. Man, he sure hoped he wouldn’t run into anyone in the hallway. The huge grin on his face would have made anyone question his sanity.

  Well, he may have escaped notice by anyone at school but as soon as he and Michelle stepped out into the parking lot, she looked up at him with a puzzled look on her face.

  “Are you okay Daddy?”

  He didn’t know what to say to that. “Of course I’m okay, why did you ask me that?”

  She frowned and shook her head. “I don’t know. You look kinda funny. Why were you grinning like that?”

  Well, she would find out soon enough when tomorrow night came around, so he might as well tell her now.

  He stopped and leaned down to her level. “Michelle, can I tell you a secret and you won’t tell anyone else, even Brianna?” Then he thought about it and added, “At least not until tomorrow night?”

  Michelle seemed to think about that for a moment then nodded her head with a grin of her own. “I won’t tell anyone Daddy.”

He smiled back at her. “Okay. You see, Michelle, I’ve really liked Brianna’s mom for a long time. But then she was married to Brianna’s daddy.”

  Michelle’s eyes grew big. “But she’s not married now Daddy.”

  “I know that Kiddo, and that’s what I’m talking about. I asked her to go out on a date with me tomorrow night and she said she would.”

  Kent watched, as his little girl didn’t say anything at first. He could tell that she was thinking everything through and he was beginning to worry about how she was going to react.

  Suddenly, Michelle jumped in the air, clapped her hands together, and yelled. “Oh goodie, Brianna and I are going to be real sisters after all.”

  That threw Kent for a loop. He stood and said, “Wait a minute Michelle. It’s only a date and our first one at that. No one said anything about us getting married.”

  Michelle shook her head. “That’s okay Daddy. But you will. That’s what Brianna and I have been asking God to do.”

  Not only did it bother Kent to hear Michelle talking about God, but it also bothered him that Brianna and maybe even Grace had been talking to his daughter about religion. Well, he was going to have a little talk with Grace about that.

  On the short drive home, Kent kept thinking about the fact that he finally had a real date planned with Grace. After a while though, he realized that he wouldn’t be able to go to the casino tomorrow night. Well, he’d just have to make up for it Saturday night.

  When they pulled into the driveway at home, Kent groaned. Larry’s car was there. Now what?

  As they entered the kitchen, Kent took one look at Larry who was sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee and he turned to Michelle.

  “Michelle, why don’t you go on to your room or the family room please?”

  She looked up at him, over at Larry, then back up at Kent. “Okay.”

  Kent was sure that she didn’t really want to go. Somehow, the little girl must have sensed that her dad and her uncle were going to be having another one of their talks.

  As soon as they heard Michelle’s door shut, Kent said, “Where are Mom and Dad?”

  Larry shook his head. “Don’t know. They weren’t here when I came in.”

  Kent figured he’d just have to sit and wait for Larry to say what he came to say. So he poured a cup of coffee and sat down across from his brother.

  Finally, Larry began talking and what he said puzzled Kent at first.

  “You remember when we were kids, we used to go out to the lake and fish.” He didn’t wait for a response. “There was this big bass that we called ‘Big Daddy’ that no one could catch. Well, I caught lots of other fish but never ‘Big Daddy’ and I always felt let down about it. He was always the one that got away. You know what I mean?”

  Kent only nodded as Larry went to the coffee maker to get another cup of coffee. When he sat back down, he didn’t continue for a bit. But Kent knew to wait him out.

  “I’ve caught lots of women over the years but there has always been one who got away.” He paused and Kent knew it was for dramatic effect.

  Kent wasn’t sure how long he was going to have to wait until Larry finished. Then Larry spoke one word that almost turned Kent’s world upside down.


  Before Kent could think of anything to say, Larry said, “Yeah, I know you’ve always been sweet on Grace, but you’ve never done anything about it.”

  Kent didn’t know what to say now for sure. He sat there contemplating the whole situation, as the silence in the room grew more and more awkward.

  Finally, Larry slapped his palm down on the table. “Well, are you?”

  Kent was thoroughly confused now. “Am I what?”

  “Are you going to do something about Grace or do I have free reign with her?”

  Kent couldn’t sit still any longer. He stood then began pacing around the kitchen. When he turned back to Larry, he didn’t have to say anything.

  “You are aren’t you?”

  Kent only nodded at first, then finally found his voice. “Yes I am. In fact, I have a date with her tomorrow night.”

  Kent sat back down and stared across the table at Larry until his brother started grinning. Then he started laughing.

  “When did you ask her?”

  Why would Larry want to know that? “This afternoon, after school.”

  “Was Judy Wallace in her room?”

  Now he was thoroughly confused. “Yes, but she left as soon as I walked in.”

  Larry laughed again. “Did you expect her to say yes?”

  Kent knew that he had had thoughts that she wouldn’t agree to go out with him and she did seem to pause at first.

  “No, I was a little surprised that she agreed so quickly.”

  Larry laughed harder, then stopped and said, “You’re welcome.

  When Kent gave him another puzzled look, he said, “I was just in there a few minutes before and both Grace and Judy ran me out.”

  Kent still didn’t see the connection.

  “Don’t you see? She agreed to go out with you to get me off her back.”

  Finally, Kent understood. But right then, he wasn’t sure whether he wanted to thank Larry or hit him.

  * * *

  Grace was still somewhat in of a state of confusion, if not shock, from her two very different encounters with the Jackson twins. But if she really thought about it, hadn’t that always been the case, especially with Larry. But as she thought back to when they were much younger, she realized that there had always been something different about her relationship with Kent than with anyone else.

  She had always credited it to just being good friends. But as she looked back on her life, she realized how difficult it is for a man and a woman to be good friends and it not develop into more, at least for one of them.

  Could that difference be love? Did she really want to know, especially after all the years and all that had happened to both of them? They had both been married and now they both had seven-year-old daughters. Wow. Talk about similarities.

  Then she began to think about the fact that she had actually agreed to go out on a date with Kent Jackson. They had been friends since she was in first grade and he was in second. But they had never really had an actual date. Sure, they’d bummed around together lots back then, but usually with other kids along or they’d just hung out together.

  She’d always thought about their relationship as just good friendship, never anything else. But as she had recently found out, Kent hadn’t always thought about their relationship that way.

  Grace and Brianna were sitting in the living room and Brianna was watching TV while Grace tried to unwind from her day, when the doorbell rang. Of course, Brianna jumped up, ran to the door, and before Grace had to remind her, looked through the little window next to the door.

  “It’s that other grandma, Mommy.”

  Grace had all sorts of emotions run through her mind almost at the same time, anger, bitterness, helplessness. But she remembered the advice she’d been given. So she went to the door and opened it to her former in-laws.

  Meredith Donaldson pushed her way past Grace and grabbed Brianna in an almost fierce hug.

  “There you are my precious little granddaughter. Your mean mommy can’t keep you away from us any longer. We’re going to be down here close to you so you can be with us every day.”

  David Donaldson was still standing behind his wife in the doorway. He gave Grace a look that she could only interpret as helpless. Did that mean that she may be able to reason with him, even though she knew that she never could with Meredith? Oh my! Food for thought.

  That was when Grace noticed that Brianna was giving her a pleading look as her grandma continued to squeeze her.

  Grace took Brianna’s hand and pulled her out of Meredith’s grasp then went to stand in front of the love seat. She gestured at the sofa and other chairs.

  “Please have a seat.”

  She wasn’t about to offer them an
ything to drink. She knew her etiquette. But in her book, unannounced and even unwanted guests didn’t warrant that kind of hospitality. So she sat down and gently pulled Brianna down next to her leaving no room for anyone else to sit next to them.

  The Donaldson’s did not sit down but remained where they had been except David did close the door but remained directly in front of it. Meredith placed her hands on her hips and stared at Grace.

  “We came to take Brianna over to our new home so she can get used to being there.”

  Grace had always heard people talk about seeing red before but had never experienced it herself. Well, right then, she came as close as anyone ever could to seeing red. She couldn’t believe the audacity of the woman, thinking she could just waltz right into Grace’s home and drag her daughter away from her. That’s why Grace had fought them in court.

  She took a deep breath and let it out as slowly as she could manage under the circumstances, which actually sounded more like a sigh.

  “I’m sorry Meredith but Grace has school tomorrow and she needs to do some homework before bedtime tonight.”

  The older woman just smiled a rather stiff smile. “Oh it will be fine if she does her homework at our house. And she could even stay over and we would take her to school in the morning.”

  As Grace gritted her teeth, she realized that being nice wasn’t going to work this time. No one who had given her advice had ever met Meredith Donaldson. Grace knew now why the woman had always been able to walk all over her husband and her sons. One glance at David’s resigned look was all it took. They let her! They just simply sat back and allowed her to steam-roll over them all the time.

  Well, the overbearing woman may have been able to walk all over Grace in the past, but not anymore.

  “Again, I’m sorry Meredith, but I must insist that you abide by the court’s decision that you only have supervised visitation with Brianna.” Before Meredith could respond, Grace added, “And that is only going to be in my home with another member of my family present.”

  Meredith took two steps toward Grace and shook her finger in her face. “You listen here little missy, I am going to have my granddaughter in my house whenever I want and you are not going to stop me.”


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